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8848077 No.8848077 [Reply] [Original]

I wonder how his manifesto reads?

>> No.8848126
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autisically undoubtedly

>> No.8848137

Probably like shit, because he's a fucking idiot cuck edgelord.
>repeat 9th grade
>drop out
>tells people about his plans to kill black people
>takes stupid edgelord pictures
>draws swastikas in his notebook
>kills a bunch of black people
>isnt captured
>waits to flee until next day
>doesn't cut his stupid bowl hair
>doesn't remove confederate flag front license plate which was shown on video
>drives north through relatively well populated towns
>gets snagged
>gets beaten up by black guy who snuck into his protected area in jail
>doesn't press charges, black guy gets released next day
>admits to wanting to start a race war
>shooting does the opposite, strengthening ties between black and white communities in SC and elsewhere
Probably actually autistic.

>> No.8848175

>>shooting does the opposite, strengthening ties between black and white communities in SC and elsewhere
Did this really happen? mainstream media AND the internet are both telling me that racial tensions are high

>> No.8848196

I was staying at a beach not too far from the are when this happened. There were a ton of vigils and events in the area where people of all races came together and showed support for the families, and basically said fuck this guy, and that they wouldn't be changed by him.
His being a crazy dickhead makes it easy for both black and white people to realize that he's just a nut and doesn't represent anything.
As far as I can tell the shooting only helped people to put aside any small hatred and come together to feel sad.
I'm sure the extremes on both sides were as outraged as ever, but that means nothing.

>> No.8848206

So what you are saying is the key to curing race relations is killing black people?

>> No.8848213


Well, technically...

>> No.8848289

Wonder no longer:

>> No.8848300

>Did this really happen?
you tell me


>> No.8848309

Wow that was terrible.

>> No.8848366

Oh you!

>> No.8848400


>there are real posters here that believe this.

>> No.8848404

>>kills a bunch of black people
>>isnt captured
>>waits to flee until next day
>>doesn't cut his stupid bowl hair
>>doesn't remove confederate flag front license plate which was shown on video
>>drives north through relatively well populated towns
>>gets snagged

He obviously wanted to be arrested

>gets beaten up by black guy who snuck into his protected area in jail
>doesn't press charges, black guy gets released next day

You know what happens if you get beat up in jail then rat on the guy who did it?

I agree though, he is a retard

>> No.8848407

>to type in the words “Black on White crime” into Google, and I have never been the same since that day
>A horse and a donkey can breed and make a mule, but they are still completely different animals.
>If we could somehow turn every Jew blue for 24 hours, I think there would be a mass awakening, because people would be able to see plainly what is going on.
>Hispanics... They have respect for White beauty, and a good portion of Hispanics are White. It is a well known fact that White Hispanics make up the elite of most Hispanic countries. There is good White blood worth saving in Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, and even Brazil. But they are still our enemies.
>I have great respect for the East Asian races. Even if we were to go extinct, they could carry something on. They are by nature very racist and could be great allies of the White race. I am not opposed at all to being allies with the Northeast Asian races.

>> No.8848412

Mad as fuck that heroes like this exist.