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8788563 No.8788563 [Reply] [Original]

Is any part of this book salvageable, or is it all terribly written?

>> No.8788567

It's good. He explains his views without muddying his words like intellectuals.

>> No.8788632

Honestly this.

As you've probably seen in the political evolution thread you'll find that we are a sizable contingent of redpilled NatSocs, and I think I speak on behalf of all of us when I say that Mein Kampf is a really well-written work that ought to resonate with most people today

>> No.8788651

What made Hitler truly scary was that in reality he was very charismatic, he became leader of Germany through his own guile and plots and it shines through in the book. You have to be careful not to be persuaded when reading it. Good thing he wasn't as good a military commander.

>> No.8788654

People just think it's bad because they've been trained to hate Hitler and put their fingers in their ears to avoid hearing anything they don't like. Muh ebil Nazi education is so dumb. It's good, but a bit confused because it was dictated and not "written" per se, but it should be understandable if you aren't a retard.

>> No.8788671

I'd rather not be on (yet another) watchlist for buying it

>> No.8788681

It really is baffling how leftist education tries to brainwash kids into thinking Hitler was a bad guy or immoral

>> No.8788684

>reading for prose

Back to Plebbit with you, faggot.

>> No.8788698

Where can I get an unaltered copy of it?

>> No.8788704

I know right? Those fucking cucks conflate literal genocide with immorality. What on earth is wrong with their moral compass?

>> No.8788705

The internet

>> No.8788709

I've only read some of it, because it got a bit repetitive, but a lot of what he wrote isn't wrong, like all the stuff about the futility of having an actual debate with a leftist (or jew).

>> No.8788713

Just buy it at your local used bookstore and pay in cash, idiot.

>inb4 ereader
>inb4 Amazon

Kys, faggot.

>> No.8788718

You're pretty dumb.

Just letting you know, the post you replied to is someone doing the same thing you are, just not as blindly hamfisted.

>> No.8788721
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>I'll have one copy of Mein Kampf, please!

>> No.8788734
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... Are you retarded?

Have you ever bought something that wasn't fast food in person?

>> No.8788736

>Good thing he wasn't as good a military commander.
You think so? He certainly put up quite a fight.

>> No.8788739

I doubt any bookstore would carry it on principle

>> No.8788741

If your really worried just buy it along with some books on Roosevelt or Churchill and the war in general. Throw a couple holocaust books in and you'll be golden.

>> No.8788742

I've seen it loads of times at various Bookshops in the UK

In national chains too, so depends on the country

>> No.8788748

Have you even been to a book store? Even B&N has multiple copies. It's a book of undeniable historical significance.

>> No.8788759

depends what langauges do you speak senpai?

>> No.8788776

The entire reason he got so far was he took everyone unaware and blitzed his way through. As soon as the momentum stopped he started getting pushed back, the whole two fronts thing didn't help either.

>> No.8788786


>> No.8788837


Maybe if you live in Germany, you unbearable liberal faggot.

>muh how can anyone want to read such an evil boogeyman book


>> No.8788851

you wot m8 its an important book that shaped the world

>> No.8788858

It is completely mesed up
I mean I got spelling and grammer issues, but it is like Hitler didn't even know how to write basic English.

>> No.8788862

>but it is like Hitler didn't even know how to write basic English.

Are you b8ing right now, m8?

>> No.8788913

yep and you made my night, thanks :)

>> No.8788931

>I'm only pretending to be an idiot

>> No.8788932

>read Mein Kampf
>literally just pages and pages of him glorifying himself and his so called 'struggle'
>dedicates an entire chapter on propaganda and how the masses are stupid (distributes the same book years later in 1933, somehow this doesn't offend anyone)
>literally uses the words "jew" "jewry" or "jewishness" in every second page

>> No.8788966
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I really don't see the problem. I literally bought Mein Kampf at the age of 15~16 in a store and my parents paid it, no one said nothing, it was just like buying any other book. My parents aren't nazi, but they knew that I liked history and war movies and books

>> No.8789076

Huzzah! Well said.

>> No.8789089

I received it late yesterday evening and have read only 45 pages but the word Judaism is only mentioned once so far next to the word Marxism. No other reference to Jews.

>> No.8789108

It gets spicier toward the latter half.

>> No.8789121

>Hitler was very charismatic

When will this cult of personality meme end?

His own officers and people around him found him incredibly obnoxious, guy apparently had bad breath and would go on and on about himself giving diatribes about philosophy and life.

>> No.8789136

So just like the majority of people that browse /lit/?

Damn, nigga, you just made me want to buy the book for christmas.

>> No.8789213

I stole my copy from my high school library when I was like 16 I think.

Still don't know why my school stocked it, but hey, its Mine Kampf now.

>> No.8789300

You need to read a proper translation, the ford translation is a good one.

I find most others butcher his words in translation.

Other than that it is far form poorly written, he puts his views forward rather clearly.

It's a good book for anyone interested in WW2, perfect starting point I'd say.

>> No.8789342

>Is any part of this book salvageable
Parts not written by Hitler

>> No.8789355

Its a boring read,but go ahead it gives you an idea of a mass murderer and how he was spoiled by his spiritually devoid white intellectual mentors,the last 200 pages are good.

>> No.8790201

Anyone who recommends the plain original (or a translation) is a philistine and/or /pol/memer. What is needed is the german 2016 critical edition, otherwise it's just a poorly written Hetzschrift. Even Göring commented on it, and he actually had better than usual literary taste, but the critical edition doesn't shy away from giving credit where it's due and instead they also interpret Hitler as partly a symptom of his times, not just a madman.

>> No.8790205

I tried to read it once but it was a bit of a struggle.

>> No.8790221

The west were asking for him, really. I mean what did they expect?

>> No.8790236

>Haushofer with a Phd in philosophy with a specialisation on the far east, studied Zen buddism and was a member of the Thule Society
>spiritually devoid

>> No.8791705

planning to buy book myself, but not sure which translator is the best?
any recommendations?

>> No.8791730

>a translation directly reflects adolf hitler's prose, nothing to do with translation

Learn German and read it.

>> No.8791782

Got a good chuckle.

>> No.8791813
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It is diffuse and repetitious in literary style. As a social philosophy it is overly simplistic and sophomoric. Despite the fact that it is a work running over 900 pages, no definite plan is given. In my opinion it would be long forgotten without the authors overwhelming infamy, and the public's absurd obsession and preoccupation with Nazi Germany.

>> No.8791819
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On the subject of Hitler, this book is really excellent.

It's written by Hitlers best friend from the years 1904-1908 when they were teenagers together. The book is left unsullied by propaganda of either side.
Hitler was our guy. He was a neet living at home, surrounded by German classic literature and obsessed over a girl who didn't know his name.

>> No.8791825

Probably not necessary. It's written to get information across not a style. Hitler didn't write to impress, but to inform.

>> No.8792415

Have you ever read Young Hitler by Hant?

>> No.8792435

His wordy, melodramatic prose makes me come to the conclusion that he wanted very much to appear intelligent. Like the people we all know who aren't as smart as they think they are.

>> No.8792446

Is there any essential Stroppy Joe lit?

He was a fucking boss

>> No.8792451

I read it, It wasn't bad, or hard to read and it was easy to understand his points.

>> No.8792458

It's all shit
It doesn't even works as a piece to understand Hitler's mind or the historic moment

>> No.8792582


The historical stuff is boring and of questionable veracity, but the account of his political awakening and work as a street-pounding, tavern-storming political leader is riveting and inspiring.

>> No.8792915

It's a lot of nonsense. Provides good perspective on why some Germans and Austrians at the time believed the things they did, though.