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/lit/ - Literature

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8827468 No.8827468 [Reply] [Original]

I'm back at the bookstore, reading Dante. (I've settled on Kirkpatrick's translation.) A few feet away in the poetry section there's a pretty girl looking through books as well. Not planning on striking conversation unless there's anything pertinent to say, but obviously I'm hoping something pertinent happens to say about. After a bit of time, out of nowhere, comes into the scene a guy with peroxide blonde hair. "Hey K?" "Yeah." "I'm L, nice to meet you!" They have a semiformal, first-Tinder-date half-embrace. L asks, without any pause, poor guy seems so out-of-place and awkward, "So what kind of stuff do you like to read?” "Um, weird stuff," she says. (Sounds nice to me.) "Oh cool, I like to read a lot. I'm *really* into sci-fi." She visibly makes a face. "And classics, you know, like the stuff we read in school." "Like what?" she asks. "Oh, like, To Kill A Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men," you know. She smiles and gently shakes her head. I know it would be inappropriate for me to put myself in the scene, to say or do something, so I don't, but at the same time I'm feeling if in any circumstance it is imperative, let alone appropriate, for me to put myself in the scene or do or say about anything, it is this. I don't do or say anything. They leave in a minute. I go back to Hell.

>> No.8827476


cute. you can cut most of the sentences after their conversation. just use the last 3.

>> No.8827481

Wow you're pathetic

>> No.8828747

"I go back to hell"

You cringy dweeb cunt

>> No.8828982


>> No.8829243

state your top ten so we can get a real laugh

>> No.8829407

/lit/ cutegirl social anxiety thread? sweet! let me share mine too!

I'm back at the college, reading McCarthy (I've settled on Blood Meme). A few feet away there's a pretty girl reading The Picture of Dorian Gray. Not planning on striking a conversation because i'm a basement dwelling social-phoebe. After a bit, out of nowhere, our class starts. She looks over and sees me tuck away my McCorncob novel into my bag. Class goes on as usual, I'm feeling super out of place and awkward because people are existing within thirty feet of me. Class eventually ends and i get the fuck out of there. Get into Elevator, but the girl gets in with me. We don't talk as elevator goes up one floor. we dont talk as we get out of the elevator and exit the building. dont talk as we walk the same block towards the rest of campus. Reach student center. "Hey S?" "Yeah?" "Were you reading corncob?" "Yeah" "I started reading blood meme too but i didn't get to finish. u like?" "yeah" "yeah?" "yeah" " i liked it too, but stopped to read something seasonal. just picked up dracula to read for halloween" avoiding that semi-formal, first human interaction half eye-contact. Trying to inconspicuously hide my nervous boner. "So C, what do you like to read?""I like poetry and historical fiction and the classics and philosophy." oh fug that's hot. "yeah, i like that too.""unfortunately all my friends read is YA trash." Oh shit, i'm diamonds now. I know this is the appropriate time for me to exit the scene or do something, so I dont. we eventually part ways. she goes to her french class, and I go to the music building bathroom to jerk off to The Story of the Eye.