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8803296 No.8803296[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have stage iv pancreatic cancer and 6 months to live

what can i read in order help me feel less sad?

>> No.8803302


>> No.8803313

Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra

>> No.8803321

The Bible

>> No.8803322

That sucks, man.

>> No.8803330
File: 20 KB, 250x323, 81eUW9G6mML._UX250_[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meditations, my friend.

>> No.8803332

the death of ivan ilych

>> No.8803342

Nigga you got 6 months carte blanche to do whatever the fuck you want, don't waste it on stupid words. Rob a bank, travel across the globe, get fucked up on drugs or something, what you have to lose

>> No.8803351

Are these threads for real? If I know I have cancer why the heck would I ever turn on my computer

>> No.8803352

His freedom, his dignity, his mind.

>> No.8803356
File: 2.81 MB, 1820x1056, 1478631015480.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realize everyone including you is dying all of the time, just at different rates
life doesn't radically change ever anon

>> No.8803359

he will lose all of that in six months regardless

>> No.8803360

God is waiting for him

>> No.8803372

top kek

>> No.8803378

Go fuck women OP.

>> No.8803379

1. can't really be assed
2. i don't feel that great (although pretty good considering i have 6 months atm)
3. things are pretty chaotic atm, also i have treatments planned. which probs wont be successful, still it's not as easy as just fucking off somewhere

>> No.8803385

Nah I'm going to the Flying Spaghetti Monster :^)

>> No.8803386

but made me feel happy when i wasn't terminally ill

>> No.8803390

that never*

>> No.8803395

Read nothing but the bible everyday

>> No.8803400

Move bac to your parents and be close to your mom

>> No.8803428

Molloy Malone Dies the Unnamable

>> No.8803451

My diary desu

>> No.8803454

Try writing something instead, you faggot.

>> No.8803459


>> No.8803462

How old are you?

>> No.8803463

Everybody Poops obviously.

Joyce's short stories, Kafka's short stories, I dunno.

>> No.8803470


hardly anyone my age gets this kind of cancer fuck this gay earth

>> No.8803473

>le fuck women
>le travel the world
rofl @ anyone suggesting shit like this

>> No.8803480

Hope you pull through, lad

>> No.8803481

What treatments are you doing btw?

>> No.8803486

you could do a shit ton of hallucinogens, that's what i'd do.

>> No.8803495

chemotherapy. probably, i may yet opt out. considering euthanasia

what ill probably do is wait and see if i have a miraculous response to chemo, if not, then an hero

this i do plan on

>> No.8803503

I was in the same position as you last year. I found that the Death of Ivan Ilych was a good book. It might be hard to accept but dying wasn't as bad as I thought in the end and I don't even notice it anymore.

>> No.8803505

Like 24 or 25 mins in. One of the leading cancer and stem cells guys I studied under scoffed at a bunch of research around this though, but it might be worth doing. It's meant to make you feel significantly less shit on chemo.

>> No.8803507

Oh god im 27. Now im gonna be paranoid about cancer. I need to stop drinking and smoking. Godspeed, anon. If I were you, I would save up some hardcore painkillers, like maybe dilaudid if you can get it. Stay alive as long as you can enjoy things. When you feel like the worse is coming, down a bottle of those bad boy with some scotch or whatever you like to drink. And make sure to lay on your side or stomach so you don't choke on your own vomit in case you puke. That wouldn't be a good way to go. But an opioid death would be blissful.

>> No.8803510

what are you most bummed out you won't get to do?

>> No.8803512


>> No.8803523

>Rob a bank
>spend the last 6 months of your life being raped by bbc

>> No.8803525

Youth cancers are either genetic or flukes so I wouldn't worry about it. It takes a long time to get cancer effects from drinking/smoking.

Much love OP

>> No.8803528

the things that i enjoy again and again. don't have a bucket list desu. worst thing is it's such a rich and varied world and i want to see how things progress, and be part of the journey with my loved ones. oh well this will be forgotten soon, i try to just see myself as already dead.

did it hurt?

>> No.8803534

i did used to be fat, but only for a brief period and i can't help but think this is a bit of a fluke. like 1 in 2 million my age get this kind of cancer

>> No.8803536


>> No.8803538

You won't feel sad anymore if you just kill yourself right now.

>> No.8803548

i'm too scared

>> No.8803553

I hate normalfags so fucking much

>> No.8803555

it's time to go back

>> No.8803563

Go donate to a sperm bank that way a piece of you lives on.

>> No.8803564

"Cancer is a foe which many believe is impossible to defeat, yet some of our fearless Heyoka have faced and defeated cancer, Joe Eagle Elk and my son as well as others in the past. In western society, most doctors would have given up, telling the patient that cancer is incurable."

Look at the path of the Heyoka,


>> No.8803566
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>too scared

Why are you wasting what little time you have left memeposting on 4chan? Is this how you want to spend your last waking moments? Faggot.

>> No.8803577

I'd say that if you really take stock, you'll realise that there's quite a lot of life that fits into 25 years. Everyone misses out on the future beyond their death. Focus on what you didn't miss out on. Some trees grow tall, some grow short, they're trees all the same. Life is what it is.

>> No.8803596

>they're trees all the same
Unless they're bushes.

>> No.8803599

i dont really give a fuck. as i say this will all be forgotten soon. i have no real taste for hedonism right now, although i did when i was alive, that was kind of my way of celebrating life. i'm not going to be that fag who pretends theres anything worth celebrating in the midst of pancreatic cancer. if i wanna spend my last days loafing around being miserable maybe reading a book or two i'll do that

>> No.8803601

this one may be more helpful than you think lol

I'm hesitant to read more than the bit of Genesis I've read as I feel like it's all been altered by the evil Jew.

>> No.8803608


words like these are mildly comforting

thing im bummed out about though is he prospect of immortality soon and just missing the boat on that

>> No.8803615

Hey it's probably no great comfort, but you can be happy you got the chance to live at all.

>> No.8803620

"Wisdom of Near Death Experiences: How Understanding NDEs Can Help Us Live More Fully" by Penny Sartori
You might not believe in it, but it isn't religious and it really helped me through after passing of someone very dear to me. It may not give 100% proof, but is still really convinsing scientifically.

>> No.8803621

as opposed to..all those people who didnt get a chance to live?

>> No.8803628

>begin bummed out by this thread and feeling sorry for you
>realize you're a redpiller

You could have at least posted a frog in the OP so I wouldn't have had to waste valuable emotions on your situation

>> No.8803633

Just get a Vietnamese child's pancreas like Steve Jobs did.

>> No.8803637
File: 5 KB, 193x261, Heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Das Man is strong in this thread

>> No.8803638

what about the liver, lung and spine spread....

>> No.8803653

I won't lie, you will be very much more Vietnamese than you were before.

>> No.8803673

Ok, new plan.

Pretend you don't have cancer, write a book about the last few months of your life as you knowingly commit to killing yourself in the next 6 months as some protest against reality itself. The human element and the fact you actually do kill yourself as you claim will make it compelling and you will live on as a bestseller for 20 something faggots in Starbucks across the world for all eternity or at least 20-30 years.

>> No.8803680

fight it you mong

>> No.8803692

have seen lots of people online saying theyre going to 'fight' their pancreatic cancer

always ends the same

>> No.8803709

What's the implication here?

>> No.8803714

spend a week in Santos, SP, BR with me anon

>> No.8803715

If you want to know what a young lad thought and wrote months before dying of cancer, read Mars - Fritz Zorn. It will probably not make you feel less sad though.

>> No.8803725

>Have cancer
>Not dead yet
>Not drunk as fuck or high out of your mind
Nigga, what the fuck?

>> No.8803731

Stoics is the best. For you and for everyone.
It sucks that you got that bad luck but at least you are free now. You really have nothing to lose. Im not saying that you should go crazy and ttravel the world but do what would make you happy. Sell the stuff you dont need, get a parttime job, ask for a credit dunno, whatever, and spend your last 6 months smoking weed and listening to the smiths if that makes you happy, go bang 3 different hari colored whores at the same time, throw a coin form the top of the talles building you can find. Fuck off from this board, don't waste your time here. Unless thats what makes you happy.


>> No.8803735
File: 2.47 MB, 1996x3530, Epicteti_Enchiridion_Latinis_versibus_adumbratum_(Oxford_1715)_frontispiece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To comprehend the whole world together in thy mind, and the whole course of this present age to represent it unto thyself, and to fix thy thoughts upon the sudden change of every particular object. How short the time is from the generation of anything, unto the dissolution of the same; but how immense and infinite both that which was before the generation, and that which after the generation of it shall be. All things that thou seest, will soon be perished, and they that see their corruptions, will soon vanish away themselves. He that dieth a hundred years old, and he that dieth young, shall come all to one.

- Marcus Aurelius

>When death appears as an evil, we ought immediately to remember that evils may be avoided, but death is necessity. For what can I do, or where can I fly from it?

>Where shall I fly from death? Show me the place; show me the people to whom I may have recourse, whom death doth not overtake. Show me the charm to avoid it If there be none, what would you have me do? I cannot escape death; but cannot I escape the dread of it ? Must I die trembling and lamenting? For the origin of the disease is wishing for something that is not obtained.

- Epictetus

Read the Moral Discourses of Epictetus.

Good and evil lie only in our choices. What is out of our control is neither good nor bad, but indifferent. Death is out of our control, therefore it is indifferent. Moreover, it is inevitable.

While what happens to us, such as illness and death, is out of our control, our reactions to those things are under our control. Is it ever enjoyable to be afraid, anxious or depressed? No. Is it ever even useful? No. You must die, but you don't have to die depressed. That at least is in your power.

>"For it is not death or pain that is to be feared; but the fear of pain or death."

>> No.8803746

I'm sorry my dude, that's what my dad had, except it was weeks and not months. Read your Dante, Milton, and so on, but also make sure you hit up some Chinese poetry: Tao Qian, Hanshan, Du Fu, Li Bo, read the Analects and the Daodejing. I think people could forgive >reading translated poetry in this case.

It's pancreatic cancer, after a certain point he'll be in such pain that makes getting out of bed a struggle. Try loading that fucker on a plane for skydiving.

>> No.8803758

he died weeks after diagnosis? for how long was he symptomatic?

feels bad man, feel like the cancer is kind of toying with me the fact i'm in no noteworthy pain now

>> No.8803778


>but you sit trembling, for fear this or that should happen; and lamenting, and mourning, and groaning at what doth happen; and then you accuse the gods. For what is the consequence of such a meanspiritedness, but impiety? and yet God hath not only granted us these faculties, by which we may bear every event without being depressed or broken by it; but, like a good prince, and a true father, hath rendered them incapable of restraint, compulsion, or hindrance, and entirely dependent on our own pleasure: nor hath he reserved a power, even to him" self, of hindering or restraining them. Having these things free, and your own, will you make no use of them, nor consider what you have received, nor from whom? but sit groaning and lamenting, some of you, blind to him who gave them, and not acknowledging your benefactor; and others, basely turning yourselves to complaints and accusations of God?

>> No.8803782

He was complaining about pain for something like three months before that, but in your 60s any pain can be anything and it was assumed it was his chronic back pain so it went like that for a while, 2 months into that he didn't want to be doing anything physical, and then one night it was so bad we took him in, he was there for two weeks and that was that. It's a bitch but I suppose not as bad as the alternative of dragging it out over a long time and just withering.
So if you really want to do all that cliche mountain climbing seizing the day type stuff now would be the time to do it.

>> No.8803796

op, good stuff


>> No.8803822


>> No.8803853


He should be spending the rest of his time on 4chan blaming women, Jews and nonwhites for his predicament

>> No.8803941
File: 41 KB, 300x450, Cover_of_Mortality_by_Christopher_Hitchens,_Atlantic_2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it got me thru some tough times after a suicide attempt

>> No.8804098

What does it feel like having a deadline set?
Jokes aside, you should read the fall from camus. It's fun to read and short.

>> No.8804129

pretty shit

like the worst thing ever

like i thought failing exams was bad

not really sure how i'm coping

>> No.8804145

Now i feel bad about the pun.
I'd like to maybe write with you from time to time, if you don't mind, care to give me an email adress? I'd like to talk to someone who nears death.

>> No.8804204

>A Moveable Feast
>Marcus Aurelius
>The Idiot
>Death of Ivan Ilich

>> No.8804894

I died as mineral and became a plant,
I died as plant and rose to animal,
I died as animal and I was human,
Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?
Yet once more I shall die human,
To soar with angels blessed above.
And when I sacrifice my angel soul
I shall become what no mind ever conceived.
As a human, I will die once more,
Reborn, I will with the angels soar.
And when I let my angel body go,
I shall be more than mortal mind can know.

>> No.8804923

Try a heroic dose of psilocybin

>> No.8804930

This is interesting.

Once upon a time there was a number
Pure and round like the sun
But alone very much alone

It began to reckon with itself

It divided multiplied itself
It subtracted added itself
And remained always alone

It stopped reckoning with itself
And shut itself up in its round
And sunny purity

Outside were left the fiery
Traces of its reckoning

They began to chase each other through the dark
To divide when they should have multiplied themselves
To subtract when they should have added themselves

That's what happens in the dark

And there was no one to ask it
To stop the traces
And to rub them out.

>> No.8805464

The cancer has spread to his brain.

>> No.8805465

A dream cum true

>> No.8805502

well it was written by Jews friend
altered though? Probably not meaningfully, the intended interpretation of the text is still in tact. James R White is cool to listen to on this topic

>> No.8805748

So the guy posting >>/lit/thread/S8805184 threads is now pretending to have cancer? Wow.

>> No.8805751

huh? What does that have to do with my post?

>> No.8805756

Just curious, how old were your parents when they had you?

>> No.8805765

Just the (now deleted) post you replied to is the same guy/ip. They were pruned at the same time.

>> No.8805775

Maybe it will now

>> No.8805794

how do you know its the same ip?

>> No.8805833

I'm not explaining 4chan to you proxy boy.

>> No.8805840

>this gets 100 replies
>people not recognizing these threads
It's just a retarded hypochondriac whoring for attention

although at this point I'm not sure if it's still him or if people have co-opted his shitty threads for free replies

>> No.8805959

Almost surely Immortality isn't something you would have gotten anyway. It's farther than pop-sci wants you to think.

>> No.8806100

Read all of David Foster Wallace's works this way you'll be lulled into dying and will accept it with open arms.

>> No.8806152

start with the greeks

>> No.8806162

Other countries medical books. Seriously, if you're going to be reading anyway, might as well look at different options.

>> No.8806287

>do baseless, meaningless and hedonistic things instead of reading

Gee, I wonder how this can go wrong.

>> No.8806305

Somebody else recommended psilocybin. I agree, it's awesome.

>> No.8806310


>> No.8806311

Yeah, it could kill him.
Oh, wait.

>> No.8806327

Learn to love OP.

I learned something a while back when an old girlfriend of mine committed suicide. My apologies, but I'm a bit of one of the /poet/ry fags of /lit/, so I'm about to just drop some shit real quick that I hope will deliver what I'm trying to say better than my normal sperging ass would.

"I fell in love in a dream last night.
Upon a transitioning in the dream, I lost her.
And I did everything I could to come back to her.
I took over my dream. And I couldn't recreate her.
And then I woke up.
And realized, that it doesn't matter. I can't get her back.
And thus I've decided to treat every human this way.
Like one day they may mean the whole world to me.
And then the next moment I'll never see them again.
You don't know when a person will die. Or when a person will just decide that they're done.
I don't mean you need to fall in love with every person.
You don't have to grow over attached to every person you meet.
Because then you just hurt yourself.
But you need to show every person that you meet, love.
Because one day life will transition.
And you'll try to bring back whatever there once was.
And you'll do everything to come back.
And it just won't work.
Things don't work that way.
You'll realize that."

Your dream is about to end mate. Learn to love. Learn to show love. Fall in love.

>> No.8806360

Make a book of your own.
The brother of one of my aunt's friends killed himself and left a book of poems as sucide note. He even went to publish it and made several copies of it. No-one has read any of 'em, sadly, except for me and some other relatives and friends of this woman in question.

>> No.8806366

>Steve Jobs
How is he nowadays?

>> No.8806385

action is what will keep the sadness away. go to amusement parks, do life

>> No.8806390

this isn't /pol/ you know

>> No.8806392

Could've fooled me.

>> No.8806409

yeah at times. not this thread though

>> No.8806760

25 and 23

what about?

>> No.8806831


>> No.8806839


>> No.8806863

>I died as mineral and became a plant,
>I died as plant and rose to animal,
>I died as animal and I was human,
[citation needed]

>> No.8806900
File: 196 KB, 1000x667, Mikko-Lagerstedt-Something-About-A-Tree-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If reading philosophy (as a way to self-improvement, or, to reduce the angst) isn't enough then maybe it's worth giving charity work a try. I don't know who or how you are as a person but I believe there's a possiblity for anyone to gain a bit of redemptive and meaningful experience from unselfishly aiding people that otherwise are willfully forgotten by society. Give it a thought OP. I wish you the least terrible of journeys.

>> No.8807511

Cringy af.

>> No.8808199

pretty gay

>> No.8808256

>for anyone to gain a bit of redemptive and meaningful experience from unselfishly aiding people that otherwise are willfully forgotten by society
Even a full blown psychopath?

>> No.8808296


Sure. As you're about to hand a hobo some food you drop it and stomp it into the ground and gleefully tell the fella "Want some fries with that?".

If that makes you happy, go for it.

>> No.8808300

Seems pretty selfish to me. Good idea, though

>> No.8808302

this is me (op)

this is not

>> No.8808309

Well, is this a bad time???

>> No.8808424

Arbeit und Struktur by Wolfgang Herrndorf. Diary of a German author dying of cancer. If you are lucky there is a translation somewhere.

>> No.8808435

Why do you come here to brag?

>> No.8808436


Any decent hobo is going to eat that shit anyway.

>> No.8808439

>Wolfgang Herrndorf.
could a name be any more german

>> No.8808443


>> No.8808493

Be honest with yourself OP, and try to do the one thing in your power to do that you have always wanted but have been hemmed in by insecurity or stigmatization, regardless of morality.
Finally, when the time comes, take your death into your own hands and die like a man instead of like whimpering flesh subject to a cellular parasitic disease. Die screaming, in that moment you will feel the most alive you will ever have felt in your existence

>> No.8808507

>take your death into your own hands and die like a man instead of like whimpering flesh subject to a cellular parasitic disease. Die screaming, in that moment you will feel the most alive you will ever have felt in your existence

i've thought about this

i plan to

>> No.8808510

>in that moment you will feel the most alive you will ever have felt in your existence
How would you know? have you died in such a way? Have you talked with people that have?

>> No.8808552

I've tried to kill myself with before, woke up after failing with my heart rate over 200 and almost suffocating due to respiration depression, dragged myself to a phone and called an ambulance. It was incredibly painful but made me appreciate the sensation of living enough that I haven't tried to do it since. What your body does when it struggles with every ounce of energy to survive is a bizarre, vitalizing experience

>> No.8808556

>die screaming
Doctors make it hard to die screaming nowadays. Such death-throes histrionics are often discouraged, if it's at all possible to abstain from them. Sorry to any die-hard Tolstoy fans out there.

>> No.8808758

That's sounds like a sublime experience, friend. Quite the ingredient to mix in your character