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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.22 MB, 1000x1365, Bottoms-Dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8781154 No.8781154 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone on /lit/ actually read this book, or is it ranked on the 2016 top 100 chart because of all the soods on this board?

>> No.8781160

It's not for reading, it's for diving in and out. Even Schmidt said it wasn't for reading cover-to-cover. It's like a weird museum where you look at a bunch of clever/unusual/thought-provoking stuff for a while and go home.

>> No.8781168

The chart anon insisted on taking all the votes at face value, despite everyone asking to have that and Jerusalem left off.

>> No.8781169

I'm currently 1/3 through Jerusalem and then it's next on my list.

>> No.8781222

are you actually enjoying it or is it basically an Xbox Achievement

>> No.8781496

Surprisingly decent desu, there's some bloat in the descriptions but also enough weird metaphysical ideas to keep it going. Hopefully BD will be similar, but with esoteric /lit/ jokes

>> No.8781708

>Xbox Achievement
this would be a perfect description of infinite jest

>> No.8781748

Yeah I've read the whole thing, but in German. It's not nearly as difficult as you memesters hype it up to be. About as difficult as Gravity's Rainbow or Ulysses, though longer. At the same time, I don't even think it's Schmidt's best work. I'm much more partial to Nobodaddy's Children. However, I would say it is one of the most "literary" books I've ever read. Filled with erudition, interesting and funny wordplay.. it has a pretty comfy story as well. Overall a fun, though not mindblowing read. I think people have a bad habit of hyping big books up as masterpieces all the time, and this book's length combined with Schmidt's wacky typography make it seem like a sort of immpenetrable beast. Definitely an accomplishment, but it seems like Schmidt here tried to create the epitome of art for artists.

>> No.8781898

Should I read this, or should I read Ulysses 20 times?

>> No.8781903

Have you looked at the translation at all and if so do you have an opinion of how Woods did?

>> No.8781907

read half of FW instead

>> No.8781945

I made it through a page and a half of FW.

>> No.8781966

I haven't, because it wouldn't be worth it for me to pay the $50+ for a translation for a book I've already read, but I can say that I've read Wood's translation of Magic Mountain (and the original, of course, which is my favorite book) and thought it was very good. Though I'm sure there's a lot lost in translation, Woods is definitely one of the greatest german translators out there, so I would trust him.

>> No.8782073

>missing the meme

never gonna make it senpai

>> No.8782122

Could I do the same with Finnegans Wake?

>> No.8782668

No. As Joyce put it, the ideal reader of Finnegans Wake is someone who reads front to back in one sitting and then reads it again.

>> No.8782685

wow, what a clever way to justify laziness

>> No.8783471

no it wouldn't, and it is also overall a retarded phrase to bring up and ask people to have an opinion about

go back to reddit

>> No.8783887

>2016 top 100 chart
someone post this pls

>> No.8783900

are you trolling ?

>> No.8783910
File: 3.05 MB, 1820x4352, lit best books 2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8783994

Read it backwards familias

>> No.8784473

do you remember when your friend got into pot, and tried to get everybody to try it? he would even smoke you out, he just wanted a buddy that will smoke with him. But once somebody started smoking with him without him begging, once they were addicted, they were on the hook for their own marijuana, and then he'd never stop bugging them for freebies because he 'used to smoke [them] out all the time'

such is the case with Infinite Jest on 4chan's literature board. Some poor anon read it, and felt he had to drag somebody, anybody into the depths along with him. He tried lending out the book to friends, none finished it, but eventually some charitable soul online read it, and from their everything went downhill.

Now people get memed into reading it, because its a 'board culture' thing, and they feel obligated to do so. It's exactly like smoking weed in high school, or getting a Videomaster achievement in Halo 3.

>> No.8784576
File: 19 KB, 227x346, 51U6dDk6-HL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but Joyce did say this. Maybe wrote it in a letter? Unfortunately he didn't say too much about Finnegans Wake since he died soon after it was published. But fuck, its possible Joyce himself was trolling when he said that.

>> No.8784645
File: 2.05 MB, 4000x2824, bottoms5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I haven't gotten far

>> No.8784656

I am very interested. Its sheer size is almost intimidating though. 1500 pages and stuff, man.

>> No.8786103

He probably was. He was pretty self-aware about finnegans wake being what it is. There are a lot of little self-referential things it in the novel

>> No.8786562

>It's not nearly as difficult as you memesters hype it up to be
>about as difficult as Gravity's Rainbow or Ulysses

Both of those books are difficult as fuck. Don't be such a pseud.

>> No.8786605

There's a real opportunity lost there in not calling it 'Bottoms Dream'.

>> No.8786614


It's a joke about the book being a circle

Ya tards

>> No.8786819

It's not even really a joke then

>> No.8786869

China's overtaking us


>> No.8786989

>Gravity's Rainbow is not difficult at all!
>Bottom's Dream is just as easy, I understood them.

you sound fucking insufferable.

>> No.8787632

>Expecting people who haven't read a book to understand a joke about the book

>> No.8787634

the number of people who have read fw is less than 1/10 of the number of people who know fw is a circle

>> No.8789256

Guess you don't know what that word means.

>> No.8789274

I care less and less about such attempts to fame

>> No.8789285

Chinese people are Westophiles, I guarantee you ever one of those copies is just sitting on a shelf as a decouration

>> No.8789309

Like every copy in existence?

>> No.8789318


I've read 68 of that list and a lot of them are not that good desu.

>> No.8789838

I believe that's part of the joke

>> No.8790193

Someone pretending to be smart. He's pretending to be smart enough to say, "I read Ulysses and it was a piece of fucking cake. Plebs...."

>> No.8790340

he didn't really phrase it like that buddy, stop projecting.

>> No.8790348
File: 42 KB, 399x322, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

