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/lit/ - Literature

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8835210 No.8835210 [Reply] [Original]

Subtlety of a Sledgehammer Edition
>What are you reading?
>How do you like it so far?
>Which books in your opinion wasn't subtle enough in getting across a point?
>Which books in your opinion didn't even care about subtlety and was just heavy fisted with everything?

>Beginner's Guide to Fantasy:

Science Fiction
>NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

Previous Thread: >>8826539

>> No.8835226

Female authors a shit.

>> No.8835298
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>rational anarchism, the book

>> No.8835330

I like Ann Leckie and you can't fucking change that.

>> No.8835332

So does GRRM masturbate to his writing?

>> No.8835348


>> No.8835381

>missing an opportunity to shill the Big Steve's latest masterpiece

>> No.8835402


>> No.8835450

>look mom i posted it again

>> No.8835494

Can someone recommend me novels similar to Rendevouz with Rama or Blindsight?

Something where the exploration and mystery are main beef of the novel instead of character drama.

Please, don't recommend anything by Stephen Baxter, he has some kind of fetish on including badly written love stories and sex scenes in his novels.

>> No.8835625

Dude, if you're going to defend female authors at least defend Kage Baker or Leigh Brackett or someone good like that.

>> No.8835629

>I have never heard of libertarianism

>> No.8835630

>>What are you reading?
i, robot by Isaac Asimov
>>How do you like it so far?
It's very dated, I feel like from the first 3 short stories Asimov's prose and the concepts within it aren't all that
I realize it's mostly because he's like THE progenitor for these types of concepts and I like it for that reason but man

I loved Reason though, got me thinking about how easy that'd be to make into a sci-fi horror

>> No.8835694

I know right. This is a thread about unrealistic fantasies. How has he not heard of it?

>> No.8835772
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I think he has a dragon dildo which he rides when writing the Dany chapters, this is why he's taking so long to write. Afterwards he has to edit down and rewrite his lewdfics into something sellable.

>> No.8835779

t. Buttblasted feminist

>> No.8835785

guys, I own Rule 34 by Charles Stross. Should I read Halting State before I read Rule 34?

>> No.8835811

This is a thread about REALISTIC fantasies. We're not exactly discussing magical realism here. Libertarianism is popular because as a fantasy it is so compelling. Harsh Mistress and Dispossessed are very similar in how they evoke feelings in teenaged readers of, "hey, this could actually work," before they've learned enough to know that actually the books are showing about how contrived the scenarios for their particular freetopias have to be. They are both about how left- and right-libertarianism literally have to be on the moon.

>> No.8835864

cj cherryh is GOAT

>> No.8835897

Fuck off libshit cuckold

Just kidding :^)

>> No.8835913

I want more pulpy series like barsoom, deathworld, stainless steel rat and so on. Anyone have recommendations?

>> No.8835932

What are her best books?

>> No.8836019
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my intro was Merovingen Nights, which is honestly tinged with more nostalgia than anything but the concept of docks and ladders as sort of like, intergalactic swashbuckling with revolvers (think treasure planet precursor? without the interstellar travelling), anyways, i thought it was the coolest at the time

but as for real recommendations, gate of ivrel, chanur, cyteen, the deep beyond, the faded sun trilogy, and her short story anthologies (sunfall/cassandra are the only i've read)

bit of an over-response but i really enjoy her flexible sort of realism, where the research is clear but there's still that fondness of tropes. space opera+ bildungsroman, prokovief style

>> No.8836261
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Start with The Demolished Man. It reads fast, like a hardboiled cyberpunk novel, a murderous CEO protag and telepathic police in an age of megacorps.

>> No.8836741


Is the To Kill a God book any good?

>> No.8836765


>> No.8836783


>> No.8836797

Maybe but don't trust the shills.

>> No.8836933

No it's shit and that fucker keeps shilling it.

>> No.8836989
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>> No.8837006
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>> No.8837104

Anyone looking forward to Powder Mage: Frontier America? I'm cautiously optimistic.

>The young nation of Fatrasta is a turbulent place — a frontier destination for criminals, fortune-hunters, brave settlers, and sorcerers seeking relics of the past. Only the iron will of the lady chancellor and her secret police holds the capital city of Landfall together against the unrest of an oppressed population and the machinations of powerful empires.

>The insurrection that threatens Landfall must be purged with guile and force, a task which falls on the shoulders of a spy named Michel Bravis, convicted war hero Mad Ben Styke, and Lady Vlora Flint, a mercenary general with a past as turbulent as Landfall’s present.

>As loyalties are tested, revealed, and destroyed, a grim specter as old as time has been unearthed in this wild land, and the people of Landfall will soon discover that rebellion is the least of their worries.

>lady chancellor
hopefully the Irish Indian Old Ones will be worth it

>> No.8837191

Read Echopraxia if you haven't already, it's as good as BS but a little hard to swallow sometimes. First contact at the oppossite end of the spectrum, in more ways than one

>> No.8837225

>Stevian Heartbound
That's the most fedora name I've ever heard

Solaris maybe

>> No.8837289
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>The insurrection that threatens Landfall must be purged with guile and force
This sounds like a good piece to make a powder mage spurdo with

>> No.8837320

>tight pussy
jesus christ I wish I could gain the hours of my life back that I wasted reading those chapters

>> No.8837366

I was kinda mad. I thought it was a plot point.
I thought murder sharp drafted parryl and made her pussy muscles contract so as to hinder kip from sealing the marriage and plunge them into war.

I then thought that maybe tsis' homeland did something to young girls(like how some African countries stitch up the pussy so there is no premarital sex) to make sure they don't sleep out of wedlock (at least with the pussy). The women are told how to decontract the muscles if the wedding is legal. I thought that is why the female servant was there, but nope.

Weeks just wanted to sample someone with supertight pussy syndrome, so he wrote an entire book about her condition so her panties would be greased more easily. Fucking hell.

if I was kip I would have fucked the old servant, but I'm a dirty pervert

>> No.8837389

Is fucking a girl who gave your ___father a handy not perverted enough?

>> No.8837400

You know ____andross____ would have knocked down her backdoor if the pussy wasn't going to give it up. He seems like a buggering type.

>> No.8837401


these days anything attached to his name or that of the series sells like hotcakes. He could publish a logbook of his farts and it would sell more than the entirety of /lit/'s "published authors"

>> No.8837408

>He could publish a logbook of his farts
It was titled "A Dance with Dragons" I believe.

>> No.8837415


I didn't very much like that book but now I compare it with the clusterfuck that is the tv series and it starts to look like fuckin Shakespeare.

>> No.8837422

>and it starts to look like fuckin Shakespeare
Plebeian as fuck? Dickjoke overload?

>> No.8837424

He's not easily deterred to say the least

>> No.8837426

So we have to wait another 2 years for the final book? Or was the last book so big he had to split it and we will get a book next year?

>> No.8837431

Can one of you people explain to me why you like SciFi and Fantasy? To me, at least, it seems like the dullest genres ever to grace literature, with the same amount of substance as an airport novel.

>> No.8837442

It seems like he is milking it for as long as possible, there is no known publication date.
Fuck Weeks.

>Kaladin marked it as to-read
>Wow!!! What a surprise!! Thank you. I don't want it to end. Hopping for a 6th and more besides.
>flag2 likes · Like · see review

People like this need to be shot.

>> No.8837454


I can only speak for myself, but I like the fact that it explores -what ifs-. The possibilities, and the impossibilities.

Plus, a good SFF author can use these themes to say something meaningful about the human condition.

Sadly, there's a shitload of trash and a few gems, which leads to the awful reputation of the genre as a whole. Still I wouldn't say it's completely devoid of substance, quite the opposite in fact.

>> No.8837460

A genre by itself can never be dull, only writers can. It sounds like you read one or two bad SFF books and now think all are the same. And for me personally there is more interesting SFF than in the "literature" world, especially in the 21st century. I've kind of given up on trying to find a good fiction writer since apparently only the (to me) bad ones get published/popular and I can't be arsed to read a bunch of noname landmines to find something good.

>> No.8837463


fucking Kaladin, always stirring up shit.

>> No.8837470

Then you've read shit books / your head is so up your ass that you can't enjoy anything fun.

You sound like those trust fund babbies who unironically ask why someone would go and do some recreation instead of socializing at some dinner function.
And I'm being serious here.

>> No.8837475
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The fantasy "genre" is pretty much entirely made up of garbage post Tolkien, read Morris, MacDonald, Lord Dunsany, Eddison and Tolkien among others for the actual good stuff.

>> No.8837500

>Announced 11th May 2016, the ever-more ironically titled Lightbringer Trilogy will no longer finish with The Blood Mirror, but will instead have a fifth book.

>No publication date is available and the author has quite rightly stated that he won't make any promises, so do not update this entry with a publication date until it is announced (and when it is, modify this description and leave a librarian note!)

>> No.8837507
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Merry Christmas my old friend.

>> No.8837530


It's funny because of all the books in your pic, only Conan came out BEFORE Tolkien, so you and your "sworn enemy" are actually in agreement about Lieber, Wolfe, Miller, Vance and Peake being garbage.

Which makes you both pleb, to be sure. I just wanted to know how do you feel, knowing that you have become what you so desperately fought. Nietszche warned you, my friend.

>> No.8837553


Howard you are dead, go back to your eternal cyclopic and indescribable sleep.

>> No.8837564
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>> No.8837880

Can someone explain the tight pussy meme

>> No.8837891

Read blood mirror

>> No.8837963

I don't read Sanderson adjacent authors.

>> No.8837983


>> No.8838042

>meaningful about the human condition.

>the actual good stuff.

You fucking philosophy majors make me sick. Just because you wasted many years and tens of thousands of dollars on literally nothing you feel your words actually mean something / is worth listening to.

the world needs less of your kind. kys

>> No.8838067

>knowing that you have become what you so desperately fought
Feels good man. Nothing like being a degenerate.

>> No.8838082
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Is it just me, or does any one here find female character PoV to be completely dreadful no matter how good the character is?

And no I Have nothing against women

>> No.8838096

Brent Weeks is GRI
Sanderson is married sex in the missionary position, in the dead of night, with all the lights turned off, and the woman not making a sound. Then pretending like nothing happened in the morning.

>> No.8838104
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>let me post it one more time
are you even trying with this low quality bait

>> No.8838114

It's not just you, man

>> No.8838116

Unironically this desu. I actually majored in philosophy too. Now that I live in an apartment and work like a regular person I like to read SFF for fun. I dont give a shit about the "human condition" and that's not what SFF is for anyway.

>> No.8838125

Probably just a problem in relating with female characters, then. Not necessarily a good or bad thing, it's just who you are.

>> No.8838136

I wonder if a meme can be made of this...
What about a fireplace that is named philosophy major, there is cash burning in it, and somebody is going to hang themselves? That would work?
How do i fit in the sffg though...

>> No.8838149

It's just you, but a legitimate complaint about female POVs is that authors feel they must be 21st century women trapped in an archaic period woke about their oppression and successful (usually in some direct, physical way, e.g. with violence) at overturning it so that the world can be as it's 'supposed to' (i.e. 21st century western views on gender).

This makes female POVs confined to a specific ideology in a way male POVs aren't, and creates a paradox where every system of oppression has to simultaneously be all-pervasive and stifling, yet weak enough for any single character to topple it or prove it wrong with her sheer individual skill.

Meanwhile men are still allowed to be or do whatever they want.

>> No.8838171
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It's hilarious when you're reading a full medieval setting series and the word rape doesn't appear once.

>> No.8838202

Any female protagonists that aren't the typical stronk woman bullshit?

>> No.8838211

Try Orphans of Chaos.

>> No.8838212


>> No.8838244

Bellis Coldwine

>recommending non-Golden Age Wright

>> No.8838522



>> No.8838615


You came into this thread not to ask recs, not to be convinced, but to shitpost about how you are so superior and read better stuff. Your mind is already made up about this, therefore you should fuck off.

>> No.8838852
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Brandon Sanderson is the Zack Snyder of fantasy. Yes or No?

>> No.8838857

>creates a paradox where every system of oppression has to simultaneously be all-pervasive and stifling, yet weak enough for any single character to topple it or prove it wrong with her sheer individual skill.
>Meanwhile men are still allowed to be or do whatever they want.

Damn well put.

>> No.8838862


No, he's more like the Nolan of fantasy : he made something imaginative but also accessible for the normies, and got shit from pseuds and pretentious "patricians" for it, because god forbid anyone ever read for fun.

>> No.8838869

But the guy you are replying to was shitting on the retard saying everything post Tolkien is shit. The original post chain starter should fuck off back to outer /lit/ though.

>> No.8838881

Pick one

>> No.8838895


I don't know what you're on about, Way Of Kings is tons of fun. Sanderson keeps the Mormon shit to himself.

>> No.8838957

He's getting better. I remember bursting out laughing when I realized why the crew was drinking juice in the Well of Ascension.

It's true that both Sanderson and Nolan get shit for not being deep enough, I think the Stormlight Archive is closer to 300 than to Inception though.

>> No.8839122
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Any must-read western stuff?

I'm writing fantasy in a western-ish setting with crazy magic and a somewhat lovecraftian tone to it, but despite it all I still want the aesthetic to be unmistakably western without adding saloons every third step.

I've been thinking to read Sanderson's other Mistborn books (I loved the first 3) so is it any good place to start get a feel for it?

>> No.8839144

sff is mostly bad, but when it's good it's actually VERY FUCKING GOOD.

>> No.8839146

>but when it's good it's actually VERY FUCKING GOOD.

>> No.8839162

Book of the New Sun right off the top of my head without thinking 5 seconds. Tolkien as a whole is a low-hanging fruit so I'm not going there. Rendezvous with Rama surprised me in a good way. Also GRRM's short stories fite me fgt

>> No.8839172


>GRRM's short stories

Sankings was great.

>> No.8839173

>Book of the New Sun
stopped reading

>> No.8839187

good, now fuck right off mate if you already have a strong opinion on the subject.

>> No.8839201

Warlock by Oakley Hall is a pretty cool read.

>> No.8839208

Iron Council has some decent train stuff, though it's a bit stretched-out

>> No.8839344

The Dark Tower by King is a must if you like westerns.

>> No.8839466

>You came into this thread
I always lurk in this thread I'm just fed up of these philosophy majors swinging their dicks around and spewing shit everywhere.

>Your mind is already made up about this
I read whatever, but did you read the posts I responded to or are you just shitposting?

>> No.8839723

I thought the second Mistborn books were a huge step down from the originals.

>> No.8839735

>implying the originals were good

Kek, The only good book in the Mistborn series was the 1st.

>> No.8839781

She was a good author when she tried to be a man.

>> No.8839783

Rape is a modern phenomenon. Ravishment is what you're looking for, and it was much more welcome.

>> No.8839792

>I've been thinking to read Sanderson's other Mistborn books (I loved the first 3) so is it any good place to start get a feel for it?
They're more steampunk honestly, only a few chapters actually take place in the Wild West. Play Bastion instead.

>> No.8839816

Where do people get the idea rape was more common in Medieval times? Gurrm? Less reported, yeah sure, but I don't think it was more common. I think that's just fantasy writers throwing it in for spice.

I wish writers would stop doing this. It shouldn't be that hard to write a female character who is both "strong" but also follows the societal rules of her setting.

>> No.8839854

It definitely would have been more common as a part of warfare, but socially I don't know.

>> No.8839873

>Rape is a modern phenomenon
Please tell me you are joking

>> No.8839880


>> No.8839891

War brings rape. Every recorded war speaks of it. Add that to the fact that there was no media or women rights.

>> No.8839902

>Where do people get the idea rape was more common in Medieval times?
Cause next to looting the most common thing soldiers did to towns they sacked was rape the women. It happened even in the 20th century, and continues to happen all over the world even in modern armies belonging to otherwise civilized societies.

>> No.8839916

Nothing in your post indicates why it would be less common today than it was then. I know we like to think of Ye Olden Times as uncivilized, but there was a still strong code of conduct in many societies.

>> No.8839922

>no women rights
>what is chivalry

>implying media presence reduces rape

>> No.8839935
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I won't fall for the bait.

>> No.8839958

>Nothing in your post indicates why it would be less common today than it was then


>> No.8839978

But it isn't bait, anon. Chivalry demanded certain rights of women be preserved. I know you think that nobody actually abided by the codes, and that every medieval woman was raped by the age of 12 Africa-style, but it turns out pre-moderns can have moral standards too! How about that.

>> No.8840006


No one's buying it :)

>> No.8840028

I recently read Asimov's Foundation trilogy.

Did anyone else see the twist coming?
With Magnifico being the Mule? I was truly surprised and shocked when I read it, and felt dumb as to how I didn't notice it, as I usually do.
Any other scifi with twists like these?

>> No.8840036

Because there was much more war in Europe in the medieval period. Wars got less frequent (but far more deadly) over time.

>> No.8840044

Is this some kind of RP or something?

>> No.8840055

It's just another discussion going over your head.

>> No.8840058

Anon, if you want someone to argue with you you have to make an argument.

Terminus getting fear-debuffed the night of the Mule's raid was legit the best part of Foundation. I didn't see it coming either, but I don't remember being particularly shocked. I was ten or eleven I think.

>> No.8840067

Shitposting aside I do think it gets overstated how frequently towns/villages actually got pillaged in medieval times, the period is just so long that reading about it feels like constant war everywhere since it's the main thing history books note.

>> No.8840068

Last time I checked, you can't argue with fishing hooks.

>> No.8840076

Don't get me wrong, it was much more common than now, especially on the coasts, but there's only so much pillaging a given area can take before they band together and get a strong king. Medieval yuros knew what prosperity felt like.

GRRM-style pitched battles everywhere taking the men away from the fields when they need to be stockpiling food would drain a country dry fast.

>> No.8840077

Yeah it was a good twist. The main theme of book is prediction and Asimov's almost history-textbook like prose makes you feel like you as the reader know a lot of whats going on most of the time. It was so effective on me I nearly stopped reading, as I felt it was going nowhere. Bravo, Isaac

>> No.8840105
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>It's hilarious when you're reading a full medieval setting series and the word rape doesn't appear once.
Jesus Christ yes.

>> No.8840120

I'm reading Heretics of Dune, about one fourth in. I like it so far, it's a nice change to focus on new characters instead of just the god-emperor. I find it, honestly, just as enjoyably odd, convoluted, strangely formulated, conceptually engrossing and and FUN as all the other ones.

Books not subtle enough? Hard to say what you'd put in that, or if I've ever read it. I think Dune is both heavy-fisted with everything and not lacking subtlety. All the books are extremely expository and preachy. Not gonna pretend like most of it doesnt go over my head.

Oh well. I will finish these books though, all in all I love reading them.

>> No.8840126

>>>8838171 #
>Where do people get the idea rape was more common in Medieval times?
Those times were a time of peace. No forcing of one's devils horn into the sweet spot took place.

People starved of sex just took it on the chin. I mean they had pornhub back then to ease the sexual tensions right?

I mean all those little boys and girls bruised their sphincter by farting.

>> No.8840145

>implying an obscene amount of child abuse is not going on right now
>implying there is not an active child brothel in your city
>implying Clarke moved to Sri Lanka for the weather
I'm not even talking about Pizzagate crap, I'm talking documented child abuse at Worldcons and such.

>> No.8840175

>sex starved

If anything it was the inverse of that, for the common folk anyways. People were basically fucking all the time back then. Infant morality was so high up until the late 1800s you basically had to because whoops looks like Lil' Athelred got into the pig pen/too close to the cooking fire, so you'd want to have a few spare children around as insurance.

One interesting thing is that if a viking raider or norseman got a couple slaves, he could really stand to increase the fortunes of his family because the slaves would be used to keep his younger children warm.

>> No.8840256

What are the best paranoia themed scifi?
PDK obviously any more?

>> No.8840330

I Am Legend may suit you. But I haven't read it in years so I don't remember the content too much.
Paranoia theme aside, Richard Matheson is a great sci-fi author.

>> No.8840337

Has anyone bought Sea of Skulls from Vox Day yet? Upload that shit already because sharing is caring.

>> No.8840373
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>mfw I kind of want to read Wright's new YA but I literally can't afford 5 bucks a book right now and nobody's pirating it

>> No.8840382
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>“I have tasted Manflesh! I have raped she-men! I have burned Man cities!”
>Lugbol rolled his eyes. Who hadn’t?

>> No.8840814

Finished buried giant 0/10 it's shit. I know some of you fags will still go read. Waiting for your tears.

>> No.8840843




>> No.8840851


Keep reading. It's worth it because it's so bad.

>> No.8840856

i actually just said that to see if someone would respond

i read the book awhile ago and got to the part where kvothe chases after a dragon or some shit in the woods and just put the book down, didnt care enough to read the last 70ish pages. fucking dogshit, whats the point of creating a "beautiful world" if it's devoid of anything interesting with themes that almost feel ripped off from harry potter

>> No.8840894

Most anticipated GRI APPROVED novel of 2017?
Need to update my to-read list.

>> No.8840911
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In the second book Kvothe finds himself living in a Shaolin monastery type society where he quickly masters their martial art and then he gets captured by a sex goddess and she was going to kill him but he gave her the best sex she ever had so she decided to let him go. It truly is a piece of art.

>> No.8840920

i read online people said the first half of the second book was boring dogshit

it's too bad, the parts where kvothe is a beggar on the streets trying to survive was really well done because there was some semblance of a story there

after that you just find yourself asking "who fucking cares if he feeds some crazy bitch near the school walls" or "who cares if a teacher picks on him"

>> No.8841059

What do you guys think about the Culture as a civiliazation, are they full of shit or do their ideas and philosophy have merit?

>> No.8841066

I found those to be fairly typical thread dangles. Foreshadowing through a combination of setting up characters/events to be referenced or have impact later on in the story with dramatic irony heavily anticipated by the narrator of the story himself. We know terrible things happen to Kvothe at some point because we already know how the story ends, since we are witness to its eventual endpoint. So the great mystery is not where Kvothe is going to end up but how he got to where he is now, so all the seemingly random and unrelated things he mentions in his recounting have, at the very least, an illusion of purpose.

I'm a lot more disillusioned with Rothfuss's ability to tie the dangling threads together after the second book though. He made very little progress and squandered a lot of the setup he had in book 1. If book 3 does not make prodigious advancements I'm writing him off as the true successor to GRRM in wasted potential.

>> No.8841076


>Book 3 will ever come out


>> No.8841079

He's not a cheesburger away from dying like GRRM is, he stands a very good chance of publishing one more book. More than that I seriously doubt if this is the pace he intends to set.

>> No.8841111

Depends if anymore chapters get leaked, it seems like there's a good chance that he'll either feel so violated that he'll give up on writing entirely, or have a heart attack from the stress.

>> No.8841117


Hah he leaked it himself and then got super butthurt

>> No.8841138

Any links for Vox Day's Throne of Bones or Sea of Skulls?
>inb4 butthurt Shillary-voters

>> No.8841152

Go home vox

>> No.8841200

I want to shit out the next self published YA spec-fic hit.

Should the main group of teenage friends be witches/warlocks battling evil in their home town or should they exist in an elaborately-contrived class-based world?

And don't worry. I will make sure to include some gay, bisexual, transgender, and non-white characters to improve proliferation among the book-buying part of tumblr.

>> No.8841217


Don't forget feminism and to make sure that women are the ones actually in charge and showing how strong and smart they are

>> No.8841219

1. make the main protagonist a black bisexual and trans.
2. rake in millions.

>> No.8841221


>All the blacks will steal the book
>All others will be too disgusted by it
>15 tumblrtards will buy it

Sry its bad plan

>> No.8841222

The mainstream isn't ready for that. Best I can do is a bisexual female asian as the main character.

>> No.8841229

But think of all the awards it will win...

>> No.8841230

I don't want awards I want money and a movie deal.

>> No.8841231

They're full of shit.

>> No.8841238

Fuuuck, never trust /sffg/. That dinosaur was right.

>> No.8841255

Do you know any Jews? That's the only thing that matters if you want a movie deal.

>> No.8841256

>money and a movie deal.
write about a sadist sparkly vampire who, instead of drinking blood of barely legal girls, offers them a job.
a job and a bdsm dungeon tour.

better yet, reverse the genders.

and make sure the biggest issue that the (now) female sparkly sadist vampire's love interest faces is whether he should keep on living with his openly gay, black boyfriend - surprise, our female sparkly sadist vampire's love interest is open bi, lol.

insert some random bullshit, including the love interest cheating on hi openly gay black boyfriend with the female sparkly sadist vampire in her bdsm dungeon. then feeling "oh, so, bad" about it.
gay black boyfriend finds out through the lover's insta feed just before the climax starts, a big fight ensues between them, yada yada yada and in the end the black gay boyfriend realizes that his lover's happiness is what's more important so that the lgbtqabcdfuckitall crowd can go, "See, lgbtqabcdfuckitall are such nice people at heart" and "no body is more understanding than lgbtqabcdfuckitall people ...woo hoo. such an angel..."

the book must end in a raunchy dungeon session between the vampire and her love interest.
the last scene being - the openly gay black ex-boyfriend is looking at the love interest's insta feed and says, "at least he's finally happy. *sigh*"

if anyone ever writes this, i want my fair share.
i'm also willing to sell this idea right now.
anyone wanna negotiate?

>> No.8841270
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>What remained of my blade I kissed and cast into the water.

>> No.8841367
File: 396 KB, 565x875, TheDispossessed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to have posted the wrong image, friend.

>> No.8841380

I'll ghostwrite it if you suck my dick while I work.

>> No.8841382 [DELETED] 

>he voted for Shillary

>> No.8841387

>asking twice in a thread
stop giving """us""" a bad name

>> No.8841404
File: 3.02 MB, 1220x1220, D2omfDv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vox Day is pretty cute, you wish he would post here.

>> No.8841405


Only Bakker and Steve post here mate

>> No.8841413
File: 60 KB, 720x404, [Commie] Kyousogiga - OVA [3AB612F0].mkv_001819.400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ancient, masterwork blade
>has beheaded bad guys for like a million years
>also you can shave with it
>blast it into pieces in a moment parrying pic related
That was pretty heavy. Fits the themes so well, though, losing something so important so fast when you probably could have just dodged.

>> No.8841420

I know one jew but he's an idiot and a stoner.

>> No.8841440

Go wash your fedora, faggot

>> No.8841443

That's your ticket to stardom!

>> No.8841452

yeah, no i'll pass.
sorry, just don't like dicks that much.
if a female writer were to ask me to eat her pussy out instead, i'd jump on that offer instantly.

>> No.8841650

Harumph! Sexist!

>> No.8841667


I feel like it has gotten to a point where the people complaining about SJWs have surpassed in sheer numbers and obnoxiousness the SJWs themselves. Maybe it's just me.

>> No.8841712

Red Country by Joe Abercrombie
The Half Made World by Felix Gilman

>> No.8841779
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>> No.8841848
File: 127 KB, 392x462, This is my law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever made that image was pretty assruffled becaue of someone not conforming to their politics. Vox Day is a pretty good author and he belongs in this general, deal with it.

>> No.8841861

That really depends on where you go, mass media, normie forums and communities and so forth are almost entirely pozzed with SJWism. The pushback is quite strong here because anons usually are pretty contrarian and don't like authoritarianism very much.

>> No.8841864

>and don't like authoritarianism very much.

I fucking wish.

>> No.8842124

It was in response to the pic, not the post.

>> No.8842179

>/sffg/ told me that the final fight between Szeth and Kaladin was totally anime

>read WoR to find out

>no teleporting, no screaming the names of the attacks, no hyper speed, no destroying their surroundings as they fight

Whoever said that never watched a single battle shonen in his life. This is not anime.

>> No.8842184
File: 10 KB, 183x275, TheNameoftheWind_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus this is bad.

>> No.8842187


Don't say we didn't warn you.

>> No.8842189

Right? Just because it's a superpower fight through the air doesn't mean it's like Dragon Ball or Bleach. It's more like a comic book fight than anything else.

>> No.8842192
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>> No.8842212

still better than any other modern sff author

>> No.8842214


Bullshit. This garbage is "better" than Bakker, Van Der Meer, Mieville, Swanwick, hell even fucking Sanderson? Nigger please.

>> No.8842219

>What are you reading?
Mazalan Book Of The Fallen by Steven Erikson, on the 6th book at the moment, The Bonehunters.
>How do you like it so far?
It's wonderful, I really enjoy it just wish I was smarter/had better memory to pick up on the clues/put things together.

>> No.8842221
File: 230 KB, 1600x1081, sad-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw slow reading speed

I shouldn't be a fan of a genre with 1000 page books that are a part of multi volume series

>> No.8842228

>tfw shit attention span so I can only make for one page before I'm back to browsing 4chan

>> No.8842233

My nigga P Ro is a better storyteller and "stylist" than any of those. His only (major) downside is that his stories suck. If I'm gonna eat shit, I'd at least like some garnish on the plate with it.

>> No.8842240


Have you even read a single word by any of the authors I've mentioned?

>prose stylist

>that fucking cringefest paragraph about the women who have to be played like an instrument

I reiterate : nigger please. Rothfuss reads like someone who's constantly, CONSTANTLY trying too hard.

>> No.8842241
File: 203 KB, 426x650, uk-orig-the-heroes[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So pic related is my favorite fantasy book. I love his The First Law trilogy too. What else would I like?

>low fantasy/magic
>not epic in scale if possible
>battles are nice to have

>> No.8842245

>Have you even read a single word by any of the authors I've mentioned?

no lol :P

>> No.8842251

>better storyteller
>his stories suck

>> No.8842257

>Mfw I actually liked it when I was younger, but it always left me with a bad after taste I couldn't pinpoint when I was around 17 or so. Hadn't read many books before then, just Eragon, Harry Potter and Sword Of Truth Series.

Fast forward I've been devouring series after series of great authors.

Went back and re-read. Couldn't stomach it. It was horrible.

>> No.8842258

A storyteller is different than a story creator.

>> No.8842263

Thats pretty pedantic

>> No.8842266



Thank God. For a second there I actually thought you were serious about liking Rothfuss.

>> No.8842280
File: 88 KB, 158x220, 1427848021890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but if you're younger and haven't really experienced good books you'll like him.

>Tfw when I used to like it.

>> No.8842292


We've all been there, man. When I was a teenager I liked fucking Eragon. Thing is, we're supposed to know better by now, and not all of us do.

>> No.8842297

Aw man, Eragon is still a guilty pleasure for me. I've never gotten the hate for it, to be quite honest. Maybe I'm missing something but I thought it was alright. Mind explaining?

>> No.8842324

I liked it.

>> No.8842329

What are some good /sffg/ recommended smut I am feeling horny but trying not to fap.

>> No.8842333

It's pretty much impossible to pick up on everything on your first read-through of the Malazan books. And the way he writes is deliberately fragmented so that you can't piece together the setting after just one or two books.

>> No.8842341


Well, to put it simply, Eragon fails on every conceivable level.

Story wise, it's a generic as fuck Hero's Journey, with a plot that is literally Star Wars. The prose is laughably bad, the setting is all kinds of boring, bland, unoriginal and uninspired (dwarves in the mountains, elves in the forests, totally-not-Orcs, yadda yadda we've seen this shit a million fucking times)

The only thing that can make it seem good is reading it with the mind of a child who doesn't know any better. But after you've been through the good stuff, you come back to Eragon without the nostalgia goggles and see it for the garbage it truly is.

>> No.8842354
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>books is heralded as having witty dialogue
>it's just reddit comments tier

what are some books with actual good dialogue/bants?

>> No.8842367

It's just shamelessly derivative and clumsy in its handling of characters. I could almost believe it was written by a high schooler, since it is a tendency of "creative" teenagers to shamelessly steal ideas from things they like and pass them off as their own. If you want specifics, Paolini essentially just ripped off Star Wars (for the plot), Lord of the Rings (for most of the setting), and probably heavily based his ideas of magic off of the Earthsea Cycle, but the similarities there are less obviously ripped off.

He literally just uses names invented by Tolkien in his books like nobody would notice, mindlessly copies his elves and dwarves and twists them into crude caricatures (Dwarves are stubby vikings, Elves are vegan hippies). I could go on but plenty of other people have already documented his idea-theft: https://aydee.wordpress.com/2006/12/17/eragon/ is one such blog.

>> No.8842375

Brandon Sanderson-desu. All of his dialogue rips off Joss Whedon.

>> No.8842387

Malazan Book of the Fallen. I rarely see it mentioned when the books are brought up, but it's one of the only fantasy series that routinely makes me laugh. Of course between that is all the grim parts.

>> No.8842398
File: 37 KB, 719x449, lepensrivals-large_trans++f3U_fy6nIN6DvxtZA7MClegj-DGZt4PIbZXg843WwbQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will not be taken for a fool.

>> No.8842417

As someone who's never been into the Star Wars franchise and as well as LOTR, I can see how I would miss this. Thanks for explaining guiz.

>> No.8842424


I'm on the 6th book atm, but Midnight Tides was the best so far with the bantz and dialogue between Tehol Beddict and Bugg. I will forever always remember these two. I literally had to put the book down at times from laughing so hard. It's amazing how well the writer did comedy with all the depressing shit in between.

>> No.8842425

thx for the hot rec. I've been needing something to convince me to jump into the first book.

>> No.8842428

He released a new one?

>> No.8842431

Not him, but you won't regret it. Honestly.

>> No.8842439

Unless the length and PoV juggling cause insanity. He might regret that.

>> No.8842443

House of Blades IS anime though.

Read it

>> No.8842445

It's a bit of an issue for some, especially if not used to it. I always have a hard time remembering all the different threads in the story/people but I just take a breather and refresh/go back and reread a few pages and it comes back.

I just wish I weren't dumb so I could connect the dots/the clues that a lot of people talk about seeing spread out through out the book.

>> No.8842476

Are you implying Abercrombie's work is low fantasy?

>> No.8842481


>> No.8842682

The parts about Malazan that get praised are always the EPIC WORLD BUILDING or its grim, unrelenting horror in the war parts, but never the bromances and soldier banter. And man does it have a ton of bromances. Onrack and Trull, Tool and Toc, Fid and Hedge, Icarium and Mappo, etc.

>> No.8842792

I don't listen to /lit/ any longer. Not that I read that shit, but I'm enjoying the WoT and I hated Bakker.

>> No.8842849

Gor. by John Norman
Conan by Wagner, Howard and others

>> No.8842914

Gormenghast is shit, and Tolkien is kinda boring, everything else in your pic is God-tier.

>> No.8842946

I liked Norton as a kid, but I thought she was a dude.

>> No.8842963


>> No.8842966
File: 181 KB, 658x1000, Malazan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I've played a shit ton of tactical RPGs (Final Fantasy Tactics, Vandal Hearts, Tactics Ogre) now I need something to read with a similar tone - medieval setting, political intrigues of depraved feudals, epic wars and military stories, problems of religion and shiet. So, I ended up with either Tyranny of the night by Glenn Cook or Malazan. Which one should I take and why? And is there something else which matches the request?

>> No.8842971

Does anyone here enjoy urban fantasy? If so, why? Fantasy and sci-fi usually stand out because of their worldbuilding. If you're reading something with a contemporary setting, doesn't that take away the fun of fantasy? Or is there something about magic being hidden in our society that appeals to you?

>> No.8842974

Go with Malazan
The problem with urban fantasy is that most of it is really bad. There isn't really anything wrong with the concept itself. Mieville is kind of okay.

>> No.8842975

When in doubt, always go for the biggest meme. Read Malazan.

>> No.8842978

>Gormenghast is shit
your shit m8

>> No.8842981

I get that most of it sucks. I just want to understand why it sucks.

>> No.8842983

Guilty Pleasures from Anita Blake is great.

>> No.8842988

But it's Cook's big meme of Black Company
which spawned meme of Malazan.

>> No.8842992

Lots of bad writers testing their luck in a popular genre.

>> No.8842993

It's a fairly new "genre" so it didn't have much time to grow nor any good writers attempt it. Yeah you can probably bring up an old book that did UF but it without doubt got the most popular in the last decade or two.

>> No.8842996
File: 21 KB, 322x500, Night Watch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one and only good urban fantasy

>> No.8843050

Too bad sequels are trash.
Don't listen to this one, Anita Blake is Twilight with porn.

>> No.8843066
File: 32 KB, 241x346, 51dxUSeO12L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, author controversy aside, is this actually good? Looks like a mix between Warhammer and ASoiAF

>> No.8843074

Cause it lends itself to lazy writing. Urban fantasy is often low fantasy and has only minimal world building and just relies on real world concepts to do most of the legwork for them. You'd think that without having to devote a ton of energy and time to constructing a fantasy world they'd pour all their effort into creating really interesting characters, but the books are almost entirely plot driven with only lame archetypes for characters. Everything is focused on the plot which just makes the books highly disposable. Once you know what happens there's nothing you can get out of them.

Essentially, urban fantasy is the western equivalent of Japanese light novels.

>> No.8843115
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Is there something like this for science fiction too?

>> No.8843122
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>> No.8843127
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>> No.8843128

>Ursula Le Guin praised this book

Is it possible that you can be a good writer with such horrible taste in writing? Or are SFF authors just expected to pat each other on the back for everything? I feel like the praise other SFF people give this book is fraudulent and threatens their credibility.

>> No.8843139


>good writer

Once upon a time, maybe.

>> No.8843141

Serves him right for reading shitty epic high fantasy.

>> No.8843162


To be fair, I just went into reading Revelation Space and barely into the second chapter and I'm being bombarded with too much shit, all at once.


>It was a long hike from the spinal shaft to the place where they kept the Captain. She could not take the most direct route either, since whole sections of the ship were inaccessible, riddled with viruses which were causing widespread malfunction. Some districts were flooded with coolant, while others were infested with rogue janitor-rats. Others were patrolled by defence drogues which had gone berserk and so were best avoided, unless Volyova felt in the mood for sport. Others were filled with toxic gas, or vacuum, or too much high-rad, or were rumoured to be haunted.

>Volyova did not believe in hauntings, (though of course she had her own ghosts, accessed via the spider-room), but the rest she took very seriously indeed. Some parts of the ship she would not enter unless armed. But she knew the Captain’s surroundings well enough not to take excessive precautions. It was cold, though, and she hiked up the collar of her jacket, tugged the bib of her cap tighter down, its mesh fabric crunching against her scalp stubble. She lit another cigarette, hard sucks perishing the vacuum in her head, replacing it with a frosty military alertness. Being alone suited her. She looked forward to human company, but not with any great fervour. And certainly not if that company also entailed dealing with the Nagorny situation. Perhaps when they reached the Yellowstone system she would consider locating a new Gunnery Officer.

>Now, how had that worry escaped from her mental partitioning?It was not Nagorny that concerned her now, but the Captain. And here he was, or at least the outermost extent of what he had now become. Volyova composed herself. That composure was necessary. What she had to examine always made her sick. It was worse for her than for the others; her repulsion stronger. She was brezgati; squeamish.

>The miracle was that the reefersleep unit which cased Brannigan was still functional. It was a very old model, Volyova knew — sturdily built. It was still striving to hold the cells of his body in stasis, even though the shell of the reefer had ruptured in great Palaeolithic cracks, fibrous metallic growth spilling out. The growth came from within the reefer, like a fungal invasion. Whatever remained of Brannigan remained at its heart.

>> No.8843172

>Or are SFF authors just expected to pat each other on the back for everything?
I've wondered about this. As any sff author ever criticized another sff author's work?

>> No.8843175

sf is worse for that kind of shit because at least all the made up words in fantasy are just names. I always laugh reading Phillip K Dick or whatever and all the hi-tech chromoscope spy computers use reels of magnetic tape

>> No.8843181

>fantasy authors that give their lands/characters/magic/whatever names which you're not sure how to pronounce
Takes me right out desu

>> No.8843195

Now that you mention it... I don't think so. I guess the fact that they have to attend the same conventions and interact in the same panels makes it very awkward to do so. The closest that comes to mind is Brandon Sanderson saying he didn't like ASoFAI, but even when he said that he added that GRRM is a good writer.

>> No.8843210


I dislike GRRM. Not simply because the fat fuck is so obviously stalling and trying to put away his inevitable confession that he has had nothing new written in years, but because of that one odd interview where he mentions Tolkien. He doesn't outright bash his works, but he complains how Tolkien ignored the mundane things of ruling, taxing and such. And yet, he doesn't do anything of the sort on his end either as far as ASOIAF is concerned.

>> No.8843247

Only thing I could think of is Stanislaw Lem criticizing American science fiction as a whole for being too focused on action-adventure stories.

Which then resulted in Philip K Dick accusing Stanislaw Lem of actually being a cabal of communist writers in Krakow or something to that effect.

Yeah, it's a small community, and there's the thing where most SFF authors are also big SFF fans, so it's sort of a self-reinforcing feedback loop.

>> No.8843267

I think in ASoIaF we get some notion of the ordinary workings of the North. It's not a very sophisticated system, but we see Winterfell delegating masons to neighboring castles for repair, get a sense of the limited resources of the army and the difficulty of calling the banners, and so on.

>> No.8843299

Her world building is top-tier, I can always find something fascinating about her books, from the pulpy stuff like Merchanter's Luck to the really expansive books like Cyteen.

the Foreigner series occupies that same space of intro-nostalgia for me, but I'd still recommend it alongside Chanur as a good, solid story that also explores the perils and necessity of trying communicate across different modes of thinking.

>> No.8843314

I have unironically enjoyed reading Chronicles of Athas.

At least the stories involving Pavek.

>> No.8843322

What do you think /sffg/? Should I go for it? https://www.humblebundle.com/books/neil-gaiman-book-bundle

>> No.8843433

>better storyteller
>the story moves nowhere for a thousand pages

if he could actually pace his stories he could be alright

>> No.8843441


Yeah it's good. It's more ASoiAF than anything but much less nihilistic in nature and the setting is more of a Roman republic rather than medieval. Magic use is more overt as well.

>> No.8843472

Yo is there any scifi about someone like a military officer being trained

(Not Enders already read that)

Asking because I'm reading Altered Carbon and I kinda care more about Takeshi's origins than anything that's happening in the main plot

>> No.8843488

I only read the first one because I was disgusted by their arrogance

>> No.8843562
File: 23 KB, 220x338, 220px-TheMagicians[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you reading?
I just finished the Lev Grossman Magicians novels. It was a recommendation from /v/ of all places. It's the first book series I've read in about 5 years.
>How do you like it so far?
I liked it. Sure, everyone was a mary sue, but they're fucking magicians. You can't be a magician without being a sue to some degree. My original question in the /v/ thread was, "Why was Harry Potter such a success, yet I haven't read a series that takes magic school life and whatnot, but aim it at adults?" And then someone told me to read The Magicians and the other two novels. I got what I wanted, and it hit close to home at points, too. But apparently the TV series sucks massive fox god cock and I should never watch it.

I know my book taste is probably shit to all of you. That's fine. But if you guys could recommend me another book or series that has that whole magic school life setting that would be of higher standards, I'd appreciate it.

>> No.8843565

That's a interesting one. Most military SF is either from a grunt/NCO viewpoint (author is likely a former soldier themselves), or of a officer who's either already experienced (Lost Fleet series, most of the officers in Hammer's Slammers) or has just finished training and is at their first command (Honor Harrington, Vatta's War, though in the later case Vatta was kicked out of the academy), so something with officer training in it is a bit rare.

I think maybe the Vorkosigan saga? I haven't started in on it yet but the series covers the character's entire life.

>> No.8843577

>I know my book taste is probably shit to all of you.

You're in the fantasy/sci-fi general. Nobody here has a legitimate claim of being high brow.

>> No.8843588

Any fantasy written from the pov of orcish rape gangs?

>> No.8843600

There's warhammer stuff

>> No.8843619

He's been ripping out his Swan Knight's Son trilogy, they're all Lloyd Alexander-sized middle-grade books, and just last week I think released the third one. He's got another nine coming out in the next year or two.

>> No.8843621

Le Guin sold her soul to Andrea Dworkin in 1975, she's been dead to the world of good folk ever since.

>> No.8843626

>mfw I just took the anime route of switching proper nouns' categories and giving familiar names to unfamiliar places

>> No.8843628

Except when talking about The Name of the Wind.

>> No.8843638

What's hilarious is that Tolkien doesn't ignore taxation, he goes in-depth on how the Shire has this feudal libertarian thing going on right at the beginning of the book, that they still honor the king of Arnor even though there hasn't been one for a thousand years; even in Gondor you can see it implied that they're having a hard time because their stewards can't enforce fealty even when they're about to be wiped out, it's just he lets us figure that out with Pippin watching the pittance levies from the allies come in while Faramir complains that they could have sent more, because he doesn't want to stretch things out to a dozen books.

>> No.8843642

Have you read any Gaiman? If so you've read all Gaiman, he gets really samey really fast. American Gods is best, Neverwhere second, Stardust just watch the movie, Graveyard Book just read Jungle Book.

>> No.8843643

The modernist archons of literature are illegitimate. Science fiction and fantasy were mainstays of literature for five thousand years before they took their thrones.

>> No.8843648

I couldn't finish the first book in this series. The whole thing felt constructed as a counterpoint to the child-friendliness of Harry Potter with gratuitous amounts of sex and drugs that did absolutely nothing to advance the plot or characters.

>> No.8843650

Just released yesterday f a m.
>In truth, he was hoping to spend the next day or three in the camp, sleeping, squagging, and allowing four of his wounded warriors to recover from their injuries. One of his trophies was a large keg of yellow liquid that looked like piss, tasted like honey, and hit the skull harder than ale, wine, or club. He didn’t know what it was called, but he fully intended to drain it with the help of a few select companions this evening. It was a pity no females had been permitted; a few abokhi’agh would just about make for a perfect way to spend a lazy afternoon. There were a few she-men in the prisoner corral, but Lugbol was more in the mood for some relaxed and drunken squagging than having his ears assaulted by the piercing shrieks of a raped man. Rape was a fine thing when the dead enemy was strewn about, smoke was in one’s nostrils, and one’s blood was up, but for now it struck him as being more akin to work than pleasure. Especially considering how he only had one good arm at his disposal at the moment.

>> No.8843668

>just watch the movie
Not a sentence I ever expected on /lit/ desu. Quite enjoyed American Gods, never got around to Neverwhere but he has written one of the few new who episodes I enjoyed.

>> No.8843677

The except is what got me interested if something similar was done before since I guess this will just be a smaller part of the book.

>> No.8843683
File: 463 KB, 1050x1500, 1481735466979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong medium for that, friend.

>> No.8843685

lmao that faggot whines at award selections and then churns out this trash

>> No.8843691

Gaiman's much more in his element in visual media, he did start off writing comics after all. That's really what I remember most about his books, the visuals, except in American Gods, where I remember the mythology. I'd recommend you watch the Neverwhere series too except it's crap that feels like it was shot on a camcorder and everybody's miscast.

Hey, at least he acknowledges he's not very good.

>> No.8843715

You're just as fault as someone reading high fantasy and not expecting a shit load of fancy names. As many faults as he has (and I'm not much of a fan), he rights hard-scifi space opera. The smattering of scientific words found in his work is to be expected in hard scifi.

Altho I went straight from Starfish to Chasm City so maybe I was well versed at that point.

>> No.8843716

DO NOT slander Marcille as she is pure, thank you.

>> No.8843718

Interesting take on it. Maybe you just have to have a certain mindset or mood to enjoy the books. It didn't really feel like that to me. It felt more real. None of the characters did drugs except Penny, but there was a lot of drinking. And these kids were horribly, horribly depressed. That's why I said maybe you have to have a certain mindset or mood to relate. And the sex was a big plot pusher, though it only happened in the books a handful of times. First, they had to establish Eliot was gay, which sets up Alice's warning that Janet always has to have everything, and the fact that she can't have Eliot or Quentin pisses her off to no extent. Second, Alice and Quentin get together, and Janet ruins it by drunk sexing Q as Alice watched. Third, Alice gets revenge on Q by fucking Penny, which totally fucks Q in the head and forces everyone to go to Fillory. It's the whole reason why Q is so desperate to escape everything, which makes it suck even more when he's banned from his only escape. Plus, Alice never really gets over the fact that he slept with Janet, even though she herself says that sleeping with Penny hurt him far worse, and was probably the worst thing to happen to his life, even more than losing Fillory.

>> No.8843721

Yeah, "Sandman" is probably one of the most famous "non superhero franchise" comics in existence.

I'll probably skip the bundle since it doesn't have Gods, Neverwhere or sandman in it.

>> No.8843722

Lol Dick was writing with what was cutting edge at the time of writing. At least it would have sounded smart then, unlike the standard high fantasy Tolkien-trying wank which will sound stupid for eternity.

>> No.8843725

It's aimed at Gaiman diehards. Just read Good Omens and his early comics and leave it at that

>> No.8843729

I mean I'm defending Dick here but I didn't like most of his shit and he was a crazy fucker

>> No.8843731

Any fantasy novels with cute, loving gay male sex described in elaborate detail? Bonus points if characters are on the DL.

>> No.8843768

Anita Blake was great up to Obsidian Butterfly. It turned to shit after. It's literal smut now.

>> No.8843773

Tolkien's restraint is severely underrated.

>> No.8843774
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>> No.8843792
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I don't read genre fiction but my best friend do, what book do you recommend I give him as a Christmas present? It has to be obscure enough that he is not likely to have it already but also not crap. He likes fantasy a lot but I think he's okay with science fiction too. Thanks in advance!

>> No.8843794
File: 18 KB, 188x300, To-Kill-a-God-188x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8843809

Throne of skulls

>> No.8843811

But for real, does anyone have any magical school life book recommends besides Harry Potter and the Kingkiller Chronicles?

>> No.8843816

Undying Mercenaries by BV Larson

>> No.8843820
File: 196 KB, 600x849, Treatsie_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gunnerkrigg Court is your only option.

>> No.8843827

Year of the Griffin.

>> No.8843832

>Anita Blake and the Mystery of the Haunted Bangbus

>> No.8843849
File: 282 KB, 1879x1966, 1466364294972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steel remains series

>> No.8843864

You mean haunted vagina, which has a deity living inside it's depths. When a penis enters it's walls it grants them a power up.

>> No.8843869

Window will close in 3...2..1

>> No.8843870

Talion: Revenant (magical judge dredd, loads of fun)
Magician's Apprentice (Closest to a pure magic school, not everyone likes the author)
Dawn of Wonder (IIRC they're like spies)
Blood Song (warriors, really good but naff sequels)
Codex Alera (second book)
Inda (Low magic military but the best book here)
Rithmatist (YA magical drawing, didn't like it)
Mercedes Lackey (like 40 novels, 90% of which are in magical schools)

>> No.8843876

A Land Fit For Heroes
Magician's Apprentice
N.K. Jemisin's first trilogy has gay god sex

>> No.8843905

What is the /sffg/ equivalent to Moonman?

>> No.8843924

Plot Inertia: The Media Installment

>> No.8843926

That would be Jasnah "harshin' every Parshman" Kholin.

>> No.8843927

Shit's finally happening dude

>> No.8843940

>Jasnah "Genocide the marbled hides" Kholin
>Jasnah "Dullforms get the storms" Kholin
>Jasnah "Shellheads are better dead" Kholin
>Jasnah "every parsh gets drowned in a marsh" Kholin

>> No.8843955

>Sandman creates a race of black people who start stupid fights for no reason, turn stupid around outsiders, have a legacy of slavery and literally speak in shuckin' and jivin'
How does he get away with it?

>> No.8843993

I always see /co/ threads on it. I'll look in to it.

I'll look in to these, too. Thanks.

>> No.8844018

>ywn attend magic school with a fun-loving, horse size griffin :(

>> No.8844040

>you will never be bullied by your thicc griffin onee-san
>your dad will never genetically engineer a little winged sister for you
hurts to live

>> No.8844046

I did not ask for this feel

>> No.8844108

New Thread


>> No.8844262

fight me m8