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/lit/ - Literature

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8806801 No.8806801 [Reply] [Original]

How do you discover books besides using lit, lit?

>> No.8806819

By shitposting and paying attention to posts with many (you)s, of course.

>> No.8806823

Talking to friends, professors, librarians, my uncle
That's using /lit/

>> No.8806830

This guy's uncle, usually

>> No.8806834

Goodreads' rec engine

>> No.8806850

By looking up stuff related to the books I already liked I guess. I don't know, it's not something I think about much, it just happens.

>> No.8806896

I've discovered way too many here.

>> No.8806935

Bibliographies, other books, essays, etc.

>> No.8806972

normally i just browse and as soon as someone is mentioned more than three times by different source i like i buy a book. otherwise obviously wikipedia

>> No.8807073

>besides using lit
Tbh I've been here for almost three years (fuck) and I've read like three books that were recommended to me by litizens. And all of them were comics. Other sources fill up my queue quite well already. Relatives, professors, canonical works, writers who influenced or were influenced by writers whose books I have already enjoyed etc etc

>> No.8807086

friends, my mum, goodreads, wikipedia, book stores, university

but mostly i use lit

>> No.8807092

a 19 y/o from a teamspeak channel i frequented recommended i read lolita when i was 14

rest is history

>> No.8807101

I never need to worry about that. Book recommendations always come naturally either from lit or other strange occurrence. Like there was a lady on the bus who found it amusing that I was reading Zizek. She came up to me and gave me some recommendation.

>> No.8807109

I just read the Greeks.

>> No.8807115

I just choose a random book from the library sometimes. I discovered Dostoevsky that way back when I didn't browse /lit/.

>> No.8807128

cockatiels are the most /lit/ bird

>> No.8807135
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>i buy a book

>> No.8807146


(Don't punch me pls.)

>> No.8807185

charity shops. Its mostly all shit but sometimes you can find interesting things.

>> No.8807293

Fuck off funnyjunker, you won't find any pinkies here.

>> No.8807722

i was reading the comments of a 'how being at the lower end of the economical spectrum is bad for your health even if you have everything you could possibly need' article and somebody mentioned Impro by Keith Johnstone and I've been reading it since then.

>> No.8807735

Thug Notes

>> No.8808087

I walk into a store, I pick up a book I like the cover or title to, I google it.