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/lit/ - Literature

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8848254 No.8848254 [Reply] [Original]

>be me every Christmas
>family knows I like to read
>they give me books
>it's a shitty bestseller

>> No.8848267

>"Mom, I really appreciate the thought behind getting me books as gifts, but the thing is, I'm really picky about what I like to read. Can you ask me next year what books would be good gifts if you or aunt Bertha or cousin Carly want to get me a book?"

wow, hard

>> No.8848275

Why dont you actually have conversations with them and actually tell them about what sort of books you like to read

How can you expect them to get Dostoevsky or Kafka if they arent interested themselves in literature?

Spoiled brat

>> No.8848283

>actually talking to your family
disgusting peasants, get out

>> No.8848284

>his family doesn't just have Christmas lists

Literally lmaoing at you.

Makes shopping a fucking breeze and even allows for the occasional surprise to be truly surprising.

>> No.8848286

>his parents don't specifically ask him to list the things he wants

>> No.8848290

>being 14

>> No.8848294

>be J. K. Rowling
>at friend's for christmas
>family are really nice, got to know them on a first name basis
>they knew I was coming so they all made a big dinner
>eating dinner
>suddenly a big pop
>"PRESENTS!" shout the kids
>go sit down in the living room
>friend's parents hand me a gift
>"We got this for you, thought you'd like it!"
>wow these people are so nice
>open the gift
>its a gift box of the entire harry potter series
>hear laughter
>"HAHA, isn't it funny? We knew you would find it funny, Jane and I thought it'd be funny to give someone your age some shitty book series like this, oh, your face, you thought we'd actually give you this trash lol! dont worry you can give it to your daughter or something."
>laughter comes to silence
>"I am J. K. Rowling"
>last christmas i gave you voldermort

>> No.8848296

fuckin whatever man, you think anyone really wants those dumb kitchen utensils you buy them? it's tradition. be grateful you have a family to spend christmas with, or who think of you enough to send you anything.
i'm sure you have your own means of getting books, whether that's downloading them, checking them out of the library, or buying them yourself.
you are presumably a grown-up and christmas is no longer about satisfying your material needs. whatever you receive be grateful for the thought.

>> No.8848299
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>tfw you try to tell your family about the sort of books you'd like to get the most but they turn around and start making fun of you for being a nerd

>> No.8848308

I have done exactly this, and last year they completely fucking ignored me and I ended up going out and buying the book myself Christmas Day. I got ONE book that I was actually interested in reading, and that's only because of how popular the author is.

>> No.8848319

I've tried this, they don't listen. I appreciate it but it doesn't mean I like it. Specially because I really think a lot about the gifts I give to other people, they say I always give perfect presents. I think I could ask them to just give me a gift card from a bookstore but I'm too shy to say that because I don't want to be rude or let them know that I didn't like the other books.

I know I should be greatful for having a family etc, and I am, I just wish they knew me better or actually listen to what I say, cause I have talk about what kind of literature I like.

>> No.8848325

I've suggested this but they say surprise presents are better.

>> No.8848349

>sister asks me what my fav genre is
>say literary fiction
>she gifts me nietzsche

>> No.8848360

this desu, and with movies and music too

>"Why can't you just like normal movies/books/music?"

>> No.8848384


>> No.8848390

>be me
>haven't gotten Christmas presents in over 4 years
Appreciate your family, Anon.

>> No.8848395

your sister knows good prose, give us her number

>> No.8848455
File: 19 KB, 453x470, 1481241454075-lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this?

>> No.8848478

>tfw have a loving family who goes out of their way to buy me books on Christmas
Life is happy and nice!

>> No.8848497


I don't know about you but where I live, telling people you don't like their present or asking them to buy you a specific thing is pretty rude. How hard is it to say 'thanks, this is so thoughtful'? You can throw the book in the trash later, so long as you at least pretend to like it. Plus, as a normal human being with disposable income I can buy every book I genuinely want. Maybe this would be an issue if you're 13.

>> No.8848510

Buy them nothing but the highest brow literature.

>> No.8848524

I was actually surprised when I first discovered that there are families that don't make lists and instead choose to surprise each other with gifts on Christmas.
It just seems like a surefire way for everyone to be disappointed.

>> No.8848597

Sorry but i subscribe to the thought of New Sincerity, I cannot get myself to be so insincere

>> No.8848625

They're afraid you'll for something expensive

>> No.8848639

This. It's not super thoughtful of them to not think about what you would personally like, but there might be a legitimate reason for that... anyhow, the sentiment would be fulfilling enough if you really appreciated said sentiment. It's like you're 12 and sad at Christmas because you received the black iPhone instead of the white.

>> No.8848765


>> No.8848770

Why does this pasta taste half-cooked?

>> No.8848774

This is why I keep all my hobbies secret, which just makes my family think I'm a no-life loser

Maybe I am :(

>> No.8848810

I don't even buy anything for my relatives except for my young brother, he is only 7. I've asked them specifically to not buy anything for me either, since I don't give a shit about presents, I'll go for Christmas dinner and that's it.
They'd just buy some books or whatever anyway which I can get for free from the internet, wasted money.

>> No.8848824

sell them on ebay = free money

>> No.8848850

You sound like such a spoiled brat.

>> No.8848868

Because the punch line almost makes sense, but doesn't.

>> No.8848870

i don't know why you felt the need to post this but i found it very funny

>> No.8848886

>actually expecting something from them

you deserve what you got

>> No.8849084


Newsflash; your families are a bunch of faggots.

Shit in the fridge and leave.

>> No.8849177

This post made me sad