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/lit/ - Literature

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881196 No.881196 [Reply] [Original]

I started to read Ulysses but I couldn't get through the first chapter. Why do people think James Joyce is so great, when he CAN'T EVEN WRITE SOMETHING PEOPLE CAN UNDERSTAND!

>> No.881199

Answered your own question.

>> No.881198

Read The Dubliners instead. Problem solved.

>> No.881201

I sort of agree. You're supposed to write for your audience. I think it's just so over everyone's heads they just pretend to have read it and said it was great.

>> No.881203
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>> No.881204

Ulysses- I tried to read it, I really did, but I either would fall asleep (which I never do when reading), or get a huge headache when I would attempt to read it. It was just such a difficult read, and made no sense to me, that I couldn't justify spending the time trying to wrap my head around what was going on. I know it's supposed to be one of the pinnacle novels, but I can't say a book is a masterpiece when many people can't even read it because of it's difficulty.

>> No.881242

Yes, "Ulysses," we are told, is a work of genius; yes, it is multi-faceted and pregnant with meaning; true, it may even be a compendium of all Western Culture since Homer. But, let's be honest: It's as fun as reading a telephone directory! The truth, though? "Ulysses" is a satire--and a very tedious one--of Homer's wonderful Odyssey. But Homer's work is actually readable and entertaining! Sad, considering that the ancient Hellene is several thousand years removed from us and yet still has the power to spin a fascinating story. Joyce, however, has created--nothing! He borrows, he steals, he imitates . . . badly. For a true original; for a man of genius and an author who can actually write his own plots; one should look no further than Homer. Joyce? He's a pedant and an over-rated, long-winded bore.

>> No.881251
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fags need to harden the fuck up and improve their reading comprehension

>> No.881255
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>bawww, i can't understand this
>it's because the author sucks, not because i'm retarded

>> No.881312


should read this

>> No.881368
File: 139 KB, 594x471, enhanced-buzz-7142-1278442831-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fags can't read Ulysses

>My face on seeing this thread for the millionth time

>> No.881391

I can never understand why so many people find Ulysses so difficult. Sure Joyce's many references to such subjects as Irish history and Shakespeare require research and study, but the book's writing style is easy to overcome once you recognise that Ulysses is all about how one generates and processes thoughts.

>> No.881396

IF you're illiterate you can't read anything! And then nothing makes sense!


>> No.881405

Surely boring plots are what are to be expected from a book that is all about portraying real, not idealised, life.

>> No.881413

On a scale of normal to "Finnegan's Wake" how bad is it?

>> No.881510

normal compared to finnegan

>> No.881611

man i thought i would love joyce because the dead was so great; got dubliners and read the rest of it and it was ok; read portrait as an "intro" and it just melted my brain man

>> No.881624

Joyce - god tier troll

>> No.881650

try potrait of an artist as a young man.