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/lit/ - Literature

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883922 No.883922 [Reply] [Original]

thank you kindanon, thank you :)

you made my 2010

>> No.883926

eddard dies

>> No.883942

fuck off

>> No.883945


>> No.883944

goddamn. burn.

>> No.883961


Hey mods.

We need a rule for this shit, like /co/ and /a/.

>> No.883969

>implying any mods care about /lit/

>> No.883976

Did it come with a note?

>> No.883978

It was published August 6th, 1996.

I think it's probably open season now.

>> No.883979
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I want summer to be over.

>> No.883990

>Start thread about 14 year old book
>Haven't finished the book
>Oh noes spoilers!

>> No.884007
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>> No.884010

>implying I knew the ending of Crime and Punishment before I read it.

>> No.884013

He will die before Dance series is finished.

>> No.884014


So, what, you've read every book published in the last 14 years?

Fuck that, even, have you even read every notable book published in the last 14 years?

This idea is bullshit.

>> No.884021


Umm, the protagonist committed a crime and got punished for it? Sounds pretty straightforward to me. Unless my sarcasm radar is broken of course.

>> No.884024


>Missed the point entirely

>> No.884032

Crime and Punishment Raskolnikov is saved at the end

>> No.884036

OP, are you the gamer who hasn't Read anything for two years?

>> No.884049
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That's not how this idea works. The idea is that if you mention something like this casually offhand, the work is old/well known enough that you can assume others have already read/seen/played it. Not only does "A Game of Thrones" not have this level of notoriety (despite it's popularity within it's genre), the OP clearly has not read the book (as he had just received it) and the spoiler was intentionally trying to ruin it for him.

In short, fuck off.

>> No.884069

>get this book at the recommendation of /lit/
>enjoying it, about halfway done
>bro takes nook back, reads entire book
>asks me to get sequel
>download sequel, import in calibre, get metadata
>metadata reads "The Iron Throne once united the Sunset Lands, but King Robert is dead, his widow is a traitor to his memory, and his surviving brothers are set on a path of war amongst themselves.[/SPOILER]"
>spoiled book for myself
>can't bring self to finish it

>> No.884076

At least you didn't spoil the part about Anya getting raped by Tyrion.

>> No.884089

Or the part where Lord Tywin orchestrates the death of Robb and his most important followers, thus crushing the Stark resistance to Lannister rule.

>> No.884099

Dances With Dragons Forever

>> No.884153

>eddard dies
This was so obvious an event even from the beginning chapters.

The only people that find this to be a spoiler are ones that don't read much fiction.

Seriously, the father figure almost ALWAYS dies in these kinds of books.

>> No.884184

you should still read them, they're great books regardless of how much you know about upcoming events

>> No.884213


>> No.884418

Robert is resurrected as a zombie and the novel turns into a zombie apocalypse during medieval times.

>> No.884443

This is now a thread about false spoilers of ASOIAF

Give us your best

>> No.884490

Cersei got that new maester that's making zombie Gregor I'll bet.

>> No.884645

>implying that's not already happening up at the wall

>> No.884660


Lord Eddard's head is revived by Qyburn, and he sings 'I'm a Headless Horseman' for the amusement of King's Landing.

>> No.884813

jon snows parents are rhaegar and lyanna

oh wait

>> No.884824

>implying Jon Snow wasn't the result of Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon mixing their DNA together in the laboratory beneath King's Landing to genetically produce the first male-male child

Learn to read, faggot. That's what happens in Dance with Dragons.

Now I must get back to my time machine.

>> No.885411


There was a note, and yes I am the gamer lol.

>> No.885500

John's parents are Eddard and Rhaegar.

>> No.885509

Jaime is the good guy

>> No.885515


>> No.885520


dude its pretty obvious in the first few chapters robert aint going stay around long. really after that is done the real story of a game of thrones begins.

>> No.885525


Yeah, the stag horn in the direwolf's throat was some obvious obvious foreshadowing. But fantasy fans were surprised because the "good guy" usually survives against all odds.

>> No.886862


incredibly happy bump

>> No.887017

I also owe anon thanks. I'm a little over half way through A Clash of Kings now.

>> No.887092

Sansa dies at the start of book 2.

>> No.887123
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>mfw Arya has wild reunion sex with the Hound after she fails to kill him at the end of AFFC.

>> No.887162


You know, I haven't even started A Clash of Kings yet but I'm happy that you spoiled this for me... Goddamn I hate her--stupidity on top of arrogance.

>> No.887169

You're a fucking dick.

>> No.887195

Lol, thank god this thread didn't take place two months ago. I would've read those books thinking of a bunch of wrong spoilers the entire time.

>> No.887201


viva la mexico!

>> No.887203

We need a rule on /lit/ about spoilers. If /co/ has a rule, we deserve one. It's fucking literature for Christ's sake; you can ruin an entire book that would take hours,_days_for someone to read with just a short sentence (and it's hard not to accidentally stumble across these things).

>> No.887211

oh fuck off, real literature can't be spoiled, unlike these pop-fantasy-faggot-furry-loving-space-alien-sex-with-wizards that shouldn't be allowed here in the first place, which you fags all love.

go shave and get a job, kid

>> No.887218

Op, once again this is possibly the kind anon. Did the book come with a note and are you the gamer who hasn't read anything in two years?

>> No.887230

I just finished Brothers Karamazov, and Smerdyakov committing suicide was a complete surprise to me. If someone had told me that ahead of time, it would not have been as enjoyable.

>> No.887233

then you read for the wrong reason

>> No.887236


Neckbeard haet spoilers :(((((((((

>> No.887309

that was just another bullshit spoiler lol. Unfortunately she is very much alife after AFFC, learning the game from Littlefinger.

>> No.887313

The idea was to enjoy it, which I did. Sorry if that makes me a bad person.

>> No.887323

You'd think that he would realize how ridiculous this sounds in the time it took him to type it out. There's an old saying, think before you speak. I usually manage to avoid making these mistakes while typing, because of the effort involved in typing it. For your own sake man, pause before you hit submit.

>> No.887329
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Why is this book so boring? I plan on skipping all Brienne chapters, due to nothing at all happening in them.

>> No.887386


You fuck off; I could ruin Crime and Punishment in three or four sentences There's a character named Raskolnikov who considers himself to be a great man, a 'Napoleon-like' man, who thinks that because of that stature he is above the laws of normal men (this borrows generously from the Nietzschean Superman)--so, with this is in mind, he murders an old pawnbroker who he despises, justifying the murder because he feels that it was for the greater good, and the good that would come out of it (her belongings, which he intended to give away) would outweigh any bad from the deed. After the crime, however, he becomes sorely depressed and he has nightmares; he becomes delusional around his family and friends and ceases to be the man he was once before because the crime has caused a psychological ailment within him. The last third of the book focuses on his confession of the crime to his love, a desperate prostitute named Sonya, and it is a Christian allegory for taking sin upon yourself and accepting your fate--this is evident when Raskolnikov confesses to his crime, and when Sonya follows him to prison, each taking their sins upon themselves and suffering with the other (they, symbolically, traded crucifixes which gives the story and the romance all the more beauty). but I choose not to because I just gave away everything relevant and beautiful about that novel. Dostoevsky's writing is brilliant, nonetheless, but the story lacks surprise now. You're just a dick.

>> No.887394

Sounds like you got it all figured out dude, when does your novel come out?

>> No.887399

I concur. The book would remain awesome, but slightly less awesome because of the spoilers.

>> No.887407

It's being released on Herpember the Derp.

>> No.887410

>Borrows from Neiztches ubenmensh
>C&P written before neitzche.

Other way around dude.

>> No.887417


Sorry about that (yeah, Nietzsche borrowed from Dostoevsky, not the other way around--as I understand it, Nietzsche was actually a great admirer of Dostoevsky)...

>> No.888065

OP here, yea it did come with a note from someone signed as kindanon. First name Daniel.

>> No.888074


>> No.888093


>Implying it won't get finished like the Wheel of Time if he dies.

>> No.888098

considering how much GRRM is against fanfiction or anyone else using his characters, he'll probably have it stay unfinished if he does die.

>> No.888371


1. There's no way he'd let anyone else finish it. Seriously, read the shit he says about using other people's characters. He'd spin like a jet turbine in his grave.

2. Nobody else COULD finish it. HE probably couldn't even if he lived long enough.

>you made my 2010

And ruined your 2011, when GRRM dies of a massive heart attack, leaving one of the greatest series ever unfinished forever.

>> No.888396

I never got all the hype behind the series, I guess its just not the Fantasy that I enjoy I like the Worlds that seem like they have ages upon ages of history like Malazan

>> No.888430


Well, that's sort of part of the style. It's what you might call a more realistic fantasy, where without modern record keeping that sort of ancient history disappears into myth or is just totally forgotten relatively fast.

>> No.888480

Man...I thought I was the only one who found out about this recently. Up to a Feast for Crows.

>> No.888522

eddard dying is the least surprising thing ever. he's fucking leto atreides.

martin ruining his own damn books in book 3? that's a surprise.

>> No.888544

Looks like someone didn't see the Wishbone version of Crime and Punishment as a kid.

What, your parents amish and wouldn't let you have a TV or something?

>> No.888587

kindanon here who asked you a million times for description of whether it was me. You'll be getting another surprise. ;D

>> No.888602

Wait... Did you get the other book?

>> No.889294

bumping for OP's answer

>> No.889362


>> No.889816


yea I did! The Unabridged Count of Monte Cristo :D


>> No.889870

kindanon here. I hope you enjoy them. <3

>> No.890198

Spoilers are ass, everyone knows that. My friend still bitches to me because I spoiled Lord of the Flies for him back maybe like 4 years ago.

That's how serious spoilers are. And all I said was that Piggy dies.

>> No.890202
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>GRRM thread
>go to grrm.livejournal.com
>Ctr-F dance with dragons publication
>0 results found
>my face


>> No.890207

Me too anon, I got up to date on that series last month, from a game of thrones to a feast for crows. Now if only he would get the next book out ...

>> No.890227

I'm not usually a big "OMG spoiler" fag, but if someone had spoilered the red wedding, I'd have to say I'd be slightly miffed.

>> No.890260

>spoilers are ass
>spoils lord of the flies

at least you put a little effort into your troll

>> No.890276

I never cared about spoilers. Never understood people who cry about them. A good story is a good story, doesn't matter if it surprises you or not

>> No.890301

what a load of horseshit.

>> No.890558

The fat old fuck can keep on rotting in his grave, he is doing a serious disservice to his fans.

>> No.890576

Fuck, if I sell my copy I'm going to put that inside the the front cover.