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/lit/ - Literature

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8791122 No.8791122 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else read pic related? Has it helped you through rough times in your life?

>> No.8791147

It sounds like an argument for Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs with self-actualization at the top. You're probably better off reading about Maslow's theory on a website that can provide you with a more succinct argument.

>> No.8791154

I'm a few dozen pages in.
I hope it can.

>> No.8791163

>You're probably better off reading about Maslow's theory on a website that can provide you with a more succinct argument.
That's boring as fuck with no personality.

>> No.8791185

Then just read Nausea or East of Eden.

>> No.8791187

Or why not man's search for meaning

>> No.8791201

Because Frankl just wrote a more exciting Maslow's Hierarchy while those two works of fiction actually depict man's struggle and how it relates to the rest of the world.

>> No.8791230

>those two works of fiction actually depict man's struggle
Yeah I guess you're right. His time in the concentration camps wasn't much of a struggle and didn't shape his views about the world.

>> No.8791240


>This holocaust novel is just an exciting exposition of Maslow's theories

I legitimately think this sentiment is enough for an autism diagnosis, holy shit.

>> No.8791244

How does struggling in a concentration camp relate to struggle with meaning? It seems like he was spending a lot of time struggling with the realities of living in a concentration camp.

>> No.8791249

Have you read the book?

>> No.8791250

>Anyone else read pic related?

>Has it helped you through rough times in your life?

>> No.8791253

No and after reading about the book I don't want to.

>> No.8791264


Reminder that these are the people discussing literature with you here.
You have no right to an opinion on a book you haven't read.

>> No.8791274

How do you decide what to read then? Do you just read the first thing to show up in your recommended books on Goodreads? Why don't you actually do some research and not waste your time reading shitty books?

>> No.8791276

I love the first half of the book.
Victor gives a fictional first-hand example of the application of logo-therapy. He is in a world called "Auschwitz" during a time called the "holocaust".

Very interesting and creative book.

>> No.8791284

Of course I look into books before I read them. But I don't go making baseless assumptions about the quality or worthiness of a book until I've actually read it.
OP wanted opinions from people that have read the book. If he wanted the useless garbage you're spewing he could go read the summary or Wikipedia page like you did.

>> No.8792500

Yes. No. The person who recommended it later shit on me as well, take that for what it's worth.