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8802684 No.8802684 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on the kindle /lit/, is it worth it?

Can I put books I download from IRC on there?

>> No.8802685

>is it worth it?


>> No.8802687

Get a Kobo so you don't have to deal with Amazon's DRM bullshit.

>> No.8802690

>Redpill me

Kill you'are'selve

>> No.8802693

If you use Calibre to convert epubs then it's like any other ebook reader, except that the backlight is quite useful

So yeah, download epubs, convert, done

PDFs are garbage on all ebook readers as PDFs are 'frozen' in formatting. Converting them often leads to a mess as the converter has to basically guess what's going where.

>> No.8802698

So I can't put books I download on to a kindle?

Can I buy books from the kindle store and put them on a kobo?

>> No.8802722

Kindles don't support EPUB. They need to be converted to Amazon's proprietary AZW format via Calibre or other third-party software.

And no.

>> No.8802741

>Kindles don't support EPUB. They need to be converted to Amazon's proprietary AZW format via Calibre or other third-party software.

Does the conversion work well? I'll mainly be downloading books from IRC, but I'd like to buy ones I can't find. The kobo store doesn't have some of the books I've looked for, which I can't find online.

Is the kindle really that bad?

>> No.8803046

Yes, epub to azw3/mobi is a perfect conversion by Calibre you literally will not perceive any difference. It's hardly even a bother when you'll be using Calibre to manage your ebook collection anyway.

>> No.8803061

get a kobo you faggot

>> No.8803069


Mobi format works as well. And if you're downloading books it isn't hard to find that format anyways.

>> No.8803073

This thread is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.8803095

literally name 1(ONE) benefit to getting a kobo

>> No.8803287



Kindle paper white + calibre on your PC is the best set up. Never had issues.

>> No.8803301


PS. Calibre automatically converts to us able format when syncing and takes about 2 seconds to do.

>> No.8803335


>> No.8803349

from comparing Kobo Glo HD to Kindle Paperwhite
>more accurate/brighter white color
>light can actually be turned all the way off when reading
>supports more formats natively
>no Amazon ads and retarded bullshit
>more fonts/reading customization options

if you plan to go full normie and buy all of your books from an e-store then yes the kindle is better. in every other way the kobo is better

>> No.8803582

what are some good fonts for e-readers? i tried bookerly but it's too indistinct on my low contrast kindle 4.

>> No.8804155

Worth it if you like dick in the butt

>> No.8804212

>Redpill me

>> No.8804380

>basic 4chan lingo triggers him
>in 4chan of all places

>> No.8804400

its gay lingo what it is

>> No.8804410

don't buy it and don't post here ever again

>> No.8804429


The redpill on kindles is they're a pointless product being pushed on you as a solution to a problem you never had to begin with. Just read PDFs on your laptop or phone, you don't need (((e-ink))).

>> No.8804440

Buy a Kobo or a Nook. Either can easily handle sideloading books.

>> No.8804470

Which would you most recommend?

>> No.8804773

Not literature, shitposting fag

>> No.8804803

>Just read PDFs on your laptop or phone, you don't need (((e-ink))).
this is one of the worst things I've ever read

if anything sell your laptop and buy an ereader

>> No.8804928

It converts fine.

No reason to choose a kobo over a kindle, and no reason to choose a kindle over a kobo. Just get what's cheaper.
>le if it's a big company it must be worse

>> No.8805027

>>le if it's a big company it must be worse
yes. Unironically yes.

Amazon is far more invasive of your device, and ethics aside it has practical implications. The amazon store cannot be ignored on the device, there are advertisements on your home screen, and Amazon has the ability to detect and wipe content from your device without your consent

>> No.8805107

I just bought a Kindle Oasis, after years of protesting it because >muh physical cobbies

It was one of the best decisions I ever made. Reading is easier than ever, and I can constantly have a multitude of books with me, and the backlight just makes it extremely easy to read in all conditions. No more fumbling around with thick ass books trying to catch the right angle.

Do it faggot.

>> No.8805134


most important things are
>having a good frontlight (backlight is disengenuous; ereaders lights project on top of the screen, not from behind it like an LCD)
>having high PPI (250 or higher)

most high end Kobos or Kindles have 300 PPI and great lights

>> No.8805200

Most pointless product of all time.

>> No.8805216

I liked the Voyage, but the balance and physical buttons of the Oasis are top tier.

>> No.8805223


>> No.8805470

>he doesn't know

>> No.8805479


Yes, it is worth it.

#bookz on the undernet is a good place to download books

>> No.8805978
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The tapered edge balances the device towards the side you grab it with. Makes it the best ereader for one handed reading.

This is especially important in America, so you can eat your cheeseburger and sip your Super Big Gulp with one hand, and read Harry Potter in the other.

>> No.8806014

Send my regards to the whole Amazon marketing team.

>> No.8806049

I inherited a Gen3 Kindle with the keyboard a while back and love it, it's pretty much exactly like reading a book. Though the battery isn't what it used to be now, 2-3 novels a week and it gets down to around 25% charge, so I've been thinking of getting a Paperwhite to replace it (since they apparently don't sell a cover for the newer Kindles that has a LED light in it and the Oasis is too expensive), how's the responsiveness for the touchscreen versions?

>> No.8806448

Can you actually flip the screen around this time? Or do they just really hate lefties?

>> No.8806453

>tfw you can't concentrate when reading off a screen

give me expensive books that take up lots of space, family

>> No.8806621


Can you really not deactivate the light of the kindle? Does that mean its battery life is shit?

>> No.8806631

You really can't, but luckily your battery life is still fucking huge.

In any case, you'll pretty much never want it off all the way anyway. The differences between kobo and kindle are utterly negligible, as is the case with most ereaders.

>> No.8806735

I have a Paperwhite. It's bretty good. Better for shorter, more casual reads I find though. As many might expect, there is a lack of the feeling of progress when using an e-reader. Seeing your percent read isn't as engaging as holding a book and feeling the weight shift, but I guess that's just psychosomatic bullshit.

>> No.8806755
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Unless you're a caveman, you WILL be using calibre to manage your ebooks so epub compatibility is a non-issue. E-readers are a worthwhile investment regardless of brand. Watch some video reviews then get whichever you find prettiest because that's literally all the difference there is.

>> No.8806788

Not sure if things have changed, but whenever I converted epubs to mobi for use on my kindle the formatting was always royally fucked.

>> No.8806858

It has never happened to me, it's quite possible that they fixed it. The calibre project has been an ongoing project for 10 years with almost weekly updates. I have much respect for the people behind it.

>> No.8806864

Do you travel a lot?
If so, and you don't mind throwing around a couple hundred, for a good case and some ebooks, it's worth it. You can get the books on your phone, but if you don't have the new ones which are notebook sized it's not worth it.

When I don't it just sits around

>> No.8806884

I have owned two kindles. The lack of physical buttons on the new model irks me. I stepped on my first kindle and it stopped working, this is never an issue with paper books. Kindle is nice because books are free, and I can carry thousands of them, also I can read the bible in public without attracting loonies.
Paper will always be better though.

>> No.8806895

hey mate I have this on my other computer, I downloaded a huge rar with tons of books can you hit me up with a download link senpai?

>> No.8806938

Calibre is shit. Just install Total Commander and use file directories like a pro. It's also quite bad at converting books with forced conversions, it is always reducing cover sizes, often fucking up formatting, fucking up embedded fonts, doing other annoyances, and on top is absolutely pathetic as previewer. For epub to mobi just use Kindle Previewer. It may still fuck up from time to time, but overall it does a lot better job.

>> No.8806956

>Calibre is shit.

no it's not

>> No.8806963


Uhm. What? You can entirely turn off the backlight of Kindle Paperwhite.

>> No.8807003

It is when you know what it does behind the scenes. All in all it's nothing but plugins thrown together. Each of them barely doing it's job. It's not efficient and truly does stupid things with your disk space.

Third party tools are the way to go if you're at least slightly proficient with computers. SumatraPDF for previewing PDF/EPUB. Kindle Previewer for mobi conversions. Adobe Digital Editions for As for the bookshelf, just use file structure and your own simple library system.

>> No.8807032


literally untrue

soulseek, libgen, mobilism, torrent and your local library overdrive are better than the bookz irc

>> No.8807036

pdf conversion is truly awful, otherwise azw3-epub is lossless

>> No.8807069

you want calibre or the collector's cover files? I can zip them up if you want the latter, the former you can just google calibre and it's the first thing that pops up.

>> No.8807079

yea im not talking about the program though, I meant a huge rar with thousands of books for my library

>> No.8807095


Hold on, you can soulseek books? Fuck me I've only used soulseek for illbegotten music all this time.

>> No.8807102

Yeah the selection is pretty on par with any of the other pirate sites. Its particularly good for foreign fiction.

>> No.8807103

not knowing about clockwise3rldkgu.onion, hihihihi

>> No.8807105

Every time I use TOR my internet slows to a crawl.

>> No.8807123

Alright, I've uploaded the Discworld cover pics here: https://www.sendspace.com/file/3qcnvv
(The last ten or so are missing because the artist hasn't drawn them yet).
You'll have to select all the books you want to edit (hold control) then click 'Edit metadata' on the top right.

>> No.8807133

That's because it's behind couple of proxies and relays, silly.

>> No.8807188

>In any case, you'll pretty much never want it off all the way anyway.
Reading outside in the summer (even in the shade) requires no light. I do a lot of reading that way.

>you WILL be using calibre to manage your ebooks
Why the fuck would you need to "manage" your ebooks? Just put them in a folder on your PC.

>> No.8807213
File: 162 KB, 1261x804, sorted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do that but then you'd have to shift through your whole collection if you ever wanted a particular book and unless you rename each book you download, you're gonna have a bad time. Nevermind having them sorted by author, publish date or genre.
Calibre does exactly that and you can still access all the books without using it. It's just far superior to using windows folder and explorer in every way.

>> No.8807222

Yeah, renaming files and folders is really hard.

>> No.8807228

If you want to spend an a few hours playing intern simulator 2016, go ahead. The rest of us are using tools like civilized people.

>> No.8807244

>intern simulator 2016

Very popular in Germany right now, I've heard.

>> No.8807317


>> No.8809432

Built in accelerometer. When you turn it, it automatically turns, along with the button mapping.

You can turn the light off.

Oasis has physical buttons.

>> No.8809571


That's the oldest scarestory on the internets. One swedish women, after that no other reports whatsoever. But I'm quite certain that they have a way of seeing what you've got on your Kindle if you connect to wireless. I mistakenly wiped my dictionaries off my Kindle while transferring books and went to support thinking something was wrong. Their Indian technician immediately knew that they weren't present on my kindle. Do know that they can get all kinds of info from you just by having wireless on.


You can't be seriously advising people on buying Oasis? It's got exactly the same bloody screen as Voyage, same software. Only difference is three or four led lights more for when you use backlight, and a dumb cover thing. If you've the bucks to spare, always get Voyage, or better jet get a larger than 6" eink reader. 200$ is seriously overpriced for that screen size.

>> No.8809577

I recently bought an old kindle for 22$ on amazon, in great condition, pirated a bunch of books I would have otherwise needed to read on my computer/look for in the library/buy, and am reading them without straining my eyes like I would on a computer. I thought it was worth it.

>> No.8809578

can i install linux on it?

>> No.8809596

I have a paper white and I love it. Even read infinite jest on it.

>> No.8809604

Oh, yeah. And that cover thing has the same exact function as any regular portable charger that you can get for 20$. Eink's need very little electricity, so you can even quickly charge them with handheld usb dinamos. Making them virtually independent of electricity.

>> No.8809655
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This is a Kobo board.

>> No.8809706

Besides water protection, what differentiates it from the Aura?

>> No.8809734

>But I'm quite certain that they have a way of seeing what you've got on your Kindle if you connect to wireless
yeah fuck that nonsense

>> No.8809748

Has anyone invented a decent color e-reader yet? If not, I had an idea of how to do it, using the principles of photography instead of e-ink or pixels.

Instead of using 3-5 different types of eink on a screen, you could use three or four transparent colored screens layered on top of each other, each with their own e-ink.

So instead of the ink being coloured, the screen itself is colored- the physical object- it's the same way technicolor was made using 3 film strips in the 1930s.

>> No.8809750

Aura ONE
>7.8” HD Carta E Ink touchscreen, 1872 x 1404 resolution 300 dpi

Aura H20
>6.8” Carta E Ink HD touchscreen with high, 1430 x 1080 resolution, 265 dpi

Kobo Glo HD
>6” HD Carta E Ink touchscreen, 1448 x 1072 resolution 300 pixels per inch
>not waterproof
this is the actually best Kobo reader for the price, and one of the best ever made. For some fucking reason it's not in stock though. It's so they can jew people into buying the piece of shit I'm about to list next

Kobo Aura (2016)
>" Carta E Ink touchscreen, 1024 x 768 resolution 212 ppi
>not waterproof
>$119 (on sale for $99)

then there's this gigantic hunk of shit

Kobo Touch 2.0
>6″ E-Ink Pearl, 800x600
>no backlight
>not waterproof

>> No.8809753

>it's the same way technicolor was made using 3 film strips in the 1930s.
that's really fucking cool actually

idk if it'd work well though. there'd be too much depth between the top and bottom screen

>> No.8809762
File: 56 KB, 350x333, technicolor_registrations (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is what I mean. It's sort of like CMYK printing except using the light spectrum instead of the additive.

>> No.8809774

It was able to be done in the 1930s with regular celluloid, I bet it'd be way easier now and would register beautifully. It'd be great for comic books, photography displays, magazines...

>> No.8809779

it would require back light though, in order for the colors to blend properly

>> No.8809793

Why? A red transparent film on top of a green on top of a blue would make black with no light- but an e-ink white pixel, depending on the layer, would just the colors that aren't whited out.

So if you needed to make yellow, you'd white out blue, and leave green and red. The front light would let you see it- just like a physically yellow object.

>> No.8809797

except I can get a kindle for like $20

>> No.8809798

Seriously? Where to cop senpai

>> No.8809801

you mean an old kindle

if you want to get a poorfag ereader yeah old kindles are good

but if you want to experience to actually be better than reading physical books you have to put out

>> No.8809805

Fuck that, I have a shit-ton of regular books, I'll buy an old kindle for $20. I'm sick of reading on my iphone 4.

>> No.8809807

I got by on a $30 nook for a while. It's definitely worth it just for free books and to break the habit of phone/tablet reading. enjoy

>> No.8809813

yeah, I pirate all my shit anyway using bookz and I just email epubs to myself and download them using my mail app on my shitty phone.

>> No.8810079

>Kobo Aura (2016)

Eh, it seems good for the price.

>> No.8810149

I love my Oasis. Much better in the hand. It's stupid overpriced though.

The Voyage is fantastic too, though.

>> No.8810178

it's not

it's low PPI. Every single other Ereader sold for $100 before it had a high PPI display. The fucking Kobo Glo HD has a $10 higher msrp, rendering the entire device useless

they literally downgraded the Glo HD in every way (screen, materials) and are selling it for marginally the same price

>> No.8810188

Anyone here has the Aura ONE? Is it worth it for the price?

>> No.8810681

So the next best option is the Kobo Aura H20?

>> No.8810834

no, I'd say kobo glo HD from ebay

>> No.8810842

>redpill me
Just end yourself, kiddo

>> No.8810858

mobi is just as common as epub

and yes, you can remove DRM and put it anywhere you want

fucking shill

>> No.8810990

Get a Paperwhite. Anything more, you're getting ripped off (Voyage and Oasis have nearly 0 benefits despite being significantly more). Anything less, you're not getting any type of lighting so you can read in the dark.

>> No.8810997

I just download everything in mobi and send to my kindle by mail. In the rare case I have to convert to mobi with Calibre, but really it's no issue at all. It's only bad when trying to find obscure books, these ones I have to buy in physical form

>> No.8811147

What are some good places to get ebook covers for calibre?

If I do the automatic metadata download it gives me Wordsworth tier shit.

>> No.8811157

I got a Kobo touch for 35$ and I'm very happy with it.
I don't need it to be waterproof or have a backlight because books usually don't glow and don't handle water well.

>> No.8811170

Best way I've found so far is to scour google images for a good cover. Also make sure to add goodreads on your search sources.

>> No.8811316

play.google.com/store/books will usually get you the highest quality covers.

Open a cover of a book there as image. And just add couple of zeros to the end web address.

For example:


>> No.8811422

bs, they're still really great readers, resolution really isn't as important as people think. My old kindle four, when compared to high resolution screens, still performs better than any lcd, and only marginally worse than my 1200x600 einker.

>> No.8811595
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>> No.8812929

I have it. It's definitely worth it, but I'm not poor so take that as you will.