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File: 28 KB, 440x601, 440px-George_Charles_Beresford_-_Virginia_Woolf_in_1902_-_Restoration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8791815 No.8791815[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't women funny?

>lmao what if a dog wrote a book

>> No.8791823

She looks like me desu

>> No.8791826

In fairness upper class English men have shit sense of humour too.

>> No.8791835

>lmao what if i tried to swim with rocks in my pockets

fucking harlot she was

>> No.8791842

wow fantastic bait anon i am so impressed, here is a (you) wait jk ur a fagget

>> No.8791844
File: 254 KB, 526x297, Tina Fey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tina Fey is legitimately funny, but you're looking to bag on women, not discuss funny ones.

>> No.8791845

Does she have a book from a dogs perspective?

>> No.8791846

Uh, but she did write a book. Many in fact.

>> No.8791852


>> No.8792046

plenty of women on podcasts are funny. Lauren Lapkus, Betsy Sodaro, Kate Berlant, etc.

but yes in general not very funny

>> No.8792095

>talking to a girl
>making acerbic funny jokees
>she's laughing but i suspect she doesn't get most of them
>she tries her hand at being funny herself
>says some zany non sequitur shit tht has no punchline
>reminds me of a child hanging around adults having one of those "I'm a big kid too!" moments and trying to imitate something the adults are doing
>have to be like Hahaha! Very funny!
>in reality just feel really bad for her that she's a grown human being who doesn't understand comedy
>later find out this is all women
>everybody else is going Hahaha! Very funny! too, just like me, so women never find out they aren't funny and that their XDDD LE PENGUIN SPORK attempts at "jokes" are ass-clenchingly embarrassing

What the fuck is wrong with them? How can you not "get" funny?

>> No.8792113


>making acerbic funny jokees

yeah ok

>> No.8792114

You are a gay and dumb faggot tbqh

Yes. It's called Flush, I think.

>> No.8792119

I'm genuinely very funny. I also have a huge dick.

>> No.8792122

Mindy Kaling is pretty funny.

>> No.8792285

this is so real

the worst is when they take "memes" from 3+ years ago and mention them in real life, while simultaneously failing to grasp the context and purpose of the original joke itself.

i saw some girl legitimately try to make a joke about bee movie a couple of days ago. It wasn't even a joke, she just said, out of nowhere, "Bee Movie is my life" in an unfunny deadpan way.

>> No.8792313
File: 64 KB, 500x750, turn up function.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its like white girls trying to use slang they don't understand. "Ice cream is bae." "Squad goals!" "This hairstyle is fleek."

Or normies trying (and failing) to use the terms cuck, autism, and [ironically] normie in real life after seeing them butchered somewhere on their twitter feed.

>> No.8792327

>at the turn up function

Man, Relationship of Command was a solid album

>> No.8792346

Watch these two videos.



>> No.8792399

>"leave me alone, or I'll get a restraining order"
>man what a shitty joke

>> No.8792544

>i have autism
>why can't i understand women??


>> No.8792615

Evelyn Waugh's early stuff is pretty funny.
Most women are about as funny as cancer but good old Evelyn was the exception

>> No.8792637

Did a man or a woman write this post?

>> No.8792638

This is literally /r9k/: the thread

>> No.8792675

I rember Hitch speaking about this.

Basically, women don't need to be funny in order to get sex. Most men do.

As for the female comedians, many are only funny because their style is either butch or jewish - both are forms of emulating male humor.

>> No.8793001


I want to have sex with her.

>> No.8793010

I've got some bad news for you…

or, not really, since you're baiting

>> No.8793017

hhaha hah ha h a hhooooh hahahaha

dogs dont write books heh

>> No.8793027

perfect example of a woman right here.

>I'm annoyed so I'll call everyone a loser and high five with the lickspittles on my side!

this is why you aren't funny. you put your feelings and group consensus over wit.

it's related to the reasons women never invent anything and can't do philosophy, too.