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8825479 No.8825479 [Reply] [Original]

I'm just trying to find a good quiet place to read I have extremely loud neighbors... Does anyone have this same problem and where do you go to get peace and quiet?

I tried coffee shops but it's a little loud and very expensive to buy coffee so you can stay and I live in the city so my library resembles more of a homeless center than a library...

>> No.8825507

Empty laundromats.
Honestly my favourite place to read

>> No.8825512

Tell me about it, senpai. My city's library is going to get closed. And it's a fucking important city in my state!

Goddamned Brazil.

>> No.8825520

>he needs silence to read

>> No.8825550

That's actually a really good idea no ones bothers you or anything?

>> No.8825571

>no ones bothers you or anything?
That's the best part, dude ; the rare times people talk to me it's to ask how does the laundromat works, and since they see me reading, they actually apologize for disturbing my reading.

>> No.8825581
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>> No.8825583

I like the coffee shop because I like the background noise (unless one person's voice carries over everything else) and being around people.
Two coffees are only $4 and I stay there for 4-5 hours, so I don't find it expensive.

>> No.8825601
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Buy a pilot's headset. They're designed to block out the roar of an aircraft engine. I found some cheap ones on ebay, normally they're hundreds of dollars.

I still have one from when I flew and I'm saving it in case I end up in your situation.

>> No.8825612

Dude I got the same problem. What I do is go to my car, pour myself some hot tea bring a blanket and just read away. Comfy as fuck.

>> No.8825619

I like to read outside, in a park or something. It's especially quiet now that it's winter.

>> No.8825633

I don't hearing the blood flow in my head

>> No.8825641

I usually shoot myself in the head before i read

The silence afterwards is completely worth it

>> No.8825650

omg u so fun

>> No.8825657


>> No.8825664

That's a genius idea man!

>> No.8825684

I've tried this several times already it doesn't seem to work though and my neighbors complain about the noise so it all comes back to bite me

>> No.8825748

This. When I was in college I would go to Starbucks and read the paper, then do some class reading or fun reading. $2 on the initial coffee investment, and then 50 cent refills on the same cup is a good way to kill time.

If you really can't bear it, see if there's a university nearby and if their library is open to the public. They have an incentive to keep disruptive people out, and unless you get a particularly obnoxious study group, they're usually very quiet.

>> No.8825765

I used to read at "empty" laundromats myself until some hobo snuck up behind me and stuck his willy in my ear. Never going back there again.

>> No.8825822

i apologise

>> No.8825831

There's a dingy chinese place close to my house. They don't play music and they only speak to each other in Cantonese so their convos don't bother me. Few customers and dank food too.

GOAT answer

>> No.8825847

cafes and places in cities work because the noise is flat and constant

>tfw when your neighbours awful shrieking laugh comes through at frequent intervals all day

>> No.8825878

I have neighbors from Egypt and they'll vacuum above me at 11pm at night and fight in Arabic at any time of the day/night

>> No.8825890
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>yfw when you hear the neighbor threatening to kill himself.

>> No.8825898


>> No.8825917

I also have arabic neighbors, why the fuck are this people so damn loud, yelling, listening to their fucking music, acting like if they were alone in the whole damn building...

>> No.8825926

I would say the library but the ones in niet city are overrun by Arabic women loudly doing their homework, singing Muslim chants and inanely gossiping.

>> No.8825955


>unless you get a particularly obnoxious study group, they're usually very quiet.

Sly dig at the Chinese there.

>> No.8826020

Hot damn, that's a good idea.

>> No.8826376

So I'm not alone...they run up and down the stairs at like 4 in the morning and I'm on the bottom floor and it's just awful although it's a great house.

>> No.8827268

Why would you not read home, in your room, on your bed?

Why do people leave their houses to read?

>> No.8827273

Your mum's bedroom.

>> No.8827285

I know this very well. I have an unlimited train pass so on weekends I sometimes just take a trip to a random place and back so I can read in the train.

I don't need silence but I need to not be annoyed.

>> No.8827286

If anybody doesn't want to order online, go to a local race track. They sell noise cancelling headsets for around $5-$15.

>> No.8827297

University libraries
who's going to know to don't attend?

>> No.8827410

This for me.

I'm in eastern KY and while my apartment is quiet I like the atmosphere (and scent) of a local non-chain coffee shop near me. Anymore, I feel like I can only get my reading done there.

>> No.8827497

Just go to a bookstore. They're usually quiet.

>> No.8827534
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>> No.8827626

noise complants my dudes

>> No.8827678


Because anon's house is noisy.

>> No.8827874

people treat my uni library as an extension of the students union, even the quiet zones will have a guy watching football matches on full volume or something

>> No.8827917
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>guy watching football matches on full volume
>in a library
I raged just by reading this.
Where the fuck is your uni ?

>> No.8827931
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just a non russell group 'party' school desu

>> No.8828016

I frequently study on the train on my way to uni, it soon became comfy and now sometimes I just hop on until the end of the line and back to read. If you're not near public transport maybe try a park or beach?

>> No.8828313
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My house, everyone is welcome.

>> No.8828325

You needed a student id to get into mine, is that not standard?

>> No.8828376

I really like reading in the park during the spring, summer and fall. Nothing like sitting on a bench with a good book on a warm day. Now that it's winter I've started going to the local coffee shop. I hate coffee but it's still a nice atmosphere, they play non intrusive music and the couches are comfortable. I prefer the non chain but starbucks itself is fine too.

>> No.8828380

Both colleges I went to had libraries open to anyone. Maybe it's a regional thing?

>> No.8828416

Rio de Janegro ?

>> No.8828457

Are you f-female?

>> No.8828464

Reading in the summer and fall is amazing where I live. New England has its faults, but it's seasons are unbeatable

>> No.8828479

buy some earplugs, seriously

>> No.8828496

buy yourself earplugs, I can even read in a gunrange

>> No.8828501
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>> No.8828511


>> No.8828557

Is this Russia, comrade?

>> No.8828646
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Pretty close. Romania. Yes, that's what a commie city block looks like.

It can be a very /lit/ place sometimes.

>> No.8828737

The subway at 1 am on a week night

>> No.8828745
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Sounds beautiful. I feel much the same about where I live in Maryland. The bench that's visible in this picture is my favorite place to read.

>> No.8828746

Just read when your neighbours are sleeping or at work or something.

>> No.8829258

Probably based on how much your uni hates poor people. Jokes aside, my uni's library needs student id to get in since it's open 24/7.

>> No.8829411

In NYC I go to delis that have "seating upstairs." Buy a couple beers or coffee, stay for an hour or two. Fairly productive. Any place that has a ton of tables and is fairly empty during off-peak hours.