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8787003 No.8787003 [Reply] [Original]

Is this book fiction or non-fiction?

>> No.8787008

No matter your views on the holocaust being real or fake/largely overblown, most people agree that the book is either complete fiction written after the fact by her dad (don't have proof right now, but I remember hearing that the handwriting in the original journal is the same as her fathers), or a largely dramatized fantasy by a bored young girl.

>> No.8787009


>> No.8787011

Clearly fiction. You might be dumb enough to believe that the Holocaust happened, but you shouldn't be so dumb that you think a female is capable of writing anything of significance.

>> No.8787022

What did you mean by this?

>> No.8787029

>most people agree
>no evidence of this at all..

>> No.8787034
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Fiction by her father.

>> No.8787040

>this is what 'the redpill' does to a person

>> No.8787045

>he doesn't understand a joke or even sarcasm
maybe reddit is a better place for you to stay

>> No.8787048 [DELETED] 

>book about the holocaust

I bet you also think Malazan is real.

>> No.8787051

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Someone might report you

>> No.8787055

I fear not the weak that cast doubt o'er the cognitive-beings that inhabit the rich knowledge-sphere of my mindscape.

Every day the light of truth awakens me and he has the face of God.

Deus vult!

>> No.8787056

Pretty sure all academia believe it's legit, if that's an acceptable authority for you

>> No.8787059

Source on this?

>> No.8787066

Praise fucking Lord Kek, brethren


Kek, try the redpill, kid

>> No.8787067


>> No.8787088

kill yourself

>> No.8787149

Academics toe the PC line or gets fired. Questioning propaganda is not part of the program.

>> No.8787257

High fantasy.

>> No.8787662


Sorry, it's only a secondary source. The critical edition mentioned has not been scanned (at least the english translation) and expensive so unless it's in a library near you good luck.

Note for conspirators, the ballpoint pen theory is mentioned in the above article

>> No.8787666

she could have legitimately answered ''my diary desu" in many lit threads

>> No.8787673

10000% fake

>> No.8787752

Wikipedia actually has an unbiased page on her diary desu. They mention the authenticity tests, some of which were forensic, all of which confirm she wrote it, as well as her father's editing out of personal and lewd details. It's legitimate.

>> No.8787756

Heh have you ever even tried the redpill?

>> No.8787787

>Wikipedia actually has an unbiased page on her diary desu. They mention the authenticity tests, some of which were forensic, all of which confirm she wrote it
Imagine being this brainwashed

>> No.8787801

>oh yeah this book which very clearly develops and reads like a consciously planned novel is just some random girl's diary!
Come on, let's be honest here. Even IF she wrote it, the book was heavily edited to be unrecognizable by her dad. Unless you really think a teen girl would write her personal diary like that.

>> No.8787840

lmao have you even read it?

>> No.8787848

Heh you don't think it's fabricated by someone who had the destruction of whiteness in mind?

Bet your a liberal arts major

>> No.8789344



Yeah, sure. Their page for Gone With The Wind tries to claim that Rhett Butler was supposed to represent a black man and Margaret Mitchell's lust for BBC. You know despite the fact that the book sympathizes with the KKK and slave owners all throughout the last 1/4th.

>> No.8789426

>ITT: the same kind of folks who think the moon landing was faked and that Climate Change don't real
I earnestly hope that 2016 marks Peak Retard for America and that we can now begin the long slog back...but I don't believe it. In fact, over the next four years it's going to get exponentially worse.

I hope our new Chinese Overlords are gentile with us.

>> No.8789620

She is actually dead, b.

>> No.8789660

The moon landing was faked though, retard. I hope this marks the Peak Retard for your posting.

>> No.8789820

Putting the moon landing on the same level as the holohoax is pretty silly. The moon landing could have been faked if the US didn't have to compete against the USSR but since they were under heavy scrutiny it just wasn't possible, the holohoax was a post-war lie to justify all the brutalities and suffering that the Allied Powers had caused.

>> No.8789824

Spoiler: She wasn't actually real. This story was literally created by the U.S. Government to promote Jewish propaganda.

>> No.8790857
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>> No.8792724

>look up arguments defending the authenticity
>go to the museums site and download pdf adressing the subject
>half of it is saying the people who think it's fake are evil right-wingers and holocaust deniers
>barely tries to debunk claims or provide any evidence
Whatever you may think of the subject, the fact that you pretty much can't talk about Anne Frank or the holocaust is guaranteed to make more people suspicious of it. It's still illegal to be a holocaust denier in germany, absolutely ridiculous.

>> No.8792732

i don't think anne frank's diary is fake, but don't blindly trust wikipedia. it's an organization with an agenda like any other

>> No.8792737
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>mfw when reading this book in middle school
>mfw I had a crush on a dead jewish girl
Anyone else know this feel?

>> No.8792747

Yeah but it was not in middle school

>> No.8792757
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>> No.8793551

Where can I read about the lewd bits that her father edited out?

>> No.8793673

>her father's editing out of personal and lewd details
biggest crime of the century

>> No.8793682
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>> No.8793712





>> No.8793967
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>Implying the distinction is relevant

>> No.8795276
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This has a quite a comprehensive look at the questions surrounding it;


>> No.8795485

it's ok senpai they got put back in

>> No.8795514

Anne Frank is Angela Merkel you fucking idiot. That's why she is destroying Germany.

>> No.8795519

Any idea where I can find a copy to download? All of the ones on bookzz got removed