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8812998 No.8812998 [Reply] [Original]

What does it matter more...
To know more about something or to be able to win the debate?

>> No.8813009
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>> No.8813014

you can win the debate without knowing more than your oponent.

>> No.8813065


Are you actually implying that it's better to know less as long as you can spew rhetoric better? And what debate are you even talking about?

Knowledge is clearly superior to rhetoric when you actually have to apply your knowledge.

You should really look at the OP pic again.

>> No.8813076

What debate? With who? With what purpose? About what?

>> No.8813080


>> No.8813097

Is an hypothetical question.

It has happened several times in political and public debates.

There's many debates where the more prepared guy lost simply because he had not rethorical skills.

I simply destroy people on the chans because I've spend more time debating retards on some boards here.
I've destroyed people that knows more than me simply because I've made the same threads over and over again, until I know the meme arguments.

Example: I post anti-white and pro black threads on pol for fun, and after a while I can easily destroy those retards, even while I know my knowledge is pretty wikipedia tier.

>> No.8813101

Jesus Gorgias you're wasting your time.

>> No.8813103

Oy fucking vey

>> No.8813105

to be able to win the debate
especially in a democracy

theres a reason sophistry plagued athens

>> No.8813112


Annoying the piss out of someone on 4chan is not the same as destroying them in a debate

>> No.8813114

I dunno, I really enjoy engaging in autistic discussions.
I'm not autistic but is akin to an spiritual catharsis to engage in autism and making people butthurt.

good goy.

>> No.8813144

Ingrid, loins of my fire.