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8826411 No.8826411[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>your top 3 novels
>your top 3 fetishes
lets find out which fetishes are the most patrician

>> No.8826434
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Ulysses Gravity's Rainbow Infinite Jest.
Cuckolding pegging getting face fucked by trannies.

>> No.8826438
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kek ancient doge statue.

>> No.8826447

- The Third Policeman
- The Idiot
- The Golden Compass

- blood
- ball gags
- crying

>> No.8826455

should probably replace one of those fetishes with monogamy desu

>> No.8826466

A Farewell to Arms
Book of the New Sun
The Ambassadors

mutual hobo spongebaths on Mississippi freight trains
seagulls pooping in sunbather's mouths
Rasputin's penis mysticism

>> No.8826471

>- The Idiot

great book but i personally preferred brothers, and devils.

>> No.8826476

>3 novels
Abaddón el exterminador
Finnegans Wake
The Satanic Verses

>3 fetishes
Small breasts
Hairy vagina and anus

>> No.8826480

>White Noise
>The Dark Tower
>Paradise Lost Fuck you it counts


>> No.8826483

Mason and Dixon
The Sound and the Fury
Ulysses (no memeing)

tall women/amazon
mature/milfs (particularly Asian age 45-55)

Come at me bro.

>> No.8826485
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Moby Dick
Vol de Nuit
Les Chants de Maldoror


Pic related

>> No.8826550

>Finnegans Wake
>Gravity's Rainbow

>Big Tits

>> No.8826571

>A portrait of the artist as a young man

>Stockings, thigh high socks
Fuck this is worrying me. I can't think of anything else. Well, here are some things i hate:
>Hairy girls (in any way)
>fake tits

>> No.8826579

I fuck with all 3 of your fetishes.

East of Eden, Grapes of Wrath, Brothers K

>incest (b/s, m/s, never f/d [not yet anyway oh god])
>trannies riding cowgirl

>> No.8826591


>> No.8826594

>in search of lost time
>tristram shandy
>under the volcano

>bondage - no special focus, i know it when i see it ...
>lingerie - multiple pieces with garters too
>vanilla handjobs for nostalgia

>> No.8826602

The Canterbury Tales
Finnegans Wake

I don't have any fetishes, insofar as there is no particular item or situation without which I can't get off. But here are some fantasies:

Orgies, group sex generally
Voyeurism (in the sense that the people I'd be watching wouldn't know)

With the exception of voyeurism I can't imagine actually enjoying these fantasies, but they're fun to think about

>> No.8826610

>The Golden Compass
mah nigga

>> No.8826613

>The Red and the Black
>The Picture of Dorian Gray
I would also say that Demons by Dostoevsky is a worthy runner-up

Those are my top 3 tags on sadpanda anyways

>> No.8826618

Anna Karenina

Very thin girls
Rape hentai

>> No.8826624

>no loli

>> No.8826625

>Don Quixote
>Adventures of Huck Finn
>Slaughterhouse 5

>Bondage, but not full gimp suits or that. Handcuffs and rope are fine
>Gentle Femdom

>> No.8826631

>Moby Dick
>Crime and Punishment
>Paradise Lost

>Size Differences

>> No.8826633

Have we had this thread before? I could have sworn I have read this exact post before.

>> No.8826640

The Master and Margarita
100 Years of Solitude

breast (ass and hourglass no belly) expansion
breasts worship

>> No.8826663

Sorry anon, I like boobs.

>> No.8826725

One Hundred Years of Solitude
The Master and the Margarita
Starship Troopers (fuck you I like it)

Noncon corruption
Muscular/fit women
Toeless legwear

>> No.8826730

>Moby Dick

>> No.8826753

My only top book is L'Etranger

>White coffee

>> No.8826776

how to win friends & influence people
120 days of sodom
pride & prejudice

appendix play
hacksaw jim duggan

>> No.8826811


>> No.8826835
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Confessions of a mask
the savage detectives

small breasts

>> No.8826842

Dirty Snow
East of Eden
Confessions of a Mask

Hand holding

>> No.8826895

The Fountainhead
Atlas Shrugged
The Eye of Argon

Being Cuckolded
Murdering homeless people with rusty hatchet then packing their wounds with snow and pissing on them

>> No.8826902
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>Moby Dick
>Don Quixote



>> No.8826914

The Hobbit cuz nostalgia goggles
The Stranger cuz muh philosophy
The Iron King cuz it's the original to Game of Thrones

Librarian like glasses

>> No.8826923

10/10 fetish my friend. Maybe when we both marry into the Illuminati we'll see each other at a Bilderberg Group meeting.

>> No.8826928
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>Urth of the New Sun
>Invisible Cities
>The Sot-Weed Factor

>Thigh highs

Pretty vanilla desu

>> No.8826937

>The Tanners
>The Book of Ebenezer Le Page

>mild femdom

>> No.8826946

what the hell are those

>> No.8826950
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>> No.8826961


sorry i am mistake
dale carnegie is not fiction

the appendix is very erotic
also i like classic wwf wrestling very much
but only with girls

>> No.8826984

>Ada, or ardor
>Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
>Eloisa to Abelard fuck you it counts?

>Sibling Incest
>Small Breasts

>> No.8826994

-Other Voices, Other Rooms
-Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World

-Older Men
-Tall Men
-Hairy Men

>> No.8827009

>full homo
I like your style.

>> No.8827027

Brothers Karamazov
Franny & Zooey

Older men (not too old, though)
Erotic asphyxiation

>> No.8827030

Until then, my friend.

>> No.8827037

Mason and Dixon
The oresteia
The unconsoled

Guro (consensual)

>> No.8827038

>Catcher in the Rye

>Little girls

>> No.8827056

Portrait of the Artist

Golden shower

>> No.8827057

Melmoth the Wanderer
Pale Fire
The Monk


>> No.8827066

cuty of god


>> No.8827114

ITT we confuse turn-ons and sexual preferences with fetishes

>> No.8827426

-Vanity Fair
-The Moon and Sixpence
-The Idiot

-belly buttons
(preferably combined)

>> No.8827427


>> No.8827435

The Pale King
Mason & Dixon
The Brothers Karamazov

Sexual embrace between two loving heterosexual individuals in the context of marriage

>> No.8827480
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>Sexual embrace between two loving heterosexual individuals in the context of marriage

>> No.8827496

. Blood Meridian
. White Fang
. The Iliad

. Furry stuff
. Bondage
. Crossdressing

>> No.8827507

>ctrl f
>no pedo

>> No.8827536

-the bible
-the glass bees
-The Temple of the Golden Pavilion

fetishes are gross

>> No.8827541

>loli mentioned
ur wrong kiddo

>> No.8827579


Grade A fetishes there, friendo.

For reference:

Moby Dick
Le Petit Prince
Lord of the Rings

>> No.8827601

One Hundred Years Of Solitude

I don't have three fetishes, only one. It's "people you aren't supposed to fuck" which includes incest as a subset but also things like your gf's sister, your best friend's gf, your best female friend, your brother's gf et cetera.

>> No.8827623

loli isn't pedo

>> No.8827631


What did he mean by this?

>> No.8827632
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>Dante's Inferno
>Peer Gynt

>Scat (toilet play, mainly)
>Torture (breath play/confinement/pain/etc)

I'm pretty fucked up desu

>> No.8827647

The Old Man and the Sea
The Metamorphosis

Honestly I'm still pretty new to /lit/ so I expect those last two to change eventually.

Ass licking
Knee length socks

>> No.8827749
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>Infinite Jest (not memeing)
>Blood Meridian
>Crime and Punishment

>BDSM roleplay (being both slave and master)
>Ass play
>Ball play

>> No.8827753

Not here but I have expressed my tastes on /soc/ before?

>> No.8827754

>tfw when my ultimate fantasy is to have a bunch of tall fit volleyball qts smother me with their big smelly feet after a match in the locker room.

R-rate my short story idea...

>> No.8827757


Get help.

>> No.8827761

Ruh Adam
Notes from Underground
Schachnovella (yes, it's a novella, not a novel)

bdsm (both sides)
licking&kissing various particular parts of female body as an isolated sexual act (particularly lips and back)
engaging in sexual acts out of nowhere (for example: she is reading a book in another room, i go in and without saying anything i take off her clothes and start eating her pussy, or start jacking off and cum on her tits)

>> No.8827764

Fellow footfag here.

You suffer from footfag brain disease. Never say words like "smelly" or elaborate needlessly complex fetishes ever again. Do not use emoticons or s-stutter typing. Act appropriately ashamed of your fetish, and do not talk as if you assume that other people find it as sexy as you do.

Together we can save footfaggotry. We may have to kill a lot of the really intractable cases though.

>> No.8827766

>Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
>Looking for Alaska
>No Longer Human


>> No.8827768
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holy shit.

>> No.8827769

since wen is hamlet a novel?

>> No.8827770


>Hand holding

This. Ya'll degenerates need to quit porn and find Jesus.

>> No.8827774


>> No.8827776


You seem intelligent and articulate, and apparently have dedicated some thought to your fetish, therefore could you possibly explain foot fetishism to me?

I get that fetishism by its nature is incomprehensible in an immediate way to an outsider.
Even so I've been able to attain at least an intuitive, Freud-level understanding of many fetishes. But when it comes to feet, I really just don't get it, which is all the more confusing considering it's popular enough to be mainstream acknowledged.

>> No.8827781

sister he raped: Phoebe

>> No.8827782
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I hope you're a female, and I hope I meet you.

>> No.8827794


>> No.8827797

>The First Man
>Focault's Pendulum
>Uncle Petros and Goldbach conjecture


>> No.8827801

>masturbating to cartoons of little girls isn't pedo
you're delusional

>> No.8827802


what kind of moron puts peer gynt and inferno next to some whiny LITERALLY WHO self-confessional emo chink prisoner roman a clef

>> No.8827806

daily reminder that no fetishes are patrician except

>> No.8827810

I was only joking around and being self-deprecating about it, because foot fetishists are notoriously overbearing autists online.

There are a lot of meme folk explanations floating around the Internet like the crossed wires in the brain thing, or behaviorist theories. But no one really knows why it happens, and none of them ever rang true for me. Mine manifested very young.

In terms of the intuitive experience of having the fetish, feet just "feel" sexually important in the same way tits, pussy, or ass does to me. It's intuitively and inherently good, it has the girl's warmth, musk, all that stuff, and you want to put it on your face or dick. Curves = good, softness = good, moving/jiggling around = good. A girl moving them around is sorta like a girl jiggling her tits. Try to explain why you love squishing and handling and moving a good pair of tits around. Same feeling of "I can't really explain it, but that drives me nuts, and I want to lick them now" applies to a girl doing stuff with her feet, for me.

The smell thing is probably the weirdest. For me it's the exact same thing as having non-disgusting pussy or ass on my face. It's just the girl's natural warmth + musk, so, good. But what I like is interpreted as a bad smell to normal people, and a lot of guys like the idea of it being a bad smell even to themselves (which I don't really get), sometimes taken to extremes.

Intertwines with femdom on a lot of levels too. This is where the autism really kicks in. It's the lowest part of the body, but it's also sensitive/"sensual" like I described above, so it's not just about being beneath the person, but servicing them in a way that's simultaneously intimate and degrading. Kind of like how eating someone's ass is at once intimate and degrading, the kind of act someone would "use" an "inferior" for, "subjecting" them to the unpleasantness of it. Obviously lots of cultural gestures like foot-kissing, the idea of using someone as a footstool, etc., go back a long way and are in the collective unconscious.

The autism comes in whenever some one or several of these aspects spiral off in an extremely specific way. It's like emergent complexity. Somewhere in your fucked up brain, you graft several of these simpler elements together into a fantasy cocktail, and then years of fapping to it stereotypes it, until it becomes a stock fantasy with its own special name and horrible anime art communities online.

>> No.8827811


>Not assholes and farts, the fetish of choice of Mozart and Joyce

Nice try faggot.