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File: 339 KB, 654x905, Don_Quijote_and_Sancho_Panza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8832167 No.8832167 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell? Don Quixote is barely in his own book. It's mostly other people telling stories about cucking. Why is this considered to be the all-time best novel?

>> No.8834138

It is pretty great and it touches lots of deeper issues that you just realize about them after re-reading the book. Cervantes prose is great and the story is pretty great and original.

>> No.8834358

Because it has all the scenarios in a story(man vs himself, man vs the world, etc)

>> No.8835290

it's not "the best", idiot; it's the first modern one

fuck you

>> No.8835740

I Just started reading this today after hearing a bunch of friends say it was essential reading. I hope it isn't too purple

>> No.8835971

Is he really not in it a lot?

>> No.8835990

It's a long book, he'd get exhausted before the end if he was on every page

>> No.8836051

It really isn't, it depends if you read it in the original Spanish or not. I taught myself Spanish through reading it to a Colombian prostitute and having her correct me, provide context and explain the differences between contemporary South American and Peninsular Spanish and the antiquated Spanish seen in Quixote (which is actually much closer to the modern language than something in middle English is to modern English).

I later half-read, half-ad libbed an English version to my son as a bedtime story and found it to be sterile by comparison.

>> No.8836053

It's actually pretty red

>> No.8836058
File: 8 KB, 420x420, 1480217582065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it always about cuckoldry?

>> No.8836063


How so?

>> No.8836071

one of the era transcending ties that bind man in his emotional consciousness maybe?

>> No.8836120

some people have an odd fixation with cuckoldry
it's probably because you're a manlet with pube-y facial hair

also don quixote is on another level
dude was contemporary to shakespeare, nobody genuinely and unpretentiously thinks shakespeare is funny; the only reason people laugh at shakespeare is because they think people didn't make dirty jokes back when
not to mention he wrote like an upperclass pussy

on the flip side, we have cervantes who wrote in a way that still isn't outdated, with a sense of humor that's still above most people's heads as opposed to shakespeare who is only above most people's heads because reading him is like plucking nut hairs

>> No.8836121

Don Quixote is just a meme, kid, Don't get worked up.

>> No.8836186
File: 147 KB, 881x906, doo_di_doo___by_ttamazing-d5wuux0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hated how "The Man of La Mancha" film adaptation turned him into a cuck chasing after a Roastie whore.

How did you guys interpret the meaning of Dulcinea?
Was Dulcinea his waifu?
Pic related is my Dulcinea.

>> No.8836198


I just started playing Steins;Gate, I'm on chapter 2 (I think, i can't remember). Is it worth it? Are the twists good? I don't know if I should continue, it hasn't caught me like other visual novels have.

>> No.8836211

I only have access to the free version in esperanto. I am greatly disappointed.

>> No.8836228
File: 50 KB, 853x480, cry_for_yourself_now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is superb
If you want to be more passive just watch the anime, it was done perfectly.
You need to allow yourself to get emotionally invested to truly appreciate it and it doesn't make any sense until you get into it a little bit. I promise it gets good.

Speed through the shining finger shit, she is the only bad character.

>> No.8836279


>> No.8836598

I'm a little more than a third of the way through it. There certainly is a lot of sidetracking with the stories and such (what the hell was with that 40 page novella about Anselmo and Lothario).

The parts with Don Quixote and Sancho actually adventuring is comfy af tho

>> No.8836621

it's like the canterbury tales spilled on his novel

it's a bit plodding at times, but i still love the book. no individual segment is unenjoyable, it's simply too huge to make rereading a habit.