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/lit/ - Literature

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8788468 No.8788468 [Reply] [Original]

Besides the recent trans stuff, what do you think of this man?

>> No.8788475
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/lit/ mods are a funny bunch.

>> No.8788490

If by funny you mean gigantic ass eating faggots

>> No.8788548
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Careful there, might get your post deleted!

>> No.8788597

I dare them to


>> No.8788602

Are the Maps of Meaning lectures worth watching/listening to?

>> No.8788620

Eh, I dont find them as interesting as his one off lectures.

His ones about evil vs tragedy and existentialism are my favs.

>> No.8788626


>> No.8788627

definately. highly intelligent lectures on a diverse number of topics.. would also recommend 'personality and its tranformations' or any of his other lectures

>> No.8788729

Only if you promise to stop having sex with my mom please

>> No.8788848

i wish he was my therapist desu

>> No.8789057
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Treat them like podcasts.


Stop deleting my threads.

>> No.8789208

Why does this thread keep getting deleted? This man is a professor and author. He lectures and writes about philosophy and literature, among other things. How is he not /lit/?

>> No.8789222

who is this motherfucker

>> No.8789231

>>8789222 (checked)
Jordan Peterson

>> No.8789241

Not nearly as bad as /mu/. At least I can still be a pretentious twat on this board. On /mu/ I was banned for it.

>> No.8789598
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The mods much like the administration of his university has an agenda. It doesn't matter if he has written a published book or not, he questions their ideas and in a time when cultural marxism has gone unchallenged for too long that's dangerous because they can't formulate counter arguments.

>> No.8789616

>The mods much like the administration of his university has an agenda.

Yeah its known as quality control

>> No.8789654

That's wishful thinking on your part, just take one look at the catalogue and you know that's not the case.

>> No.8789673

>cultural marxism

literally everything you say is null because of this.

>> No.8789677

Peterson is a legend.

>> No.8789688

>implying that's not the face of gender dysphoria

>> No.8789703

I am trans and have always enjoyed his lectures and recorded classes. He is a strong POV for affirming gender expression and archetypal identification with certain gender norms. I don't think his teaching precludes anyone from expressing for one gender or an amalgam of those qualities, just for remembering that gender is not fanfiction, it is deep rooted and powerful conceptual framework for our actions and ways of living. Rejecting it out of hand and then hypocritically falling into old gender roles is kind of silly and makes pedantic SJWs look like narcissistic people with egos too short so that the point flies over their metaphorical heads.

Peterson is not against marxism. He is against fascism and allowing hate groups to go unchallenged. The two are not the same. His pro-free speech ideas are there because he believes that hate groups use many LGBT and other minority protections as opportunities to confirm their biases and as times to go underground and spawn splinter groups. Lack of free speech gives fascists excuses that can recruit gullible people. The same shit was happening on left, uncaring bureaucrats and academics enabling popular ideas of how to legislate LGBT issues but were ultimately not actual measures: they legislated pronoun respect without a democratic discussion yet the issue trans and LGB people are worried about is DISCRIMINATION. There's a lot more they could have done, but possibly would be "unpopular" so they chose something passive aggressive.

If Peterson came out to his wife and children, he would probably not "identify" as a bizarre gender or as NB, so he's a wonderful ally. Trans people don't need transtrenders ruining their lives with bullshit behavior.

>> No.8789713

I like him, some of his lectures on existentialism actually touched my soul quite a bit.

But I do have a problem with him, and it's the same problem I have with Zizek. And the problem is that sometimes when he's analyzing a certain X he extrapolates a lot, and with that extrapolation he presents information that is supposed to elucidate X, but the connection between the information he presents and said X is not clear at all, for it is an extrapolation.

For an example, watch the first 10 min of this video, where he analyzes Genesis:


Do you guys see the problem? Or am I being retarded?

>> No.8789756

The only thing I have to go off of is one of those videos of him dealing with protesters, to which I can only say he seems like your average academic who treats a poorly articulated argument as invalid because he's spent so much time studying one or two things that he doesn't feel the need to take shit from anyone anymore. Intelligent but dogmatic.

>> No.8789760
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>I don't see things that way therefore your opinion is shit

Classic form

>> No.8789779

>himym caption
>using the word "classic"
makes sense.

>> No.8789786

>Peterson is not against marxism.
He's against authoritarianism, which is what the fruits of the frankfurt school has seeded and which also was the consequences of applied marxism. Now I'm not saying he's pro capitalism or against workers rights or anything like that but that he is simply not an ideologue. I liked his comparison of ideological thinking to demonic possession because that's such a succinct way of putting it.
>Lack of free speech gives fascists excuses that can recruit gullible people.
It doesn't give them excuses, it validates them because their ideas are considered too dangerous to engage in fair discussion which would imply that they are more true than what the establishment are spouting. Additionally it will eventually force them to resolve things with violence because of their pariah status.

>> No.8789826

Why though? Because you don't like the word?

>> No.8789829

The shame of Frankfurt School is that people begin to believe that social justice must be tied up in legislative rather than social approaches.

>comparison of ideological thinking to demonic possession
Agreed. I am a big supporter of Zizek's moderate approach to things, that people need to talk about the issue not to engage in propaganda of the deed or to produce legislation that produces revolutionary change, since it becomes dysfunctional because the root of their change is delusional.


>It doesn't give them excuses
I suppose my word choice was less than direct: I meant that it produces "excuses" that are then used to validate their agenda but may not actually be directly logically validating them. It is validating their personal worldview, which happens to be quite narrow. So I agree, exactly, we are speaking of the same meanings.

>force them to resolve things with violence because of their pariah status.
We should, as Peterson says, be more afraid of not speaking what we believe than the consequences of silent. It is time to think and speak and discuss as a society with respect and open dialogue, not whatever has happened with the bizarre leftist progressive bubble of political correctness and niceties.

>> No.8789854

Not the person you are replying to; however, it is a bogeyman for American rightists to call everything left of normal American leftism (which is moderate rightist or classically liberal to most foreigners) "cultural Marxism," which is nonsense. Social aspects of Marxism are not limited to any academia or really any particular movement. It's a strawman, a conspiracy theory. If you are disagreeable, you are then labeled based on being feminist, socialist, leftists of any kind etc etc "cultural Marxists" who are destroying western societies. It also implies that socialists all agree on what socialism is or how it should be implemented... or that many people among far leftists share ideologies with direct agreement; they Most modern socialists are not Marxists; in an analogous situation, most modern psychoanalytical psychiatrists are not Freudian even if Freud was the basis for their modern theories. It shows massive ignorance of the nuance of socialism.

>> No.8789881

watch more of him, you're wrong

>> No.8789892

>It's a strawman, a conspiracy theory.
Gramscianism is hardly a strawman, I mean they teach critical theory in schools and you try to make it sound like it is some shadowy force. You shouldn't use the term "conspiracy theory" either, that's the establishment's choice words to ridicule any criticism or questioning no matter how valid.
>"cultural Marxists" who are destroying western societies.
The point of any revolutionary ideology is to destroy the current society, is it not?
>It also implies that socialists all agree on what socialism is or how it should be implemented
I don't think it does that at all.

>> No.8789900

that's all he's famous for though

he's a professor at a minor (and canadian at that) university

>> No.8789906

He used to teach at Harvard

>> No.8789913

Not really. His lectures were gaining attention before all this business came about. In fact they popped up on my suggested videos on Youtube.

>> No.8789933

>I am trans

You are confused

Stop wasting your life on AGP and Internet roleplaying

>> No.8789936


>> No.8789945

>Peterson is not against marxism
Pretty sure he's explicitly stated otherwise.

>> No.8789949

Yea he's called it a pathological ideology a number of times now.

>> No.8789954

Yes but I also recommend reading the book, it's one of few relatively recent works I can honestly say has affected my perspective on things.

>> No.8789955

I bet op is a ban evader

>> No.8789963

It's pathological for the same reason every ideology is pathological. It never ever tells the entire story.

I mean, ask yourself. Would a Marxist even care that a person in the lower classes worked for 20 years 90 hours a week to become upper-class? No he wouldn't, because a Marxist doesn't care if people are successful in a capitalist framework(Even if their success is predicated on exceptionally individual ability and perseverance), because they believe the framework is corrupt and irredeemable and should be destroyed whatever positive arguments could be mustered in it's defense.

>> No.8789967


>> No.8789974
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Why is he so perfect? I wish any of my professors was this cute.

>> No.8789981

His autistic passion is so pure it makes my vagina try to drown my chair.

>> No.8789983


I want to believe

>> No.8790039


Nah, they know I'm not breaking any rules so they just quietly delete the threads.

>> No.8790055

Your response is irrational.

It only tells that you are confused and believe that trans = AGP, which means to me that you actually know what AGP is, and therefore must be AGP or trans yourself... or possibly some kind of masochistic, self-hating trans chaser.

Trans are a mostly invisible group of people; knowledge of their internal discourses is either because trans issues are overwhelmingly interesting to you (unlikely) or because they are interesting because it affects you (likely).

Assuming things about people or making your whole argument about assuming things is willful ignorance.

This is an excellent argument. Marxists can be especially pathological because of their attachment to their inability to produce favorable results- a kind of badge of honor in victimhood- after the failures of so many communist experiments in the last century. Oftentimes, Marxism failed in application to encourage the inventive to be aggressive in any regard. Most everything was done through black market capitalism and systemic corruption.

Systematic rigidity -ironically something Marxists wanted to remove and destroy in capitalism- led to egregious production demands and bureaucratic inefficiency. Thomas Sowell loves to harp on about how simple tasks like painting agricultural equipment in Soviet Russia would often take ridiculous amounts of time because getting the correct, centrally distributed paint for the vehicles was impossible; instead, the workers focused on getting the work done immediately as demanded of them, using instead paint that was available but not rust-proof. The machines inevitably broke down... and the workers were blamed.

>> No.8790139
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>Your response is irrational.

This is funny coming from a mentally ill person defending their own irrational dysfunction and delusion. "Transgenderism" is no more an identity than schizophrenia, bipolar or OCD is. Just because the gay mafia has made it into one of their protected domains doesn't mean that you should let your illness define you. Just be a genuine person.

>> No.8790285

>Peterson is not against marxism.

Only a crazy pervert could do this much mental gymnastics. He's one of the most anti-Marxist academics ever.

>> No.8790436

He's not anti-marxist per se but anti-ideology.

>> No.8790454

is the concept to difficult for you?

>> No.8790455

I tried watching his lecture on Osiris and it's clear that he had no idea what he was talking about.
Like, I have no idea where he got such a shitty comprehension of the most famous story in the Egyptian mythos.
Also, his doctrine seems, to me, to be kind of Last Man.

>> No.8790460

Back any of that up with arguments.
Not saying you're wrong but your post is kind of useless like this

>> No.8791275

He pretty clearly thinks Marxism of any kind is bad.

>> No.8791360

He is anti-Marxist in the most severe form, his method is purely idealistic and subjectivist. Peterson's not providing an "anti-ideology", what he provides is a rationalization of ideologies and trying to give it some utility for people to use to their advantage. Ultimately like all forms of psychoanalytic theories it's a doomed project.

>It's pathological for the same reason every ideology is pathological.
Ideology isn't a disease and it can't be cured.

>Would a Marxist even care that a person in the lower classes worked for 20 years 90 hours a week to become upper-class? No he wouldn't, because a Marxist doesn't care if people are successful in a capitalist framework(Even if their success is predicated on exceptionally individual ability and perseverance), because they believe the framework is corrupt and irredeemable and should be destroyed whatever positive arguments could be mustered in it's defense.
You're right a Marxist shouldn't care. There's no point in getting emotionally invested in a particular form of social relations. The entire premise is there is structural limitations to social formations which they all eventually reach.
Capitalism shouldn't be destroyed because its corrupt or irredeemable but only because it has reached its limits and become a burden on further development.
There were emotionally fulfilled and successful slaves and feudal peasants who were traumatized when they became freed, that's something Peterson may be interested in but its totally irrelevant from a Marxist perspective. Marxism is a form of anti-humanism whereas Peterson is a humanist.

>> No.8791971

Is tehre scientific evidence for archetype theory/collective unconscious?

>> No.8791987

>Also, his doctrine seems, to me, to be kind of Last Man.

This is absolutely not true. He constantly advocates making things harder on yourself.

>> No.8792111

Not to mention he tells people to explore their anxiety all the time

>> No.8793722


Yeah, implying that would increase self-knowledge or something, crazy I know

>> No.8793730


If you mean Neurosciences, then I don't think so. Neuroscience is still in it's childhood, still figuring out how the basics work. Extremely subtle phenomena like unconscious archetypes is just beyond what Neuroscience can probe atm.

All though it is a known fact that human's share brain structures across the entire species, and I believe these structures correlate to the archetypes in some form.

>> No.8793734


Psychoanalysis is still our best method for examining someone's subjective state, perhaps combined with fMRI

>> No.8793737

He follows Stefan Molyneux on Twitter and thinks Milo Yiannopoulos is an intellectual lol

>> No.8793753

when is he going to be on stefan's show

>> No.8793785

i've watched the personality 2015 lectures and i find them amazing

>> No.8793786

>He follows Stefan Molyneux on Twitter

It's wise to keep one's ear to the ground.

>> No.8793791
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stop lying

>> No.8793793

I've only said the truth ITT.

>> No.8793797

It's cool that anti-SJW people finally have a reasonably interesting intellectual to fetishize

>> No.8793798


You can't make the truth a fetish

>> No.8793834
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Start accepting truth.

>> No.8793917

Is this a Vargposting variant? This has true meme potential

>> No.8793927


That's actually pretty funny

>> No.8793941
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>or possibly some kind of masochistic, self-hating trans chaser.

H-haha as if!

>> No.8793947

>not following the memers of the day

>> No.8793957


hmm this is not fucking literature.

>> No.8793961


No, but he IS an author, and I don't know why anyone isn't talking so much about Maps of Meaning, because that is one hell of an enlightening read

>> No.8793968

Its philosophy which is discussed here all the time. He is an author though and his book Maps of Meaning is pretty great

>> No.8793989

Yeah, I'm just going through his existentialism lectures and he seems to do that a lot.

The extrapolation from existential to wide-scale social or whatever is pretty suspect to me. I'm still working it out however.

>> No.8793996
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>> No.8794021

> And the problem is that sometimes when he's analyzing a certain X he extrapolates a lot, and with that extrapolation he presents information that is supposed to elucidate X, but the connection between the information he presents and said X is not clear at all,
I know exactly what you mean. When i first watched his lectures i was like that. But after you have watched a lot of his lectures you know what he means. You don't see the connection right now but like a puzzle over time when you watch you'll get another piece which strings those together. You might get it when you watch another of his lectures which seems unrelated. I don't mean to sound fanboyish but its because his stuff is deep. Like a lot deeper then one thinks. It takes a long fucking time to digest and get his ideas. His statements and sentences are dense.

>> No.8794159

I'm sure fascism has noble goals too if you asked the fascist

>> No.8794219


You know it's bad when you're comparing your ideology to fascism.

>> No.8794277

Well, isn't it?

>> No.8794303
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That's a nice strawman but unfortunately for you it's not anywhere close to true.

>> No.8794546

that pic is completely true desu

>> No.8794609

There is no aspect in which trans acceptance benefits society.

>> No.8794617

What about aesthetically?

>> No.8794645

Speak for yourself. I want a qt asexual trans gf.

>> No.8794646
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That's exactly what happened, though.

>> No.8794654

I admit that there is a degree of intrigue and maybe even appeal to the aesthetics of the more successfully transitioned examples, but between the fact that those aesthetically successful examples are a tiny minority among transgender people(with most of them being absolutely grotesque in appearance) and the fact that even those successful examples come with a plethora of aberrant and socially eroding behavioral patterns(to say nothing about the socially eroding nature of the very concept of transgenderism itself) I'd say that the minuses far outweigh the pluses.

>> No.8794659

The common man should not have to see his surroundings and the surroundings of his children turned into a horrorshow because of your(or mine, for that matter) fetishes, Anon.

>> No.8794669

Turning the world into your safe space, nice

>> No.8794678

>The common man
Kek. The common man is barely conscious; if his morality is inconvenient to the intelligentsia, he can be assigned another.

>> No.8794680

>Turning the world into your safe space

Most sociopolitical movements can be boiled down to this idea, both the ones you agree with and the ones you abhor.

>> No.8794689

>The common man is barely conscious

This is what we are trying to change.

>> No.8794698

>the world
Only commie ones, bro. Reasonable, sane ones tend to boilable-down to turning one's specific, sovereign area into a safe space.

>> No.8794703

Does your plan involve neurosurgery? Because the common man's limited consciousness is largely due to genetics - and to the uneven distribution of intelligence.

>> No.8794705

>turning one's specific, sovereign area into a safe space.

I don't even think you genuinely believe this.
Either that or you have some very far-reaching ideas about what a "specific, sovereign area" would encompass.

>> No.8794714

Peterson is the best thing since Gregory Sadler


>> No.8794715

Tell me what it means to you first. Because I'm confused by your confusion.

>> No.8794718

>Because the common man's limited consciousness is largely due to genetics - and to the uneven distribution of intelligence.

You'd be surprised how far providing people with information and then letting them make up their own minds can go.

>> No.8794726

State and country.

>> No.8794753

No I wouldn't. I've worked as an humanitarian activist in various countries; I've seen hopeless cases rise to the same level of consciousness as average-low-quality uni students, but when you remove yourself from a situation, and think clearly, you realise that if these people were fashionable metropolitans - that is, people who mattered on your social radar - then they'd be the sorts of people you'd look down on, and seek to avoid. Because these 'uplifted' individuals get a comparative leeway; their moments of stupidity are treated as a ~different kind~ of stupidity.

It has no bearing on what's known to genetic theory.

>> No.8794757

Wasn't this the idea for how the education system should work?
Turns out humans are biased and like to mislead people for their own gain, crazy

>> No.8794766

Sure it's reasonable and sane, compared to turning the world into a safe space. People have designs for their states; they want them to look certain ways. That makes sense with regards to states, but not with regards to the world at large. Did it look as though I were making a different point?

>> No.8794783

Huh, that's actually pretty interesting.

We're in agreement then. I suppose I shouldn't have went along with "the world" hyperbole.

>> No.8795016
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>all this talk for legitimizing a mental disorder

>> No.8795024


>> No.8795030

you can't filter anonymous....

>> No.8795285
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Filtered what? Your tap water?

>> No.8795294

On further listening, I'm still not buying into the way he meshes his political ideas with existential and such. He claims to be anti-ideology but I'm still not really clear on what he considers an ideology, rather than something that's just like a useful generalization (but not quite an empirical theory). His political biases are also becoming more apparent to me and besides his existential/hermeneutic reasons for rejecting e.g. marxism (which reasons still seem as fuzzy as anything else interpretation based, despite his attempts to ground it in empirical science) it seems most of his objections are pretty commonplace objections discussed in traditional political theory.

I guess I'm just really skeptical of claims that jump from abstract personal stuff to macro social stuff. It also gives me the sense of a pre-packaged worldview which, accompanied with some recently trendy political ideas and the fact that people use his ideas to support their own ideologies, makes me pretty hesitant about the whole thing.

my 2cents

>> No.8795304

It needs to talk about him as a writer rather than as an edgy youtube pheomenon. What do you think of this man is a little vague tbqh.

>> No.8795329

Stop making unrelated threads.

>> No.8795397

He's not exactly edgy, and most of his videos discuss written works. "What do you think of this man" would be an acceptable (if not the greatest) OP for any male author, philosopher, or literary critic.

>> No.8795438

how the fuck do people like that even exist?

>> No.8795458

What political ideas does he express aside from the freedom of speech?

>> No.8795542

How do scientologists exist?

>> No.8795562
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Uh, what about increasing diversity? Are you a white dude by any chance?

>> No.8795589


(Not same anon)

His (quite strong) stance regarding feminism, especially Patriarchy Theory.

Then there's his more overarching critiques on certain socialist, sociological and/or postmodern-influenced theories that are taken for granted. e.g. the overlooking of the Gini Coefficient when analyzing the cause of crime in regards to poverty.

>> No.8795597

>His political biases are also becoming more apparent
Which biases does he have?

>I guess I'm just really skeptical of claims that jump from abstract personal stuff to macro social stuff.
Seems pretty straight forward to me. How many people voted for trump just because they want to watch the world burn? If you go on pol you there are plenty. Why they do that? Their lives fucking sucks. So instead of fixing their lives why not just say fuck it and see how much suffering they can cause?

If you are watching his existential lectures you almost have to watch the lectures that comes before them. Jean Piaget and Rogers. Preferable Jung and Freud as well. His lectures build upon each other.

His basis for rejection marxism is that its a pathological ideology which leads to bad things. And if people had better philosophical frameworks they would not succumb to marxism in the first place.

> also gives me the sense of a pre-packaged worldview which, accompanied with some recently trendy political ideas and the fact that people use his ideas to support their own ideologies, makes me pretty hesitant about the whole thing.
Which world view? Who uses his idea to support their ideology? Are you refering to the alt-right? He is not an alt righter.

>> No.8795599

This is sort of eerie, the promoted dysfunction displayed just a post above.

>> No.8795608

>How many people voted for trump just because they want to watch the world burn? If you go on pol you there are plenty. Why they do that? Their lives fucking sucks. So instead of fixing their lives why not just say fuck it and see how much suffering they can cause?
lol there are people who actually think this

>> No.8795644

>How many people voted for trump just because they want to watch the world burn?
not many, most people who voted for trump have seen their living conditions steadily collapse thanks to neoliberalism and sincerely think he can make their lives better
if this doesn't happen you're going to get a lot of cognitive dissonance or more anger

>His basis for rejection marxism is that its a pathological ideology which leads to bad things. And if people had better philosophical frameworks they would not succumb to marxism in the first place.
your mistake is to approach ideology as an issue of individual pathology, it's not

>> No.8795656

Wait do you mean he doesn't look at the Gini Coeffecient?
Because he certainly has looked at it and explained it (in his maps of meanings lecture)
And disregarding the Patriarchy ''therory'' is nothing radical, it's a fringe thought not taken seriously by anyone really

>> No.8795674

Yeah they should have voted for hillary instead lol.

>> No.8795679

i voted for jill stein

>> No.8795694

You just want to see the world get greener?

>> No.8795704

NEETs don't want to get drafted

>> No.8795721


They shouldn't worry about it. I'm sure their adhd, aspergers, and bipolorism alone will diqualify them, not to mention their scoliosis and sunken chests and all that.

>> No.8795728

It's OK if girls also have to.

>> No.8795738

The army needs more medically diverse people, they'd get drafted

>> No.8795747

I think we should draft the most mentally disturbed people we have oh wait they're already in the army LOL

>> No.8795768

Poor wording by me. I meant that he critiques others overlooking of the gini coefficient.

Anyhow, I wouldn't say he explicitly talks about political ideas, as in trying to deal with specific societal issues, but rather discuss ideas from ideological, scientific or mythological/religious perspectives. Though I wouldn't rule out the possibility to device some concrete political opinions from his speech.

>> No.8796023

No, Stein hates nuclear power.

>> No.8796225


>> No.8796236

>(if not the greatest)
No, it's definitely shit even for the more prominent writers.

Peterson's oeuvre and thinking goes way beyond trans pronouns. I'm not in awe of the man, but I think it does him a disservice to mention that primarily. I will say the OP says besides that though. I'd still say it's a bit vague, at least post a nice talk or debate or something.

>> No.8796272

Yeah, the woman who just straight-up stole millions of dollars from Democrats.

>> No.8796341

Sorry, but I don't hate the Jews.

lol they deserved it.

>> No.8796371

kys save the right wing death squads some bullets

>> No.8796411

I want a really sexy dickgirl with an enormous dick to fuck me in the butt

>> No.8796483
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If it has a dick it ain't no girl.

>> No.8796487

A girl is whatever I want it to be BITCH

>> No.8796564

I'm interested in this too.

How do we eliminate this school of thought?

>> No.8796636
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By gassing them in an ideal world.

But for us, probably just supporting Peterson for now.

>> No.8796667

It's a dickgirl if there are tits

>> No.8797154

It really does seem that the chosen ones as they call themselves are nothing but a virus on mankind.

There simply has to be a legitimate intellectual way to counter this. There needs to be a "counter-revolution", but I'm not seeing it happening.

>> No.8797174

Literature recs for this feel please

>> No.8797190

The catcher in the rye

>> No.8797219
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>By gassing them in an ideal world.

You're as sick as they are.

>> No.8797314
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>We are morally superior to X group, we will prove it by committing genocide

>> No.8797771


>> No.8798219

>start logosing

>> No.8798254
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>> No.8798471

>Besides the recent trans stuff, what do you think of this man?
Maps of Meaning is WAY overpriced.

>> No.8798525
File: 33 KB, 468x467, 1317571132675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>B-but no seriously we're the better ones because we did the genocide first!

>> No.8798540


Peterson would be ashamed of you

>> No.8798676

Donateto his Patreon instead, you get the book cheaper (self authoring as well).

>> No.8798690

Gramsci is not all that involved in critical theory. I mean someone is bound to have applied his ideas there, but his stuff is more about real action and traditionalism.

>> No.8798882

this desu

>> No.8798897

Literally zho?

>> No.8798900

>Maps of Meaning is WAY overpriced.

He has a free pdf of it on his site.

>> No.8798907


I c wat u did thar

>> No.8799026
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>>We are morally superior to X group, we will prove it by committing genocide
That's Merkel and the Jews for you.

>> No.8799269

I know, it's a shit complaint. A physical book is much more readable than a pdf though, but every online store I've seen it on charges from 40 up to 70 dollars/euros, it's insane. I'm thinking about just going to a print shop and getting the pdf printed and bound because this stuff is way too interesting to not read. Although:
$25 for a signed copy sounds very good, especially since the money directly supports Peterson. Does he ship internationally?

>> No.8799469
File: 272 KB, 1200x800, tfw meaning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$25 for a signed copy
Fug. I just ordered an unsigned one from a local retailer for more than twice that amount. Shipping would be expensive as hell though. Having a signed book of one of the most important contemporaries would be worth it though.

>> No.8799531

But that's 100% true? I'm not sure how could you reasonably spin what they set out to achieve in any other way.

>> No.8799565

>He follows Stefan Molyneux on Twitter
You don't?

>> No.8799590

>But that's 100% true?
You couldn't be more wrong. For amusement, what do you think they set out to do, and what made you believe that?

>> No.8799601

As the dialectic sublation of Male and female, Trannies are literally the next step in human evolution

>> No.8799623

I do'nt think that person cares. Peterson is just a means to an end for the alt-right types...

>> No.8799631

I'm not a lolbertarian so why would I?

>> No.8799664

You don't follow people with different viewpoints than your own? Nice way to learn a thing or two.

>> No.8799675

There are better sources of knowledge and learning than youtube pop pseudo-philosophy

>> No.8799696

That's true, but that wasn't the argument.

>> No.8799852

I don’t think women were discriminated against, I think that’s an appalling argument. First of all, do you know how much money people lived on in 1885 in 2010 dollars? One dollar a day. The first thing we’ll establish is that life sucked for everyone. You didn’t live very long. If you were female you were pregnant almost all the time, and you were worn out and half dead by the time you were 45. Men worked under abysmal conditions that we can’t even imagine. When George Orwell wrote The Road to Wigan Pier, the coal miners he studied walked to work for two miles underground hunched over before they started their shift. Then they walked back. [Orwell] said he couldn’t walk 200 yards in one of those tunnels without cramping up so bad he couldn’t even stand up. Those guys were toothless by 25, and done by 45. Life before the 20th century for most people was brutal beyond comparison. The idea that women were an oppressed minority under those conditions is insane. People worked 16 hours a day hand to mouth. My grandmother was a farmer’s wife in Saskatchewan. She showed me a picture of the firewood she chopped before winter. They lived in a log cabin that was not quite as big as the first floor of this house. And the woodpile that she chopped was three times as long, and just as high. And that’s what she did in her spare time because she was also cooking for a threshing crew, taking care of her four kids, working on other people’s farms as a maid, and taking care of the animals. Then in the 20th century, people got rich enough that some women were able to work outside the home. That started in the 1920s, and really accelerated up through World War II because women were pulled into factories while the men went off to war. The men fought, and died, and that’s pretty much the history of humanity. And then in the 50s, when Betty Friedan started to whine about the plight of women, it’s like, the soldiers came home from the war, everyone started a family, the women pulled in from the factories because they wanted to have kids, and that’s when they got all oppressed.

>> No.8799867

yeah self published its not mass produced paperback so it's going to be more expensive

>> No.8799913


I don't know why he bothers, why anyone bothers trying to change these peoples' minds. I'm almost embarrassed for him, it's like watching an adult try to teach a retard not to fling shit everywhere.

To "engage" with campus radicals is to tacitly assume that they are capable of logic and reason and that they deserve to be treated as equals. We should just ignore them as much as possible, every time they get a chance to be on youtube they just start acting even more retarded because they want even more attention and sympathy the next time.

Hopefully at least some of them will have grown out of this nonsense by the time they're thirty.

>> No.8799940

>We should just ignore them as much as possible
Ignoring a problem isn't going to make it go away, I think actively encouraging them to radicalize is a good idea in the long term but for a peaceful resolution they would need to be engaged in debate and so on as Peterson argues. Personally I'd rather solve it with violent conflict later on since their ideology creates dysfunction and weakness and the traditionalists would win a decisive victory.

>> No.8799955

I don't think Peterson is a traditionalist though, and he'd probably rather avoid violent conflict because he isn't a psychopath.

>> No.8799983

>I don't think Peterson is a traditionalist though
Of course he isn't.
>he'd probably rather avoid violent conflict because he isn't a psychopath
I do not like violence either but sometimes it is necessary to prevent a greater evil.

>> No.8799988

>I do not like violence either but sometimes it is necessary to prevent a greater evil.
Yeah, so maybe you advocate violence, Peterson is against violent revolution though.

>> No.8800109

>Peterson is against violent revolution though.

Because it usually installs a worse leader than was already in place

>> No.8800253

>yeah self published its not mass produced paperback so it's going to be more expensive
I understand that could increase the price, but who exactly sets the price of a book in that case? Because on his Patreon site Peterson says he didn't pick that high price point himself.

>> No.8800265

Amazon says it's published by Routledge

>> No.8800267

his publishers put the high price he said in one of his videos

>> No.8800273

That's what I thought. Man, fuck the textbook jew.

>> No.8800379

According to this Amazon review he fucks up Godel: https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/RRW7HWDSXAGSE/

Not sure I'm willing to trust someone who reads stupid shit into Godel's work

>> No.8800571


Well it's been 14 years since he wrote that book so..

>> No.8800577


They'll gladly delete any thread that's "too political", but Marxism is the truth, so it'll stay afloat.

>> No.8800814

Whatever, there's an Evola thread up right now

>> No.8800819


It was a joke you stupid leftists

>> No.8801019

You can never know on 4chan.