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/lit/ - Literature

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8842653 No.8842653 [Reply] [Original]

Any anarchist literature suggestions?

>> No.8842657
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>> No.8842880

Daniel Guerin's No Gods No Masters is good as it exposes you to many great anarchist thinkers and gives you samples of their work. Also a lot of obscure stuff like leaflets that used to be passed around and small essays that aren't otherwise broady published.

>> No.8843125

Ursula K. Le Guin - The Dispossessed

>> No.8843427

uhh The Kingdom of God is Within You by Tolstoy

I havent actually read it

>> No.8843861

yes. not crimethinc. please. thats nothing,

go check emile armand, the less bad of a terrible school of thought.

>> No.8843886
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Remainder that 'left wing anarchism' is an oxymoron and that, in practice, it means you'll end up working in a dirt farm commune while an obese mixedrace tumblrgender thing with blue hair shrieks at you about bigotry and white privilege. Check out Rothbard, Mises and Hoppe if you want the real thing

>> No.8843887

Murray Rothbard

>> No.8843911



>> No.8844042
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the novel Q was written by a group of italian sjws under the pseudonym 'Luther Blisset' which was supposed to be some sort of hyperreal anarchist folk hero. sounds interesting as a concept, but such things always work better in theory. haven't read it, though.


>> No.8844052

>left wing anarchism' is an oxymoron
ahh, yes, it is obviously contradictory when compared to the much more combobulated "right-wing anarchism"... very wise, +1 sir!

>> No.8844439

conquest of bread?

>> No.8844467

Chesterton's The Man Who Was Thursday and The Secret Agent by Conrad.

>> No.8844486
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>> No.8844495

The novel is good, but you obviously got an agenda and will never enjoy it. LB / Wu Ming are cool as fuck.

>> No.8845562


this is one of my favorite books

>> No.8845600

Democracy the god that failed
The ethics of liberty
The anatomy of the state
The machinery of freedom
Money,bank ,credit and economic cycles.
>inb4 muh communes and everything is for everyone lol.
That is tribialism not anarchism in the proper sense

>> No.8845605

Resurrection - Leo Tolstoy

>> No.8845606

Demons by Dostoevsky is about anarchists but it mostly makes fun of them.

>> No.8845613

Start with Kropotkin. Read up on on Mahkno and then move on to left-communism.

Good one m8

>> No.8845649

>said the ancuck