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/lit/ - Literature

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8784659 No.8784659 [Reply] [Original]

is anyone reading this right now? just blazed a huge canon and I'm on page 7. let's talk about it. I see where the Greek meme came from now. is it bad I haven't read any Greeks

>> No.8784722

Sup OP, Im always rereading parts of this book, it's all still pretty fresh in my mind.

I don't think it's bad that you haven't read any Greeks, it illuminates the text a little more but isn't by any means necessary

>> No.8784803

I read it for the first time this week. Just read a summary of the Odyssey and maybe a summary of Hamlet. a lot of references went over my head, but it was still very enjoyable.

>> No.8784855

These are the worst threads on /lit/. Not the shitposting, not the Tao Lin or Mira Gonzalez threads, not the women or minority hating threads, not the "I'm a literary genius threads," but these. The threads with a underlying feeling of "I'm so special because I read books" while barely understanding anything about them. The fact that you only got into 7 pages of Ulysses before making a stupid thread about it, and having to tell everyone about it demonstrates this. Yeah you try to cover yourself with ironic jokes, and little buddy-buddy remarks like "just blazed a huge canon" but I know you think you're smart and "cultured" for reading Ulysses. You don't understand anything about the importance of art. Oh maybe you like a few phrases here and there, and get a little tingle occasionally, but you ultimately use art for yourself. Because you think it adds an interesting side to your personality. You love thinking about having read books, but have no idea of what their actual significance is. You probably enjoy saying that "the prose is good." You act all innocent, telling yourself and trying to give off the impression that you don't take yourself too seriously, that books are just a fun hobby for you.. And you are what is killing literature, you and your ignorant, self-aggrandizing whoring of the only secular means of saving the human soul.

>> No.8784884

You would probably take a picture of yourself reading your book with a nice little "sophisticated" cup of coffee, a "cultured" cigarette in your hand, if it didn't come across as so obviously desperate. Oh you're self-aware enough to know that, so you instead post on 4chan, to your little internet friends, where you can tell each other how fucking smart you are, how fucking special you are for reading books. But look at how "self-aware" we are! We don't post pictures on instagram of us reading books! We don't talk about books with other people that much either, because we're not REAL pseuds! When all in all, you're led by the same attention seeking impulse. You read to gain attention, that's it. You read with the same impulse as a gymrat who only does arms and chest. You don't want growth, you don't want strength. You want people to see you as strong, to see you as the image you're trying to shape. You think you're so aware and thoughtful, but you are all shallow, shallow people.

>> No.8784894

alright. fuck. I'll stop reading it. jesus christ. I also don't think I'm smart P.S.

>> No.8784898

oh shit >>8784884 just rekt you

>> No.8784915

>These are the worst threads on /lit/. Not the shitposting, not the Tao Lin or Mira Gonzalez threads, not the women or minority hating threads, not the "I'm a literary genius threads," but these. The threads with a underlying feeling of "I'm so special because I read books" while barely understanding anything about them. The fact that you only got into 7 pages of Ulysses before making a stupid thread about it, and having to tell everyone about it demonstrates this. Yeah you try to cover yourself with ironic jokes, and little buddy-buddy remarks like "just blazed a huge canon" but I know you think you're smart and "cultured" for reading Ulysses. You don't understand anything about the importance of art. Oh maybe you like a few phrases here and there, and get a little tingle occasionally, but you ultimately use art for yourself. Because you think it adds an interesting side to your personality. You love thinking about having read books, but have no idea of what their actual significance is. You probably enjoy saying that "the prose is good." You act all innocent, telling yourself and trying to give off the impression that you don't take yourself too seriously, that books are just a fun hobby for you.. And you are what is killing literature, you and your ignorant, self-aggrandizing whoring of the only secular means of saving the human soul.

Nice saving this for later

>> No.8784920

Jesus christ. One punch knock-out.
I'm not any better, just swooping in like a vulture to admire, pretending the words aren't applicable to me. But at least I'm not getting served them directly to me. Christ.

>> No.8784932
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>> No.8784954
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>> No.8785024
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>> No.8785074

Jesus christ, man

>> No.8785101

I'd wager you are actually John Green

>> No.8785134

Shit, why can't the kid just read?

>> No.8785135

How does an idiot enjoy books then?

I'm reading my first big boy book "The Idiot", it was a gift, I got two other books as gifts too all Dostoevsky. I'm literally what you described but instead I insinuate my "smartness" to the few people who listen to me because I'm so pathetic I don't even post to social media, or have social media anymore. I hate doing actual work to improve myself and instead seek to escape through comforts like video games and food, to the point of self destruction (just got out of the hospital for fucking up my digestive tract, will have to go back soon and I'm only 20).

Maybe if I threw out all the "shoulds" and just read for myself, that would be a start.

>> No.8785138

also not to rain on either of you dudes' parades but it's possible to read books because reading books can be enjoyable and also learning things from books can be enjoyable
I don't think I'm saying anything earth shattering

>> No.8785147

I listened to a really well done BBC dramatization of The Idiot, it really punched me in the gut, it was amazing. Instilled the terror of death in me, no joke, raised heartbeat and all

>> No.8785148

I'm actually currently reading it, and quite frankly love it. I have the Oxford Classics edition, which I quite like because it has a pretty comprehensive set of annotations in the back that explains a few of the many abstruse references (as well as including short chapter summaries that correlates the events with the Odyssey and, to a much lesser degree, Hamlet). Aside from the prose being densely delicious like a piece of Bavarian fudge—which is really something I can't harp enough on—I fucking love that feeling I get when I pick up on an allusion or labyrinthine metaphor, like his parodic wag to Pater's essay on Mirandola "when one reads these pages of one long gone one feels that one is at one with on who once..."
I've just begun part II that introduces Bloom, so I've yet to dive into the central narrative, but basically I'm just super excited to be legitimately challenged by something so deliriously dense yet oddly unpretentious.

I don't know if you're trolling or not, but while I admit there is some truth to your post, what with the intellectual-cultural currency that comes with reading the recondite greats like Ulysses, as well as the absurdity of talking about it so early in (something I'm admittedly guilty of), but I think your massively sweeping generalizations about every readers motives and cognitive capacities are not only ridiculously untrue but also simply silly. It's almost as if you've concluded that anyone who chooses to read something as terribly difficult as Ulysses must solely be doing it for superficial reasons, rather than legitimately authentic ones. Also, to claim literature is dying due to self-aggrandizing charlatans is absurd; popularization fueled even by shallow intentions is still positively promotional, not deleterious as you insist. Anyway, you should probably just lighten up and allow people to enjoy their books however they like, whyever they like

>> No.8785166
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>> No.8785171

I haven't been able to get the idea of death out of my mind for the past few days and its been taking a toll on my mental health. I've never before thought of the death sentence int hat regard, although I only read up to page 60 so far so I won't pretend I understand the entire message behind it.

I've been unable to get past the fact that I'm going to die, its like I'm having my 12 year old existential crisis all over again, but this time its literally stopping me from doing anything. I kept pestering my father who fears nothing of death due to his faith, I tried praying, still feeling anxious. I'm not sure if this is why Dostoevsky is of such renown but it makes me want to keep reading. I'm at the part where prince is being acquainted with everyone at Gania's place.

I'll have to listen to the dramatization of it sometime, sounds frightful.

>> No.8785227

Don't worry man, everyone who has ever lived is dead, and everyone currently alive will soon be dead. You're in good company.

>> No.8785316

Read Tolstoy, my friend

>> No.8785356

>the importance of art

my sides

>> No.8785609



do you guys think our boy Boylan refers to his prolific sexual deeds as "getting Blazed"

>> No.8785637

Maybe he calls his conquests his "Boylers."

Or maybe the "Boyler" is what he calls his penis.

>> No.8785849

soft chuckle

>> No.8786970

mfw dying will be a thing for poor people in 15 yrs tops

>> No.8787084

b8 of the week at least

>> No.8787239
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This is me. Fuck

>> No.8787240

include me in the screencap

>> No.8787248

>threads about reading books are the worst threads

>> No.8787399

>You don't understand anything about the importance of art
>importance of art
>objective aesthetic imperative(s)

You are literally a sophist, congrats anon

>> No.8787988

spotted the insecure pseud

>> No.8788047

a simple "pleb" would have sufficed

>> No.8788145


>all these triggered pseuds
hit a bit too close to home for comfort, eh?

>> No.8788376


>> No.8788462

>responds to specific criticisms with ad hominems
>conflates the expression 'Too close for comfort' and 'Close to home'

>Y-you're all pseuds!

>> No.8788540


>> No.8788596

>I see where the Greek meme came from now.
No, the Greek meme goes way beyond Ulysses. It's as much to do with philosophy as fiction too.

>> No.8789016

why does every ulysses scholar refer to the Gabler edition then?

>> No.8789094
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Looking to re-read Ulysses with annotations guys. What do you think is the best annotated version to get?

My bookstore has the Penguin Modern Classics student edition and pic related.

>> No.8789246

>People thinking this is b8
This is absolutely true retards

>> No.8789379

Saved for future pasta, thanks m8.

>> No.8789705

look what you've done

>> No.8789706

Oxford Classics is best

>> No.8789712

>Looking to re-read Ulysses with annotations guys.

It's best to just read the original work several times throughout your life so you can catch on and have the full grasp of the work hit you at different stages so you realize how much you've learned, and laugh at yourself about how much you missed prior.

>> No.8789716


> I like being apart of a community that shares a hobby and discusses our interest in it

You need a therapist.

>> No.8789740
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This fuckin' board sometimes, man.

>> No.8789773

Disagree. There are obscure political social historical literary etc. References in Ulysses that aren't going to simply become clear by reading the bare text several times m8.

>> No.8790037

Can somebody give me a list of other books I should read before this?

>> No.8790265


>> No.8790268

Joyce didn't know any greek, watchu talkin bout

>> No.8790274

His parents got him and his siblings kid's versions of Greek stories as like their baby books. Your Rowling (you fucking pleb) was his Homer.

>> No.8790282

Hahaha. No dude that's actually not true at all. You're actually embarrassing yourself right now. Joyce mastered many languages, but Greek was not one of them. He always regretted that he never studied and mastered the language. When he died, there is recorded record of his little grammar books that he kept with him, where he was trying to learn Greek. When he was writing Ulysses, his Greek was close to none. Fuck off.

>> No.8790286

Oh. and now i just realized that by "Greeks" you were talking about Greek writers like Homer.

>> No.8790296

I am laffing bro, I am laffing.

His notebooks actually do contain lots of Greek, he worked through a couple of textbooks between 1915 and 1919, but it's mostly modern Greek with some ancient Greek.

>> No.8790573


Christ buddy its just a post on 4chan. why would you get so upset and lash out over it? those were some really mean words, man.

>> No.8791418

why are these being treated like good posts?

>> No.8791438


>that ridiculous rant
>all of these redditors going haha BTFO

What a fucking cunt you are. All of you are shitheads, in fact. Yeah, you're so high and mighty playing internet literature tough guy. Embarrassing.

Not to mention that your whole post is hypocritical. You are playing into the very same imagined hierarchy of readers that you deride.

More, if you actually care about literature, you would see how perverse it is for you to discourage an obvious beginner.

>> No.8791452

>muh women and minorities


>> No.8791472

good post

>> No.8791604

I can relate, anon. Except for the food part, this is essentially me spot-on.