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/lit/ - Literature

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883259 No.883259 [Reply] [Original]

Rate the above poster's pile.

>> No.883271


>> No.883273

pretentious as fuck

>> No.883277

> pretentious-tier
how the fuck are these pretentious

>> No.883276

healthy interests tier.

>> No.883281
File: 11 KB, 265x297, 1278345795695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American Psycho

>> No.883285

~smart~ books + house of leaves, clearly piled together to impress

>> No.883284


>> No.883283

Pretentious tier
I wish I had money to buy all those books except for American Psycho tier

>> No.883282

Freshman tier.

>> No.883286

A better selection of books to those of which most fags post in /lit/

>> No.883288

All good books, if not predictable for an e/lit/ist

>> No.883289

Eh, I've heard good things bout Invisible Man and House of Leaves. HoL is actually on my reading list.

Catch 22 sucked, but I find most enjoy it, same with Clockwork. I liked the move of American Psycho better. Breakfast of Champions had me loling every few pages, and the rest are really fuckin good.

>> No.883293

>Eh, I've heard good things bout Invisible Man and House of Leaves. HoL is actually on my reading list.
I really liked Invisible Man. House of Leaves is interesting as well.

>> No.883299

>implying anyone is impressed by House of Leaves

>> No.883301

Sick, I can't wait. I gotta bout 200 more pages of Infinite fucking jest before I can move on.

>> No.883305

Freshman in highschool/10

>> No.883306

obviously young
obviously bought
obviously worthlss

>> No.883311

How is American Psycho elitist? It's fucking bullshit.

>> No.883312

>obviously bought
>obviously worthlss

>> No.883317

Not everything you buy is worth something.

In fact.....

>> No.883319

>Freshman in highschool/10
>obviously young
>Freshman tier.

You guys are implying these are bad books because they supposedly appeal to younger readers.

>> No.883334


>> No.883340

chances are the guy didn't share his books to get some cred or get bashed and judged.
i applaud your interest in literature and related pursuits.

>> No.883344

Trash the American Psycho and House of Leaves and you've got a figurative All-Star Team.

>> No.883354

Breakfast of champions is great, I had that on audiobook a while back and listened to it while commuting. Good stuff.

>> No.883360

>Breakfast of champions

What is it about?

>> No.883362
File: 147 KB, 898x774, a pile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well throw a pile up too.

>> No.883370

A secret cereal known only by high-level athletes, passed down generation to generation. The recipe is written on the inside of the Stanley Cup and other major sports trophies.

>> No.883373



>> No.883376

OP here.
Thanks for posting your pile.
I binged on HG Wells novels a while back and read The Invisible Man, The Time Machine, The Island of Dr. Moreau, and War of the Worlds.
Yeah, WotW is the only novel of your pile I've read.
Great book.

>> No.883380


haha no copyright. Oprah's book club, here I come!

>> No.883389

Top to bottom:


Results: 3 Good 2 Decent 3 Crap. Average pile.

>> No.883390


The Island of Dr. Moreau was good. Otherwise I don't all tha H.G.Wells hype. I guess he is good, but his WotW shit is tough for me, it's boring.

>> No.883489

House of Leaves blows.

just a heads up

>> No.883491


En contraire, they appeal to young readers because they are bad.

>> No.883501
File: 256 KB, 1024x768, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting mine again.

>> No.883516

I approve.

>> No.883533
File: 62 KB, 577x359, 1276741248927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and we have a winnar

>> No.883641 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 450x475, Noam-Chomsky.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to start a thread on Noam Chomsky.

>> No.883646

needs more ayn rand

>> No.883704
File: 903 KB, 2800x2128, HPIM0584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine. For whatever reason, my camera couldn't get a decent picture of a literal pile, so I had to lay them down seperately.

>> No.883718

Only four books?


>> No.883729


Technically five, given that the one in the top right-hand corner includes 'Poor Folk'.

>> No.883750

> En contraire, they appeal to young readers because they are bad.
You have bad opinions.

>> No.883787
File: 119 KB, 600x800, wop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty iPhone camera
3rd is Murakami - South of the Border, West of the Sun
4th is Dostoevsky's White Nights
5th is Madame Bovary

>> No.883814
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>> No.883816

What the fuck.. Why is your copy of Les Miserables so big?

>> No.883823

You're reading all those at the same time? :o

>> No.883835

He's probably working through them one or two at a time.

Seriously though, les miserables is that big?

>> No.883859
File: 72 KB, 461x615, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My pile.

>> No.883863

>Les Miserables, that big, really?
Sure it is. And it's probably a non-annotated/critical edition.
It looks like every major French novelist was competing against each other to see how many pages they could fill.

>> No.883877
File: 14 KB, 215x321, Marcel_Proust_1900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It looks like every major French novelist was competing against each other to see how many pages they could fill.
and we all know who won that battle.

>> No.883925
File: 126 KB, 1024x768, IMG_5075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I compulsively buy books faster than I can read them. I finished The Stranger and I'm starting Childhood's End tomorrow. After that is Rama and then I don't know. Maybe V. Pynchon seems oddly alluring...

And yeah, Les Miserables is that big because it's a mass-market paperback. 1463 pages.
I read the Penguin version omitted some text and that this version was the best choice.

>> No.883937

does nobody buys used books anymore? Those seem like they were expensive.

>> No.883948

I buy used books.

>> No.883956

I don't care what anyone says, American Psycho was a fun read and though people find the drawn out descriptions of clothing and albums tedious, I couldn't help but laugh at them. Just made me love Patrick as a character.

House of Leaves is tame try hard bullshit.

Salem's Lot is overrated and I don't care how original it was back in 1975, I've been more frightened by R.L. Stine books. The Scarecrow walks at Midnight > Salem's Lot.

deal with it.

>> No.883965

Those were mostly bought at Borders except for Salem's Lot and Anansi Boys which were garage sale buys for a quarter.
I probably should have bought used copies, but there's something about the way new ones feel right off the shelf.

>> No.883967

Why the fuck do you guys care about how much money people spend on books?

>> No.883977

Because it's not the information inside, but the condition and price of the material it's written on.

>> No.883983

Almost all in the library, so can't post.

>> No.883991

You're implying people who buy new books only do it for show and that "true readers" go to the library or buy used books. I think that's bullshit.

>> No.884028

Guy-with-too-many-books here.

I agree with you. I'm just buying books and reading them cause I want to be a better, more-educated writer. I don't really care if something I'm reading is considered pretentious or hip. I'm just gonna read it and make my own judgment call. Fuck what's "cool".

>> No.884031

I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just seemed odd to me, you can get most of those books pretty cheap.
But I have to agree, people can do whatever the hell they want with their money.

>> No.884035

I only buy used books. Goodwills are God tier for finding cheap used books. Got a pretty nice stack of 13 books for 16 bucks today

Buying books new is just too fucking expensive.

>> No.884042


All the goodwills by me are run by Jewish used-book cartels. $3 for a fucking used paperback? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?

>> No.884046

better than 10 for a new one

>> No.884050

I know. . . I still buy them. But I hate them for it.

>> No.884053
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>> No.884488


Looks like *someone* went to their local BMV.
You from Toronto, OP?

>> No.884512

>go on /lit/
>recommend books
>call people pretentious freshmen when they read you suggestions
fuck you guys