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8826155 No.8826155[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>attacking and persecuting Jews for their ideology is an unjustifiable evil
>but attacking and persecuting those who disagree with me for ideological reasons is justified
>fascist education is state indoctrination but Western liberal education somehow isn't
>those evil persecuting fascists and their stifling of free speech!
Are liberals brainwashed and full of shit? Pic related.

>> No.8826189

Pound recanted his anti-semitism in an interview with Allen Ginsberg "But the worst mistake I made was that stupid, suburban prejudice of anti-Semitism. All along that spoiled everything"

Find a new idol, shitbird.

>> No.8826195
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>> No.8826198

>implying he meant it.

>> No.8826216

>the source of this claim is a pedophile Jew with severe mental health problems and a history of lying
Find a better source, dummy.

>> No.8826217

>>those evil persecuting fascists and their stifling of free speech!

you're here, shitposting on /lit/ ain't cha? If you think your bogus ideology's unpopularity is equivalent to actual suppression or persecution, you're probably retarded

People probably think you're an intolerable cunt and don't like being around you, which, yeah, that probably feels persecuting.

>> No.8826226

in an interview, the source is still the interviewee, not the interviewer. Unless you think:

ginsberg lied about it and ezra never issued a correction


he was too cowardly to admit he was prejudiced against his interviewer

>> No.8826255

He was just tryna get in ol ginsy's pants

>> No.8826256


A man who openly endorses an ideology of his country's avowed enemies does not strike me as the cowardly type. He realized anti-semitism is for small minds.

>> No.8826275

If you read or understood much of pound you would not be so eager to draw such a hard distinction between fascist and liberal education.

>> No.8826287

>put him in a dog cage to humiliate or kill him
>put him in a mental hospital for daring to not change his views
If you don't view Ezra Pound as a martyr or at least a victim of persecution you are retarded. Imagine if the same shit happened to an anti-fascist Jew.

>> No.8826299

Should have been a few decades younger then

>> No.8826304

What is "actual suppression" and "actual persecution"? Do you not know what those words actually mean? Do you understand the difference between an idea being unpopular and an idea being deliberately excluded from public discourse while its advocates suffer academic, professional, and even legal punishments?

>> No.8826308
File: 62 KB, 767x1080, images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTCbPrlFJ4R-1wava9hAwsjtyYbHvA9cE-e1Z-mMJsvnOg7B220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascinating book my negro.

>> No.8826310


Complain more. It's very attractive.

>> No.8826311

all most jews want is to have green lawns and make bernie down the street jealous with their brand new cadillac car.

Im sure there are some elites that are total shit and cynically trying to become global hegemons, but that isnt representative.

>> No.8826313

Does this book discuss the truth of the Holo-
>Norman G. Finkelstein

>> No.8826316

>Jewish ideology

stopped reading there

>> No.8826318

The ADL call him a self hating Jew.

He is a leftist and hates the 6 million number, questions survivors in general, but much more so hates the shakedown of individuals and institutions by jewish media, and using the holocaust as a permanent defense blanket against immoral actions by israel.

Also he is a scholar and not some crackpot. He does however praise Arendt and Raul Hilberg to the roof so take that as you will.

>> No.8826322

The elites have completely taken over with their beliefs. A better idea would be hating all Zionists and manipulative Jews. If you don't see that Jews have been promoting their interests and taking over the world you aren't paying attention, but it's THOSE Jews that deserve persecution, not all of them. But I'd say that the way Jews band together tribalistically makes it easy for them to get Murray down the street to support Israel and globalization.

>> No.8826333

I don't base my political opinions around how they make me look, I leave that to sanctimonious leftists. I'm not a fascist (though I'm not exactly allergic to the stuff), I am simply pointing out the inadequacy of the argument at hand

>> No.8826342


By using no concrete examples whatsoever. Good job, bro. You're an ideological whizkid.

>> No.8826352

Look at OP's pic
>muh ideology
The irony

>> No.8826494

>my negro