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/lit/ - Literature

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8826876 No.8826876[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

post your political compass results
I prefer this quiz to the more popular one because it actually lets you be neutral on questions. I want to see where the average /lit/izen lies


>> No.8826921
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Steadily drifting towards the top left.

>> No.8826935
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Georgism is the future of humanity.

My favorite book is Demons by Fyodor Dostoevsky,

>> No.8826938

boi your slight deviation from my compass makes you a cuck!!!!!!!1111!!1

>> No.8826943

There is a forum for politics on this site. Leave.

>> No.8826944

That's what the extra square to the left stands for, cuckolding acceptance.

>> No.8826955

right, /pol/ is totally a place for political discussion and not a bunch of alt-right faggots jerking each other off

also im more trying to see what the majority of /lit/ feels politically seeing as most of us are more educated and well read than the average person

>> No.8826960

you probably just made one or two responses more important than i did

>> No.8826962

We are mostly white nationalists of the highly redpilled variety. All great patrician literature was created by the White Race, it makes sense we should want to preserve western civilization

>> No.8826965

So you admit that /pol/ is a place for alt-right faggots to jerk each other off?

>> No.8826969

i hate these quizzes because the questions are rife with implicit biases

anyways im usually almost at the top of authoritarian and *slightly* to the right.

i unironically believe in divine right of kings

>> No.8826970

you didn't get a question about the BBC and how much you love it as liberal cuckolding faggot?

Want a book recommendation? Try 100 Years of Solitude fucking nerd. That's a good book, maybe you'd also like the book Resurrection by Leo Tolstoy who was a professed believer in Georgism as the ideal economic system and wrote the book to espouse his Georgist ideas. Also, Road to Wigan Pier gives you a good look at the lives of working class people in the early 20th century.

>> No.8826977
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/lit/ friggin sucks

>> No.8826978

i am not and have never claimed to be a georgist
and calling me a cuck further proves all stereotypes of a typical /pol/tard

>> No.8826979

False. You are outnumbered here.
There's polite conservative traditionalists, apolitical agnostics, and loads of far leftists.
Nationalists are just loud assholes asking for "good fascist" literature every two days.
Get lost.

>> No.8826980

how the hell does one unironically believe in the divine right of kings if they aren't a king or an illiterate peasant?

>> No.8826981

right libertarianism is the plebbiest absolutely most embarrassing of all ideologies. Seriously I have more respect for trot cultists or incel nazis

>> No.8826985

but muh freedom

>> No.8826986
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I never said you were a Georgist but I would like to know why you aren't one? Do you want to make Santa Clause sad?

>> No.8826987

i read books

>> No.8826988
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Start arguing anytime.

>> No.8826989

i dont know enough about the ideology to say that i subscribe to it

>> No.8826991
File: 77 KB, 480x328, foundingfathers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey guys, did you know we are just about to create the most successful nation on earth by subscribing to the "most embarrassing of all ideologies"?

>> No.8826996

>it worked 200 hundred years ago in a nation 1/10 the size and with a completely different population so it must work now

>> No.8826997
File: 54 KB, 640x425, albert_einstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accept the ideology Anon. Read Progress and Poverty. You wouldn't want Jewish Science Man to get upset as well would you?

>> No.8827000

It would work a lot better (although its still pretty great) if your shit government didn't continue to fuck it up over those 200 years

>> No.8827002
File: 130 KB, 1200x1200, jeffersonian_democracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the founding fathers were right wing libertarians
Nice try, try reading up on Jeffersonian Democracy. Shit, Madison was right wing strong authoritarian.