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/lit/ - Literature

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8824518 No.8824518 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books to refute evil Nazi /pol/tards who are anti-Semitic? I am a communist and avowed Jew-defender and I think that anti-Semites are the lowest of the low. It is because of anti-Semities that SEVEN MILLION Jews died in the Holocaust and the tremors are still being felt today. Jews are still persecuted. I hate /pol/tards with privelidge and i think that theyre all ignorant and retarded.

anyway to keep this lit related are there any good Books that can refute nazi /pol/tard antisemeties?

>> No.8824525


>> No.8824528

sorry buddy we're antinatalists. congrats on so many of your jew buddies qq'ing though, i hear they don't believe in an afterlife either. think about following their lead, for the good of the planet and mankind

>> No.8824531

its a literature-related question tho


>> No.8824546

>not knowing the story of midas and silenus
m9 that's basic plutarch, read a fucking book

>> No.8824567

Fuck off.

>> No.8824570

Fuck off to /pol/. /lit/ is a communist, pro-Jew board.

>> No.8824590

/lit/ is actually a jewish-but-not-actually-jewish timocratic board

>> No.8824621

Nice try, /pol/ but actual leftists/communists are antisemitic af. Both the extreme left and the far right hate Jews

>> No.8824634
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>> No.8824644

What are some good books for countering conservatives, redneks, and anti-intellectual minority hating people?

btw if you hate blacks, Jews, women, and Muslims you dont belong here. Fuck off ignorasnt nazis just repating what pol dsays

>> No.8824648

Back to /pol/ pls
This is /lit/

>> No.8824649

>blacks, Jews, women, and Muslims
One of those is not like the others

>> No.8824650

all are oppressed minorities that white nationalists and the alt-right hate

>> No.8824654

Really weak, lad. Back to /pol/ with you.

>> No.8824656

man, this >>8824621 is actually true.

lefties won't typically say they hate Jews, but Jews get "le ebil white privledge" + they HATE israel. They're always waxing on about muh palestine

they can't be openly anti-semitic though otherwise they would lose their 'literally hitler' trump card

>> No.8824658
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Trying too hard mate
Unless this is so meta that the parody is also ironic.
But I doubt it.

>> No.8824661

Why are you such an anti-semite? Kill yourself /pol/tard.

>> No.8824666
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>>"le ebil white privledge"
>these are considered the same people today
Oh man, I guess I'm living in denial sometimes
>'literally hitler' trump card

>> No.8824681

agree. Hating Isreal is covert Nazism. People who openly dislike ISrael are Nazis and should be arrested and executed for recuriting fascists tbqh

>> No.8824729

Not even tasteful
Just fuck off till you troll properly

>> No.8824738

>oppressed minorities
yeah fuck cis white male scum xD

>> No.8824750

Go back to ribbit. Some people her actually genuinely want anti-prejudice literature. I hate people who hate Jews. Jews do nothing. Theyre people like you and me. conpiritards like to say that jews control the world and media but thats so obviously false i dont have to refute it