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File: 36 KB, 201x308, History_of_Western_Philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8807594 No.8807594 [Reply] [Original]

Just bought pic related. Is it good? Will it help me later on when I read the philosophers he writes about in this book?

>> No.8807718

I found it useful and quite an enjoyable read, though Russell's far from impartial. It might be worth reading up on him so you can understand where he was coming from.

>> No.8807727

Horrible, you are going to end knowing less than before.

>> No.8807728
File: 10 KB, 700x700, bluishpurple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wittgenstein once remarked to Maurice O'Connor Drury, "Russell's books should be bound in two colours: those dealing with mathematical logic in red -- and all students of philosophy should read them; those dealing with ethics and politics in blue -- and no one should be allowed to read them."

>> No.8807734

It's dreadful, Russell is quite ignorant of most philosophies.

>> No.8807751

Wittgenstein was so drole.

>> No.8807763
File: 861 KB, 2048x1536, 021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it good?
Get pic related,

>> No.8809434

Guess I got fucked, since I already bought it.

>> No.8809445

No. Just start with the Greeks.

>> No.8809452


It's a fine read and an adequate intro to philosophy only up to the last third where he gets embarassingly bad. I suggest replacing that part with Robert Scruton's Short History of Modern Philosophy.

>> No.8809453

It's not as bad as people itt are saying, hell, it's good if you know nothing about phil.
However don't expect it to be impartial, there are chapters like the ones pertaining to Nietzsche or Marx that are hilariously biased

>> No.8809456

>reading any "Introduction To..." books
seriously you can just get all this information on the Internet

Read synopses of philosophers on Wikipedia

Read the ones you think are interesting

Read their influences

Read the Greeks

It's not hard

>> No.8809465

It's good up to Rousseau

>> No.8809607

It's the best Philosophy survey i've ever read... That may have something to do with the fact it's the only Philosophy survey i've ever read.

>> No.8809678

He shits on Aristotle and was a cuckold. There has to be some correlation here.

>> No.8809688
File: 7 KB, 197x200, 1477959214041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw reading this now and just got to Plato on self-perception

>> No.8809698

It`s a piece of shit. But it is better than nothing hopefully if you don`t buy into the whole muh spiritual greek philosphers thing russel tries to get going.

>> No.8809869

this to be completely honest

>> No.8809905

>Reading Wikipedia is better than reading books written by experts in their field
>Trying to understand philosophers who have been dead for centuries or millennia without any guide to knowledge of their cultural and intellectual context or even their vocabulary
>The Greeks meme
This is how people become pseuds

>> No.8809923


You are one of those people who know what other people know, and know their arguments, but can't make your own arguments, and therefore don't know anything.

Kind of like Russel and Wikipedia

>> No.8809933

You should read Kenny's History or Coppleston's series.

>> No.8810684

>the greeks meme meme

Srsly kid

>> No.8810690

Begin with Kant and it should be a breeze

>> No.8811952
File: 62 KB, 323x499, History of Philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard this one was better

>> No.8811981

It is

>> No.8811995

>The History of Western Philosophy
>written by an English scholar
>Is it good?
And what do you think?

>> No.8811998

is there a book on every philosophy that ever existed

>> No.8812016

My diary desu

>> No.8812034
