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8787947 No.8787947 [Reply] [Original]

What work will most singlehandedly increase my power level?

>> No.8787954


>> No.8787955
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>> No.8787972

the human situation by huxley

>> No.8787992

mi diario a decir verdad

>> No.8788017
File: 19 KB, 333x499, 41rvaTjSBsL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A controversial and compelling case can be made that this is the most important work in moral philosophy in 200 years. Its very far from entry level, but it'll pick up your mind and shatter it against grecian marble. Various factors will determine what your mind will be like when you put it back together.

>> No.8788037

>tfw want to buy this but the updated edition is so expensive

>> No.8788055
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>MacIntyre offers a strong critique of Friedrich Nietzsche, whom he calls the "King Kamehameha II of the European tradition," in reference to the Polynesian allegory above. MacIntyre explains that, "Nietzschean man, the Übermensch, [is] the man who transcends, finds his good nowhere in the social world to date, but only that in himself which dictates his own new law and his own new table of the virtues. Although he disagreed with Nietzsche's inegalitarian and elitist view of humankind, he acknowledged the validity of Nietzsche's critique of Enlightenment morality as an explanation of the latter's degeneration into emotivism, and that, like Kamehameha II, Nietzsche had identified the moral imperatives of his time as arbitrary and incoherent in demanding their abolition.

Sounds as if this Trash-Man-Last-Man couldn't handle the Neetch.

>> No.8788221

Il mio diario di essere onesto

>> No.8788238

La Rouchefoucald's Maxims will show you what a vain, selfish prick you are, and how to not be that way.

>> No.8788417
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>put the vatican in charge of it
How about not now, not ever?