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/lit/ - Literature

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8820718 No.8820718 [Reply] [Original]

When you are browsing for something new to read, what type of stuff usually catches your eye first besides the big, bold, bright lettering type stuff? For me, it's usually something like a picture, or the letters written in a very distinct background instead of a solid color.

>> No.8822180

Or, reversely, what type of stuff do you tend to skip over? Like bland, cream colored stuff? Light colored bindings?

>> No.8822321

I don't really care about the look of a book, it's always the content that attracts me.

>> No.8822324

>le rational i dont look at the penib before i suck it man
fuck of

>> No.8822528

What are you trying to say? I mean, I literally couldn't understand what you are trying to say.

>> No.8822543
File: 640 KB, 2500x3750, 95pDAgAAQBAJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've big collection just like
>pic related
I've no desire to read one of the books with pulpy covers, but I just adore them. At the same time I mostly hate the covers of the books that I like. I even replace them by custom made ones in case of ebooks. Shakespeare, for example, does not have an appealing cover, and there's thousand of different ones around.

>> No.8822549
File: 486 KB, 1476x2208, koA67AbuwNUC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe he's trying to compare book covers with a look of a penis before he takes it up his mouth. He's also finishing by telling you to fuck yourself off.

>> No.8822586

These are pretty cool.

I was mostly interested in getting other peoples feedback about what actually catches their eye when they are book shopping because in-between writing I like to think about what would look appealing and get my book picked up off the shelf once I get it published.I know everyone says 'don't just a book by it's cover', but unfortunately that doesn't help much when their are literally hundreds of books on a shelf to peruse, and you want yours to stand out among those hundreds just to give it a chance that someone will read that back cover, or the first sentence.

>> No.8822622
File: 16 KB, 252x395, King_Rat_(1962_novel).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I'd go for fonts and backdrop. Nothing else. Ulysses style. But really depends on genre. I mean sci/fi's got to have swords and spaceships.

>> No.8822627

But see that style is pretty bland and boring. I've skipped over a lot of books like that in the library before and gone for something brighter or more interesting looking. Course, if that particular book where sitting in the middle of a lot of very artistic covers, then it would probably stand out more.

>> No.8822708
File: 832 KB, 1512x2370, lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love simple covers with one or two colors/objects being the focus. That or just the title in a nice font with solid or patterned background. Tbh as dull as it seems Lolita is still one of my favorite book covers after 6 years: nice focus, simple colors.

On the flip side, I hate when book covers are taken up by the author's name in huge text, or if their name comes first before the title.