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/lit/ - Literature

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885019 No.885019 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished Lolita. Wow. The prose in the last ten pages of the book was absolute sex, my god.

I actually got a little sad when Lolita refused H.H. on his offer to go with him. I know she was right in refusing and that everything Humberts done to her far was horrible, but man.

What did /lit/ think of Lolita?

>> No.885069

it was a great book overall

and yah, it was sad when she refuse

>> No.885076

If you like that, Pale Fire is even better.
It's a work of structuralist magic, it's hard to believe a work that complex and beautiful could even exist.

>> No.885084

just out of curiosity, where does /lit/ download/read books online?

piratebay is shit for lit

>> No.885127




>> No.885129


I thought it was fucked up that she still though he killed her mom

>> No.885182

pale fire brofist. i think i've made that same post before (telling people who like lolita to read pale fire)

>> No.885200

OP, I didn't read your whole post because it started to look like a spoiler.
If it is, I hate you because I'm reading Lolita right now.

>> No.885225

You're lucky. I knew the basic plot of Lolita before I even started the book, because it's so popular and referenced all the time.

>> No.885241

Fantastic book, I went through my grade 11 year of high school being called a pedophile for reading it though.
Worth it.

I've been looking into reading Pale Fire, is it worth buying or should I look for it in a library first?

>> No.885246

Comprelo, motherfucker. It's worth it.

>> No.885249

Well, I know the basic plot, obviously. I just don't know the ending.

>> No.885278

Just finished it for the first time a couple of days ago. I'm now unsure about discussing it in the real world because of how much I felt for H.H. I know he was an absolute monster and destroyed Dolore's childhood for his own sick personal gain but I still can't help but empathise with the sick bastard.

And agreed, those last few pages were some of the best written I've come across. Hell the prose throughout the whole book is simply beautiful.

>> No.885282

>>885225 I knew the basic plot of Lolita before I even started the book

Everyone THINKS they know the basic plot of the book. Then, after they read the book, they realize they didn't know shit.

>> No.885298

>with H.H.

Since when does /lit/ attract pedophiles? I thought that was more of /b/s thing?


>> No.885302

I empathised with Harry Potter once does this mean I am a wizard?

>> No.885307


Does it matter what our sexual orientation is?

>> No.885311 [DELETED] 

No, it means you're like 99% of people who read Harry Potter. Very few people sympathize with H.H., because he's a particularly volatile combination of narcissism and plenty of other disorders, with a penchant for little girls thrown in.

>> No.885315
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>> No.885319

I think you mean sympathize?

>> No.885321

Or a victim of a fucked up psychology that was determined when he was young.

>> No.885324

ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffFUCK YES

>> No.885325

Why is that "or"? Just because it was determined when he was yong doesn't make it any less volatile. It's "and."

>> No.885329


On what do you base the statement that very few people sympathize with H.H?

>> No.885334


"That my novel does contain various allusions to the physiological urges of a pervert is quite true. But after all we are not children, not illiterate juvenile delinquents, not English public school boys who after a night of homosexual romps have to endure the paradox of reading the Ancients in expurgated versions."

This is from the afterword that I suspect is somewhat relevant to your post >_>

>> No.885335

Empathize, not sympathize. Many people sympathize with him, that's a pretty huge part of the novel. Compared to that, I'd guess that very, very few people empathize with him.

>> No.885349

I thought a large part of the 'purpose' of the novel was to challenge the reader's pre-conceptions of paedophiles and fuck with their heads by portraying HH as someone wonderful and disgusting simultaneously. Never want to tell anyone how you sometimes feel about HH, they'll think you want to take their kids.

>> No.885358

"Pale Fire" is indescribable. Truly.

I can tell you it's a poem written by one man with annotations written by another, but that would be like telling you the Sistine Chapel ceiling had some paint on it.