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/lit/ - Literature

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8823196 No.8823196[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind

>> No.8823202

lost 8 years of my life to major depression and dissociation

i keep hoping i'll wake up 8 years in the past and that this was all a dream.

i fucked my life up.

>> No.8823203

I want to write homoerotic stuff and a story about a girl on a journey to find love by fucking a bunch of guys.

>> No.8823209

i want to write ridiculous erotic fiction for some side money, but i think that ship has sailed

>> No.8823213

I'm up to an exciting part in a book but I feel that I'm too drunk to get anything out of it right now

>> No.8823214

You think that's bad? I've lost the last ten and I'm unemployable now.

>> No.8823217
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I idolize women, and I think it's because of that I am single. Reading fiction has made my perception of life too romanticized and thus raised my exceptions to unreasonable standards. I just want a woman who is interesting and relatively /lit/.

>> No.8823218

why are you unemployable? and what are you gonna do?

>> No.8823219

you probably have the aptitude to be fine and successful--it's just a matter of getting a virtuous cycle started.
I recently transferred to an ivy leage grad school after fucking myself over consistently from ages 12-22.

>> No.8823220

get a trade
start a business

>> No.8823224
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I'm pretty materialistic. I lust hard after expensive and beautiful things and I find it disgusting and want to stop.
pic related

>> No.8823239

i was considered gifted growing up, which is something i still hold onto for hope, as pathetic as it sounds.

i'm hoping you're right, and that i'm just a visit to the psychiatrist away from turning this all around.

>> No.8823243

please die in my sleep please die in my sleep please die in my sleep please die in my sleep

>> No.8823244
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arrrrg, I really hate Jews!!!!!

>> No.8823245

I strongly suspect I am, childhood aptitude matters, just grab it with both fists and go out there and immanentize the eschaton

>> No.8823253
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Hopefully you will :^)

>> No.8823258
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But do you hate their women, goy?

>> No.8823259
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arrrrg, I just really hate Jews!!!!!!!!

>> No.8823260
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Being the pizza man is gratifying and infuriating in the same stroke. It's dead end and the only thing I can think of that goes sub-minimum wage.

At the same time, if I had a brand new truck I'd probably stick to it for a while. I love driving and listening to the CD that my roommate burnt for me. And it may be a rare comfort, but watching children get excited and start shouting "the pizza man's here" over and over again is very endearing. I love that I make kids happy by just waving at them, because I'm the pizza man.

>> No.8823261

can't tell if i have a chance but she's the closest thing to a prospect i have

>> No.8823263
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>hates jewish women

>> No.8823264

it's too bad people with lives like this can't express themselves very well. then we'd have some good novels

>> No.8823270
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>> No.8823276

There are two things attracting me to opposite sides.
While I am aware which one will benefit me the most, I can't help but look at the other and feel such a deep overwhelming regret.

>> No.8823278

...so hitherto accepted religious terms such as "believer" or "faith", lacks proper context; not only destroyed by The Enlightenment but replaced by it, such that the mode of being within religion is now an antagonism towards scientific enterprise, in what, and whichever way this enterprise manifests itself. The fact of our mortality, our eventual death, is not acceptable, and gradually Christ becomes not only the archetypal hero in actions and speech, but the literal conqueror of death, here to offer true "scientific" resurrection to those who are willing to only have faith.

It then becomes merely another scientific truth claim, that it is possible to deconstruct and refute, never again to be looked at.

Subsequently, the phenomenological mode is lost. Religion is rendered as "the failed theory", the historically materialist arche to which science would eventually spring out from, the birther of plenty, but container of all; the total solution...

>> No.8823279

Seeing my ex for the first time since she broke up with me. That'll happen tomorrow.

Tonight, played board games with some friends and hung out with some cops.

Going to see her tomorrow in large part because of curiosity, as to how she is and how I'll act.

Wish me luck, Bros

>> No.8823281

John walked down his driveway towards his 1993 Ford Taurus. As he gazed upon its supple curves, he could feel his pants tightening up. His penis was becoming erect

>> No.8823286

Why would you do that to yourself m8?

>> No.8823288

I wonder if voice actors hate the sound of their regular voice. Except Steve Blum. If he has a low opinion of his normal speaking voice then he needs to stop being wrong. Roger Smith aside, I can't stand the sound of my own voice and I'm starting to wonder if that's how everybody feels about their voices in general, because you don't hear it like everyone else does.

I really need to watch The Big O again. God bless Steve Blum.

>> No.8823301

I lie in bed, comfy as fuck, afraid of the coming day that my depression, laziness and autistic behavior with other human beings will get me homeless with nothing.

>> No.8823307
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>> No.8823308

you have to be seriously incapable of responding to incentives to become and remain homeless -- you'll be fine
go for a walk

>> No.8823312

sounds like you need to go on disability while you sort your life out

>> No.8823318

keep in mind i know that everything im about to say sounds pompous and ridiculous as fuck.

i like my voice. sometimes i say stuff just to hear how it sounds in my voice. i feel a little ridiculous sometimes, kinda like Settembrini from The Magic Mountain, but idk. i enjoy it.

i guess i didnt think about it until i read a poem for a presentation in 10th grade and a girl was like "wtf i almost cried." that same year i was at a chick's house and after making out she wanted me to read to her. she laid her head on my chest to hear the vibrations better.

wow. now i want to write a story. thanks anon.

>> No.8823319

This is actually transphobic. And kind of sexist in that it implies stripping is shameful.

This'd be a good example of a microaggression, if anyone on this board is only trolling about their "4chan attitude," and actually cares to learn these things.

>> No.8823320
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People say to write for yourself, but I don't quite understand that. Published material is a one-way connection of author to reader. You're an entertainer, a presenter, a showman. You've got to take your idea and present it to that poor gormless consumer who has had the great misfortune of picking up your story.

It's like calling a speechless person to tell them something important. You have to hope they're listening, because writing is such a soul-sucking and painful process that the idea that nobody heard you screaming into a keyboard would kill you if it happened.

I write because I want to touch other people. I want to make them laugh or cry or shiver. But I'll never know.

There does, however, exist the faint glimmer of hope that one day someone will read something I've written - the most flattering thing a person could do, really - and send me a letter or an e-mail or break into my house and stand by my bed until I wake up. Maybe it's just a certain kind of writer that needs validation from his audience - but that kind of writer writes to validate his reader.

It's a nice relationship, really. Scratch my insecurity and I'll scratch yours.

>> No.8823321

t b h i prefer the second party

>> No.8823323

If you're going to be subversive, first be entertaining.

>> No.8823328
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>> No.8823330

Steve Blum is Reddit and you're Reddit for liking him you unoriginal fucking hack.

>Steve Blum is WIN ;) Omg Steve Blum is voicing the villain? I'm gonna buy this just for that :P Steve Blum FTW! Haha. If Steve Blum doesn't like his voice he needs to stop being wrong ;)

FUCKING KILL YOURSELF. Reply to this post with something original and interesting, not just some limp-dicked "wow i bet u r very autistic" or "Uh.. okay buddy.." Reddit response. Say something new and original and convince me that you aren't a fucking computer algorithm jumbling Reddit posts together and Turing testing me.

>> No.8823331

I've never had a gf and most of my friends have; I don't begrudge them but yeah

>> No.8823336

Being in a long-term relationship is more pain than it is pleasure, trust me. Even though you should probably experience it once in your life, I promise you that I'll rather traverse the Himalayas than be with 1 woman 90% of my waking hours in life.

>> No.8823337

how often have i sat here with the world spinning quietly around me? it starts to rain. my roomates cat runs inside without a glance as the cypress point out their long tall fingers tracing circles in the sky. its my last week here and im already nostalgic. ive finally landed a job and this time im all business. 12 bucks an hour and a room all to myself and yoko. a new adventure is all ive really needed, something to mix the pot and a space to clear my head. i just hope i can be usefull and im praying for you all... god bless 4chan and i hope you see the light brethren

>> No.8823354

christ RAW needs to be buried already

>> No.8823355

'Count on it' is what you say
when I ask if this gets worse.
Fear for figures falling from my eye
to send me to my hearse

>> No.8823357

it's a funny phrase, and he neither coined nor popularized it

>> No.8823364
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I know he's voiced Tom from Toonami and Roger Smith from The Big O, which is the only anime I've watched and, by extension, have an opinion about. I recognize his voice in a few videogames here and there and I like it.

I don't know if he's a cool guy or if he's a cunt. In fact, me off-handedly thinking about Steve Blum was the vehicle for the core of my post, which was about people and what they think about their voices. I think Steve Blum has a very pleasant and recognizable voice.

The notion of dumbing down a person into "being Reddit" is a pretty unhealthy criticism to make. It means your argument isn't about the quality of the specific thing or person in any regard - in your presentation of your opinion, you can damn anything you don't like as "being Reddit" because Reddit is 4chan's favorite boogeyman next to the Jews and SJWs.

Saying that <x> is Reddit to confirm its negativity isn't an argument, anon. The only argument it creates is that <x> is bad for being against the community we're on, and is more of a limp-wristed appeal to any anon who might be reading this as opposed to any actual reason you could have provided for why my favorable opinion of Steve Blum's performance in an old anime makes me an 'unoriginal fucking hack.'

Which also doesn't make sense - a consumer can't be an unoriginal fucking hack. I watch things that sometimes have Steve Blum in them. Are you saying that my opinion is unoriginal just because people share it? You're hardly the only person who thinks Steve Blum is a poor voice actor anon, so calling me unoriginal for having a positive opinion is your way of saying you're original for having a negative opinion.

But it's not, because those things are subjective. The only part of your post that succeeded was asking me to reply with something substantial, because that's more or less the meat of the OP.


>> No.8823369

this post is way too long, dude

with that said, every post on 4chan that contains the word 'reddit' is a shitpost

>> No.8823377

>"Allow me to pontificate, if I may ..." cringe prose style
>feckless "Ah, now you've raised my ire, gentlesire ..." tone to the whole post
>saying "4chan" as something you aren't part of, AKA admitting you are not 4chan but are Reddit
>not understanding the designator "Reddit"
>not responding adequately to (warranted) accusations of being Reddit

Reddit. As expected.

Reddit is a perfectly valid criticism.

>> No.8823391
File: 137 KB, 1024x531, spunge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know you're shitposting but what actually bothers me is that there are people who aren't

like, not trying to get (You)s from gullible anons but really honestly defending that viewpoint

then again reddit is a hugbox where your opinion has to win a popularity contest to be seen. at least here people can be as retarded as they want, either posting dumbass shit or being dumb enough to reply in the first place

>inb4 really makes you think

>> No.8823402

Reddit just means "lurk more because your tone is 'off' and you're killing the vibe." Ironically, flipping out over accusations of Reddit is itself Reddit, because it means you don't understand the tone of it, which means your own tone is off.

If Reddit didn't exist, 4chan would have another way of expressing the same sentiment. It's a natural outcome of the site's mild elitism and tendency to exclude retards who talk like fags.

>> No.8823409



>> No.8823411

it's a good thing i'm already working on an imageboard for when 4chan kills /lit/ and reddit kills /r/conspiracy, maybe i can get people to join my site~

>> No.8823418
File: 69 KB, 699x485, Hehehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am about to tear Thomas Paine a new asshole in my politics essay by invoking de Maistre, Nietzsche and to some extent Burke.

Wish me luck.

>> No.8823422

you think that's bad? i've lost the last twelve. the last eight have been the absolute worst, though.

>> No.8823435

why do we take so long to seek help? i fucking have been thinking about seeing a psychiatrist since this started happening to me, i honestly have no idea why it took till now for me to actually go through with it. depression fucks your shit up desu

>> No.8823439

Keep in mind that the professor has probably had students do similar things and will probably instantly associate you with what to him is a cliched "look at me I'm an edgy junior traditionalist/paleoconservative" mindset.

If you're going to do it, do it really well, better researched than if you had done a more standard essay, and don't rest on the edginess of it, like an SJW being #SOBRAVE despite barely doing anything.

>> No.8823450

you think you're living in hell? I've lose the last fourteen! the last 22 years of my life have been torturous.

>> No.8823452
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I'm appealing to de Maistre not because I'm a traditionalist/monarchist/etc, but because he dismantles the Enlightenment philosophy/argument so well. In the end I'll actually come down in favour of Burke and his reformist/'gradual change' Conservatism - rather than the 'Reactionary' de Maistre. I say 'Reactionary' because, when you scratch the surface, he was actually somewhat more of a Machiavellian realist who was prepared to compromise on his total devotion to monarchy/etc when it came to his measured defence of Napoleon/etc as a means of restoring order.

My argument will also closely follow Nietzsche's line - namely, a sceptical examination of what Paine calls 'Reason.' My point will be that Paine's deification/fetishization of 'Reason' betrays a much deeper philosophical disease that reached its crescendo during the Enlightenment - that is, a cult-like devotion to the Apollonian.

>> No.8823463

you think that's bad?

>> No.8823484
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Where do you torrent porn in 2016?

>> No.8823485

I just went to the strip club with my parents and made out with a nasty std ridden whore in front of them, also I think they're enabling my alchoholism. Basically I feel like I'm digging myself into a deeper and deeper hole of degeneracy and no one really fucking cares.

>> No.8823514
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For what purpose?

>> No.8823728
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How does one go about acquiring pornography without paying?

Other than pornotube etc. I don't look at porn very often so I thought torrents were the best way.


>> No.8823751

I keep making stupid decisions and I'm normally very responsible. Like doing drugs and drinking and driving when I've never made those types of decisions before. But I also can't find motivation to change what I'm unhappy about. Every time I try to work on it, I spend more time scolding myself for avoiding the situation and lose more and more energy. I feel defeated by life and I don't even have kids yet.

>> No.8823754

It depends on your taste. Torrents are a good way to go for specific niches, especially if you are a connoisseur of the rare well-made content among your chosen niche. That requires hunting, and access to a wide array of pirated pray content protected from DMCA notices, so private trackers are ideal. But getting into one is a difficulty.

You can also use Pornhub and similar sites. Many producers are too lazy to police how much of their copyrighted content is uploaded. Many are simply unaware of how rampant it is. But if you are into specific niches, you'll quickly find that the really smart producers, often the producers of the best, weirdest shit, are hip to the piracy game and will DMCA everything, leaving a curious lacuna when it comes to their work on sites like Pornhub that otherwise seem like smorgasbords.

There are also forums. If you can find specific video and model names, you can Google for them and find strange Slovakian cum factories called "bdsm-porn-hut.forumsweb.org" that have three thousand subsidiary boards for every fetish under the sun. These are often policed by content providers who will scour them for links to their own intellectual property and then deal with the third party filehosting sites rather than the legally inaccessible forum owners. The trick with forums is to find the ones that are still somewhat underground. For many niche fetishes, whatever forum is "hot" will only be hot for a short time, and then you'll have to find the new place to which all the Russians have emigrated like a gestalt overmind, leaving only incidental stragglers.

Lastly, there are websites like VK, but they can be difficult to get into, and navigating them can require some tricky dick manoeuvres even then.

The important thing is to spend five hours a day doing this so you can download hundreds of GB of potentially high quality porn a month using JDownloader, progressively cull it by sampling it and deleting which ones only appeared good in the thumbnails but are actually shit, and progressively build a mountain of "approved" top shelf superporn that hits on all your crazy fetishes and doesn't have the girls half-assing it or the director making them do stupid shit that kills the vibe. Then you never watch the superporn at all, just constantly keep looking for new shit every day that never satisfies you and in hindsight you could have just jerked off to memories of your ex's fat tits in the shower. I want to fucking die

>> No.8823799

Just broke up with another girl tonight and realized (again) that these females are what drives my writing. Every girl adds another bit to the characters, the story. It gets better each horrible, painful time.

>> No.8823804

it's nice that you're able to find meaning in something painful, but I kind of doubt that's how things work, do you?

>> No.8823809

It's girls, dreams, and amphetamine psychosis that has given me all of the best ideas I have. I keep thinking about the divine madness that Plato talked about and I'm worried that this is the only way I'll be able to continue developing good ideas.

>> No.8823812

sounds like you're in the sway of a temporarily productive and probably ultimately damaging narrative

maybe it's time to take a step back

>> No.8823815

Perhaps. I'm too dedicated at this point, and I may have presented an oversimplified conceptual model of what's going on. I feel I am on a good path that is made stronger by the transmuting of negative events therein.

>> No.8823848

I can't stop thinking about sex and I can't concentrate on reading.

>> No.8823854

this is beautiful

>> No.8823860

>Virgin: The Post

>> No.8823865

no it isn't

>> No.8823870

Well, no shit.

>> No.8823872

You sound like a cliche out of a Beat Generation write-up. Your life isn't tragic or interesting, there's probably a million of people who have written about doomed love in a more interesting way. Do something different mane.

>> No.8823876

im in love with a wretched whore, a tragedy. she wont leave my mind, i am addicted. i want my life back.

>> No.8823878

Who said I was writing about doomed love?

>> No.8823879


>> No.8823890


>> No.8823897

hm, k. good luck with the whore, either way.

What's prevented you from taking your life back?

>> No.8823899

to be honest i am taking my life back. i am pretty much over her. i just dont know if i should try to see her again or not. she is a literal whore btw.

>> No.8823901

Don't see her until you are definitely over her. And at that point you'll probably be fine with just the memory.

>> No.8823904

I'm talking about this kind of romanticized Bukowski power fantasy. It's getting really old. I'm not trying to put you down but forcing some literary madness on yourself is just getting ridiculous. You don't have to lead a lifestyle that equals your art, it's ridiculous. Just try and be boring, get your inspiration out of little things that you can relate to. It's always girls and amphetamines for every male writer it seems lately. Personally, it's tiring as fuck.