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/lit/ - Literature

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8779374 No.8779374 [Reply] [Original]

God damn, I'm just trying to read about a burglarising drug addict over here, and I'm being told to flick to the footnotes at the back of the book every few lines!

>> No.8779391

I stopped reading them less than 25 pages in. I just glossed over them on my own time to see if anything was worth reading.

>> No.8779399

Bait found and squashed

>> No.8779416

and I bet you tell people you actually read the book
protip: you haven't

>> No.8779567
File: 538 KB, 1366x768, cancer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harold Bloom was basically right, he just couldn't help exaggerating. Nothing in DFWs thought justifies how arduous his books are. He's a masturbation aid for overeducated middlebrow strivers.

>> No.8779579

>magic asmr

>> No.8779665

There were footnotes that interested me, like the list of films that James Incandenza made, and the story of the dude who could take his vest off without his jacket (?) but the fucking endless explanations about drugs bore me to fucking death. I don't care that benadrine is a homemade subclass of herpaderpadrine, taken orally, 10-20mg at a time and induces a sleep like state with halucinations. I don't care. Fuck.

>> No.8779678

This is true

>> No.8779699

I'm judging that guy harshly by his playlist, too. What a tool, right? Magic. ASMR. Two totally gay things for such different reasons merged into the ultimate aspergic pastime.