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/lit/ - Literature

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882531 No.882531 [Reply] [Original]

Can we please stop the misogyny and sex baiting going on? The reason /lit/ USED to be good is that we didn't engage in that bullshit, and so people only revealed their gender if was a natural part of the conversation. I've also been offended by some of the comments about women, and not responding to them is irking me endlessly. So please stop, okay summerfags?

yeah meta thread whatever

>> No.882536
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> mfw /lit/'s colony of misogynists ensures over 200 replies to this thread

>> No.882539

We'll stop it. But only if you stop being a bitch first.

>> No.882540

/lit/ hasn't been around long enough to 'used to have been' good.

even if it had, it would never have been good.

>> No.882541

I'll stop being a misogynist when you twats stop being so silly and stupid.

>> No.882542

If women weren't so busy being stupid worthless fucks all day I wouldn't have to be here

>> No.882545

I was going to be a dick to you because it would be funny, but then I remembered that isn't what I want /lit/ to be.

>> No.882546

>he wasn't on the old /lit

oh the newfag is strong with this one

>> No.882547

just need a mod to delete the threads. or, hide the threads by yourself

>> No.882552

This is old /lit/. The board is so new that it hasn't had time to turn into new /lit/ yet.

>> No.882555

/lit/ here, I agree with this thread, delete /new/

keep it real son

>> No.882563
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Seriously, fuck off. I'm not a woman or one of those self-proclaimed "male feminists" or anything, but this shit is really annoying. Yes, I mad, and I'm well aware I'm probably being trolled here, but as shit as /lit/ usually is I like it sometimes, and this HURR DURR BITCHES AND WHORES bollocks is taking us to /r9k/ levels of stupid.

>> No.882565
File: 22 KB, 500x500, shotheserif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 of the threads on 1st page are trolls, damn summerfags, time to take a break from /lit/, see ya in a month /lit/

>> No.882568

>offended on 4chan

>> No.882569

I especially liked the fellow who claimed that he has to spend all his time on /lit/ denigrating women because they spend all their time being worthless fucks. He has to waste all his time being angry on the internet because women just waste all their time being worthless. What a terrible dilemma.

>> No.882572

I know it's trolling but it infuriates me. Being mocked for being a woman is one of my pet peeves.

>> No.882583

The shit is annoying. Fucking Sasha Grey shit. I'm not offended, just sick of this shit instead of actual lit talk.

>> No.882582


>> No.882586

>I'm not a woman

Nonsense. Only women get this emotional over being insulted.

>> No.882587

How much time have you invested into ceaselessly trolling? How can it possibly be worth it? For your own sake, please, do something more constructive.

>> No.882593

Fuck you. I'm enjoying myself, and that's all I care about.

>> No.882601
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>> No.882602

How are you seriously enjoying yourself by accusing everyone and everything of being a woman, and by saying stupid shit about how women are the worst at everything all the time? How do you even enjoy that. What is fun there. I'm not seeing it, seriously.

>> No.882604

Because your tears are delicious.

>> No.882611



Follow your own advice pal.

>> No.882615

/lit/ - newfags and /r9k/faggotry

>> No.882642
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Why are people being so sensitive?

>> No.882644

Women are like that.

>> No.882651

The obvious course of action is to keep yourself Anonymous. Plus, I'm sure most of the initial tide of misogyny began with 'GamerGirl' (who may have been a dude) and her shitty posts.

>> No.882655

Jesus Christ. I'm not being sensitive, you're just screwing up this board and I would like it to be better. You guys are spamming a bunch of crappy threads. Yeah, I guess that does annoy me, congratulations.

>> No.882658

GamerGirl hasn't posted here in hella long. I was not a fan of GamerGirl, but you can't link her to the current misogyny.

>> No.882662
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Anyone suggesting prohibitng language is in a sense advocating a closed society.

>> No.882663
File: 25 KB, 360x359, deal with it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The board does not bend to your will, becoming whatever you personally want it to be.

>> No.882677

True, but 'she' was the one whose threads were first bombarded with misogynistic comments and hateful posts (not that it wasn't deserved). The usual condemnation of such remarks did not follow and the misogyny just snowballed from there.