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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 52 KB, 300x383, paris_hilton_wants_to_be_sasha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
883966 No.883966 [Reply] [Original]

looks like sasha has some competition!

>> No.883968

she thought it said the art of whore

>> No.883970


>> No.883971
File: 19 KB, 282x323, artist_getoutofgere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, I lol'd hard.

I'm betting it's a posed photograph-- Just look at the positioning of the hand.

>> No.883985

Can't wait for the video of Paris licking a feces-filled toilet bowl while some donkey-dicked guy rails her.

Going to be liberating as shit.

>> No.884000

sasha grey is already liberating women one gang bang at a time tho

>> No.884009

They were posting this picture on the second day of /lit/'s existence.

>> No.884012


Fuck yes; or Alida, she is so fucking hot.

>> No.884018

/p/haggot here, yeah, it almost definitely is. Lighting is soft and even, background is blurred out by a large aperture, looks posed, and the chances of her actually reading that and not using it for appearances are nil, as everyone knows Paris Hilton is illiterate.

>> No.884022


That look of far-off thought on her face is Paris struggling to master the monosyllables.

>> No.884025

as if Sun Tzu were only reserved for shut-ins who aren't considered attractive. The book is perfect for her, as it is extremely popular among corporate stiffs....even if the photo is posed, it doesn't mean she is somehow not allowed to like the Art of War.

>> No.884039

>somehow not allowed to like the Art of War.
The fact that she's Paris Hilton means she's not allowed to like the Art of War.

>> No.884040

Care to explain, or just to stay there and keep looking like a silly cunt?

>> No.884041


Only yuppies and middle-aged business men read that book, because they actually believe it contains useful information.

>> No.884043

Dood. We aren't talking about a corporate executive.

We're talking about the queen of all attention whores, and poster child for stupid sluts everywhere. I mean, have you even seen here on TV? It's a credit to the photog that he somehow managed to make her not look like a complete drugged-out whore in that shot.

>> No.884045


It's actually a pretty decent book if you're totally ignorant. Most of the concepts in it are pretty much common knowledge now though. . . which actually speaks volumes about how good of a book it really is.

>> No.884054

First of all fuck you for denigrating drug-users even though that wasn't your point, I'm positive at least one of the authors you dick-ride regularly loved drugs. Second, Paris Hilton IS a fucking corporate executive, and you are the dumb fuck for believing everything just as it is presented to you on television and LAST BUT NOT LEAST >>884041 said it best already.

>> No.884056

Not defending her or anything,

but you know her dumbgirl thing is all an act, right?

>> No.884060


Thats why she's always coughing up globs of cum from the parties she attented a week before...

>> No.884061

>First of all fuck you for denigrating drug-users even though that wasn't your point, I'm positive at least one of the authors you dick-ride regularly loved drugs.
I didn't say anything about drugs being inherently bad. But you pick up a random crack whore on the streets of New York and tell me she's pretty and I'll tell you that you're blind.

>> No.884064

>people who party and have a wild sex life are dumb because i am a fat lonely virgin
am i reading you clearly?

>> No.884067

Well, it's not a complete act. Obviously when she had her reality show she acted stupid on purpose to be funny, and that's her stereotyped character now. That doesn't mean that it's too far from the truth.

>> No.884068

sorry, I just go off the deep end when people talk shit off hand about drug users because I am one and fucking proud to be.

>> No.884072

Proof required.

>> No.884074


>knee-jerk reaction with a hint of projection in order to white knight a sex idol on 4chan

Am I correct?

>> No.884075

But you only see her in the reality television circuit. Yes, its hard to separate television from truth but you honestly don't believe everything you see on television?

>> No.884077

What drug?

>> No.884078


I think what anon is trying to say is that if you want to be respected for being an executive you should at least have enough discression to keep your cum-coughing antics out of the lime light.

>> No.884079

How am I projecting? I love to party and get laid.

>> No.884081


>> No.884092


>> No.884095

haha yeah i think so.

>> No.884096
File: 112 KB, 500x500, 613aF2HfHlL__SS500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying it's just TV.

Shit is real life bro.

>> No.884101

She got a DUI. She's got enough money that she could have had a driver, easy, but didn't. Then she got pulled over with a suspended license. Then she got caught speeding, WITH A SUSPENDED LICENSE. Then she whined like a bitch because she had to serve jail time and not house arrest.

I do not call these the actions of a smart person. I call them the actions of a stupid, spoiled slut.

>> No.884102

what do you fucking know her personally? or are you really so stupid to still think the t.v. is real? or that your potentially somewhat more legit internet sources are real?

>> No.884107

Drivers are for faggots.
Just don't drive drunk.

>> No.884113

you just mad. Intelligent people often have difficulty with what is called ''common sense''. Sure her repeated breaking of the law seems like she lacks ''common sense'' but I think people who stress common sense are usually unintelligent...Also, alcoholics get busted like crazy for DWI's because they can't stop drinking. Sure she could get a driver, but maybe she just wants to drive and maybe we shouldn't have to live in a fucking police state.

>> No.884122


Police states are awesome. They beat up suspects, bring down drug rings in a single day, and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.884138

and doesn't afraid of any popular resistance

>> No.884139


"What if Paris Hilton were one of us"

>> No.884142 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 271x320, nic cage as the-universe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when someone is trying to defend Paris Hilton as being an intelligent person.

>> No.884143


Combine is eh pretty cool guy

>> No.884158

I didn't say she was intelligent, I just suggested that her portrayal on TV isn't completely accurate (shocker?) and that you don't have to be intelligent to read Sun Tzu. That books most popular with khaki wearing dip-shits and other entitled folks who labour under the delusion that they have untapped greatness (which might be befitting of paris hilton, no?)

>> No.884159


Carceral state totalitarianism ftw; because, you knows, that is totally what we would have if Paris had to not be a fuckwad for one brandy-addled evening.


>> No.884162
File: 361 KB, 1009x1300, 1277698813984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she paying you to white knight the shit out of her in da intrawebz? No I don't know her and honestly I don't give a shit about how she acts in the privacy of her own home. . . what I have seen is that the image she projects to the world is NOT one I consider to be in good taste.

Even if she is some bond-villainesque demigod super-genius that's playing a 3-D chess game 45 moves ahead of everyone. . . she still comes off in public as a total fucking dunce. Even if that is her "thing" (to sell blithering idiocy to impressionable girls who eat that shit up) I've got the right to call her a bad influence and trash talk her all I want.

Go the fuck away and let me hate on this bitch in peace.

>> No.884164


Indeed. I can agree with you there.

>> No.884170

Devil's advocate.

>> No.884183

>untapped greatness
>she can take more cocks THAN ANYONE EVER

>> No.884197

Okay, imma let you finish, but you have to admit you sound pretty shallow saying that the way she appears is more important than how she actually is.

>> No.884191

Paris is a far better person than any of you basement dwelling fags. The amount she pays in tax every year probably pays for hundreds of your alcoholic parents to live off of social.

When we take into account her massive contribution to popular culture we should be thankful.

Its thanks to people like her that we are moving away from musty old books to things that are like cool now like Twitter.

>> No.884190

hahah untapped greatness=untapped ass?

>> No.884196
File: 40 KB, 551x758, common_sense_-_so_rare_its_a_god_damn_super_power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize that's NOT an argument in her favor, right? Stupid people lack common sense, too - in fact, I would go so far as to say it's a major hallmark of stupid people.
>Sure she could get a driver, but maybe she just wants to drive
THIS IS JUST AN EXCUSE, NOT A GOOD REASON. By your logic, she has poor reasoning abilities, which again, I would say is something found in stupid people. And you know, if she wanted to keep driving, maybe she shouldn't have been driving drunk. And maybe she shouldn't have kept driving when her license was suspended. Which, by the way, doesn't show a lack of common sense, it shows a lack of respect for the law, which she probably has because her parents raised her to be a stupid spoiled slut.

>> No.884201

only rich, spoiled brats disrespect the law. do.ho.ho. FUCK THIS IM GOING TO THE POTTER FAN FIC THREAD.

>> No.884207


>> No.884210


obvious troll? obvious,

>> No.884214




>> No.884233

>I can't refute what you said, so I'll twist your words
No, that's fine. Please do go.

>> No.884271

>implying niggers are rich, spoiled brats

>> No.884315

>Implying Paris Hilton isn't a chocolate-dipped double ultra nigger.

>> No.884915
File: 55 KB, 333x500, sasha_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.884926

i came.

>> No.885622
File: 57 KB, 515x604, sasha_cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.885697

Fake. The Art of War is not that big a book, my edition is only 97 short pages, with filler.

>> No.885701

Can we get some pics of Alida? Sasha isn't as hot.

>> No.885712

Bill Gates has few hundreds of speeding tickets

>> No.886016
File: 82 KB, 697x799, MarilynMonroereadsJoyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.886018

There was really no reason to bump this

>> No.886019

I really believe this one. Ulysses can be enjoyed by anyone. Also, people were generally more capable in literacy in previous generations.

>> No.886021

Let's discuss how there is absolutely NO FUCKING WAY she is actually reading Joyce.

Or you could correct me.

>> No.886028

What do you know of this woman? What little cultural material of her survives? What she presented in the media as her persona? How her images is manufactured? Honestly, after reading biographical work on her I feel like it is most likely she is reading it with at least the level of appreciation and enjoyment that anyone on /lit/ would. I know it isn't saying much but...

>> No.886051

OP's picture is posed because: hand pose is fake and I seriously doubt she would need glasses at her age.

>> No.886054

Seeing as how she hired someone to write her autobiography for her, that ain't saying much.

>> No.886058

What the fuck? I know a lot of 18-year-olds, and younger people too, who wear reading glasses.

>> No.886061

Sexy glasses.

>> No.886088

Why would you want to write an autobiography yourself? I know, that is the point, but christ it would be too weird. I couldn't do it.

>> No.886090

this picture is obviously staged

>> No.886102

Then why is it called an autobiography?

>> No.886103

I get that, I'm just saying what kind of person writes an autobiography? bitchasses like Augusten Burroughs.

>> No.886111

And Winston Churchill.

Your argument is invalid.

>> No.886115

Really? You use Winston Churchill? That guy was a fucking fascist and a piss-poor leader. A lot of hollow talk, which he was adept at sure, but it signified very little.

>> No.886124
File: 6 KB, 400x400, 126025944348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.886161

tbh i'm sorry for white-knighting all these sex symbols. i'm just against the objectification of people...

>> No.888323


>> No.888325



>> No.888332

bump again

>> No.888345

and one more time, just for not putting a question mark and posting needlessly

>> No.888355
File: 26 KB, 348x580, whiteknight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I too late?

>> No.888365


That was a south park episode, not real life, dumbass

>> No.888390


Typical worthless druggie.

Fucking thinks that he is somehow better than anyone else because "whoa man, i can see sound'

Go overdose and die, leaving the whole world a better place without your pathetic weakness.

>> No.888400

Hi Miss Rand, you look lovely this evening.

>> No.888407


Who is John Galt?

>> No.888408

No, I'm just better than you, because U mad U jelly, etc. If not, why would you come at me like that, brah? I like to boot up smack, you like to boot up your mac. same diff.

>> No.888415

fuck off tripfag, get your own jokes

>> No.888418


You sure love to sound like a pretentious twat, huh

>> No.888484

>Who is John Galt?

A mary sue created by a psychopathic Jew.

>> No.888490

you're retarded, ayn rand was russian

>> No.888495

Ayn Rand born Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum

>> No.888507

yeah and anakin is luke's father

ok, sure buddy