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/lit/ - Literature

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8793726 No.8793726 [Reply] [Original]

you're not truly a reader, unless you've read pic related.


>> No.8793735


>> No.8793744

why are these out of order?

>> No.8793745

so Joyce can be middle

>> No.8793754

Infinite Jest is Best!

t. jeremy1122

>> No.8793760

Elaborate in details some legitimate views.

>> No.8793763

Why are these particular books memes on this board?

I haven't read any of them, btw.

>> No.8793769

It's the old meme trilogy, althoug /lit/ has been especially light on memeing them for the past few months. We apparently all the sudden hate DFW, and GR threads have been scant and unproductive.

>> No.8793772

im reader

>> No.8793773

The OP implies that no "true reader" could exist before 1996. This is absurd.

>> No.8793775

what's the right order?

>> No.8793777

>I haven't read any of them, btw.
You're not truly a reader then.

>> No.8793792

Tell me one good book released after 1996 that made its way to /lit/'s top 10 list, pleb.

>inb4 /lit/'s top 10 hahahahah
Kill yourself.

>> No.8793808

Harry Potter 1-7, it is top-tier fantasy, up there with LOTR and GOT

>> No.8793813

Well, I didn't say I was....

>> No.8793816

I'm starting with the Greeks.

>> No.8793821


lol jk I'm reading them in reverse chronological order because they're easier that way

>> No.8793823

This is a classic example of the "no true reader" fallacy. Try taking logic 101, OP.

>> No.8793828


your reading comprehension is so bad that it hurts.

>> No.8793831

>comparing child's trash to complex pinnacles of literature
Get out.

>> No.8793836

This is so stupid it's zero depth of perception.

>> No.8793845

You must in order to grasp meme trilogy or you're not a true reader

>> No.8793876

No. You only need Ulysses.

>> No.8793886 [DELETED] 

>implies that no "true reader" could exist before 1996.
It also implies "true reader" existed but didn't had the chance to read IJ since Ulysses is mentioned.

>> No.8793895

>implies that no "true reader" could exist before 1996.
It also implies "true reader" existed but didn't had the chance to read IJ.

>> No.8794003


>> No.8794034

I'm reader.

>> No.8794164

It's gotta be Ulysses > GR > IJ right, really.

Though i'd recommend reading IJ first, GR last

>> No.8794185

Literally one person agreed.

>> No.8794188

Sickening thread. God damn you, americans.

>> No.8794209

deliberately staying away from all three is the new thing

>> No.8794223
File: 18 KB, 230x346, war and peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Tolstoy would become our new meme author.

>tfw you will never be a peasant living near Yasnaya Polyana
>tfw based tolstoy will never help you farm during harvest season

>> No.8794231

Tolstoy is actually good though

>> No.8794237
File: 17 KB, 400x449, feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good point

>> No.8794244

you're not truly a reader, unless you know how to read.

>> No.8794253

Pretty racist, Anon.

>> No.8794541

How to read?

>> No.8794545


first two posts were saying essentially the same thing while the second called the first a pleb. im not sure where this mongoloid invasion of retards is coming from but it truly is fucking this place up hard.

>> No.8794561

>Complex pinnacles of literature

>> No.8794576

>the second called the first a pleb.
Did you mean second poster is a retard or first poster or both?

>> No.8794677

I'd rather read feces.

>> No.8794717

Bloody bastard.

>> No.8794764

You don't read feces you eat it.

>> No.8794769


>> No.8794794

Don't eat meme trilogy retard because that ain't feces.

>> No.8794805

>american ''''''''''''''literature''''''''''''

the only one worth reading is Ulysses