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8827651 No.8827651 [Reply] [Original]

>read Tolkien as a kid
>it's an epic quest
>read Tolkien as an adult
>it's Catholicism with elves and dwarfs

how do I unsee all the cathocuck content? h-help

>> No.8827658

>being a retarded faggot who doesn't like Catholicism

>> No.8827662

it's papists who are faggots (pederasts) and retards, as they believe in all the bullshit Rome spews

>b-but my literary catholic geniuses

>> No.8827680

To reduce Tolkein's universe to Catholicism is lazy oversimplification at best.
Also >>>/sffg/

>> No.8827712
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Take off your fedora and shave your neckbeard. If you're unwilling to do that there are many hacks who aped Tolkien without understanding his works that will jerk your narcissism off.

>> No.8827879

Always keep in mind its William Morris fanfic.

I don't see anything especially Catholic about LoTR.

>> No.8828090

Tried to read as an adult, realise Samwise isn't an loyal friend but a disgusting servile classcuck. The baggins' are le quirky eccentrics the only half likeable characters in the fellowship are legolas and gimli

>> No.8828193
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Narnia is also serious Morris fanfic. Go read the originals, folks. Morris and MacDonald are the master granddaddies of fantasy.

>> No.8828251

Sam is the best character.

>> No.8828954
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>> No.8829464

An institution is only strong if it rejects everything that is not itself

The papacy is why Catholics have beautiful and interesting rites, histories, and traditions while protestants have the Western Branch of American Reform Presbylutheranism

>> No.8829525

>ignoring east orthodox
I wonder why...

>> No.8829548
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>mfw Tolkien is incredibly popular among muslims who fail to see the irony

>> No.8829633

What's the irony exactly? A more traditionalist author like Tolkien seems like a much better fit than some degenerate libshit author.

>> No.8829750

There are large comparisons to be made between the fight of man against orcs and between Europeans against Muslims.

Osgiliath, the city of two halfs divided by a great river, is very comparable to Constantinople; Minas Tirith, the "gateway" city built into the mountain, likewise to Vienna. Of course, the massive charge of the Rohirrim at Pelenor fields while Minas Tirith is being besieged is also startlingly similar to the incredibly large cavalry charge of the Polish to relieve Vienna in 1683.

It's pretty undeniable that the Catholic resistance to the Muslim invasion of Europe was a big influence on Tolkien's ideas for the great war between the men of the west, and the orcs of the east, coming out from their arid lands. Which is why it's funny that Muslims are so blind to Tolkien essentially regarding them as orcs.

>> No.8829778


How is god different from the flying spaghetti monster?

>> No.8829806

if i believe in god can i be as cool as u someday?

>> No.8829879

I don't know, that seems like a post-structuralist interpretation that Tolkien never really intend for. In fact, I think that says much more about your view of muslims than of Tolkien's work. Was he inspired by the history of Christianity? Certainly. Did the orcs symbolise muslims? I very much doubt that.

>> No.8830631

This guy gets it.

>> No.8830651
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Pic rel8ed = u rite now.

>> No.8830655

kek, what is post-structuralist in trying to interpret author's intent by perceiving some parallels between inbook events and some historical events?

>> No.8830674

orcs rather symbolize workers and masses that come into politics very loudly in XX century (national socialism, communism). Tolkien is afraid of the changing nature of capitalism and modernization. Btw sauron was a good guy

>> No.8830780

>We were supposed to have reached a stage of civilization in which it might still be necessary to execute a criminal, but not to gloat, or to hang his wife and child by him while the orc-crowd hooted. The destruction of Germany, be it 100 times merited, is one of the most appalling world-catastrophes. Well, well,—you and I can do nothing about it. And that [should] be a measure of the amount of guilt that can justly be assumed to attach to any member of a country who is not a member of its actual Government. Well the first War of the Machines seems to be drawing to its final inconclusive chapter—leaving, alas, everyone the poorer, many bereaved or maimed and millions dead, and only one thing triumphant: the Machines.

>Urukhai is only a figure of speech. There are no genuine Uruks, that is folk made bad by the intention of their maker; and not many who are so corrupted as to be irredeemable (though I fear it must be admitted that there are human creatures that seem irredeemable short of a special miracle, and that there are probably abnormally many of such creatures in Deutschland and Nippon — but certainly these unhappy countries have no monopoly: I have met them, or thought so, in England's green and pleasant land).

>> No.8830816

Embrace it.

>> No.8831788

EO does the same thing, they just have different mechanisms (less effective ones imo).

>> No.8831816
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That's some low quality bait anon.

>> No.8831818

I dropped the Trial when I realized it was a shitty version of Seinfeld.

I have no advice OP.

>> No.8831862

>man at least if hell
>is full of flames its some place hot

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8831871
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>when I realized it was a shitty version of Seinfeld

>> No.8831876

Thats a funny way to spell Faramir

>> No.8831995

>Minas Tirith
>literally the White City

It's more like Belgrade, their names mean the same and are both located similarly.
Osgiliath is Constantinople, I'd say.

>> No.8832013

you embrace it. The sense of epic and mysticism felt as a child came from God.

>> No.8832104


He's good too.

>> No.8832307

Funny way to spell Fingolfin

>> No.8832622

Minas Tirith means Tower of Watch, pleb.

>> No.8832626

That's a funny way to spell Tuor.

Fingolfin was a genius, sure, but he was a turbo Chad and held a grudge like a motherfucker.

>> No.8832844

Once you see the Jesuit, you cannot unsee him.

>papists out to denude men of their masculine features and reduce them all to little boys
You can't make this shit up.

>> No.8833109

>he was a turbo Chad
That's a good thing anon.

>> No.8835089
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>subscribing to Tolkien's traditionalist monarchist ideology
>not looking past the mythology to the core values independent of catholicuck spooks
>not valuing the worldbuilding aesthetic and the culture Tolkien created over the poorly written characters and the shitty plot

>> No.8835122

Tolkien's traditionalism is his downfall. His belief is superior bloodlines and obvious symbolism of the wealthy repressing the rise of class consciousness is a blight on an otherwise good fantasy world. He looks upon the past with rose tinted goggles, reaping the fruits of modern life while fantasizing about an idyllic era that never truly existed. Sauron was a hero representing the disenfranchised "evil" underclass against the wealthy.

>> No.8835125
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>not picking the superior son of Finwe
shiggy diggy desu

>Then Fëanor laughed as one fey, and he cried: ‘None and none!
>What I have left behind I count now no loss; needless baggage on the
>road it has proved. Let those that cursed my name, curse me still, and
>whine their way back to the cages of the Valar! Let the ships burn!’

>> No.8835132

Marxism is a mental illness.

>> No.8835156

>being this deep in the I D E O L O G Y

lmao @ ur life

You're literally opposing your own interests. Keep parroting that you're a temporarily embarrassed millionaire while the ultra rich laugh their asses off at you from their private jets.

The orcs in the books weren't mindless monsters like in the movies, they were just a different race in a segregated world.

>> No.8835165

>You're literally opposing your own interests
>implying i'm not a capitalist

>> No.8835180

>supporting an ideology that cripples your own social standing as well as that of 90%+ of society so others can exploit you

There aren't words for this level of retardation.

>> No.8835184

Woops, I got Fingolfin and Feanor mixed up in my head.

Yeah, Fingolfin is fucking awesome, Feanor is the douche.

>> No.8835189

nice reading comprehension
i'm the one doing the exploiting

>> No.8835213

>i'm the one doing the exploiting
unless you're jewish, this probably isn't the case

>> No.8835218

>learned helplessness

>> No.8835342

How do you think the wealthy became wealthy in the first place?

>people aren't superior, even if they succeed where others don't

how fucking stupid can you get

>> No.8835356

>Keep parroting that you're a temporarily embarrassed millionaire
But that line is a Marxist bumper sticker platitude that Marxists exclusively parrot

>> No.8835358

By being related to someone who lived on the island a bit closer to the magic fairy land?

>> No.8835425

>social Darwinism

Lmao you can't possibly be serious

Those born into wealth and power have an easy road to riches, those born in the social underclasses are disadvantaged and can usually only hope to scratch out a living, especially in a feudal society like the one existing in Tolkien's world. Elitist bullshit is still alive and well today, but it was far worse in the past world Tolkien depicts.

>> No.8835430

The Marxists have correctly diagnosed the problem, but the "workers utopia" solution is naive. Revisionism is needed before Marxism is ready to be applied in practice, yet it still miles ahead of existing systems.

>> No.8835444

the real solutions are either anarcho primitivism or annihilating human existence. i prefer the second

>> No.8835458

/pol/fags stop pretending that you read books, please, THE LORD OF THE RINGS AND RELATED WORKS ARE NOT IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM ALLEGORY TOLKIEN HIMSELF SAID THIS REEEEEEEE. And even IF it was Middle-Easterners would be Easterlings not fucking Orcs, you dumb fucking shit.

>> No.8835463

He just meant that it wasn't one fixed allegory. He was okay with people doing readings.

>> No.8835467

>Those born into wealth and power
Let me stop you right there. Nice reading comprehension fuckwit, how did their predecessors get their wealth? By being better.

And I doubt you've even read Tolkien from your statements. There's glaring examples to the contrary such as Beregond.

>> No.8835475

Numenor was a reward for the deeds of men in the First Age, it was earned, not given. Nice try.

>> No.8835487

>Nice try
At what?

>> No.8835492

Not much at all in truth. That sort of drivel is so commonplace it barely merits refuting.

>> No.8835497

You refuted nothing.

>> No.8835513

t. Ivan Ivanovich Ivanovski

Your shitty russian fanfic is gay.

>> No.8835514
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>Marxist calling others ideological

>> No.8835516

Typical, rational debate breaks down into empty denial. Wow, it's so weird that the world doesn't take commie sentiments seriously.

>> No.8835522

>alluding to rational claims instead of actually providing them

>> No.8835533

Marxism is the accurate description of class conditions. Therefore it's not ideological but scientific.

>> No.8835537

>claims thing occurred
>point out it didn't in the plot

>> No.8835539

What didn't happen in the plot that I claimed happened?

>> No.8835543

Feel free to actually read the posts you've responded to.

>> No.8835545

Thanks. Feel free to answer the questions asked in the post you're responding to.

>> No.8835558
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>> No.8835568

You only think it's low quality because you have been trained by the bourgeoisie to think so.

>> No.8835572

The idea was flawless, the execution was terrible. Needs to be done better to get the point across.

>> No.8835577

They tried too early. If they hadn't been in dire need of manpower they could have killed as many people as was necessary to create a new man.

>> No.8835594

>more fucking social Darwinism

You're embarrassing yourself at this point. Exploiting others and seizing capital for yourself is sociopathic greed. And the descendants of the people who initially seized control of resources/monetary value aren't inherently better than any other children, they're clean slates. Lamarckian evolution is a steaming pile of disproven bullshit. Tolkien believed in monarchy and aristocracy, and its a terrible precedent to set in fiction.

Traddies are scum.

>> No.8835599

>unironically being a cultural Marxist

>> No.8835601
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>clean slates

>> No.8835615


I love you Anand

>> No.8835737

They'ren't ignoring him because of his lack of faith, they're ignoring him because he's an ass

>> No.8835742

read the children of hurin, no heavyhanded father son holy ghost inserts. Still has the comfy racial/tribal war undertones and fun christian suicide struggles which are the best part of xtian lit/tolkien anyway.

>> No.8835853
File: 185 KB, 900x666, Prof+jordan+peterson_841233_6104224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh oppression

>> No.8837502

at least this guy >>8827879 posted the full name am I supposed to put MacDonald into google and know exactly who your talking about?

>> No.8837583

Like this image, saved it, googled for Prof Jordan Peterson, found his youtube.

"45 minutes on a single paragraph of Nietzsche's Beyond Good & Evil"

I'm a bit stunned just knowing that such a video exists. Looking forward to watching I think...

>> No.8838569

But how is God different from the flying spaghetti monster?

>> No.8838575

You're retarded. Leave

>> No.8838578

>if I put neo in front of something it means it's bad

>> No.8838587

actually, op, catholicism owns... what are you... some altright nerd?

>> No.8838604
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Something tells me he'd have a really dumb interpretation of the Neetzsch.

>> No.8838635

>And the descendants of the people who initially seized control of resources/monetary value aren't inherently better than any other children, they're clean slates
Oh God mainstream ideology is so fucking insane

Engineering majors are generally not sociopaths, they're people who are decent at math and are concerned with material security (there is nothing wrong with wanting to have money for your family)

Thinking humans are clean slates is far more insane, especially because you recognize the existence of some traits of "human decency" that are lacking in sociopaths.
>everybody's the same unless they're mentally ill
>all neurological differences are explained by environment, genetics is unrelated, you can teach a dog calculus if you bring them up right

You're dumb

>> No.8838680

I can almost hear the victimization in your voice. Nothing is more pathetic than condemning people for acting in accordance with the laws of nature.

>> No.8838692

>cry social Darwinism
>cite Lamarck
you're not very bright are you

>> No.8838707

I don't think you know what "Lamarckian evolution" is in the first place but regardless of that it is actually a real thing and it's called "punctuated equilibrium"

>> No.8838715
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>Exploiting others and seizing capital for yourself is sociopathic greed.

Pure ressentiment.

>(T)he problem with the other origin of the “good,” of the good man, as the person of ressentiment has thought it out for himself, demands some conclusion. It is not surprising that the lambs should bear a grudge against the great birds of prey, but that is no reason for blaming the great birds of prey for taking the little lambs. And when the lambs say among themselves, "These birds of prey are evil, and he who least resembles a bird of prey, who is rather its opposite, a lamb,—should he not be good?" then there is nothing to carp with in this ideal's establishment, though the birds of prey may regard it a little mockingly, and maybe say to themselves, "We bear no grudge against them, these good lambs, we even love them: nothing is tastier than a tender lamb."

>And the descendants of the people who initially seized control of resources/monetary value aren't inherently better than any other children, they're clean slates.
>Muh tabula rasa

>Tolkien believed in monarchy and aristocracy, and its a terrible precedent to set in fiction.

Yeah, show me that great classless literature bro.

>Traddies are scum.

>> No.8838728

dude is a lolbertarian/cuckservative

he's one of those autismos who wont use someones pronouns, not because they think trannies are whack, but because its "not proper english"

>> No.8838734

>monarchy is evil
Why? You still have aristocrats in democracy, except their ONLY function is to the exploit the common people, and if you look at the numbers in many ways society is worse off now than it was.

>> No.8838741

know how i know this guy is just someone they found a picture of and then wrote something about.
cause he is wearing a fucking cross on his neck

>> No.8838746

>person is mentally ill
>99.9% of the population should change every institution, language, law, etc.. to accommodate them and the government should subsidize their bodily mutilation
>guy says fuck that
>lol what a senile old fogy

Peterson's argument has nothing to do with propriety and everything to do with legal consequences, btw.

>> No.8838757

Tolkien himself said his story is not an allegory. Look up apophenia and realize you're dumb.

>> No.8838778



>> No.8838789

>mentally ill

>> No.8838807

>man is ugly, stupid, and annoying
>wants me to call him a pretty princess
>I say no
spook that, faggo.

>> No.8838818

>nyg nwnwa

>> No.8839176
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>tfw everyone thinks Feanor was a dick
>tfw he's actually the best character Tolkien ever wrote

>> No.8839199

>read tolkien as a kid
>its too confusing
>read tolkien as an adult
>its the best novel ever written

>> No.8839253


>> No.8839259

He's wearing a cross you handicap

>> No.8839262

That was Tolkien's exact point.

>> No.8839282

Tolkien also said it was an implicitly "Catholic" universe and that's why he didn't write any kind of church or religion into the world he created.

>> No.8839289

To be honest, that's what lefties did coining the "MUH NEOLIBERALISM" meme, for instance.
Using the neo- prefix in this case just adds another layer of irony.

>> No.8839302

>if I put muh in front of something it means it's bad

>> No.8839467

Read the Silmarillion.

>> No.8839555

lotr describes a fight against the east and the west. tolkien was a prophet. the symbols aren't that hard to understand; on the contrary, they are quite obvious: orcs = arabs (deformed malevolent creatures), niggers = the uruk hai (evil yet physically superior), humans of rohan = eastern europe (primitive yet honorable), humans of gondor = westerners (they have no king and their home is falling apart - the west has spiritually died and has to be revitalized in order to survive), dwarves and elves depict 2 diametrically different, confronted perceptions of human life (that is why they hate each other): 1) man is a part of the nature (the holistic view at life, typical for ancient greece); it is the path of the wise, the path of the elves (they live in perfect synergy with nature) and 2) bacon's maxim "knowledge is power" that implies "stealing" from the earth - this is exactly what the dwarves do. i could interpret tolkien for ages but i'll stop here unless nobody is interested to discuss it further

>> No.8839561

kill yourself

>> No.8839569

you don't even have the decency to attack at least 1 point i made. kys faggot

>> No.8839595


hahaha someone post that screenshot of marxist redditors plotting their 4chan psyop

>> No.8839619

So it's high quality bait?

>> No.8840810

Fake and gay

>> No.8841250

That's faggotry, I'm a proponent of "Death of the Reader".

>> No.8841680

the intrinsic quality of the bait is unrelated to anon's judgment of it

>> No.8842200

Because the spaghetti monster is a monster and god is the idealization of everything positive in humanity.

>> No.8842392

nice post, underrated reference, have a (You)

>> No.8844199

Neoclassicism is cool
Neopets too

>> No.8844210

If it is detrimental to their own well-being it is an illness

>> No.8844213

you're not exactly lessening the spookiness

>> No.8844222

It kind of is though

>> No.8844233

I hope you're not serious, otherwise you might be suffering from idiocy, a rare disease.

>> No.8844320

Catholicism is the most /lit/ religion. You don't understand literature if you don't understand catholicism

>> No.8844325
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>> No.8844347

As great as all those Russians are, they're nearly all Orthodoxy has. Catholicism has a lot more great literature.

>> No.8844363

orthodoxy has some wonderful stuff, but its dead. It's no longer being added to. The Catholic canon extends right up to the present day with authors like Tolkien, Percy, and O'Connor.

>> No.8844393

get out papist scum

>> No.8844671

You are presupposing Tolkiens intention on very scant evidence. This is the same thing Charles Manson did.

It's a high fantasy novel buddy, not some sort of prophecy of the end of the west or something.

>> No.8844799

There are many times more Catholics though. And Orthodoxy is never paid any attention to in the West these days.