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/lit/ - Literature

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8789376 No.8789376 [Reply] [Original]

Don't delete this thread, janitors and mods, it's within the rules Hiro outlined.

There are principally two things killing /lit/ that no one is addressing;

1. Threads which have no relation to /lit/ e.g. "What is purpose?" and "Is x drug /lit/?"

2. Beginner threads e.g. "Is this worth reading?" "What does /lit/ think of x?" and "What is some x literature?"

In order to restore /lit/ to its former glory, every single thread which breaks these rules must be deleted and a message given to the poster saying "not /lit/" or "read the sticky"

I suggest the janitors start doing their job and implement fascist order (who cares if the threads decrease) and institute a culture of high quality posts.

And before any newfags or people from Ribbit start crying, kill yourselves!

>> No.8789389

I agree

>> No.8789395

>thinking /lit/ was ever good

>> No.8789400

Is whineposting /lit/?

>> No.8789402

Typical reddit revisionism

>> No.8789403

Do mods have a shadow banning option in admin toolset?
I hope they secretly bumplock all /pol/,/r9k/,memers,lazyfags,frogwojak,fantasy,religion garbage from here.

>> No.8789404

How has /lit/ been lately? I stopped browsing a couple months ago and this was usually my home board. Haven't been in the /lit/ mood and busy with uni.

Has their been a reddit influx?

>> No.8789405

Hiro allows a thread per board to discuss the issues.

>I came here in the past two years

You have to go back.

>> No.8789413

Your second category is more /lit/ than this plea for a hugbox. Stop taking yourself so seriously on an icelandic birdwatching forum.

>> No.8789421

Over the past two years it has been filled with more and more beginners not reading and people who don't read the sticky.

It has also been filled with repetitive threads on figures such as John Green which clearly break the rules but the janitors will not delete them because they think that the very fact Green is a writer is reason enough to keep the threads up.

The reason /lit/ has become so bad is a direct effect of having bad janitors, people who probably themselves don't ready many books and lie in their applications.

How do I know? No one who actually reads often would allow all these beginner threads to stay up.

We have a sticky for a reason.

It is time to overhaul this corrupt site.

>> No.8789423

All you people fighting over the english teacher positions sure fail at encouraging those who want to learn.

>> No.8789428


These two rules have been a part of the already established rules for years.

Go back to where you came from.

>> No.8789437

redditors have more option to go on dozens forums with many users which cater to their needs.If they come here they are just stopping by while they are harvesting memes.

>> No.8789440

People will be encouraged to learn and read when they come to the board and see high-level discussion which they have difficulty understanding.

By seeing this, they will have a desire to find out what people mean and go ahead and read the books.

By filling the board with beginner questions without direction to the sticky creates a culture of newfags who only ask questions.

>> No.8789443

>ask questions

The bastards.

>> No.8789448

No, I do not mean that.

I am specifically referencing the two points made in the OP.

>> No.8789461

You're probably right, there's already so few places for anything other than pop-level discussions of books. But regardless I always assume when i'm talking to someone on this site that they need somebody to show them how foolish they are to take philosophy so seriously that anyone of different or less schooling is a cretin.

>> No.8789463

Well janitor apps are going on so maybe some litizens will take some action

>> No.8789466

They have been closed.

>> No.8789471

Oops well still they were going on recently. New jans may be coming soon

>> No.8789476

OP here.

Another thing the mods and janitors don't tell you is that when you apply for a janitor application and get accepted, you literally have to sign a legal document and share ID to prove who you are.

This is why nobody who actually cares about this board would become a janitor, it is too personal.

Only the retards and crazies who sit on here all day become janitors or people who do it in passing but they have jobs and their own lives etc.

Another case of only bad people gaining power.

>> No.8789477

>dude don't take philosophy so seriously lmao

Kill yourself cretin

>> No.8789485

Yeah. I'm sure you're proud to be you. Good luck with that.

>> No.8789490

wow this thread again. apply to be a janitor or shut the fuck up and stop shitting up the board with this thread every day. get over that some people want to talk about different books than your self.

remember if you must respond to this shitpost, put sage in the options field

>> No.8789493

Self esteem is a spook

>> No.8789496

We have a wiki for a reason.

>> No.8789501

Did you even read the OP?

The people who mostly post on this board have shifted from people who actually talk about books to fags like you who post;

>"Haha guys should I read x?"
>"Is x worth reading? I hear he's pretty good"

Kill yourself and go back to where you came from. No one has attacked any specific author or book.

>> No.8789523

Some of the many shitposting I saw while browsing. There was a lot more but they were semi lit related so I left them out


>> No.8789532

Most of the topics newfags ask are in the archives. They get very repetitive after a while.

>> No.8789533

Good post.

Those are all shit.

>> No.8789536

Also since when did lit become the haven for English homework?

>> No.8790075


>> No.8790095

Have you tried making real friends? Maybe if you did you wouldn't care so much about an imageboard.

>> No.8791362

>he says whilst posting in one

What's it like not being self-aware? Loser!

>> No.8791376

>redditposting on my home board
Get out

>> No.8791420
File: 18 KB, 644x644, 1399537087332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discussion about Philophical/Political thinkers needs to be reserved to specific works and not the ideas themselves which should go to /his/

>> No.8792980

I'd agree with the janitors, but I know plenty of smart anons IRL who post here. I think it's just a smaller number of them, who by nature of their interests, become steadily and steadily more specialised in certain circles. I know there are some really good Kierkegaard threads still, and that's not due to the general board culture, but just a few regular posters who are very into him.

>> No.8793009

I was with you until that. Janitors are not going to go to the newbs house and force his ass to read the fucking sticky, pick a book all on his fucking own like an 18y/o+ big boy, and fucking read it and think about it before proofing his post for him.

The John Green thing I don't know about because he's been memed for way longer than two years because I've been ignoring it longer than that.

>more disagreement after janitors
The "technically /lit/" meme I have a lot of space for, even if to ignore it instead of report it, because that's some of our best content.

Essentially you were right about not reading the sticky (the old short one worked better for that) and too many beginners who think nobody else reads so they don't have to. /lit/ isn't dying though; the problem is it's expanding at speed.

>> No.8793026

>you literally have to sign a legal document and share ID to prove who you are
this wouldn't be a problem if you were wholly legit or bent; your problem stems from being dull enough to think you might be interesting. go OP and samefag a good thread and try to not take credit for you if some of your fellow cretins like it.

>> No.8793066

The cancer killing lit is faggots like OP trying to change and inherently shit place