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8790624 No.8790624 [Reply] [Original]

Describe your writing style

>> No.8790631


>> No.8790640

Trump tweet. Sad!

>> No.8790653

Bland and offensively so.

>> No.8790655

I write prose the only way it should be written, that is, purplish.

>> No.8790662

if shakespeare was trump, i am jeb.

>> No.8790668

Smarmy, self-conscious, affected.

>> No.8790674
File: 92 KB, 1133x960, a50daccfe6923a2a3ef4ee6c79838bcc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sublime eloquence.

>> No.8790702
File: 81 KB, 760x580, donald-trump-mike-pence-air-kiss-4f4f12f1-05c4-40bc-b5dd-a43ed93afd6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pence is cute, CUTE

>> No.8790706
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>> No.8790791
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Think of Nabokov, but with even more useless prose.

>> No.8790805

Switching between minimalism and grandiosity. Sometimes rambling. Obviously influenced by dissociative drug abuse. Cerebral and in touch with a negative capability of great magnitude.

>> No.8790809

Eclectic and ranged.

>> No.8790813

like larkin browsed r9k on codeine and lost his ear for good prosody

>> No.8790816

intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humour

>> No.8790822

Like a cat in heat trying to convince a tom to mount it.

Here's a sample. Yes, it's very sexy:

>Mmmmrrroooooooooooooooooow! MMmmmmeeeeeeeeeeowwwrrrr. Meeeeowww!

>> No.8790823

>Switching between minimalism and grandiosity. Sometimes rambling.
I'd go with this too.

>> No.8790858

Tremulous and faggoty.

>> No.8790881


>> No.8790913
File: 136 KB, 810x858, 343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Trump picked Pence solely on his looks, both for that nice gold and silver contrast and the memetic Pepe and Wojak imagery.

>> No.8790936


>> No.8792218


>> No.8792241

Zero affect

>> No.8792259
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Trump wanted to pick Gov. Kreme Krispie, but the GOP made him pick Pence. It's well documented.

Just about everyone Trump has selected has been a swampy GOP cretin.

>> No.8792270

>Listening to the MSM
He's going to need to employ someone to drain the swamp, there is a danger to employing the goblins who live there for the task but on the other hand you don't want someone who has never been in it to help you navigate it either.

>> No.8792643

This could be the title of a poetry or short story collection.

>> No.8792648

It makes sense for the title of something to describe it's contents

>> No.8792772

Bold and Brash

>> No.8793225


>> No.8793232


>> No.8793237

Lay off the French fries.

>> No.8793246


>> No.8793247


>> No.8793249

It's like drinking a beer with your rapist after

>> No.8793252

Like a peacock drowning in a pool of pastels.

>> No.8793265

When I was 14 I imitated Lovecraft. When I was 17 I imitated Kafka. Now I try to keep my prose as tight as possible. Any non-fiction writing is heavily inspired by King's casual stuff like On Writing.

>> No.8793268


>> No.8793270


>> No.8793273

More like: belongs in the trash

>> No.8793295

hysterical/paranoid/acidic. Adorno+Celine+PKD?The shitpost form.

>> No.8793344


>> No.8793348

I'm very much into description, and often use North/South/East/West to make it easy for myself to describe direction/positioning as well as to make it easier for the writer to visualize/place things. I think I picked this up from Bernard Cornwell, to an extent. I like semi-colons; I find they can add structure to the writing. Here it is. Sometimes it can be fun to suddenly bring attention to something new, by using a very short sentence to bring the flow of reading to a halt. I think something I need to work on however is my use of explaining what each hand is doing. I often have sex scenes in my writing though, and well... hand placement is kind of important in describing what is going on.

Are they standing, and his left hand is sliding down the curve of her back towards her rear while his right has cupped behind her head to bring her in for a passionate kiss? Is things getting rough, and the left hand has her two wrists captured there while his right is toying with her left breast as he repeatedly rails into her, her legs wobbling and jolting at either side of his viciously moving hips? Is it doggy style, and he's nailing her in the ass while resting on her back, his right hand reaching down to her crotch to rub her clit while his left is at her chest, toying with a nipple? Or maybe it's all-out rape, and to stop her screaming, he's choking her with his left while his right is ripping at her clothes?

Even in that one paragraph, I said the words 'right', 'left', and 'hand' quite a few times, but I like adding that detail to better give visualization. It offers more than "He went to grab her ass as he took her head in a kiss", "He has her wrists bound in one hand and is playing with her tit in another", "He's fucking her doggy style while pinching a nipple nad rubbing her clit", "He squeezes down on her neck while trying to strip her", etc.

>> No.8793351


>> No.8793359
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An autist moving between somber, sober, violence and vehemence.

>> No.8793362


>> No.8793364

arrhythmic fluctuation from patient exposition to the thundering crisis of critical burst.

>> No.8793372


>> No.8793375


>> No.8793378

My writing style is none of your business. No one should be allowed to ask about a man's writing style. Disgusting!

>> No.8793386


>> No.8793577

I find myself going into tangents and after a page of writing about what a character is thinking, I realize they still haven't turned the corner of the hall or whatever.