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File: 121 KB, 640x502, Philosophy_8d9147_5029913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8779660 No.8779660 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw philosophy major is pretty useless bu philosophy is literally the ONLY subject in school that has ever engaged me
What should I do /lit/? Its the only subject I enjoy pursuing and yet all the jobs you can get with a philosophy degree sound like shit

>> No.8779676

do it if u can get a scholarship but don't pay for a philosophy degree

>> No.8779683

Get a real degree and a real job then study philosophy with your free time for the rest of your life.

If you can't get a good job you'll never have free time bc you'll be working multiple jobs and Uber-driving for the rest of your life.

>> No.8779703
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>If you can't get a good job you'll never have free time bc you'll be working multiple jobs and Uber-driving for the rest of your life.

There are alternatives

>> No.8779708

If you become a philosophy major, you'll have like three options:

1) Teach a throwaway high school course or two.

2) Clergyman/minister.

3) Teach others who made your same shitty decision.

>> No.8779713

I have a philosophy degree, I'm basically unemployable outside retail and shitpost 24/7

>> No.8779747

Nah, i work and read. Youre just lazy.

>> No.8779758

I don't usually tell people this, because it has become a meme, but you might want to think about law.

My classmates in law school used to bitch that we had to read Bentham, Locke, and Kant, but I loved that shit (not a phil. major, but I did/do have an an active interest).

Because philosophy serves as the basis for all government, law, and reason, I personally see law as the natural continuation of philosophical studies--in many respects it is applied philosophy.

That being said, there are heaps of retards in law school who have ZERO interest in being lawyers or learning the law, so if you're just not interested, just don't go. Don't become a meme.

>> No.8779768

This is what I did. I committed to the STEM meme as a major and studied philosophy for fun. My passion will always be literature, but I like money.

>> No.8779773

And he just reads. Probably more then you.

>> No.8779803

But, i also produce and am self reliant. If you disagree you are weak and a leech.

Take your marxist apathy elsewhere

>> No.8779804


>> No.8779816

Studied philosophy first, then Law. I was blind, but now I see!

>> No.8779820
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>self reliant

Tell me when I should care

>> No.8779821

A philosophy degree (like any humanities degree) is very useful provided you do relevant work experience during your studies

This may only be true for good universities tho

>> No.8779824



if you have any background in logic or analytic thinking, you should place well in the LSAT.

physics majors are just a whole different breed though. fucking academic animals.

>> No.8779828

apathy is sooo kewl!!!
I reject all teh spookz XD
Life is so, like...meaningless, you guys.

>> No.8779833

>Life is so, like...meaningless, you guys.


>> No.8779838

Whats relevant work experience for a philosophy major?

>> No.8779841

nah, theres a fundamental basis to our reality. meaning is derived from drawing closer to it and purifying the individual.

>> No.8779843

So being a NEET basically

>> No.8779845


>> No.8779867


teaching assistant, tutor, research assistant

basically anything that helps further the process of journal article writing or teaching.

>> No.8779890

This. Get into Philosophy of Law, it's a thriving field.

>> No.8779924

believing that life has meaning is paranormal?

>> No.8779931

being a worthless leach is not a means of purification.

>> No.8779971

>prelaw is one of the lowest on the chart

Absolutely delicious.

>> No.8780021
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>tfw physics major going into law
Feels good

Prelaw is just biology for men

>> No.8780024


i feel like pre-[x] are some of the most insufferable fucks that i run into in my classes.

"lol im going to be a doctor."


>> No.8780099

LSAT to law school seems like a good route

>> No.8780132

>A philosophy degree (like any humanities degree) is very useful provided you do relevant work experience during your studies
you could say the same about any degree

the fact is that it's completely inferior to most others, especially math and physics, especially provided that you did the former two at top schools

>> No.8780139

>philosophy major is pretty useless
Don't let them meme you, OP. Most jobs don't require any specific degree. If you're concerned about employment, just make sure you do internships and that kind of shit along the way and aren't socially incompetent.

>> No.8780148


thats a pretty bold claim. is there any particular reason why philosophy is more inferior to "most others" or are you going to meme us with STEM superiority?

>> No.8780158

>turn a break year into neet years
>struggle through depression
>watch as friends get degrees and the best I get is a minimum wage job
>too frail for manual labor
>can't stand being in anti intellectual environments
>remember that Descartes analogy of picking a direction when you're lost in the woods
>That's it, I'm going to school to major in philosophy!
>go on /lit/
>"what are you a retard lol"
Fuck you guys

>> No.8780159


if youre that quickly demotivated then you didnt stand a chance anyways.

>> No.8780164

better LSAT scores than you guys, for one :^)

>> No.8780176

So I should kill myself right?

>> No.8780178

here is the essential guide for degrees in 2016:

>If you're actually smart
Physics or Math

>If you're not as smart
Chemical Engineering/Philosophy/Electrical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering

>If you're a fucking idiot
Computer Science/Civil Engineering/Accounting/Economics

i'm trying to be as helpful as possible here. these are all good options in the long run.

>> No.8780180

>you could say the same about any degree
Correct. Lots of employers want people with degrees without giving a crap what the degree is in.

>> No.8780189

Pre-anything is more or less a containment major for idiots, especially law.

For example, if you want to go into serious patent law, you need to have a scientific background to get a foot in the door. No one cares that you took a patent law class once if you don't have the literacy necessary to read a patent in the first place.

It's all about the logic puzzles and reading comprehension. If you can do those things, you're golden.

t. above average Psychology

>> No.8780194

also, anything not listed is a meme

Yes, STEM is a meme right now. The other hard and soft sciences like Chemistry and Biology are absolutely inflated right now, and it's hard to get grants for research, let alone get, unless you want to be a lab monkey making barely more than a barista.

>> No.8780200

>tfw I want to do physics, but my schedule won't allow for it because I had to drop a quarter due to uncontrollable existential depression and now I have to do civil engineering

>> No.8780201

>let alone get a job
is what I meant to write. good luck to you guys just barely applying to colleges.

>> No.8780206

Pursue math.

>> No.8780325

>Law School
>Good Decision
No its not.

t. In law school

I got an A in legal philosophy though. It was my only A in three years and now I'm unemployed with 100k in debt. Im not even at a low tier school

>> No.8780686

philosophy degree to get into law

>> No.8780690

>anything not listed is a meme
unrelated but what about music composition? asking for a friend. obviously.

>> No.8780691

Get your degree and try to work for the government. Become a civil servant in the bureaucracy. Maybe take an extra year or two and get a double major in accounting or law.

>> No.8780706

says who?
and why should i care about that who and what he says? why is he right?

>> No.8780709


>> No.8780710

>being this right
Are you Plato?

>> No.8780856

I'm in the middle of getting a philosophy degree and I'm gonna dropout. My suggestion is you just study philosophy on your own time and take community college classes if you need help studying a specific topic.

>> No.8780926

Literally this. You shouldn't go on sites like 4chan or Reddit and ask people whether you have their permission to be studying what you love because they're all going to give you the stock "you should major in STEM" response instead. Learning philosophy in an academic environment is incredibly rewarding and realistically, you won't be able to devote the same amount of time and energy per week to it when you graduate and get a job.
If you end up wanting to pursue something STEM-related (not that STEM careers are the only ones that make money) there will probably be training programs and internships available in your area. Many electrical engineers start as PAID interns.

>> No.8780961

If you mean in grad school, you can study "philosophy" in a lot of majors depending on your take on it

In fact sometimes it's easier to study continental philosophy in a department that isn't explicitly philosophy

>> No.8780964

epic memes

Physics majors are mindless Asians.

>> No.8780967

>Physics or Math
These are for idiots, not smart people.

le science xDdddDD is the antithesis of intelligence and it is the only thing constant in STEMshit.

>> No.8780970

Become the next Karl Marx.

>> No.8780971

From what I remember from high school, philosophy majors have the highest rate of passing the LSAT to get into law school, even better than pre law majors. That might have changed, but I can't imagine by much

>> No.8780977

Law is a field for garbage people.

>> No.8780999


bust your ass, write a long work of post-continental critique, and get into a good grad program

>> No.8781003
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Huh, oddly relevant thread to my current predicament.

I'm a first year philosophy student, meaning I've taken like two philosophy courses and mostly gen eds.

Today I was forced by time to choose whether or not I would go down the path of earning a philosophy degree or earning a "practical" degree. I, at my loathsome behest, chose the practical degree.

Tomorrow I'll be enrolling in myriad accounting, econ, and management courses for a degree in supply chain management. I always thought my practical degree would be engineering, specifically electrical engineering, because circuits and logic are my fetish. But after some research I found out that engineers have surprisingly little upward mobility after ~$120k, so I chose a versatile degree which allows me to nab an MBA and become a soulless money-fiend.

I'm trying to romanticize it by LARPing my future self as if I'm ilk of some sort of Mad Man, Madison Avenue-esque drinker and philanderer, but it's not working. I truly don't care about this career, but I have a family to take care of, including a sick mother. If I majored in philosophy I would feel too God damn guilty about how much I could've helped my struggling family that took care of me while I grew up, so I just can't follow through with it.

As much as I'd love to study my passions, it's just not feasible. I'm jealous of you wealthybros who don't have too much to worry about in the way of finances, but I'm also happy for you. Study the shit out of philosophy for me.

Not really sure what the point of this was but OP's timing was just right and I need to vent.

>> No.8781021

Do whatever the fuck you want and dont bitch about it
These threads are always so fucking gay

>> No.8781032

i finished a B.A. in Phil now I'm doing a second degree in Math. 3.97 GPA so far

>> No.8781060

No. It's only paranormal in the way you described it

>> No.8781081

>Thinking income returns dont rapidly diminish after 80k let alone 120k
You're in for a lot of life choice rethinking

>> No.8781091

How does one just get a second BA? Are you that weird old guy in undergrad? Consider other options

>> No.8781096

If you read more philosophy you wouldn't be asking this.

>> No.8781102


All I can do is look at how the statistics bode. Also I'm not going to university of shitfuck, akansas so I have actual opportunities even if debt


If only I was wiser

>> No.8781144

I'm that weird 'old' guy if you think 28 is old.

I am taking a second BA because an engineering student that was studying nearly a decade ago can't go into grad school for theology most likely, or at least won't do well.

>> No.8781172

I'm in a similar situation. I'm a Stemfag, but I'm not really getting anything out of it. I don't really enjoy it anymore.
The voice in the back of my head is telling me to complete the stem degree and do philosophy or theology afterwards. Another part of me unironically wants to go to seminary.

Should I do it? I feel like I'll be missing out on something if I don't.

>> No.8781180

Cheating, mindless Asians.

>> No.8781181

what law school were you at?

>> No.8781206


"Objective meaning" requires paranormal (but also requires the meaninglessness of the paranormal creator so it comes full circle)

"Subjective meaning" (I create meaning for myself) is the same as meaningless

No argument can get past this dilemma. Life is indisputably meaningless even if it's "fun" or "full of experiences"

>> No.8781211

end of thread

>> No.8781310 [DELETED] 

>raised orthodox
>edgy teen/nihilism, read nietzsche, camus, etc
>mid 20s now, falling back towards orthodox
>read kierkegaard, absorb some of his existentialist/absurdist views
still developing desu, mostly apolitcal though

>> No.8781359
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Why should your job be something you love? It's a job, its primary purpose is to get you money. It's not like you have to be either super-rich or a super-philosopher or you're dead, right? Not saying you should do whatever, but you can have a job you treat frivolously and do philosophy on the side. Something like that can broaden your character if you do it well, make you more than a philosopher, and maybe it can make you bring a new perspective into your philosophical thinking. You're a human being, not an ant, you can do more than one thing.

>> No.8781381

>can barely speak English
>does coursework in English
>probably gets extra exam time for being a lazy shit that can't improve their grade in a country FILLED with English-speakers
>all-around entitled shits that think they deserve the platter and the chariot; patriotically Chinese to the point of hypocrisy (foreigners can't even get really get a Green Card in China unless they're important investors or can be otherwised taxed a lot, a niche physician, or some other massive exception)
>cheat despite thinking Chinese people are the greatest, smartest, etc
>stuck with their heads in their phones everywhere, and travel in packs so they block out entire halls
Wrong. You're giving meaning right now. Logic is meaning you dumbshit holy crap.

>> No.8781387

no OP but anon i don't want to have to do two different things. i want to have it both ways: call myself a super-wise philosopher, and then be completely lazy too

>tfw imagining being fanned by ostrich feathers on an egyptian riverboat and being asked for my opinions on the cultural logic of late capital

you're right tho

>> No.8781391

my sides

>> No.8781454

>being this tender-hearted

>> No.8781456
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I know the feel pham, really, but you gotta understand if you don't allow mundanity into the equation you're likely to either make the thing you're passionate about a drag or end up sniffing and pulling your shirt involuntarily. Plus being trivial can be comfy in its own ways: you think the pharaoh's job was to be pampered all day long? No, his job was administering the dumb kingdom and killing barbarians; the luxuries came when he had time to enjoy things for what they were.

>> No.8781494
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I'm double majoring in philosophy with a foreign language. Does that alleviate any of the uselessness? I know it doesn't but convince me anyway.

>> No.8781511

double majoring in cognitive science and philosophy here. ama

>> No.8781532


then it should be easy for all the patricians on /lit/ to graduate top 99% of their class and nail a high paying job immediately after passing the bar.


>> No.8781539

my plan is to become a teacher.

you could teach philosophy

>> No.8781543

Garbage people, as in pieces of human garbage.

>> No.8781551

This is me exactly but I'm going into nursing.
Just had a classmate complain the other day about his western civ class hes failing. He couldn't understand how some of the students had an interest in history and thrived in the class, and guessed that they must watch national geographic and the history channel exclusively.
What I'm saying is, you've made the right decision if you don't want to feel contempt for most people around you, constantly.

>> No.8781555


care to cite the crackpot you got this from?

or are you really so naive and lacking in self-awareness that you wrote this shit and thought we would be convinced by this?

>life is INDISPUTABLY meaningless


>> No.8781606

Sounds like one of the bottom majors are for you.

Physics and Math at a top-tier university are more enlightening and rewarding than anything else you could study, anywhere.

>> No.8781621

No they aren't

Fedora fields aren't enlightening or rewarding.

Ivy Tower is far from top.

>> No.8781626

>Ivy Tower
There's nothing wrong with being a software engineer or programmer in this day and age, but don't pretend like it's more rigorous, interesting, or as captivating as pure mathematics at a respectable institution.

>> No.8781641
File: 89 KB, 600x462, gre1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be me
>philosophy major
>1 year in
>see salaries for supply chain management majors
>finna minor
>probably still gonna be jobless

I don't understand, phil majors are a genuinely talented group by any metric, right up there with the physics nerds, and we kind of get shit on employment-wise. Maybe I'm a delusional, entitled asshole, but there's really nothing I can't do better than a business major upon graduation -- doubly so if I've taken a few basic computer courses.

Okay, I would be remiss if I didn't just outright admit that I sound petulant and entitled. I don't really care; it's no secret that white collar work is 95% learning on the job. They're paying you for your discretion by extension IQ, that's it. To my mind, the analytical autismo majors like philosophy and physics should be top candidates for spots in certain industries, especially managerial positions, but they're not.

>you should've majored in business then fgt etc. etc.

Autist revolt WHEN?

>> No.8781647

And yes, pure mathematics at a place like the École Normale Supérieure or even Cambridge, takes leagues upon leagues of more brainpower, compared to say, Philosophy at its top schools. It almost wouldn't be worth it if it wasn't so beautiful.

I'm not putting down Philosophy, but a line has to be drawn somewhere, and memeing this hard about math and physics is reminiscent of STEMlords blindly shitting on Humanities.

>> No.8781649

No STEM is respectable, interesting, or captivating.

It's garbage.

>> No.8781650


Didn't even mean to respond 2 u fugg mayne

>> No.8781664

Pure math and physics are. I can't say the same about the rest of STEM. I double majored in Math and Philosophy in undergrad and now I'm doing work in Representation theory and I love it.

Just because you're shit at it doesn't mean you should be as autistic as a typical STEMlord that can't wrap their heads around anything that isn't a textbook or AutoCAD.

>> No.8781684
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physics major master race reporting in

>tfw the stem master race is real

>> No.8781694
File: 20 KB, 842x595, iq major.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8781698

Because as soon as everyone stops coddling you're ass, your gone fucko

>> No.8782421

Philosophy is literally nothing. Good brainpower wasted on arguing about made-up German words. No ability to convey what you're talking about to anybody.

STEMfags discover cures for painful diseases while philosophers wag their fingers and ask "How do you know you're doing it or what 'you' even are?". Who would hire someone like that, what value does it provide to anybody when even the philosophers wagging their fingers admit there are no answers to the retarded questions they're asking

>> No.8782460

No there aren't. The government isn't stupid enough to give you money without forcing you to get into shitty work instead.

>> No.8782505

study philosophy and then go into law to make $

>> No.8782509

this bait is not strong enough my friend

>> No.8782511


why are you even here?

>> No.8782532



and fear

>> No.8782535

>you should care because misspellings and memes

>> No.8782540

But law requires commitment to the state, and -- to law. I am an egoist; how could I languish in work which my own mind rebels against? I'm not saying egoism naturally means you can't be a lawyer, I'm saying my "conscience" and egoism mean I can't be a lawyer.

Thus as a true egoist, I am planning on joining the army.

>> No.8782544

Somebody's insecure.

>> No.8782558


>> No.8782561

the software patents that get approved imply otherwise

>> No.8782573

I don't want armpit sores.

>> No.8782576


>> No.8782579

He's right, but only because there's significant enough variation between the various fields of STEM that only the popular, superficial view of STEM could stay constant between them.

>> No.8782608

Literature is a nice hobby and this is a literature board.

Philosophy being a more respectable skill than STEM is asinine. Who respects somebody who wastes brainpower on non-skills when there's actually important human problems to actually solve

>> No.8782677


nothing like handing over the final authority on what does and does not qualify as an important human problem to people too intelligent to read 2500+ years of important humans thinking about important human problems

wew lad it's a good thing you showed up when you did, you got here in the nick of time

>> No.8782682

I think the reason a lot of people actually think like that is because they've already decided on their own little philosophy, and assume That's That.

>> No.8782702


Hey at least you're not in my position and working a below minimum wage job with a masters degree. I wasn't depressed when I was unemployed living with my parents but damnit I am now.

I think I should just double down and go PhD then academia. Anything is better than the unending hell that is washing cars for a living while also managing the office work.


>> No.8782707

>computer science
>125 IQ average
"estimated" seems to be the key word here

>> No.8782712


>> No.8782720

Those thinkers created law/science/math/social justice/etc., which are now proper and useful disciplines into themselves. What's left (non-applicable philosophy) is a fun hobby but it's not a skill. If you can't explain a concept in a clear way and you can't do anything productive with it, it doesn't matter how well you personally understand it, it's not a skill.

>> No.8782732
File: 186 KB, 354x506, DerekdeSollaPrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw humanities undergrad
>tfw LIS graduate
>tfw actual jobs doing comfy knowledge work
>tfw get a job a research library
>tfw my life is reading exciting research, helping clueless professors and generally relaxing at my desk

>> No.8782763


this is a reasonable claim to what was a pretty snarky post by me, so okay. i have my own reasons for taking issue with utility/productivity/efficacy/efficiency as the determining factor on what makes a thing worthy or not worthy of study, but i don't need to get on a soapbox about it. but i can say that all of this kind of stuff eventually dovetails into issues of technology, economics, and so on, which is where things get complicated, and why my hackles go up, because there are no theories of economics which are also not at the same time theories of human behaviour.

maybe it's not - *probably* it's not - a good idea to think too deeply about these things, but for some stupid reason i chose to, and now i can't unsee a lot of it. i will admit i regret having done this sometimes, but really the danger is in just getting too cozy with being a critic without having, i agree, useful skills that help other people's lives, can be developed, etc. but i still get triggered when people just presume they can step around the whole issue as if these thinkers were lightweights or fools. they most definitely weren't but it's hard for people to understand this until they read them. so on the one hand i want people to read these guys and feel "enlightened"/depressed, and on the other i get upset because it does sometimes seem that the point of all of this is to just move on past it. i'm compromised no doubt

maybe just jealous i guess, the grass always looks greener on the other side

>> No.8782777

That's all fine. The post I originally replied to was bait about how STEM is not respectable or interesting so I had to chime in with counterbait

>> No.8782802


it's all good. STEM is respectable. i respect it. tbqh i loathe the continental/analytic split b/c it makes philosophy look like pseudointellectual garbage and most people who get triggered by STEMbait haven't even read or understood why they should/should not get trigged in the first place.

basically i would say my own issue with STEM is that the best critique of it comes from heidegger, and it's not like he isn't compromised on this up and down anyways. my ideal would be people with useful tech-sector skills who don't shitpost about zizek or w/ev b/c they aren't trying to score any points with the cathedral. humans can have it both ways and it's a good look to do so. that's really all

thanks for being reasonable anon, it's refreshing. have a good one

>> No.8782896

A STEM degree:
>imbues you with a work ethic (important: nobody can read your book until you write it)
>teaches you to revise your work (no fluffing up the word count - your answer has to be right, and that's all there is to it)
>teaches you to be concise (just the facts, ma'am)
>pays the bills (you're not going to make a comfortable living writing in 2016)

>> No.8782907

Daily reminder for you and every other idiot in this thread that NOT A SINGLE writer of any regard wrote their novel while working full-time.

>> No.8782911

>A STEM degree:
>>imbues you with a work ethic
>your answer has to be right, and that's all there is to it
um no

>> No.8782927

No it doesn't, and mathematics is garbage.
No one cares about your autism.

I'm not bad at it, I'm just not a worthelsls STEMsperg.
All science is soft.
IQ doesn't exist, it's a STEMsperg construct that of course favors STEMspergs.
Bad bait.

Epistemological skepticism died in the 19th century, same with epistemological ontology.
Respect is irrelevant, STEMspergs are irrelevant.
>If you can't explain a concept in a clear way and you can't do anything productive with it, it doesn't matter how well you personally understand it, it's not a skill.
Why are skills good.

Why do you arbitrate what a skill is?
It's not bait, it's actuality. It's garbage for garbage.
>imbues you with a work ethic (important: nobody can read your book until you write it)
Not at all, it teaches cheating and manipulation.
>teaches you to revise your work (no fluffing up the word count - your answer has to be right, and that's all there is to it)
'right' is arbitrary.
>teaches you to be concise (just the facts, ma'am)
Facts don't exist.
>pays the bills (you're not going to make a comfortable living writing in 2016)
Why is this relevant?

>> No.8782935
File: 9 KB, 186x221, heggle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being poor

>> No.8782951

On the other hand, the 99.99% of unemployable authors who DON'T make it big die cold and alone.

>> No.8782954

the hyperbole is ill advised (there are certainly exceptions to the rule) but the general observation is correct. literature is, for the most part, a hobby for the wealthy and/or well-sponsored

>> No.8782986

Philosopher finger-wags at every single post in thread: "How do you know what skills are? How do you know what facts are?" Gf cheats on unemployed philosopher as he finger-wags: "How do you know I'm terrible in bed? What is terrible?" Self-driving cars built by STEM go on to save lives and improve productivity as philosopher finger-wags: "You haven't even asked what a self is!"

>> No.8782988

This is the thing really. Its better to be a mediocre engineer than a mediocre author.

>> No.8782992


>> No.8782993

>when there's actually important human problems to actually solve

Like what?

>> No.8782997

No argument.

You're (poorly) philosophizing right now btw

>> No.8783028

Medical devices need to be invented and produced and distributed cheaply ("Not worth doing until you've asked why they need to be invented and what an "invention" is, anyway!")

>> No.8783047

OP, pursue law school. Is the best course with a practical use for a phylosopher. You will be always writing and reading. Also law goes hand in hand with philosophy and sociology.

I say that because i am finishing my masters degree and i take a whole bunch of philosophy classes

>> No.8783073

Sure, but there's always someone who will willingly take up the responsibility to become doctors and help humanity that way.

You're acting as if a person interested in philosophy, even wants to become a doctor instead, or even has the capability.

>> No.8783083

>No there aren't. The government isn't stupid enough to give you money without forcing you to get into shitty work instead.

That is verifiably false

>> No.8783099

Same OP, but I messed up and did Psychology instead of something like CS or Law

>> No.8783102


>Epistemological skepticism died in the 19th century, same with epistemological ontology.

Really? I wasn't told. Who killed it?

>> No.8783197

they can force you to seek employment, but they can't force people to employ you
as long as you're enough of a robot you'll be fine

>> No.8783359

>No it doesn't, and mathematics is garbage.
kill yourself retard

>> No.8783557


>> No.8783646

Obviously you have to be pretty smart to major in math, physic, etc., while other majors like English or Sociology are full of women and idiots because you can by without being very intelligent. But you can still be brilliant in many different fields. The best theorists in the humanities are genuine geniuses.

>> No.8783661

Philosophy is clearly hurt because some idiot combined it with Religion, which, as taught in American universities, requires a way of thinking that is much closer to sociology than to philosophy.

>> No.8783797

This graph kind of begs the question though. Having a high IQ is good because it allows you to do things like math and physics. But this chart uses the high IQ's of math and physics majors to say that those fields are good. I'm not saying that there isn't evidence that math physics or IQ are important but this graph is certainly not it.

>> No.8783815

>Thus as a true egoist, I am planning on joining the army.

As a true egoist, you intend to give up your autonomy?

>> No.8783852

am compsci grad that gets fancy hardcovers

>> No.8783853

Bourdain wrote the book that made him a star while working fulltime

>> No.8783878

You shouldn't. Just like you shouldn't care if someone is making millions more than the average american through leeching off of them.

>> No.8783924

ITT: insecurities and rationalizations

>> No.8783937

>LIS graduate
Can you expand on this more? Sounds comfy desu

>> No.8783955
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I don't understand these threads. You're asking literal autists on the internet for help on deciding your future. Do whatever the fuck you want, you have the freedom. I understand getting a degree for job security, but you have to at least enjoy the subject area, don't fall for memes you don't enjoy.

>> No.8783968

>Why should your job be something you love?

Because if you work cleaning toilets at an old folks home you will come home after 8 hours of shuffling around hunched over and fending off senile retards (and the old folks can be troublesome too) and have basically no energy to keep yourself alive, let alone 'do philosophy'

Now there's a spectrum between 'soul-crushing minimum wage' and 'le dream job' but working a job you hate means you hate literally half of your waking life.

So that's why your job should be something you love

>> No.8784063

Why on earth did you just imply that you can only love or hate your job?

I sincerely doubt that anyone yelling how they've got to "love their job or bust" have ever worked outside of retail/min wage shit.

I work in an office doing stem "wagecuck" "cog" "soul crushing" shit and I can tell you that all and all it's pretty alright. You realize that you have coworkers at a job, right? And that you don't have a loaded gun to your head forcing you to do drudgery for 8 hours straight, right? You fuck around most of the time either with your coworkers or by yourself and when you are doing your work it's stimulating enough to not be boring. Your job is not your life. I have plenty of time to do shit before and after it and plenty of time on the weekend.

99% of the time someone describes working on /lit/ it reminds me of when I was a factory worker, but doesn't come close to describing having a real job. I have no idea if this is because they all are stuck in shitty jobs or if they have never worked anywhere in their life and are just anxious about their future.

>> No.8784100
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>> No.8784114

>Just like you shouldn't care if someone is making millions more than the average american through leeching off of them.
>Not caring about someone owning my property

>> No.8784144
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yo just keep studying until you sink irrevocably into debt and poverty and then hang yourself in a very sparsely decorated room (empty except for bookshelves, maybe a half-empty whisky bottle) with tasteful lighting, leaving behind only a well-executed but modest suicide note.

The only /lit/ way

>> No.8784148

pretty much this tbqh

>> No.8784322

>asking 4chan for advice on what degree to go for
most decent paying jobs really don't care what degree you have, so long as you present yourself well and show active interest and respect for whatever you're doing

its up to you, you could become a vagabond or some shit if you wanted

as long as whatever youre doing fulfills you

>> No.8784325

I wouldn't. I'm in the same boat, getting a degree in biochem but with little passion for it. Philosophy and religion are my true passions. But I am even more passionate about not being forced to work in law, which is the only viable avenue with only a philosophy degree. I consider my current education a sort of safety net, so that if I have nothing else, at least I can make a livable salary in something at least mildly interesting, and a means of paying off my education debts. I still have the possibility of doing a concurrent major with philosophy, but I may just complete this degree and return to study philosophy at another time in my life.

>> No.8784346

>But after some research I found out that engineers have surprisingly little upward mobility after ~$120k
You have to understand the reasons why. It's p much because Engineers are all shit at management. The few that are good at management and people skills can make as much and sometimes more than people in banking and hedge funds and so forth.

>> No.8784424

You don't have to be intelligent to major in physics or math. It's just Asians inflating the numbers with their cheating bullshit and tiger moms.

>> No.8784488

inflating what numbers

>> No.8784497

IQ, test scores of all kinds, GPA, etc.

>> No.8784572

how the fuck do they 'inflate' IQ scores?

>> No.8784651

Hey man, memes aside, good for you. I'm also going through a depression and about to drop out at the fucking end of my degree. Maybe I'll soldier through it, maybe I won't.

No shame in taking baby steps. Better than feeling suicidal 24/7 and contemplating if helium is THE way to go.

>> No.8784692

By even cheating on those.

>> No.8784756

sure thing buddy

>> No.8784919

>shitty poor family has a kid
>kid now feels an obligation to spend it's youth helping the family
I admire you for wanting to take care of your family but if the situation at home was that dire they probably shouldn't have had a kid. I don't know what your parents are like but if i had a kid who felt obligated to change the path of his life to take care of me i would feel like a shitty parent. Then again maybe they don't care.

>> No.8784974

having a high iq is good because it correlates with many different measures of success such as happiness and wealth.

>> No.8784987

>happiness and wealth

>> No.8785163

what a lot of you guys are missing in this debate is the SCHOOL you attend. If you attend a top tier uni than major in philosophy if you want. if you attend a no name state school than its probably in your best interest to choose a more practical degree unless: you are 100 percent committed to going into law or you have no financial attachment to the degree. best of luck op and remember that you can always minor in phil.

>> No.8785194

Flip a coin, and in that moment just before the coin hits your palm you will know what you truly want to do. Then, do the opposite.

>> No.8785309

or probably not since he is too dumb to not be able to support himself

>> No.8786256

It's all according to sudoku.

>> No.8786292

>Do whatever the fuck you want,
on the next line
>don't fall for memes you don't enjoy.

>> No.8786451


Go for something STEM, read philosophy in your own time.

Fill your mind with numbers and something practical while you're young, you have the rest of your life to read the classics, go at your own pace instead of at the pace dictated by some marxist professor.

If you can somehow afford to attend a liberal arts college that offers greek and latin, plus manage to learn the two or four continental languages in which philosophy has been done in the past few centuries, and if you aren't spooked by materialism and can live a comfy life in poverty doing some crappy job like teaching highschool kids while you pursue enlightenment then go for philosophy, otherwise don't bother.

>> No.8786497

In a decade or so the poles of STEM and humanities will have been reversed by countless students being pressured into difficult science degrees. Eventually stem fields will be so oversaturated that media, psychology and liberal arts degrees will be in high demand so best to do one of those

>> No.8786501

The chef? Fuck off.

>> No.8786507

Kafka hated full-time work so much that he insisted on working for four hours a day instead of 9.

You fucking stupid child.

>> No.8786637

Philosophy -> Management Assistant -> MBA -> Management

>> No.8786638

If a large portion of the countless STEM students who got meme'd into it dropped out, that would only increase the demand for STEM, not suddenly increase the demand for humanities degrees. Humanities has always been over saturated.

>> No.8787441

You should really only study the LIberal Arts if you have the means to. THat way you can be really dedicated without having to worry about employment.

>> No.8787915

>IQ doesn't exist, it's a STEMsperg construct that of course favors STEMspergs.
It's a psychology construct but psychologists don't top the charts, so I don't think it's that unfair.

>> No.8787967
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Just gonna leave this here.

>> No.8788273

Here we have the state-school pleb that couldn't cut it in baby Calculus.

>> No.8788279

>He's right
IQ studies and test scores say otherwise.

>> No.8788304

this is something I agree with

just like anyone would agree that someone that doesn't read lit or study philosophy is a waste of space, anyone that willingly refuses to look into and writes off higher level math and physics as "autism" is also a pleb

and no, i'm not talking about dumb calculus or differential equations classes that 14 year olds take. i mean real math.

>> No.8788519

camus died in a car crash

>> No.8788697

>paying top dollar for a business degree

I guarantee you, when it's all said and done, you'll have been much better off if you had went to Walton School of Business.

>> No.8788720

If you become a lawyer at a big firm, you sacrifice absolutely any activity that isn't billable.

>> No.8788749
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B.E. is the most common undergraduate degree among fortune 500 CEOs.

If you're smart and not an asshole it's license to print money, what a shame that most engineers throw it all away by being autists.

>> No.8788760

>can't figure out his life

>> No.8790018

>IQ is the same thing as intelligence
Have you never used the English language before?

>> No.8790177

This thread is pretty relevant to my life problems right now.

I'm passionate about basically three things: philosophy, neuroscience, and video games.

A degree in philosophy will never make me any money. I was a Neuro major my entire freshman year but the only viable way to go with that is med school, which I realized I did not want to commit to/pay for. Thus I'm applying to the computer science program so I can hopefully work for a gaming company and make decent money. I think it's a good choice.

>> No.8790279

I'm a programmer who believes he has made a huge discovery that should be able to create significant advances in philosophy and neuroscience. Know if there's any way for us to trade places?

>> No.8790289

Damn, how do you got these shit-tier meme jobs?

>> No.8790411 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8790612

Heh, big mistake kiddo. I already know ur a pseud. He never said he was arguing, he is mocking you to demonstrate how absurd your notions are.

>> No.8790754
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It reads as a psychoanalytical transcript

>> No.8790762

>It reads as a psychoanalytical transcript
Jesus wrong thread I'm sorry

>> No.8790780

are you me, I think you're me

>> No.8790988


>> No.8791355

How are you gonna say
>I, at my loathsome behest,
In the same breath as

Your style is a mess

>> No.8792165


and he would have been the last person to kill himself

>> No.8792182

Major in philosophy and take the LSAT, go into law
Law is the dumping ground for people who want to study humanities but also want to make money

>> No.8792300

>t. chang

>> No.8792306

I felt this way in college. Ended up double majoring (philosophy & economics).

>> No.8792316
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You can't just loudly announce that you're giving away free food. First off, other customers will think it's unfair that they have to pay since you're giving it away for free. Als if tour manager hears you you'll get fired. After all it is the company's property, and not yours to give away.

>> No.8792362

>mfw complete retard and thinking about accounting

i like the security

>> No.8792368

>Physics or Math better than Engineering for getting employed / earning money


>> No.8792414

STEM people literally save lives and make it so that civilization can exist and you're arguing that they're irrelevant lol

>> No.8792426

Surely I'm being an asshole if I can be a climate scientist but I decide to write about 18th century music theory?

>> No.8792436


>lives are valuable
>civilization is good

k e k

>> No.8792448


>> No.8792818

if there was, I would.

>> No.8792853


How do your parents let you make so many bad decisions?

>> No.8792859

I have a full ride to college. I get to make all my own decisions.

>> No.8792867
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>> No.8793421

>tfw majoring in math and mechanical engineering
>tfw not passionate about anything

kill me

>> No.8793456

Reading in and of itself isn't much of an accomplishment, it's what you do with it that matters

>> No.8793599

Same here bro, we're going to make it

>> No.8793810

This thread is hilarious. It's kind of pathetic, actually. If I gave a shit about uni I wouldn't be any better off than I am now.

>> No.8793846

same bro. feels good

>> No.8793853

I think that liberal arts degrees are becoming more and more acceptable. Bottom line: Get a job, bust your ass and prove your worth.

We live in a changing world ... nothing can better brace you against that than a solid background in philosophy.

>> No.8794532

go for a walk without your headphones. then come home, cook your own meal and eat it. then do something creative: write, paint, or play a musical instrument.

>> No.8794539

well, i'm a computer science major who has spent about 7 years in the gaming field. these days i wish i was back in college. in fact i've been thinking about focusing in neuroscience because a life of lecturing and writing papers seems much more comfy than having a bunch of producers and "designers" tell me to do shit all day.

>> No.8796539

What's the most financially viable degree? I was under the impression it was Computer Science.

>> No.8796657

>Computer Science.
You'd be just another nerd that Jewish businessmen use it as a tool.

>> No.8797860

>(just the facts, ma'am)
Did you just presuppose my fucking gender?!

>> No.8797902
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Shut the fuck up, only the name of your school matters unless you're in a particularly prestigious program

Take whatever you want for undergrad it's literally high school 2.0

>> No.8797994

I want to fuck Jill desu senpai

>> No.8798144

Holy shit you are pretentious beyond belief. Please take yourself down a notch for everyone's sake