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8815205 No.8815205 [Reply] [Original]

Will Self is a fiction writer

>> No.8815212

Louise Mensch is fuckin mentally ill

>> No.8815222

Reported to GCHQ

>> No.8815228

Politicians are also fiction writers.

>> No.8815229

I don't think she has ever thought about anything she has said. She just opens her mouth and lets the reactionary, ignorant opinions flow.

She's a walking 4chan

>> No.8815234

but all females are.

>> No.8815243


Sounds like my kind of girl.

>> No.8815249

>Question Time

It's like The Guardian and Daily Mail of television all rolled into one.

>> No.8815257
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he has also been a political journalist

louise mensch is a complete car crash although she did used to scrub up quite nicely

>> No.8815262

Is Louise Mensch the one who was an unironic serial groupie?

>> No.8815268


Was she involved in one of those perverse sex rings that we used to hear so much about?

>> No.8815281

She just used to take hard drugs and fuck members of metal bands when she was in her 20s

>> No.8815307

Remember when Louise Mensch claimed she took drugs whilst being a member of the 'Conservative' party and got called out by John Lydon, aka ex leader of the sex pistols

Strange stuff:


>> No.8815616

Farage is also a fiction writer

>> No.8815619


Then he must be a wizard, since his fiction has become reality.

>> No.8815624


>louise mensch

muh dick

>will self

muh thesaurus

>> No.8815625

Fuck that bitch. "I've had my fun so no one else can have it!"

>> No.8815627
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If only Brooker was as satirical


>> No.8815640

Fuck I hate the supporters of Leave. Now we're all fucked and so is my holiday in Greece next year. Why the fuck do uneducated blue collar twats have as much of a vote as Oxford graduates? This is idiocracy.

>> No.8815645

easiest game of "find the pseud" of my life

>> No.8815694

Nice hyperbolic and self-centred worldview there, mate. I couldn't be happier that you people lost.

>> No.8815701

You're happy that you fucked over our entire country?

>> No.8815710

Stop reading The Guardian. Your affected outrage is embarrassing to read, even anonymously.

>> No.8815717

Scotland couldn't leave soon enough. We're getting the Celtic band back together!

>> No.8815719

>reactionary = pseud
What a pleb.

>> No.8815725

I despise your disaffected attitude. Just because you aren't suffering doesn't mean others aren't.

>> No.8815730

>lol you shouldn't read that shit, it makes me feel angry
>here, have some of mine. Tastes much better
True patricians understand that in or out changes only the country, and therefore, nothing.

>> No.8815738

Even some backers of "leave" realised their mistake.


>> No.8815739

If you truly had a care for people's suffering you would have supported Leave, but you're a sociopathic centre-left herd animal who thinks a Humanities Degree marks you as part of an elect caste that is superior to the normal working class people who every day have to deal with the misery of mass immigration.

>> No.8815742

Its unfortunate how insignificant and vapid all of their arguments are (especially Lydon's). None of them are making significant or relevant points, and what little they do have to say is being expressed in a confused, inarticulate, and elliptical manner. Part of this is simply because the people who are pro-ILLegalization don't have much of an argument to begin with, but people like Lydon who are pro-LEgalization have a strong and convincing argument, and Lydon should be able to present it (and if he can't he'd do better not to make a laughing stock of those who support it by sounding like an uneducated white-trash illiterate).

However in this instance, someone like Lydon should be able to construct and present a solid argument. He does have a point in saying that information should be made available and should be reported to the public, and to the youth in particular, in a honest and accurate manner. However, this in no way entails that drugs should be legal (although they certainly should), but rather simply states that the public should, as much as possible, be informed on the nature and usage of drugs in general. The real argument that should be made in favor of drug legalization is (1) harm reduction, and (2) personal freedom and civil liberty. Of course there are additional and peripheral arguments, but these two are the most significant, convincing, and on their own stand a sufficient to establish that drug should be legalized, regulated, taxed, and made consistent.

(All that being said, I respect Lydon and the Sex Pistols, and think that they were definitely a great band. Personally though, as far as punk is concerned I prefer shit like Joy Division, Swans, and Throbbing Gristle, and then also bands that are a little more hardcoreish like Minor Threat, Fugazi, Black Flag, Orchid, Circle Takes the Square, Converge, etc. I do realize that the Sex Pistol were a bit earlier then most of these bands. I'm actually a really huge fan of punk, but to be honest the best popular music of the 70s is, in my opinion, probably progressive rock like Jethro Tull, Camel, Yes, Can, etc. Anyway sorry for the verbose digression about music tastes.)

>> No.8815743

I hate you

>> No.8815750

>misery of mass immigration
Yes, the misery that other people are granted the same rights and opportunities as yourself.

>> No.8815751
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Dank ass prog. rock (link related).

>> No.8815758
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>> No.8815759

>t. sheltered white person living in a homogenous and prosperous area

I'd love it if you people could put down your false piety for two seconds and actually look at the reality of the situation.

>> No.8815763

Who was suffering? If anything people are suffering now due to the economic instability and the rise in hate crime
inb4 boohoo liberual tears boohoo, people are literally using the excuse of a "free Britain" to wail on immigrants. But that doesn't matter because in all they aren't human right?

>> No.8815768

>I cannot into ethics but I must shitpost

>> No.8815773

Scary brown people are taking your jobs? Britain isn't yours and never was, you entitled man-baby. Stop acting like you're somehow more entitled to Britain than new citizens and European visitors.

>> No.8815779

>I am an ethical and enlightened superior being
>this is demonstrable as I taciturnly support events like Rotherham, Rochdale, and Banbury
>I also sneer at my own countrymen who are poorer than me to prove how not-racist I am

>> No.8815780

James O'Brien is a fucking sensationalist leftist hack

embarrassed you actually take that shit seriously

>muh right wing sinner has come to confess his sins for voting to leave the EU, all is forgiven my child
>muh bloke can't afford a train ticket, here I'll pay for it, wouldn't the world be a better place if you were all left wing like myself because I'm a good guy
>some bloke got a guy some shoes and called in about it, bless you my child here are some good boy points

>> No.8815783
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He did sum up the personal liberty bit to a degree and mocked Mensch's self-righteous position. Like the black woman, most people are oblivious to drugs and their effects and why some drive individuals to illegal behaviour (thievery/prostitution etc) and equate that drugs = destruction. Education or at least some sort of public appeal ought to be made, to elicit a ((sober)) discussion on drugs.

Nice music taste man, you may be interested to read "Chasing the Scream: First and Last Days of the Drug War" by Johann Hari

>> No.8815788

>hating the catastrophic social experiment called multiculturalism means you are a racist
>people who have lived contiguously in a place for over a thousand years don't have an inherent right to live there more than others

I wonder if you'd apply these same standards to foreigners as well.

>> No.8815795

Actually, we as the natives of Britain have inherited this isle from our forebears who built this nation up so that we may reap the benefits of their labour, not so some corporatist MPs can flood the country with the descendants of layabout Africans and Muslim goat herders.

What they have done is frankly treason.

>> No.8815797

>everyone I disagree with is a hack

Farage is just as much a sensationalist as you claim O'Brien to be and yet you swallow everything he says like mana from heaven

>> No.8815803

>Joy Division, Swans, and Throbbing Gristle
>Minor Threat, Fugazi, Black Flag, Orchid, Circle Takes the Square, Converge
>Jethro Tull, Camel, Yes, Can

Really good tastes desu senpai. Post-punk, hardcore, screamo, and prog are all really great music genres. Personally, I'm a huge fan of both Indian Summer and Saetia. They really combine a lot of element of both Post-punk and screamo (as I'm typing this I realize that the same could be said for a lot post hardcore bands).

Nai harvest is a pretty good contemporary hardcore band (although the whole "wave"/twinklecore thing they were a part of is really starting to fade and dissipate at this point). https://youtu.be/6nm4zsgDeRg

>> No.8815804

where on Earth have I said I swallow everything that comes out of Farage's mouth?

I came to this thread to let you know you're a fool who's bought into a golden voiced radio host's spiel.

>> No.8815824

it's evident by your >response that you at least side with Leave.

then show me evidence of O'Brien being a hack rather than relying on shitposting

>> No.8815828

>He fell for the 70's prog rock meme
I laso used to be like that, kiddo.

>> No.8815832


>> No.8815837

She also writes novels thay would make Danielle Steele look patrish by comparison. She's very much like Jeff Archer, and the comparison to 4chan is apt if you think comments like "my rad works at nintendo" are serious.

>> No.8815847
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>> No.8815854

>here are some good boy points
That's some spicy ideology.

>> No.8815889

What do you listen to these days famalam? I have pretty broad tastes, and prog rock is only a small fraction of what I listen to.

In general, my favorite shit is like the various punk/hardcore type stuff I mentioned, black metal, and classical (a little Bach but mostly Romantic and Avante-Garde stuff like Alexander Scriabin, Igor Stravinsky, Friedrich Chopin, and Sergei Rachmaninov);.

>> No.8816023

Ha and no response from the cunt because you hit the nail on the head

>> No.8816028

>Stewart Lee
Go back to fucking reddit you donkey

>> No.8816046

Listen to Public Image Ltd if you haven't. Lydon's post-Pistols post-punk group.

>> No.8816064

Keep watching reruns of MDE buddy and crying into your pillow wondering why no one takes you seriously

>> No.8816097

faragel looks like a protagonist from a noire movie

>> No.8816105

take your romanticism nonsense elsewhere please

>> No.8816124

Sam Hyde is actually a pretty cool guy tbqh famalam - and this is coming from a liberal. So, yeah, basically don't insult the man or hurt the feelings of his fans (like me) who tend to be perfectly adequate, friendly, and productive members of society.

Tl;dr (already a short post anyway, but whatevs) don't hurt my feelings or bully me,

>> No.8816155

I'm glad you at least acknowledge that we're experiencing an invasion comparable to the Dark Ages

>> No.8816242

Scotanon here
This is the plan

>> No.8816259

>getting ANOTHER referendum until you get the desired outcome

you Scots really do love the EU model

>> No.8816312

>the first referendum is beautiful democracy and reflects the will of the people
>a second referendum is the exact opposite

>> No.8816317

These bastards can't understand that allowing in 300,000 plus individuals into a nation every year actually causes economic disaster, buckling of our national services, a housing crisis and the inevitable but now accelerated collapse of the welfare state.

>> No.8816346
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He really isn't. The post-irony/sarcasm/absurdist shtick is boring, poorly written and just lazy. Shocking for the sake of being shocking isn't comedy. His tedx talk was funny for pulling the wool over the eyes of people that attend those types of things, but as WP has shown, the guy really isn't that funny

>> No.8816356
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I don't know about how it is in England, but in America I run into this superior, if-only-college-educated-people-were-allowed-to-vote-then-dems-would-win-every-election attitude often. Whats up with this false elitism? When I point out to these people that if only people with STEM degrees or people who actually pay taxes could vote then conservatives would win every time they get super, super asshurt.

>> No.8816366

>or people who actually pay taxes
Trump voted Democrat?

>> No.8816380

Nearly every STEMlord I know is a liberal, and more often than not they're the ones crying out that only the enlightened collegiate deserve the privilege of voting rights.

>> No.8816386

That exact person exists in England. I honestly think it's a massive cover for some deep insecurity. They're often very childish and unstable people who get extremely upset very easily.

>> No.8816388


>> No.8816390

Wtf are you on about? You can detest mass migration without hysterically invoking muh treason. I imagine your forebears fought for democracy too, but you're probably happy to chuck that out the window when it doesn't go your way.

>> No.8816421


It could be called treasonous, what New Labour did could be called such a thing. Their end game was culturally changing the face of britain via mass immigration and defending the new face of britain via political correctness, they couldn't trust the white working class to vote for them, as 10 years of Thatcher had shown, take note how Rotherham and co only came out after New Labours defeat.

>> No.8816440

What would your ideal Britain look like? Completely white?

>> No.8816467

STEM fags are retarded when it comes to politics. They are always leftist scum

>> No.8816517

>Completely white

So, natives of Britain, and to a wider point, Europe?

In pretty much any country though, you should expect the population of 1st-3rd generation immigrants to be at about 5% of the total. Doesn't really matter where these immigrants come from, by 3rd generation they'll be fully integrated into said society because the 1st generation doesn't have enough numbers to willingly curtain themselves into a ghetto.

>> No.8816843

Farage wasn't a member of that campaign you faggot shill

>> No.8816910

>that level namedropping
music was not even the subject of the matter
and youre a pleb
dont think you arent just because you pretend to like swans

>> No.8816912

This is an American website created for the discussion of American topics by Americans. Posts about non-American culture belong on /int/ or /b/

>> No.8817060

Nothing wrong in principle with name-dropping as long as you're not being autistic, a pseud, or pretentious about it. What's truly plebeian is thinking it's possible to avoid the intentional construction and projection of an identity or self-image. However, the nature of social interaction presupposes and necessitates exactly such an activity, for exactly a process of this sort lies at the very heart of social interaction and the phenomenology intersubjective experience (c.f. Heidegger; Wittgenstein). At any rate, what I was doing wasn't really cringey or anything because I was trying to make myself look kool or demonstrate how knowledgeable I am and how "developed" my musical taste is. Perhaps I was a little overzealous, but my main purpose was to genuinely and authentically share some artists I like, perhaps generate some commentary, but at the very least "advertise" or provide some exposure for bands I genuinely like.

>> No.8817071

not exclusively

>> No.8817078

Nothing wrong in principle with name-dropping as long as you're not being autistic, a pseud, or pretentious about it. What's truly plebeian is thinking it's possible to avoid the intentional construction and projection of an identity or self-image. However, the very nature of social interaction presupposes and necessitates exactly such an activity, for precisely this kind of process lies at the heart of social interaction and the phenomenology intersubjective experience (c.f. Heidegger; Wittgenstein). At any rate, what I was doing wasn't really cringey or anything because I wasn't trying to make myself look kool or demonstrate how knowledgeable I am and how "developed" my musical taste is. Perhaps I was a little overzealous, but my main purpose was quite genuine and authentic and amounted to a desires some artists I like with the /lit/ community, perhaps generate some commentary, and at the very least "advertise" or provide some exposure for bands I genuinely like.

>inb4 kek wtf correcting and resubmitting an entire post on a Argentinian Fried Chicken Internet Forum

>> No.8817091
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>Will "1922 Count Dracula" Self
>Louise Untermensch

At least Farage is there.

>> No.8817096

And I still fucked up
*my main purpose was quite genuine and authentic, and amounted to a desire to share some artists I like with the /lit/ community.

Perhaps nobody gives a fuck (although it looks like at least a few people do), but most of all it was sincere and came from the heart. In short, I wasn't trying to show off. (The most show-offy thing I seem to be guilty of in this exchange is trying manicure and perfect the shit prose of these post in an attempt to not sound completely inarticulate.)

>> No.8817196
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>> No.8817339
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>My holiday in an overrated European version of Mexico is more important than the future of my country

>> No.8817374

I mean, considering that one of the promises made by the Better Together campaign to keep us in the Broken Marriage was that we'd have a stable relationship with the E.U, and now the complete opposite has occurred, do you really think the prospect of another referendum is a bad idea or somehow undemocratic?

I don't know one Scot who hasn't come over to our side since the Brexit debacle. I don't have strong feelings about the EU but if Brexit can be leveraged to get us out of the Union I'll be tickled pink.

>> No.8817422

This makes about as much sense as Braveheart itself.

The antipathy arises from the perception that London doesn't want Scotland to continue to have a generous welfare state.

And for that reason you will throw yourselves at the tender mercies of Mr Schauble with a 9% budget deficit. Remind me again what the EU thinks of welfare states in countries with budget deficits?

Words fail me.

>> No.8817424

I'm another leftist fan of MDE, not the anon you replied to, and I was mostly unimpressed by World Peace apart from a couple of skits, but I really don't agree with your assertion that what Sam Hyde is doing is "boring, poorly written and just lazy". His tedx talk wasn't funny because it fucked with the audience; I think there's more to it than that. It's funny 1) because he really captures the kind of smug techno-utopianism that these guys engage in, telling the audience to pat themselves on the back etc. and 2) because of the dissonance between the format of the ted talk, where people express a certain spectrum of ideas, and the content of his speech which constantly strays into another spectrum of "forbidden" ideas (what a /pol/fag might call "redpills", because they don't understand why MDE is funny, despite being their main audience).

They're pretty hit or miss, but to generalize all MDE's content as tired and passe is a position I just can't imagine myself into. I can't think of another comedy group who push the envelope like they do, and I'm not talking about them being "redpilled" (I'm a leftist after all). Purely in terms of formal innovation, I think they're unique and more or less unmatched.

>> No.8817463

Source: my ass

>> No.8817465

>recognizing that there has been a huge political divergence between your nation and its partner nation in the past 20 years.
>recognizing that an cultural alliance with the northern nations who you more closely resemble would be more beneficial than remaining tethered to the policies of a country heading in literally the opposite political direction from you, even in a devolved state.
>the same as painting my face blue and getting my peasant friends together to raid villages or whatever happens in Braveheart

You know Scottish people hate Braveheart right? You know that none of us entertain bizarre fantasies about war with the English?

Why do you people take this shit so weirdly seriously? It has nothing to do with you. It's not your country. You make your decisions, we'll make ours, and we'll see what happens.

I'm not gonna sit here and pretend the EU is perfect, but at the end of the day, the will of the people of my country is diametrically opposed to the will of the people of your country and I don't see how you can defend a Union that forces those divergent cultures to go down the same route.

>> No.8817494

Don't be silly, I saw it when it came out in the old Odeon on Renfield Street.

I know exactly what 'you' think and I saw it happen, I also remember the SNP when they couldn't get arrested much less voted for.

The rest of your argument is utter tripe but full marks for pretending there aren't millions of your fellow countrymen who'd give you a good kicking for even suggesting it.

I think you must be very young.

>> No.8817495

t. middle-class SNP member living in west end of Glasgow
You don't speak for scotland you twat.

>> No.8817512

>>recognizing that an cultural alliance with the northern nations who you more closely resemble

I often think this when strolling in Pollok, how much it resembles fucking Norway.

Some of us remember Alec Salmond's "arc of prosperity" speech and what happened next in the world. Can't believe the Nats are resurrecting that one again just in time for the next crisis. They must really think you are stupid.

>> No.8817551

You got a lot of people with this one. Nice meme, friend.

>> No.8817576

The fact that you think Lydon is detached from the post-punk acts you namedropped, and that you didn't associate Lydon with PiL, makes it clear that you don't know shit about the genealogy of rock music.

>> No.8817674

>wanting independence is a middle-class stance
What my man? It's got much more to do with age demographics than anything else.

Also, you're wrong on the specifics but right in the general sense; I'm a student in Glasgow. I don't know what kind of shitty worldview you have to have to think that constitutes a reason for disqualifying me from having an opinion.

And, for the record, I'm deeply mistrustful of the SNP. Not everyone who supports independence supports the SNP.

Millions of Scots who'd "give me a kicking" for suggesting what?

Look, do you seriously think comparing someone's ideology to a shitty Hollywood flick for Americans is a good way of attacking their arguments, because that's what the original poster did, and that's what I was responding to, the insinuation that people with my beliefs are living some kind of Hollywood fantasy.

And like I said above, there are plenty of us who support independence, yet have no ties to the SNP beyond the pursuit of that goal. I'm glad you have an opinion on one element of the shit-fest that is party politics, but if we could have a conversation about independence itself, that'd be a little more relevant.

Do you deny that, in terms of its policy decisions, Scotland has moved, or at least tried to move, towards a northern European model? It's pretty undeniable, whatever you might think of those countries (and I've got my own reservations about elements of that movement towards the Northern European model). But if that's what the Scottish people want (and it is), it's what the Scottish people should be allowed to do, without interference from the South

>> No.8817675

Will Self, as usual, is a cunt.

>> No.8817691

Thanks for confirming your glasgow uni bubble. Also `the South'- sounds like code for `the English'. Pretty much confirms your shitty, reactionary worldview m8.

>> No.8817754

I just started watching the QT episode and instantly will self says:

>its ironic that farage subscribes to great man theory when farage isnt a great man

Farage didnt even say he did and even if he did he isnt ironic.

I think will self is good (and farage gooder) but how does this intellectualism fail to show up in the real world? Its like lifting lots at the gym with machines.

>> No.8817759

Great arguments mate. Maybe you'd have benefited from hanging around my Glasgow uni bubble, you fucking mouth-breather.

And "The South" is code for "the English" in the same way "the desktop" is code for "the computer". It's just two words for the same thing, and not indicative of anything to do with my world-view.

>> No.8817820

Doesn't take much for your tolerant mask to slip does it? Just revealed your inner class contempt and superiority complex there m8.

>> No.8817838

look at this fucking retard

>> No.8817878

You just revealed your incredibly thin-skin. I made a joke.

Oh and crazily enough last time I checked I lived in a country where higher education was free. If I'd been living in London and talking about Oxbridge, your accusation of class contempt might stick, but thankfully I don't.

And I'm not sure what tolerant "mask" you're talking about. There is literally nothing you can discern about my political ideology from my posts in this thread. I could be an anarchist or a fascist, and here's be no way of telling. So your suggestion that I'm trying to paint myself as "tolerant" is ridiculous. I've got no interest in appearing to value the opinions of people, who haven't made use of the FREE education their country provides for them, on the same level as the people who have. Clearly, in the vast majority of cases (Not all), people with an experience of secondary education will be more informed about this sort of thing, and you'd be an idiot to dispute that.

Class is neither here nor there in this context.

>> No.8817888
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>"intellectual" internet arguments

>> No.8817902

Ref Wars: The Cybernat Strikes Back
I know you just learn the word ideology in your literature course but calm down replying in novels to me thnx

>> No.8817929

I have some questions:

Are you even from /lit/?

Do you read so little that my literally tweet-length paragraphs are too much for you?

Have you decided whether I'm a neo-nazi fascist ("class contempt and superiority complex", "reactionary") or a communist ("just learned the word ideology")?

Can you decide before you reply with another post?

Why did you think parodying the title of a star wars movie was an effective rhetorical technique?

Again, why are you on /lit/?

Are you actually from here or do you have some special base for the ten remaining Better Together supporters, buried deep underground, where you do nothing all day but seek out websites you've never been on before where you can push your venemous, regressive little position?

Again, why are you on /lit/?

Again, why are you on /lit/?

Again, why are you on /lit/?

>> No.8817950

>thread is full of tedious bickering instead of jokes about Will Self being sloshed


>> No.8817982

Might have to watch it now

>> No.8817983

Triggered :)))

>> No.8817995

Yeah I am actually

Triggered that you won't fuck off back to wherever you came from.

Again, why are you on /lit/?

>> No.8818011

Is this affirmative action for ugly people?

>> No.8818015

No need to get hysterical m8. Scotland for the Scottish!

>> No.8818022
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>> No.8818031

say what you like about will self at least he's inventive

>> No.8818057

>This is what happens when someone realizes they don't have a leg to stand on in an argument

Yeah it does irritate me reading your last few posts. Because it's evident that you're not interested in having a conversation, despite the fact that (somehow, defying the demographics) your side has outnumbered me three to one in this thread. I like talking about this kind of stuff; I enjoy debating this with people. I've even enjoyed writing out these posts tonight, despite the slim chances of them registering with your side in any significant way. Because unlike your side, we like to have the debate be open and we don't want to shut it down at every turn.

But maybe that's too much of a novel, you fucking illiterate

>> No.8818065

>if only people with STEM degrees or people who actually pay taxes could vote then conservatives

If only people with STEM degrees could vote then you wouldn't have that fucking spastic as your next president. People with STEM degrees can actually think rationally unlike the baying uneducated mob that elected Trump.

>> No.8818079


>Being so retarded you don't know the more homogenous areas voted to leave.

>> No.8818093


You don't need to read The Guardian to know how much the Brexit vote has fucked our economy. Just take a look at the market. Pity that the leavers are too fucking poor to trade and actually make some money off of their mistake.

>> No.8818096

>People with STEM degrees can actually think rationally

>> No.8818379

I'm well aware that the Sex Pistol heavily influenced Joy Division in particular, and the post-punk scene in general. As a matter of fact, they heavily influenced the hardcore scene as well (along with bands like the Clash and Crass and several other bands that were playing more abrasive punk than shit like say, the Ramones and a lot of the punk bands that would more so influence the New Wave movement). Despite the conclusions to which you so quickly jumped, I'd imagine that I know just as much about the genealogy of rock music in general and punk, hardcore, and metal in particular. In fact, nothing I said implied that the Sex Pistols weren't influential on the post-punk scene. If your reading comprehension skills were better, you might have realized that I was simply expressing my personal preference for post-punk (and hardcore) over the more traditional punk rock of the seventies (with the Sex Pistols being just one example).

I'm basically a full-on hardcore autist when it comes to the history of punk/hardcore. Especially the whole post-hardcore/emo scene. I can literally chart the whole history of it off the top of my head from Minor Threat, through Rites of Spring and Moss Icon, to the popular emo of the 90s like SDRE and the Get Up Kids. That of course is the mainstream shit. I know the most obscure minutiae and bands that nobody gives a shit about anymore (kek basically "you probably haven't heard of them"). I have vinyl in my collection that has less that 100 printings. Shit like Shroomunion and Usurp Synapse (admittedly they're somewhat well known amongst hardcore aficionados). . . The fact that Ethel Meserve and Anasarca (two bands that have been almost forgotten to history) heavily influenced Saetia. The emergence of the sub-genre "sass" (a scene that has pretty much been forgotten, so much so that you can't even really find anything about it on the internet) from 90's hardcore bands like Antioch Arrow, and then onto Le Shock, Usurp Synapse (again), Vincent Prices Orphan Powered Death Machine, a Trillion Barnacle Lapse, and ultimately, the Blood Brothers (the one sass band that achieved a modicum of notoriety).

I am basically a human encyclopedia on the ins and outs of the history of hardcore, post-hardcore, and emo.

E.g. link related is some super obscure shit for the true connoisseur https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_GvooTDL84

>> No.8818402

Why would you spend this much time researching an edgy manchild genre of music for people too dumb to play instruments?

>> No.8818405

Are you describing post punk right now?

>> No.8818459
File: 368 KB, 595x594, screenshot-twitter com 2016-03-14 19-57-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is fucking terrible

>> No.8818463

I think he's talking about punk/hardcore in general. Or maybe post-hardcore/emo/screamo in particular?

Whatevs tho, anon is right. Music talent has nothing to do with song writing ability and is entirely predicated on technical proficiency with ones instrument. That's why this is the best music ever created: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmfzWpp0hMc

>> No.8818473

That picture my fucking sides

>> No.8818543

Shirley this post is ironic

>> No.8818647

most people who go to university are dumb as rocks
only people with IQs above 130 actually matter

>> No.8818649

>unironically thinks 130 iq is anything

>> No.8819666


His laugh is really endearing

>> No.8819678
File: 78 KB, 1200x720, Bye Hans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because """"your people"""" are British, first and foremost - same as all those other faggots in Northern Ireland/Wales who suddenly and selectively decided that they were """Northern Irish/Welsh"""" when this one issue didn't go their way.

>> No.8819731

The union was a pragmatic marriage to achieve foreign policy goals (defending protestant parliamentarian-ism from catholic absolute monarchy), and I say this as a unionist. There has never been a total cultural convergence.

>> No.8819941
File: 210 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because """"your people"""" are European-same as all the other faggots in Algeria/Greenland who suddenly and selectively decide they were """Algerian/Greenlanders"""" when this one issue didn't go their way

>> No.8819965

>In pretty much any country though, you should expect the population of 1st-3rd generation immigrants to be at about 5% of the total. Doesn't really matter where these immigrants come from, by 3rd generation they'll be fully integrated into said society because the 1st generation doesn't have enough numbers to willingly curtain themselves into a ghetto.
You'v clearly never been to the Netherlands.

>> No.8821499

These are 10/10s in Britain.

>> No.8821516

Northern Ireland is also Irish territory, everyone in N. Ireland is an Irish citizen by birth. The formation of the Irish state is complicated. For N. Ireland to remain EU territory by seceding from all British rule would be so incredibly straightforward, much more so than either remaining in the UK or just the UK's leaving the EU in general.

>> No.8821688


>gina miller pls go