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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 37 KB, 528x126, new-york-times-best-seller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8827869 No.8827869 [Reply] [Original]

Why the hell are all the bestsellers written by women/have women protagonists? And if they aren't,they are the 32nd sequel of a gritty detective story.

>> No.8827890

It's a fad, so what?

>> No.8827894

You can look up the best-sellers from the 20's and 30's and most of them you've never even heard of.

Selling a lot doesn't mean it's worth reading. It just means a lot of turds tossed a buck its way.

>> No.8827907

>Why the hell are all the bestsellers written by women/have women protagonists?
Because being a woman and/or writing a female protagonist gets you published easier.

>> No.8827923

Women are a majority in the publishing industry in the US.

>> No.8827989


>> No.8829396

Because women tend to read more, but most of them read garbage

>> No.8829412

Shut up you fucking sexist


>> No.8829414

Because women read more than men.

>> No.8829422

Fuck off to TRP or /r9k/ you fucking MRAs. Wanna know why you're virgins? It's because you're sexist.


>> No.8829432

Yeah. It's like looking at which films were the bestselling films of their year. Literal head-scratchers.

I'm inclined to believe the stuff about literature dying out is deeply alarmist and false. People who previously didn't read, now read shit instead. People who read good shit, still read good shit. The only actually worrying thing is the effect of living in a culture of instant gratification on those who would previously have been readers of difficult, rewarding fiction, which is probably akin to the effect of daily porn-viewing on not being able to get it up during sex i.e have some fucking self-control you animal and have a day without internet every so often

>> No.8829468

>books by women are bad

Go there and stay there.

>> No.8829577

Talk about assblasted. Jesus.

>> No.8829608
File: 62 KB, 694x960, Justify capitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8829699

Women are a majority within the publishing industry atm, though not in terms of being published.

>> No.8829766

fuck off filthy empiricist

>> No.8829890

Women read tremendous amounts of books. Far more than men. I would suggest that men who do read, read better works, but they tend to read "histories" by Bill O'Reilley.

>> No.8829961

>I would suggest that men who do read, read better works
>the 32nd sequel of a gritty detective story.
Men of today read macho shitcore and your O'Reilley revisionism
"Better works" Pffb

>> No.8830076

That's why he said "like to say"

>> No.8830177
File: 48 KB, 615x304, fifty shades of book fort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually pretty accurate - when everything is about profit, shite like Nora Roberts and Twilight flourishes, while there'll probably never be a poetry or philosophy book in the Top 10 again.

>> No.8830209

Books that sell well are bad.

Books that fit the publishing industry's model of a female author or a minority author, will not necessarily be bad, but will be safe and uninteresting, because thats what happens when a stream of fiction is filtered throught the establishment for marketing purposes. It's like how female comedians are never funny, but my aunt was the funniest person I ever knew and many women you meet on your day to day are astronomically funnier than hacks like Amy schumer and Sarah Silverman

>> No.8830228

Because women can find a boyfriend who works and be free to stay at home and write. Meanwhile, it's more difficult for a man to find a woman who will support him in his craft. The men who are able to succeed in the higly sjw culture are the ones who go with the trend, succeed in the culture through other means like Gaiman and R. R. Martin, before publishing.

>> No.8830508

Sure, bud

>> No.8830543

Good argument

>> No.8830619

>Thinks we need more Gaiman and Martins
Like I said before. It's capitalism.
Stories are commodified and potential authors are stuck working 9 to 5ers. Americans are strung out on caffeine and deadlines. Rushing to make publishing dates and get the kids to school and extra curricular activities. Rarely are people doing it for the art, just the living. They need the money.
It's capitalism. Stop being such a buffoon, folks. Everything is dying on account of capitalism. What would the heroes of mythical Greece do?

>> No.8830666

That what I said. Only women, or mostly women, can afford to work on art. Men like Gaiman and Martin, found success by joining the culture and making connections. Women can stay at home, like the author of that Ancillary series, and work on their art while their husband works for money. Even that terrible 'artsy' movie Blue is the Warmest Color commented on it.

>> No.8830670

The heroes of Ancient Greece sold their products like everyone else.

Oh, you meant the fictional ones? Well, I think that problem solves itself.

>> No.8830696

>Human nature! Human nature!
>Don't you dare try!
>Do what my god tells you or I kill you and your whole family!!!

>> No.8830705

women read more new fiction

>> No.8830733

I mean, capitalism/the system is sort of self destructing rn anways. You won't have to worry about it for much longer.

>> No.8830738

hm great argument, those two anecdotal examples sure prove a lot
in what world do you live in where women don't work as much as men and have less free time than men, even utah housewives are busy joining pyramid schemes

answer to op: women read more fiction (in all genres so no not just shitty romance or mediocre thrillers, but obviously those sell more overall) than men and write more of the popular genres, and even though more may write in those genres male authors still are more likley to be the bigger stars like with John Green and YA

also stfu and learn to read

current top fiction:
11-written by a man/by men
9-written by a woman/women

current top nonfiction:
1-cowritten by a man and a women
15-written by a man/by men
4-written by a woman/women