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/lit/ - Literature

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8782887 No.8782887 [Reply] [Original]

Do you consider yourself an intellectual?

>> No.8782890

No, I read Plato

>> No.8782895

no i can barely read i only come for the reddit threads

>> No.8782902
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Yes and no. I consider myself an intelligent person but I don't really jive with the general stereotype of intellectuals, that being snooty, high handed, elitist, etc.

I have my intelligent friends who read Joyce, Nabakov, Coover, etc etc who I can sperg out with. Then I have my friends who like to pound beers and do coke off the hot sluts we party with.

>> No.8782906

No desu

>> No.8782917

My IQ is probably incredibly low due to bad memory combined with trouble focusing but I consider myself very informed.

>> No.8782919
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yes. i am a intelectual here me think!

>> No.8782920

No, I consider myself employed.

>> No.8782924

Yes, I do.

>> No.8782925

holy...i want more

>> No.8782941

Have fun serving your masters for a few years before you die.

>> No.8783984


>> No.8783986

>implying I have a self to consider

>> No.8783991

I'm smarter than most African infants.

>> No.8784021
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>tfw to inteligent too fall for the intellectual/pseudointellectual meme

>> No.8784138

My exgf said she hates intellectuals and dumped me a week later.

I call myself an intellectual now.

>> No.8784141

Isnt that an oxymoron?

I just like learning as much interesting stuff as possible.

>> No.8784146

That sounds exhausting. I'll just get back to reading.

>> No.8784280
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>yourself an intellectual?
I am the dumbest of them all KEK!!!

>> No.8784489

No, I'm extremely anti-intellectual if anything.

>> No.8784498

By that you mean has intellect? Yes, yes I do.

>> No.8784658

no, i rarely find myself really thinking and reflecting about a matter, and never have a formed opinion about nothing, a bit because of lack of interest probably...

>> No.8784666

No I'm not paid for "my" "thoughts"

>> No.8784681

This. My time to process is fairly slow so I always test at retard level.

I think I am generally more informed than most people.

>> No.8784700

You're only an intellectual if you are part of the right liberal circles. Your intellect and wisdom are meaningless outside of them.

Ie. if you oppose Identity Politics your opinion is meaningless and void and you cannot be an intellectual.

>> No.8784761

i'm to intelligent to fall for this trap

>> No.8784874

No, math beyond basic algebra escapes me and I can't for the life of me get into hard philosophy. I just like reading novels and sometimes learning things along the way.

>> No.8786314

Nah, I'm just a geek.

I have devoted my entire life to trivial pursuits, role-play and escapism in order to hide from a deep sense of rejection and shame which I feel when confronted by the real world.

People think I'm smart at first, especially when I try to tell them I'm not, but they eventually drift away after spending a couple weeks to a couple of years watching me make the same mistakes over and over again.

Obscure fact curation, D&D campaigns, impotent revenge fantasies and videogame high scores are the true obsessions of my life.

>> No.8786319


that was a pretty intellectual thing to say

>> No.8786334

No, I'm an idiot who happens to enjoy pretentious literature

>> No.8786369

Pretty much everything here can be applied to me. I went on a date with someone once and she tried to tell me that I was intelligent because I told her about my love of literature, how I go to a good school etc. she even complimented me on my vocabulary of all things but those facets of myself are only superficially intellectual.

I consider myself immature in most regards and lacking in true wisdom. Maybe she was just coaxing my ego, or most people have a very low standard of intelligence.

>> No.8786384

Major kek

>> No.8786414

Well, technically, uh, nah.

>> No.8786434

Yes, 100%.

>> No.8786449

No, I just like to read and stay informed. I have no particular expertise that I can expound upon.

>> No.8786463

Yes, i catalog and record my own personal discoveries, insights, and brilliant linguistic games and jokes.

>> No.8786467

Not particularly, but I do consider most people around me fucking to be fucking idiots.

>> No.8786471
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Only thing I can probably reffer as my intelectual side is constant reflection about people and things that surrounds me, but I doubt that's correct. While I have deep and complex perception, my lack of deep undestanding assures me that most things I experience during my reflection are just some shifts caused by my constantly trembling and clashing concious and unconcious. And the sources of that clash are fear of people and fear of death. Melancholy and constant doubts are hell of a drugs.

>> No.8786475

what is the best alcoholic beverage
my fellow intellectuals

>> No.8786477

Subjective as fuck.