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/lit/ - Literature

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878733 No.878733 [Reply] [Original]

>/lit/ still thinks it's the smart board

>> No.878736

only the narcissist morons do

>> No.878777

>smart board

>> No.878790

Okay, so what is?

Get over it, /tg/. You've been replaced.

>> No.878794

Maybe I'm not smart enough, but I can't find a better board on 4chan...
/lit/ buys each other presents and doesn't afraid to talk about philosophy, and we can still talk about loli[ta]s here too.

inb4 any number of types of fag I can be, because that is the other thing about /lit/-- only the "visitors" call anybody "fag".

>> No.878805

I've been here since the first day and you kind of sound like a faggot to me

>> No.878807

>>878794 /lit/ buys each other presents and doesn't afraid to name drop philosophers

>> No.878814

with any accessible place on the internet, there are retards and there are ok people. that's all. quit imaging this place as one entity.

>> No.878816


Wait, there's more to philosophy than name dropping?

90% of modern philosophers must be terribly confused.

>> No.878813

Shit, that's what I meant to say.

See? You can't help but say "faggot", what with your correct English and all. In 4chan mode, that should be fagfag or something faggy like that.

>> No.878812

Maybe I'm not fat enough, but I can't find a better board on 4chan...
/tg/ gets shit done for each other and doesn't afraid to talk about decklists, and we can still talk about monster[girl]s here too.

inb4 any number of types of fag I can be, because that is the other thing about /tg/-- only the "visitors" call anybody "fag".

>> No.878822


Why of course, I meant that you reminded me of a bundle of sticks...what did you think I meant?

>> No.878835

/lit/ is niggers

>> No.878836

>buying each other gifts
>actual discussions
>people being nice because they can be
Doesn't matter if we're smart or not, at least we're all bros.

>> No.878894

>Implying any board is smart on here

>> No.878902

Fuck you nigger faggot. I ain't your bro.

>> No.878910

There's nothing wrong with /lit/. It's a nice board, but some of the posters have a big fucking chip on their shoulders and can get a little self-congratulatory.

>> No.878939
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lol at outsiders inferiority complex. pic related if that is not the case.