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883864 No.883864 [Reply] [Original]

I know /lit/ is not my personal army but this book is the most self-indulgent, liberal, hipster piece of shit i have ever read. the author is a complete joke. I wrote a review, the one that starts -"the nadir of western civilization in 192 pages."

no one should force their children to be vegan before they can even make a well informed decision. No one should discipline their children by completely ignoring their screaming and crying until they stop. No one should quote vegetarian newsletters as academic sources. No one should argue with doctors about what to eat when they are pregnant. fuck this book

but seriously, just rate it one star. thats all i ask. I dont anyone else to have to read this piece of shit


>> No.883892

>no one should force their children to be vegan before they can even make a well informed decision.

Why? Provided they get adequate nutrition there's not difference between this and "forcing" them to eat meat.

> No one should discipline their children by completely ignoring their screaming and crying until they stop.

You haven't had kids and you probably haven't even spent much time around them outside of your own childhood, some kids need time to cool down.

>No one should quote vegetarian newsletters as academic sources.


>No one should argue with doctors about what to eat when they are pregnant.


>> No.883914

>Why? Provided they get adequate nutrition there's not difference between this and "forcing" them to eat meat.

I was raised vegetarian and now I eat meat. I suppose I agree with you, except veganism is stupid.

>You haven't had kids and you probably haven't even spent much time around them outside of your own childhood, some kids need
time to cool down.

That is not what they are saying. They are saying ignoring your children when they need something is the best way to shut them up. The problem is, children don't need "shutting up", they need constant care and attention.

>> No.883919

Pretty funny stuff, OP

>> No.883930

You say you know we're not your personal army, and then you ask us to be anyways.

>> No.883931

Although, I don't see what's so "earth shatteringly (sic) disturbing" about seeing a placenta.
Clearly you've never heard of a lotus birth.

>> No.883935


I assumed discipline meant when they were misbehaving, not when they wanted a drink

>> No.883941

>I know /lit/ is not my personal army

>rate it one star

(I'm giving it five stars, not as an endorsement of the book, but as recognition of your faggotry.)

>> No.883949

I'm not sure about this exact woman, but the way OP said it made me think of a school of thought that recommends ignoring your children completely when they are crying (For any reason) because they are just doing it for attention (Well, obviously they are. For good reason.).

>> No.883959

>Why? Provided they get adequate nutrition there's not difference between this and "forcing" them to eat meat.
I once found a link on Fark to an article about how vegetarians end up with less brain matter. I didn't bookmark it and can't be bothered to look it up right now, so feel free to tell me I'm full of shit or look it up yourself.

>> No.883964
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Actually, society forces all sorts of things.

I don't see why good decisions should not be reinforced... within the bounds of reason obviously

>> No.883962


You are full of shit and I am too lazy to do that

>> No.883981

>No one should discipline their children by completely ignoring their screaming and crying until they stop.

Doesn't work. That is what my gf's parents do with her little sister, and it doesn't work. I've seen first hand that its only taught her that there are no repercussions for her actions, so she just escalates until she gets what she wants. I want to strangle the fuck out of her and whip the fucker against a wall.

>> No.883987


> ignoring their screaming and crying until they stop.
>she just escalates until she gets what she wants.
>until she stops


>> No.883997
File: 41 KB, 460x360, bitch please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a hater

>> No.883998


Why are you mixing quotes of me and the person I was quoting?

>> No.884004


I am pointing out the discrepancy between the advice (until they stop) and the action (they give in before she stops)

>> No.884008


Ah okay.

>> No.884038

>no one should force their children to be vegan before they can even make a well informed decision
No one should force their children to be christian before they can even make a well informed decision.


But I do agree, humans need meat; there's a reason vegetarians always seems like their brains have been getting insufficient nutrients.

>> No.884057

this is an example of strategic mishap. if you want to raise your kid vegan, you gotta seriously explore the reasons why you are vegan, and why veganism would appeal. then cultivate those values/situations for the kid.

>> No.884063



>> No.884071

I feel pretty good. Not like I feel like I could jump over a building, but okay.
I know what you're going to say. "Nuh-uh, I bet you're a hipster/faggot, and you feel terrible and you're just fooling yourself and I fucked your mother.." etc.
To that, I will just tell you to shove it so neither of us have to go through ANOTHER one of these stupid vegetarian debates.