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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 122 KB, 521x426, 1276804134933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
880473 No.880473 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /it/ I have a confession to make.

I have never ever seen a cute girl reading a good book. They are always reading twilight and other inferior bullshit.

Come to think of it i've never seen a cute girl watch a great movie and enjoy it. They always say "It was too confusing and too long." and proceed to watch When in Rome or another shittastic movie.

So in theory since most things are marketed towards young attractive women and it doesn't take much to get their attention (hot guys everywhere and a shitton of sexual tension) it seems that women are ruining our society with their one dimensional needs.

We should rip away their rights and reclaim our thrones. We need to save our fucking species before the simpletons ruin it.

>> No.880480

you began with some semi-thruthiness

and ended a complete troll

not every woman reads twilight (but fuck it anyway)... stop the generalization crap

>> No.880478

I entirely agree.

>> No.880492
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Hey /it/ I have a confession to make.

I have never ever seen a handsome guy reading a good book. They are always reading Tom Clancy and other inferior bullshit.

Come to think of it i've never seen a handsome guy watch a great movie and enjoy it. They always say "Not enough explosions, man" and proceed to watch Bad Boys 2 or another shittastic movie.

So in theory since most things are marketed towards young attractive men and it doesn't take much to get their attention (car chases everywhere and a lot of attractive guns) it seems that men are ruining our society with their one dimensional needs.

We should rip away their rights and reclaim our thrones. We need to save our fucking species before the simpletons ruin it.

>> No.880493

Do you like the majority of books or movies that have come out in the last 20 years?

You can blame women for that.

>> No.880494
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woman detected

>> No.880490
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>> No.880496
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>> No.880500

Hey /it/ I have a confession to make.

I'm never talked to a girl.

>> No.880501
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> Tom Clancy
> inferior shit

>> No.880502
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>my face when women have shit taste

>> No.880505
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>> No.880515
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>my face when people think women are equal in any contributing attribute (excluding making babies of course)

>> No.880518
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>my face when my ex didn't like Ayn Rand

>> No.880520


>> No.880522

/a/ get out

>> No.880526
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> mfw you don't love reading about freedom-loving Americans kicking pinko-commie-ruskie ass to grant LIBERTY TO ALL, FUCK YA!

>> No.880529
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>my face when nobody can come up with a rational argument

>> No.880534
File: 14 KB, 679x427, this_computers_normal_and_not_weird_at_all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when /sp/ on /lit/

>> No.880536 [DELETED] 
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>Mfw /lit has never kissed a girl

>> No.880538
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> mfw I fuck bitches all over the place and don't read faggot books

>> No.880548

OP is pretty much right, though.

You're lucky to find a gal that reads.

>> No.880553
File: 249 KB, 620x775, obama-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when my female classmate says its misogynistic to call The Bell Jar whiny

>> No.880562
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>my face when women

>> No.880587
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>what every man would experience in a new world devoid of female influence

>> No.880626


>> No.880802

What would you say is a good book/movie? I'm curious.

>> No.880809

My tastes > your tastes

>> No.880827
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>mfw when posting in a /r9k/-/sp/ hybrid thread

>> No.880834
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>> No.880837
File: 68 KB, 486x1070, 1277761519595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cousin walked up to me the other day while I was reading. She asked what I was reading and bet that her book was better. I told her I was reading The Plague and explained what it was about. She responded by saying that, while it sounded interesting, she was reading a 'novel' that had a love story and it was probably so much better and then she held it up and I saw that it was teenlit. Then she skipped off laughing.

Pic related.

>> No.880847

Yep, I too prefer profound, sophisticated literature for profound and sophisticated 4chan visitors like myself.

>> No.880866


I don't have a problem with teenlit; I have a problem with the people who read teenlit.

>> No.880873


>> No.880904 [DELETED] 


Not so much teens as the 11-16 year old group of females. Though, to be quite fair and having read a few myself to make sure I had an honest opinion, their brains must have turned to mush from the monotony of the storylines, themes and character developments they encounter.

>> No.880943

>The Plague

Unless this was not your first time reading this book, you're just another would-be intellectual.

>> No.880962

>I have never ever seen a cute girl reading a good book.

Perhaps, but it seems like you're hiding something...

>I have never ever seen a cute girl.

Getting closer...

>I have never ever seen a girl.


>> No.880970


>Implying that anyone on /lit/ ISN'T just another would-be intellectual.

Also, second time.

>> No.881179

>Implying you know what my tastes are.

>> No.881183


>> No.881185

Here's some advice for the future:

1. Revoke women's voting rights
2. Make daughters instead of sons
3. ???
4. Future profit

The world would be beautiful if men would rule and there'd be 3 women for every man.

>> No.881186

go fuck yourself retard

>> No.881188

I have never seen an attractive man say anything intelligent.
First of all we're going to have to work under the assumption that because I have not seen one then it is inconceivable that they exist, because my argument will be supported by a number of fucking stupid examples.
For example: They are always playing video games like Pokemon or doing things like masturbating or watching pornography. It's often at the same time, actually.
Come to think of it I've never witnessed an attractive man watch a great movie and enjoy it. They always comment on the size of the protagonist's breasts or grab their dick or something. Then they go and watch The Fast & The Furious.
So in theory since most of the things that are marketed towards a young male demographic are marketed towards a young male demographic and there's not actually anything I can do about that except make fucking retarded comments that unfairly suggest it's just one gender who's primarily comprised of morons I'm forced to conclude that every single man ever is ruining society with their persistent and pervasive misogyny.

>> No.881205

You clearly haven't met me girl.

>> No.881211

>young male demographic
That's an important distinction. See, men grow up. Yet 40 year old women are clamoring to the store each time a Twilight book gets released.

>> No.881248

40 year old men jerk off to hentai and have waifus. Probably just as many as there are women who read Twilight or Mills & Boon or whatever else.
The fact is most people are fucking stupid, and it's not just women.