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8846115 No.8846115 [Reply] [Original]

Ebooks vs Books. Which one is better? Why?

>> No.8846133

fuck off

>> No.8846145


>> No.8846175

Both are good. Ebooks for travelling and getting books easier/cheaper(even if you legally buy them) especially if you decide you want to start reading certain book but its night so cant really go buy physical copy at that hour. Also its nice to read in bed since e-readers are light and don't need to fight with the book to keep it open with right angle and still lay in a way you want to.
But then again there is something very enjoyable when reading a physical book and holding it in your hands. I also would much rather get physical book for christmas than an ebook. And some classics are just nice to hold and turn the pages

>> No.8846377

I love both, but by now I honestly prefer eBooks by a somewhat sizable margin. I prefer them because they're...
a) lightweight and easy to transport
b) there's a PLETHORA of free stuff, and I'm not talking about illegal stuff
c) eBooks are generally cheaper
d) and they're easier to get. Just order a download on Amazon, done.

Though I do love me the feeling of flipping through paper and smelling the smell of a well-used book that I've read cover to cover multiple times.

>> No.8846450
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My Kindle can't replicate the weight of a physical book or the smell of the pages. Conversely, I feel like an idiot when I instinctively try to touch my finger to a word on a page in an effort to look up the definition.

>> No.8846476

>Conversely, I feel like an idiot when I instinctively try to touch my finger to a word on a page in an effort to look up the definition.
I know that feel, bro.

It's like trying to CTR+F a word in a textbook or a quote in a novel and realizing that you're not on a computer

>> No.8846499
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Neither. Just read free pdfs on your laptop or phone and stop paying money for shit you don't need.

>> No.8846528

Reading on a PC/Phone screen ruins our eyes though.

>> No.8846538

used to do this. It was fucking awful

>> No.8846563

Nothing will replace a good book in my hands. Also, everything gets nicely organized into my personal library; can't do that with a stupid ebook.
It's a good feeling sitting back in your chair looking at your bookcase looking, admiring, and thinking on all the books you've read on that case. A damn good feeling.

>> No.8846909
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You've been brainwashed by "e-ink" merchants. I've been reading this way every day for years and my eyes have never felt "strained."

>> No.8848190

The only reason I can get through some books is because I don't have to physically manage the 1100 page tome, fuck the feeling of a book in my hands honestly.

>I play all my games on the ps3 at 24fps, the human eye cannot detect anything faster and it's perfectly playable like this

>> No.8848199
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I feel bad for your eyes.

>> No.8848336

>It's like trying to CTR+F a word in a textbook
seriously fuck books for actual work

I can't believe people used to do ANYTHING without computers, it's unbelievable

>> No.8848339

that is an accurate picture of how I imagine your brain works

>> No.8848488

Books because of the smell.

>> No.8848501


someone explain this meme

how is looking at a computer monitor bad for you?

>> No.8848513

try reading an actual book for once you retard

>> No.8848516

I'm reading a book right now.

It doesn't feel that different.

>> No.8848858

After moving house with 1000 physical books, I've started to love ebooks. I'm allergic to the paper in almost anything printed before 1970 now anyway