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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 53 KB, 701x975, Gohn Jreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8819878 No.8819878 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have to be a narcissist in order to write?

>> No.8819883

I think so.

>> No.8819889

everyone's a narcissist already

>> No.8819915

define your terms

>> No.8819922

One who shows extreme affection, love and admiration for himself or herself.

>> No.8819943

pic unrelated
double kys

>> No.8819961

are you a wannabe writer?

>> No.8819998

This. Some people fit the exact description, and others, like myself do not fit it in the slightest. And yet i regard myself as narcissistic, in terms of no other love matters but self lovr, because that is the only love that can last

>> No.8820012

haha your good yes I am working on getting published my prose collection at the moment

>> No.8820041

So short stories?
Have you published them in lit mags?
If not, you're wasting your time. Publishers don't give a fuck about a collection of unpublished short stories. They barely give a fuck about short story collections.

>> No.8820057 [DELETED] 

some stories are the short, some are long -- novellettes and novels. Something is tell me they will want to make an exception for this one collection even if they ussually dont 0:>

>> No.8820078

>Something is tell me they will want to make an exception for this one collection
holy shit, you are such a narcissist you might actually get published.

>> No.8820090

That something is me. I'm lying to you because it makes me laugh that you actually believe it.

>> No.8820094

you have to be a narcissist to do much anything in capitalist society

that's like, half of the whole thing

>> No.8820098 [DELETED] 

ugh I can't to wait till space travel becomes an option so I don't have to deal with you stupid narcissists

>> No.8820112

>Do you have to be a narcissist in order to write?
>thinking what you have to say is so worthwhile it should be written down and distributed among the population
Yeah, I think that qualifies.

After reading a lot of TheLastPsychiastrist I'm inclined to agree.

>> No.8820117

do you like psucciatry too? I fell that it has really helps me to write better stories by understanding how humman mind works

>> No.8820120

>implying this is a bad thing

>> No.8820127

I didn't imply anything. That's your interpretation.

>> No.8820131

That's not the clinical definition.

>> No.8820134

>Narcissistic personality disorder From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
>an excessive need for admiration, and a lack of understanding of others' feelings.
A good writer has an excellent understanding of the feelings of others, so no.

>> No.8820140

yes, because you have to think your thoughts and experiences are uniquely valuable

thats why the 'writers' on /lit/ are always untalented "le lighting cigarette in front of scrunched up face in black and white picture" types who care more about being /literary/ than actually saying something enlightening

>> No.8820149


I hate that faggot, he just whines about everything without providing any solutions.

>> No.8820158
File: 433 KB, 945x1130, 1423454546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only be a "good writer" after developing a taste for boipussy

>> No.8820180
File: 52 KB, 683x899, Jmaistre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I read this as "Do you have to be a narcissist in order to be white?"

>> No.8820202

uh hello I thought this was /lit/ not /sci/
we don't use "clinical definitions" here
we use the poetic versions of words

>> No.8820252

just b urself

>> No.8820261

It's precisely because /lit/ is filled with predominantly narcissistic effeminate men that they'll never achieve anything of value.

>> No.8820264

I'm unirornically writing a literary autobiography titled "The Narcissist"

>> No.8820265

>predominantly narcissistic effeminate men

>> No.8820738

To be successful at anything you need to be a narcissist.

>> No.8820767
File: 602 KB, 716x955, 1481135578946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has a lot of style. And your posts betrays a very modern mentality, namely that everything can be fixed, that we've the power to change our world to a desired end. TLP is a realist, in the vast majority of psychiatry cases the 'problem' is identified and understood but there is no progress made. This is the nature of mental health, it's about how you internalize the knowledge needed to change, less so than the actual awareness.

>> No.8820770

plain stupidity

>> No.8820784

I think you have to be either pathologically arrogant or extremely dumb to think you have something to say to the point of people needing to print and promote it.

>> No.8820800

>t. the unpublished pleb

>> No.8820871

>And your posts betrays a very modern mentality, namely that everything can be fixed, that we've the power to change our world to a desired end.

Could you explain this a little more please?

>> No.8820877

I think, regarding people having nothing smart to say, that it is probably true for you

>> No.8820892

What does this say about the people who read what these arrogant idiots write? Did you just reduce yourself and this entire board to fixating on the works of actual retards?

>> No.8820903

do you have to be homosexual to post this?

>> No.8820932

Being a narcissist will make your shit insufferable.
You need to be an autist.
And hate yourself.

>> No.8821343

Not arrogant idiots, arrogant people and idiots.

>> No.8821602

That's sad.

>> No.8822332

>You need to be an autist.
>And hate yourself.
Score! I'm going to write the next great American novel!

>> No.8822530


>"Useful, creative work, which confronts the individual with "unsolved intellectual and aesthetic problems" and thereby mobilises narcissism on behalf of activities outside the self, provides the narcissist, according to Heinz Kohut, with the best hope of transcending the predicament"-Christopher Lasch, Culture of Narcissism

I recommend reading culture of Narcissism by Lasch, particularly the chapter about art. Lasch makes the point that the creation of art, a once noble pursuit, has degenerated into a "pseudo-confessional" form as popularised by Woody Allen and seen more recently in the work of authors like Bret Easton Ellis. The device of unreliable narrator reflects the narcissist's tendency to create a false self and to invest libidinal energy into it in order to avoid facing his own massive flaws.

Art does still offer therapeutic benefits for a narcissist, as in the quote above, but only when the narcissistic author uses his novel as a kind of simulated ego death. It was Kafka who wrote in his notes for The Man Who Disappeared that there is no better place to die than in ones own novel.

>> No.8822554

I have very strong narcissistic tendencies that I have to constantly combat and art is by far the best way for me to accomplish that, whether writing or painting or whatever. It's hard to explain why this is, but it seems to give me something to care about other than a conception of myself.

Romantic relationships are the absolute worst for the narcissism I have. It amps up so high I end up not even caring about the person anymore. Their affection for me becomes nothing but a confirmation of my value.

>> No.8822590


I have the same tendency. I consider sexual narcissism to be a very mild autistic spectrum disorder

>> No.8822884

>Being a narcissist will make your shit insufferable.
>You need to be an autist.
>And hate yourself.
no, no, no.
you have to be an autist who's way too much conceited about his "literary abilities" or else you'll never finish anything, let alone get it published and well liked by people.

>> No.8823716
File: 24 KB, 251x242, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm so fucking sick of this meme

>> No.8823829

Motherfucker, made me spit my tea out.

>> No.8823847
File: 127 KB, 480x360, christopher-lasch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you and Lasch would simulate ego death

>> No.8824631

You just dont get it

>> No.8824688

To some degree, yes. If you're a writer, you want your stories to be popular, your point of view to be respected. That isn't to say that you're a clinical narcissist. You probably just lean that way on the spectrum of things.

>> No.8824707

What's the deal with John Green? Why is he so polarizing among people? I've never read any of his works, but people tend to either love him or despise him.

>> No.8825183

I'm not the guy you're replying to

see John Gray

>> No.8825187

I'm not.

>> No.8825454

not him but one of the defining characteristics of societies in their age of decadence is the arrogant belief that humans can solve all problems because we can think about them real good

a lot of problems simply have no solutions, anon. we can understand a problem, that doesn't always mean we can figure out how to change it to a desired outcome

>> No.8825481

>Have you published them in sjw mags

>> No.8825922

Where does it say that it is bad?

>> No.8826148

Narcissism almost universally carries negative connotations and you know this.

Stop being an insufferable mongoloid.