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8801623 No.8801623 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8801627

Excited to dive into Confessions once I'm done exams

How familiar with neoplatonism do I have to be to read Meister Eckhart?

>> No.8801628

Praise Jesus!
Pascal's Wager.

>> No.8801650

Pascal's Wager is a shit proposition and no Christian should take it seriously. You should be driven to Christianity by love of the Lord.

>> No.8801660
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>Anno Domini MMXVI
>Not being bread pilled

>> No.8801665


Nah, Eckhart is simple and easy to understand.

>> No.8801667
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>> No.8801684
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This was absolute biblio.

>> No.8801686
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>> No.8801688

Feels like Scorcese's going to fuck it up, though.

>> No.8801690
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>> No.8801716

Just finished a paper on this book. Heres my advice: read something else.

I suggest his other work like The Happy Life or City of God. Or boethius if you havent read him.

>> No.8801861

Matthew 4:19?

>> No.8801866

Can I be a Christian while being redpilled (in the /pol/ way) without contradictions? Can you hate women and minorities and still be a good believer?

>> No.8801874

Really? Don't get me wrong, everything by Augustine is great, but the Confessions is such an interesting read. I really enjoy his expositions on the Psalms.

Late have I loved you, O beauty ever ancient, ever new.

>> No.8801902


>> No.8801917


>> No.8801932

It's also an absolutely beautiful read too.

>> No.8801934

I guess Paul DID spread the gospel in Turkey....

>> No.8801935

There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, man nor woman; all are one in Jesus Christ.

>> No.8801939

If you're atheist or agnostic and interested in Catholicism I suggest reading the following.

Belief in God in an Age of Science
Surprised by Joy
Christianity for Modern Pagans
A Life of Jesus
Exploring Christian Theology
Kristin Lavransdatter

The first five are nonfiction and the last one is fiction. They're all good reads, even if you don't plan to convert at all.

>> No.8801952

You can be anything you want. God will solve all contradictions if you heed his call. You can hate anyone or anything as long as you love God. And you don't need to ask permission from anybody, since no man is guardian of his kingdom. You need to talk to him in your heart, not to men who pretend they know him and will happily lay down "his" law on you.

>> No.8801959

>You can hate anyone or anything as long as you love God.

I respectfully disagree. Jesus preached against hatred and violence.

>> No.8801961

No. I'm sorry, but race isn't even a category, unless you are a protestant.
I'll just list authors
Faustina Kowalska
Teresa of Avila
John of the Cross
De Maistre

>> No.8801995

>I've never read the Bible

>> No.8802169


I think his point is that though those initial contradictions exist, they are resolved through faith and through the pursuit of God (through God, rather than through man alone). In this, what he is saying is perfectly right.

>> No.8802546
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My diary, desu


>> No.8802560

Maximus the Confessor is a pretty cool guy too desu senpai.

>> No.8802600

I haven't gotten around most early Christian writers yet

>> No.8802601

No he's retarded and so are you

>> No.8802614

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.8802628

It's a story of him leaving the faith, probably not the best choice.

>> No.8802632


>> No.8802636

It's exactly the right choice

>> No.8802728

For Christian literature? I disagree.

>> No.8803323
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Just started reading "This Present Darkness." Dialogue felt a little stilted at first plus parts are kinda cheesy but I'm actually really enjoying it.

>> No.8803354 [DELETED] 

Hating women and minorities is pretty stupid and childish. Many women are corrupted by modernity and simply need a strong and positive male in their lives. Many minorities simply have low IQ levels, this is not reason to hate them.

You can love and protect your family and people, however.

Have a commonsense approach to reality but dont put your faith in politics, put it in God.

>> No.8803437

>Have a commonsense approach to reality
That's pretty modernist thinking Anon.

>> No.8803469
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Furthermore, I ordered this as I've become interested in spiritual warfare and possessions/excorcicisms

>> No.8803474

Care to explain?

>> No.8803580

What people consider "common sense" is essentially relativism which isn't wholly compatible with Christian belief.

>The faith of Christ is in opposition to human reason and divine revelation not only is not useful, but is even hurtful to the perfection of man.

>> No.8803609

Is quietism still a heresy?

I think it's a comfy philosophy and wish to subscribe to it, but I ain't no heretic.

>> No.8803611

Eh i mean its kind of overhyped if i do say so myself. Personally I think Boethius story is much more compelling.i mean the autobiography parts of the work are interesting enough but theres always a feeling of "Im missing something" if youre reading a translation. Often in the footnotes you'll find phrases like "This part is untranslatable omg its so beautiful i wish u could read this shit, if u only u werent a pleb lel"

>> No.8803713


What do you find comfy about it?

>> No.8803765

my boy albertus magnus getting shafted once more. Typical

>> No.8804219

That's because his job was recognising Aquinas

>> No.8804225

>Can you hate women and minorities and still be a good believer?
They've been doing it for millennia, why stop now.

>> No.8804234

>sincere unironic Christian
>being a /pol/tard in all but name
>accuses anyone of low IQ

>> No.8804339 [DELETED] 

I stated an objective fact that certain ethnic groups have lower IQs than others. That's all.

Odd that you became so hostile, friend.

>> No.8804348

I took Christian belief for granted.

When I said "common sense", I meant grounded political choices.

Interesting point though.

>> No.8804357


The obligatory shitposter is here to inform us all that he is too clever to believe in God.

Very good lad, you can go now.

>> No.8804383

Wait, what? you believe Christendom was built on "hatred" of women and minorities? Even though Mary, Mother of God; Jesus of Nazareth is kinda what the NT is about?

>> No.8804402


There are no contradictions in the bible. Any apparent contradiction is resolved with a greater knowledge of history, language, context, and a general understanding of literature and genre.

>> No.8804406

Is Chesterton considered Christian, even outside of the obvious choices? I just got around to reading The Man Who Was Thursday, and would love some resources for better understanding it. I felt completely lost during the philosophy of the chase.

>> No.8804409

Learn to read, friendo.

>> No.8804414
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>There are no contradictions in the bible.

>> No.8804433


Did you misunderstand that or something?

>> No.8804442

He's the seminal Catholic author of the century.

In any case, fedoras and polfags please fuck off, leave us in peace to talk about books.

>> No.8804444

Why don't I hear more people recommend Until We Have Faces? It's the most moving thing Lewis ever wrote.

>> No.8804472

Mostly because I don't really like Lewis.

>> No.8804483

His works are each so distinct from each other, it seems strange to categorically dislike the whole body. What have you read, and what didn't you like?

>> No.8804491

I've read a few Narnia ones, Mere Christianity, Screwtape letters and a few others I can't remember the names of atm. I just find him to be very mediocre in almost all aspects, especially retrospectively.

>> No.8804517

>I forgot him because im a pleb but no actually its because hes actually irrelevant. I am unfalliable

>> No.8804528

which bible translation should I read famalam? I go the ESV reference bible because it was free on kindle but I have NASBRE and RSVCE from my catholic childhood. Also, i can get KJV or any other older translation on project gutenberg, so just rec me some good translations.

>> No.8804532

King Jimmy will always be the most aesthetic.

>> No.8804545

Christianity is unfortunately a globalist religion, it worked great when it was contained to Europe, then it was an European religion.

But no longer...

A religion for everyone, is a religion for no one.

>> No.8804550

What is the origin of undeserved suffering?

>> No.8804560

The will of God.
He sends us suffering to see if we truly love him and are prepared to walk the road of justice when it is hard.

>> No.8804580

And if we are not?

>> No.8804589

Justice will be served.

>> No.8804598

So does God create some human beings to suffer, fail to act justly and then suffer some more?

>> No.8804602

RSV-2CE is unaesthetic as fuck, they completely removed the KJB shit like thou and art.

>> No.8804619

He doesn't create them for it, but it will happen to many yes as they will reject him. He cannot force man to love him or to be at his presence, even if he gives hundreds of opportunities to everyone throughout their lifetime.

>> No.8804629

Assuming infinite timelines, does each splintering create a new soul, or is it, as an extra universal construct, shared between bodies? And has anyone written anything good about this concept?

>> No.8804658

Why does God need someone so desperately to love him if he's perfect?

>> No.8804661

Moby Dick

>> No.8804668

He doesn't. He just wants to. He is triune so he already shares love within the three persons. >>8804629
You cannot assume infinite timelines as theology is clear on there being a beginning and the end.

>> No.8804675

Because one-way love is not love.

Try it, if you don't believe me.

>> No.8804695

So God "just wants to" be loved and therefore creates suffering?

>> No.8804717

God didn't create suffering, that's blatantly obvious in Genesis.

>> No.8804735

God isn't a Vulcan senpai.

>> No.8804741

He already is loved like I said.
He created beings with free will who reject him and do evil, which is the source of suffering and as his mercy is the same as his justice as he is being itself he will shine upon all souls and some will burn in it and some will be in bliss. He also partook in the suffering himself on the cross, submitting himself to be, as God, tortured and killed like a common criminal in the most degrading way.

>> No.8804893

I don't see how there being a beginning and end automatically dismisses infinite timelines. That they would all start from the same point is more than possible, and a simultaneous end is equally feasible.

>> No.8805051

Currently reading the confraternal version. Underrated translation, especially good if you want a Catholic one. The physical copies are like 5 dollars on Amazon and they're pretty comfy.

>> No.8805070

>people suffer because they reject God

Hmmm, not entirely sure about that.

>> No.8805371

>does each splintering create a new soul

The soul cannot be penetrated or divided.

>> No.8805467

I'm curious. Do the Christians in the thread actually believe that the Bible is literally true(as in it conforms with both physical and metaphysical reality), or do you believe the Bible speaks of truth in action?

>> No.8805503

The Bible is inerrant, however, this is the case only when the Bible is properly understood, interpreted by the Church.

>> No.8805513

So, you believe then that a story like Cain and Abel literally happened some time in history, or do you think the meaning of the story is the point, or both perhaps?

>> No.8805541

Yes, both.

"According to ancient tradition, one can distinguish between two senses of Scripture: the literal and the spiritual, the latter being subdivided into the allegorical, moral and anagogical senses.

The Letter speaks of deeds; Allegory to faith; The Moral how to act; Anagogy our destiny."

>> No.8805552

I agree with this, up until the last 4 words being as I'm Protestant
I believe its open to personal interpretation.

>> No.8805555

>race isn't even a category, unless you are a protestant.

>> No.8805578

You're given a lot of wiggle room for personal interpretation in Catholicism for the most part but there's a limit, you can't really be catholic and not believe in transubstantiation for instance.

>> No.8805593

that goes for all denominations, like you can't be a baptist and believe in infant baptism
the biggest line though, is that Protestants can differ in certain beliefs and still consider each other true saved Christians, but Catholics will consider you a heretic if you reject transubstantiation or papal infallibility or mass etc.

>> No.8805628

Stop polishing your katana and read some Russian lit.

>> No.8805662

>one can distinguish between two senses of Scripture: the literal and the spiritual

So, this could mean that the Church can consider a lot of the stories in the Bible to not have literally taken place, but stories imbued with divine meaning regardless?

>> No.8805682

Sure, if the "Church" is in heresy.

>> No.8805778

But you just said you could distinguish between two senses of Scripture, literal and spiritual.

>> No.8806099
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>Can you hate women and minorities and still be a good believer?
Leftypol pls, no Christian nor /pol/ack would ever say such a thing.

>> No.8806169
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Best American Christian writers of the 20th century?

>> No.8806194

>Christianity is unfortunately a globalist religion, it worked great when it was contained to Europe, then it was an European religion.
>But no longer...
This is the kind of idiot that posts desu vult shit and dreams of animu like crusading without knowing what that was all about.

>> No.8806405
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Flan Flan

>> No.8806410

>Christianity is unfortunately a globalist religion, it worked great when it was contained to Europe

>Palestine is in Europe

>> No.8806417

do u guys like alvin plantinga?

>> No.8806442

>Warranted Christian Belief is a book written by Alvin Plantinga and published in 2000 (Oxford University Press). It constitutes, after Warrant: The Current Debate and Warrant and proper function, both published in 1993, the last part of his trilogy on epistemology.

>In this book, Plantinga wants first to show that it is rational to accept Christian belief. Plantinga also proposes, with what he calls "the Aquinas/Calvin Model", an "account of the way in which Christian belief is, in fact, justified, rational and warranted".

Interesting... I'm curious how he goes about his argument.

>> No.8806450

Lol this is a meme right? I can't be truly one of many actual Christian /lit/izens? It would disintegrate this board's pseudo-state if people actually BELIEVED something.

The Confessions are AMAZING

>> No.8806489

You aren't special, sorry.

>> No.8806500

:P Not about that, friend. Just astonished that this is actually looking like a real movement on the board.

>> No.8806569


>> No.8806683

Is it? What about this bit here in Genesis 3:

16 To the woman he said,

“I will make your pains in childbearing very severe;
with painful labor you will give birth to children.
Your desire will be for your husband,
and he will rule over you.”
17 To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat from it,’

“Cursed is the ground because of you;
through painful toil you will eat food from it
all the days of your life.
18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you,
and you will eat the plants of the field.
19 By the sweat of your brow
you will eat your food
until you return to the ground,
since from it you were taken;
for dust you are
and to dust you will return.”

How is that him not willfuly creating suffering?

>> No.8806686


Well, you say that. Then again, wouldn't you say that God acts sometimes fairly autistic throughout Old Testament?

>> No.8806816

Cradle Catholic here, been lurking lit for around 6 years :}

>> No.8806824

>acts autistic


>> No.8808048
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What if...

>> No.8808187
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>> No.8808295
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>No San Juaz de la Cruz's Cantico espiritual.
Did you want to make me sad?

>> No.8808398

Is a multicultural society compatible with christianity? The whole point of the old testament is about Israelites to have their own nation and God's punishments were usually foreing invasions. But then again Christ message is universal. But this doesn't really mean that different cultures need to live together but that all humans are equal to God.

>> No.8808469

>Is a multicultural society compatible with christianity?
No. Not even a liberal society is.
>he whole point of the old testament is about Israelites to have their own nation and God's punishments were usually foreing invasions. But then again Christ message is universal. But this doesn't really mean that different cultures need to live together but that all humans are equal to God.
It means that all cultures should become Christian.
Blacks who are Christian are equally Christian to whites and to Asians. Race is not a category of it really.

>> No.8808641

What should be the role of the church on the state then? Is a theocracy the only compatible form of goverment from a purely theological perspective?

>> No.8808657

No, a theocracy isn't even wanted, the ideal is a state which is led by devout men knowing the goal of life is life eternal.
Try Whose Justice Which Rationally by MacIntyre.

>> No.8808771

>Try Whose Justice Which Rationally by MacIntyre.
Ok thank you. I am just starting to get interested in christianity. I really appreciate your help

>> No.8808783
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Reading this now. These dudes were brilliant and really strike to the core of Christianity.

>> No.8808793

ESV is probably my favourite. NRSV is good too.

>> No.8808814

The based cardinal seems to like them a lot.
Just keep in mind that it isn't the easiest text, I'm not sure how hard it would be to someone completely new to philosophy.

>> No.8808827
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>> No.8809052
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10. In Egypt once when Poemen was going somewhere he saw a woman sitting by a grave and weeping bitterly. He said, ‘If all the delights of this world should come to her, they would not bring her out of sorrow. Just so should the monk always be weeping in his heart.’

11. Another time, he went with Anub to the country of Diolcos. Walking past the tombs they saw a woman beating her breast and weeping bitterly. They paused to see her. When they had gone a little further, they met a man and Poemen asked him, ‘What is the matter with the woman over there, that she weeps so bitterly?’ He said, ‘Her husband is dead, and her son, and her brother.’ Poemen said to Anub, ‘I tell you that unless a man mortifies all his self-will and has this kind of grief, he cannot be a monk. The whole life and attention of that woman is wrapped up in grief.’

>> No.8809057


No offence but what do ancient Egyptian neets have to teach me that I can't learn from Saint Elliot.

>> No.8809081
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‘Go and sit in your cell, and your cell will teach you everything’

But really, I don't know. They are nice to read.

>> No.8809097


That only works if you've been called m8.
Most people would be driven mad by that kind of isolation.

>> No.8809111

>That only works if you've been called

That's not true, and that's not what he meant. I do think it would drive you crazy though.

>> No.8809203

At some point or other every Christian should read The Lord of the Rings.

>> No.8809209


Christposting is for his

>> No.8809264

Ive never read the trilogy nor am I Christian. I watched the movies as a kid like 10+ years ago and did not take away any explicit Christian message.

So my question(s) is, what are the Christian themes in LOTR? If I read it, what should I be on the look out for? Should I read the Bible first or something? Why should Christians read LOTR?

>> No.8809270

There's a lot of articles online about it, google it. It's a popular topics to a lot of authors have written on it and they are usually very interesting and will be far better than posts here.

>> No.8809301

I suppose I could have done that but I wanted to hear your personal opinion considering this is a discussion board after all.

Ill take a look. Ive been becoming interested in Christianity after reading Dostoevsky and O'Connor recently, LOTR is on the radar.

>> No.8809313

I read Lotr a long time ago, I wasn't the poster you replied to. Check out Chesterton, Solzhenitsyn and Shusaku Endo too. If you will enjoy Lotr Gene Wolfe will be a great after him.

>> No.8809320


Skip Tolkien unless you're one of those tabletop twenty sided dice faggots and go straight to Chesterton and Belloc.

>> No.8809447

Post your favorite excerpts of Paradise Lost.

>> No.8809916

I'm /bible as literature/ camp desu.

>> No.8810542

You first.

>> No.8810921
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Anon I have to admit, I genuinely just googled "saint elliot" and then it hit me 3 seconds later.