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/lit/ - Literature

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8824727 No.8824727 [Reply] [Original]

I feel really smart when I read books.

>> No.8824740

can almost garuantee I'm more intelligent than you, the fact you have to brag and try and make others feel shitty because you read about tacitus and the peloponnesian war just shows how much of a fucking retard you are.

Actual smart people arent so insecure about their intelligence to project as hard as you just did you fucking weapon

>> No.8824746

Reading is one of the easiest things to do, so you probably shouldn't.

>> No.8824747

lol. this is why I use 4chan and not plebbit.

>> No.8824755
File: 638 KB, 330x186, deniro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8824794

the act of reading is quite easy, yes, but going out your way to spend time with a book seems very hard for some people these days; that's why not many people read & when they do read, it's the wrong shit.

>> No.8824832

The act of reading is easy but the people who are naturally inclined to reading are usually more intelligent.

>> No.8824839


>> No.8824862
File: 85 KB, 682x858, le me reading book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love it to read book

>> No.8824871

>Actual smart people arent so insecure about their intelligence

That's not true.

>> No.8824877

Besides there are people who enjoy expressing their creativity through writing/cinematography/music without actually enjoying the artforms outside of their own abortions.

I'm willing to bet that pancake boy never actually read anything other than sonic inflation fanfictions and reddit posts.

>> No.8825728

Are they, or do they believe they are more intelligent because they are inclined to read?

>> No.8825751

I find reading pretty difficult, am I stupid?

>> No.8825754

Same, OP. I spent the past few months reading Hitchhiker's Guide, 1984 and Fahrenheit 451.

I just turned 25 and feel like an entirely new world has opened up for me. Like, the way I view my day to day conversions with others has completely changed.

I recently went to Burger King and asked for my whopper char-grilled and told the cashier it was a pleasure to burn those burgers. I winked and he just sort of nodded, it really opened my eyes.

>> No.8825757

This isn't funny

>> No.8825873


>> No.8826173

and stay there

>> No.8826205

Weird, I usually feel humbled by flashes of brilliance in the work when I read.

>> No.8826400

Either that or easily distracted. Just set some time aside to read and turn off your phone.

>> No.8826460

>tfw I'm a fucking idiot thanks to factors outside of my control and there is no cure

it honestly feels really bad

and i can't even run really fast or nothing either

>> No.8826612

>tfw kind of good at everything but not great at anything

>> No.8826634

i wasted any and all god given talent that i might have possesed at some point

end me

>> No.8826661

Creating a clearly satirical thread on an anonymous website is hardly considered bragging.

Second, an individuals self awareness specifically pertaining to their intelligence and "brightness" is created by their socio-economic background rather than their actual intelligence.

In fact if an individual is from a working class background he is more than likely going to assume that he is unintelligent due to his ancestral failure to be successful and the prodigious amount of authors that disregard the working class.

>> No.8827578
File: 19 KB, 500x375, 1395628723208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retards who think they're smart are the worst

>> No.8827707

>this many people falling for my bait

Holy shit you guys really are retards

>> No.8827716


>> No.8828188
File: 3 KB, 698x1284, n8umjWj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8829233

>not realizing he is just as retarded. And maybe more retarded by the fact that he must brag about his own intelligence.

>> No.8831106
File: 41 KB, 1280x1483, 1481136306025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too intelligent for this world

>> No.8831109


>> No.8831113

>off by two

>> No.8831127

Pathetic lol

>> No.8831137

y-you to...

>> No.8831148


>> No.8831236

In 7th grade, I took an SAT test without preparing for it at all, it was spur-of-the-moment, I knew about it about an hour ahead of time and didn't do any research or anything. I scored higher on it than the average person using it to apply for college in my area. An IQ test has shown me to be in the 99.9th percentile for IQ. This is the highest result the test I was given reaches; anything further and they'd consider it to be within the margin of error for that test. My mother's boyfriend of 8 years is an aerospace engineer who graduated Virginia Tech. At the age of 15, I understand physics better than him, and I owe very little of it to him, as he would rarely give me a decent explanation of anything, just tell me that my ideas were wrong and become aggravated with me for not quite understanding thermodynamics. He's not particularly successful as an engineer, but I've met lots of other engineers who aren't as good as me at physics, so I'm guessing that's not just a result of him being bad at it. I'm also pretty good at engineering. I don't have a degree, and other than physics I don't have a better understanding of any aspect of engineering than any actual engineer, but I have lots of ingenuity for inventing new things. For example, I independently invented regenerative brakes before finding out what they were, and I was only seven or eight years old when I started inventing wireless electricity solutions (my first idea being to use a powerful infrared laser to transmit energy; admittedly not the best plan). I have independently thought of basically every branch of philosophy I've come across. Every question of existentialism which I've seen discussed in SMBC or xkcd or Reddit or anywhere else, the thoughts haven't been new to me. Philosophy has pretty much gotten trivial for me; I've considered taking a philosophy course just to see how easy it is. Psychology, I actually understand better than people with degrees. Unlike engineering, there's no aspect of psychology which I don't have a very good understanding of. I can debunk many of even Sigmund Freud's theories. I'm a good enough writer that I'm writing a book and so far everybody who's read any of it has said it was really good and plausible to expect to have published. And that's not just, like, me and family members, that counts strangers on the Internet.

>> No.8831242


>> No.8831258

Solid pasta

>> No.8831275

I've heard zero negative appraisal of it so far; people have critiqued it, but not insulted it. I don't know if that will suffice as evidence that I'm intelligent. I'm done with it, though, because I'd rather defend my maturity, since it's what you've spent the most time attacking. The following are some examples of my morals and ethical code. I believe firmly that everybody deserves a future. If we were to capture Hitler at the end of WWII, I would be against executing him. In fact, if we had any way of rehabilitating him and knowing that he wasn't just faking it, I'd even support the concept of letting him go free. This is essentially because I think that whoever you are in the present is a separate entity from who you were in the past and who you are in the future, and while your present self should take responsibility for your past self's actions, it shouldn't be punished for them simply for the sake of punishment, especially if the present self regrets the actions of the past self and feels genuine guilt about them. I don't believe in judgement of people based on their personal choices as long as those personal choices aren't harming others. I don't have any issue with any type of sexuality whatsoever (short of physically acting out necrophilia, pedophilia, or other acts which have a harmful affect on others - but I don't care what a person's fantasies consist of, as long as they recognize the difference between reality and fiction and can separate them). I don't have any issue with anybody over what type of music they listen to, or clothes they wear, etc. I know that's not really an impressive moral, but it's unfortunately rare; a great many people, especially those my age, are judgmental about these things. I love everyone, even people I hate. I wish my worst enemies good fortune and happiness. Rick Perry is a vile, piece of shit human being, deserving of zero respect, but I wish for him to change for the better and live the best life possible. I wish this for everyone. I'm pretty much a pacifist. I've taken a broken nose without fighting back or seeking retribution, because the guy stopped punching after that. The only time I'll fight back is if 1) the person attacking me shows no signs of stopping and 2) if I don't attack, I'll come out worse than the other person will if I do. In other words, if fighting someone is going to end up being more harmful to them than just letting them go will be to me, I don't fight back. I've therefore never had a reason to fight back against anyone in anything serious, because my ability to take pain has so far made it so that I'm never in a situation where I'll be worse off after a fight. If I'm not going to get any hospitalizing injuries, I really don't care. The only exception is if someone is going after my life. Even then, I'll do the minimum amount of harm to them that I possibly can in protecting myself.

>> No.8831292

Even then, I'll do the minimum amount of harm to them that I possibly can in protecting myself. If someone points a gun at me and I can get out of it without harming them, I'd prefer to do that over killing them. I consider myself a feminist. I don't believe in enforced or uniform gender roles; they may happen naturally, but they should never be coerced into happening unnaturally. As in, the societal pressure for gender roles should really go, even if it'll turn out that the majority of relationships continue operating the same way of their own accord. I treat women with the same outlook I treat men, and never participate in the old Reddit "women are crazy" circlejerk, because there are multiple women out there and each have different personalities just like there are multiple men out there and each with different personalities. I don't think you do much of anything except scare off the awesome women out there by going on and on about the ones who aren't awesome. That doesn't mean I look for places to victimize women, I just don't believe it's fair to make generalizations such as the one about women acting like everything's OK when it's really not (and that's a particularly harsh example, because all humans do that). I'm kind of tired of citing these examples and I'm guessing you're getting tired of reading them, if you've even made it this far. So what do you think, now that you at least slightly know me?

>> No.8831330

Yes it is

>> No.8831344

Yeah baby burn those Burgers nice and hot for me sexy

>> No.8831408

I only read to shitpost on lit and never finished a single book. :^)

>> No.8831894

This, I see so many authors write greater things than I feel I'll ever achieve in my work, sometimes it makes me feel sick.

>> No.8831908

Reading honestly makes me feel like a dumbass. I enjoy it, but I can barely understand what the themes are until I read an analysis, and afterwards I feel like I'm just thinking what I was told to think, not forming my own opinions. I think I have an IQ of 92

>> No.8832068

I feel u bro. Thats why i don't read philosophy

>> No.8832145


>> No.8832178


man, i don't even read. I don't think I've ever read a book before, even in school. I got a B+ on my final english exam in HS. It makes no sense. But what I do know is that I come to /lit/ for the shitposts.

>> No.8834445

raed read read read read read reed read read read read raed read read read read read read read read read bread read reed read read read bread read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read dread read read read read read bread read read read read read read dread tread read read read read read read read read read read read read read read sead read lead read read read read tread read read read read read read read read read read read read read read mead read read read read read read read read read read sread read read read read fread read read read read read fread read read read sread read read read read read read read read read read prae dear read bread tread fread sraed daers real raeds rael rea'd rea.d d.read

>> No.8834481

What the fuck can't you condense this shit just a little bit.

>> No.8834573


>> No.8835031

anon acts super insecure ironically, criticizing interweb stranger who gives basic, general statement, calling him stupid and insecure

people get triggered 2 hard


>> No.8835038

tone, dippy