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/lit/ - Literature

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8796893 No.8796893 [Reply] [Original]

What books should I buy for my 13 years old female niece? She's interested in books but she doesn't like fantasy, and I wanna give her classics before someone else ruins her life with feminist and YA novels.

>> No.8796904

Do I look like your mother? Fuck off

>> No.8796906


>> No.8796914
File: 107 KB, 333x500, 600full-the-120-days-of-sodomjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god give me the strength not to take this bait

>and the lord said, fuck you, anon, for i have made you weak and pathetic and full of spite. the door that leads from out of this place was only for you. i am now going to close it. shitpost it up my nigga
>high-five god
>rec 120 days of sodom, total waste of 3 mins
>feels good man

>> No.8796919


>> No.8796923

Edgar Allen Poe Collection

>> No.8796931

Blood Meridian

>> No.8796939


>ignoring the bait
Charles Dickens

>> No.8796945

Life And Fate, make a real man outta of that little girl.

>> No.8796951

This desu. Or Don Quixote. Or The Master and Margarita, regardless of her religious position.

>> No.8796953

Little Women.

>> No.8796957

get that bitch a series. bitches love series'.

>Unfortunate Events
>Artemis Fowl

>> No.8796967

>Artemis Fowl
You goof. That series is shit.
Mein nigger
>Unfortunate Events
Not bad

>> No.8797033


>> No.8797053

13 was when I wanted to start reading grown up novels— things like the Brontës

>> No.8797059
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It's always good to start out strong.

>> No.8798221

Crime and punishment. I read it when I was 14. That's nearly 13.

>> No.8798227

Anne of Green Gables

>> No.8798228
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>> No.8798243

Mein Kampf only way she won't get jewed

>> No.8798260

My Twisted World, Eliot Rodger

>> No.8798275


>> No.8798276
File: 42 KB, 500x622, anna-karenina-sophie-marceau-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give her A Room of One's Own and Anna Karenina.

>> No.8798277

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

>> No.8798285

Came here to rec Jane Eyre

>> No.8798291

Jane Austen. That was what I was into at that age. Or maybe Anna Karenina or Madame Bovary. Brontës too. It really depends on her reading level. Having been a 13 year old girl at some point recently, I can say that it's an age of wanting slightly romantic things. It's only once you hit high school and find out about the reality of dating that you go to other books.

>> No.8798300

A Room of One's Own is an idea that can be summed up in a sentence, stretched into 100 pages.

>> No.8798428

Good feminism is better than bad feminism, but not better than no feminism

>> No.8798433

That is generally the point of an essay, yes

>> No.8798435

Give her some non-fiction. Horrible Histories by Terry Deary. Murderous Maths by Kjartan Poskitt. The like. Also, encyclopedias never hurt anyone.

>> No.8798472

>who is Beauvoir?

>> No.8798604

Cavalcare la tigre by Julius Evola

>> No.8798614
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>Anna Karenina and Madame Bovary
>slightly romantic things

>> No.8798853

Ham On Rye lol

>> No.8798859

The Hobbit or maybe LotR

>> No.8798885

The complete works of Plato

>> No.8798888

Oops, didn't mean to quote you.

>> No.8799974

Maybe something like animal farm?
It's not really /lit/ but it's easy to read and at least it'll turn her away from that Marxism shit.

>> No.8799999

>implying a women brain is capable of understand what the book is about
she'll think its a shitty book about farm

>> No.8800000

Fahrenheit 451

>> No.8800010

Karen Russell's Swamplandia feels like it would be solid for a teenage girl.
>magical realism
>easy to read
>paced well
>muh female narrator
>weird entertaining shit of non-magical varieties
>doesn't promote stupid notions of relationships like a lot of lit written at her age group
>still reasonably /lit/, could be a gateway into other good writing

>> No.8800013

>female niece

>> No.8800015

Damn, what a get.
Maybe Slaughterhouse-5?

>> No.8800022

beautiful get, apt education for the lady

>> No.8800037


>> No.8800040
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>> No.8800076


Ego and his Own. 13 year olds are always mortally spooked.

>> No.8800093
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Choose anyone from pic related.
They are all classics