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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 175 KB, 361x400, PALL_MALL_RED_30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
877654 No.877654 [Reply] [Original]

just curious... What cigs do the smokers of /lit/ prefer, and where are you from? I noticed every city has its own favourite brand here (I'm Belgian), and I was wondering if that's a national thing too.

Pic related, I'm a red pall mall kinda gal

>> No.877663
File: 24 KB, 162x253, Marlboro_blend_no_27_ks_20_s_usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Travelling salesman here, not really from anywhere. The US, that's where I'm from. Smoke 27s. I'm up in New York, right now, they're 10.21 a pack.

>> No.877664

Get out of here you fucking idiot.

>> No.877670

Pall Mall reds "a sophisticated way to kill yourself'' or something...also they are cheap as hell comparatively. And even if they weren't so cheap, I'd still go for them.

>> No.877675

They're good. Fuck you. It's a free world we're living in.
10,21? Fuck I'm glad I don't live in the US.

>> No.877679

Dude, I was agreeing with you, I'm smoking pall malls right now.

>> No.877693

hahaha, in that case, sorry. Where are you from?

>> No.877697

Uh, New York has very different prices than the rest of America.

>> No.877710

Even in North Carolina, ol tobacco country, marlboros are still about 7 bucks a pack.
And you aren't allowed to smoke in a bar almost anywhere in the US now.

>> No.877715

Craven Menthol here. Used to smoke Dunhill Special Reserve, then I got sick and switched to menthols and got stuck. They're both about $11 Canadian per pack here (Vancouver, BC).

>> No.877722

ugh, I hate menthol. What do you like about them?

>> No.877730
File: 42 KB, 334x507, CamelTurkishJade-20fUS2005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta say, I hated Menthol too, but I LOVED these..

>> No.877737


When I smoked the Dunhills, menthols weren't as harsh on my throat when I was sick. I wouldn't smoke them otherwise, but I wound up smoking them for way longer than usual, and now regular cigarettes make me want to puke. I don't like them much anyway, so it's helping me quit - I'm down from a pack a day this time last year to 1-2 cigarettes per day on average, so a pack every 10-15 days.

>> No.877814
File: 49 KB, 639x480, winfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ausfag here. $15 a pack. Also, you can't smoke anywhere

I smoke Winfield Gold, myself.

>> No.877827

Marlboro reds or 72s.

I fuckin ran out yesterday and won't have money for awhile. Shit sucks

>> No.877837
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Detroit (not really but close enough)
I like them because I am a slow smoker and they seem to last longer on their own.
I think I pay 6.30 a pack.

>> No.877841

How long have you guys been smoking?
Have you seen a change in your health?

>> No.877851

We get cigs for about $5 a pack in Texas

>> No.877855

Colorado. Cowboy killers. $3-$5 a pack depending on where and how many you buy.

>> No.877859

1.50 dollars a pack

>> No.877864

That is for marlboros/camels. Niggerports and Kools are $7+ and all the gas station/off brands usually hover around $3.

>> No.877873


>> No.877874

ive been smoking on and off for almost 10 years now, and yeah, i definitely see a change... but part of that might just be that im not a teenager anymore, damnit.

>> No.877877


>> No.877878

Marlboro Reds.

I've been smoking for three years. it fluctuates, but now I'm up to two packs a day. I just cough a lot more than I used to.

>> No.877880

6/7 years?

No. I've always been very fit. I run about 10 kms a day.

>> No.877901

Didn't read the article. But I like how all the writers pictured are from an age when every fucking person smoked.

>> No.877943

Samuel Beckett is there. Besides, I think that's because the older writers are more recognizable.

>> No.877952

Beckett grew up in an age where every fucking person smoked.

>> No.877961
File: 52 KB, 274x348, beckett.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And was alive for the anti-smoking age. Whats your point?

>> No.877969

Pall Mall Methol when I want a casual smoke most of the time. I'm Thai though. Most Thais I know either smoke Marlboro or some shitty Thai brand. A pack here costs about 2 bucks tops.

>> No.877985

That the fact that he smokes has nothing to do with being a writer and has everything to do with him starting to smoke when the risks weren't as well known and everyone smoked.

>> No.877988
File: 17 KB, 407x331, hitchens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't you tools learned anything about the dangers of smoking?

Just ask this man

>> No.878021
File: 97 KB, 300x279, roberto-bolano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I say anywhere that being a writer makes you a smoker? I merely suggested that a lot of writers smoke. And are you seriously trying to tell me that the adverse effects of tobacco smoking weren't well known in the 80s?

My grandmother grew up when smoking was thought to be healthy, yet she still quit when it was decided it was bad for you.

>> No.878044

And I'm saying that of the writers pictured in the article, the fact that they're writers doesn't say much of anything. Because even were they not writers, they'd have likely smoked regardless.

Anecdotal evidence from your grandfather means shit. Beckett would have been smoking for decades before the anti-smoking campaigns hit. Like the old saying goes, old habits die hard.

>> No.878084
File: 20 KB, 149x230, luckystrikelight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from Brazil, they sell those here.
As an anecdote, for whatever reason /fa/ jizzes itself whenever someone mentions Lucky Strikes...

>> No.878091

Let me guess, you also drink PBR and wear a lot of flannel.

>> No.878101

is that some 90s grunge stereotype?

>> No.878129
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>> No.878146
File: 11 KB, 437x332, vonnegut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not really anecdotal evidence, I was making a point: people are capable of quitting smoking. Yup, everyone knows smoking is addictive, doesn't mean Beckett and Bolano et al were incapable of quitting smoking either - they chose to continue smoking while still being very intelligent individuals.

Once again, I'm not saying being a writer makes you smoke, I'm saying a lot of writers have and do smoke. I really don't understand the point of this argument? The blog post is talking about the culture of writing and smoking.

What a waste of time.

>> No.878151

i lold at the image

>> No.878177

Pall Mall is the smoke of choice of the hipster.

>> No.878187

It is anecdotal evidence. Just because your grandmother did it, doesn't mean that everyone who was brought up smoking for decades would have immediately kicked it after a few years of being told it's bad. Beckett died in 88, by the way. So the proportion of his life that he was told of the pleasures of smoking, far outweighed the proportion where he was told it was bad.

I understand the point the blog post was trying to make and I'm saying that it went about it in a poor manner. It's the equivalent of me writing a blog post about the culture of racism and writers and using nothing but pre-civil rights writers to back up my claim.

>> No.878196


Since when?

>> No.878214

Since Williamsburg

>> No.878222

2nd and also regular /fa/ggot

>> No.878227

Cigar smoker here. I mostly smoke Partagas, Hoyos, and Upmanns.

>> No.878245

hipster thread.
smoking's got nothing to do w/ lit

>> No.878252

in florida, almost all brands are around 7 dollars.

>> No.878257
File: 31 KB, 470x400, 1263093237140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't often smoke, but when I do, I smoke Lucky Strikes.

Stay unhealthy, my friends.

>> No.878271
File: 18 KB, 226x400, 1jti1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camel Natural Flavors, and I'm from Norway.

If I can't access them, it's regular Camels. If that's not in stock, I go for Marlboro or Lucky Strike.

>> No.878291

>Implying that had anything to do with smoking instead of the wrath of a vengeful God

>> No.878304

hipster faggots get out of my lit

>> No.878305
File: 54 KB, 425x319, 2007121715504650699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.878306

Marlboro Reds

>> No.878311

You say that, until he miraculously recovers.
Anyways, for god to smite a smoker with lung cancer... he could have done something more impressive. Good ol nature could have taken care of that.

>> No.878368

Pantheist here, god is the universe, so in a way god is hitchens lung cancer.

Just my 2 worthless cents

>> No.878376

inb4 shitstorm

>> No.878387

pall malls are not ''hipster'' smokes, they may be the smoke of choice for young people, with little disposable income. In my state, NC, pall malls are the only quality smoke you can still get for around 3 dollars a pack. Camels and Marlboros have shot up. PBR got the hipster tag the same way. PBR is b.s. don't get me wrong, I'm a steel reserve kind of guy. But it is cheap, like pall malls are cheap. I realize some people like to affect frugality, but in most cases it is out of necessity.

>> No.878398
File: 62 KB, 480x360, 1260225238574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.879732

Djarums, California

Say what you will, but it's like smoking Christmas.

>> No.879744

Mexican psychology student, Camel.

>> No.879747

I'm trying to quit actually, but I smoke Marlboro Reds.

>> No.879748

Oh yeah and I'm from Dallas, Texas.

>> No.879752
File: 6 KB, 124x180, gb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm quitting soon. Sick of coughing, spitting phlegm and shit.

>> No.879755

Camel Lights, but lately I've switched to Camel menthols. My favorite cigarettes are Camel Turkish Silvers though.

>> No.879762

Marlboro Reds at $4.92 a pack I can chainsmoke them on my meager wages.

>> No.879775

>I'm quitting soon.

No such thing as "quitting soon", either you quit right now or you won't be quitting at all.

>> No.879785


Today, I am smoking my last Newport ever. For fucking serious.

All my friends smoke. So this will be a rough week. I have weed, though, and my vaporizer. And beer.

>> No.879789

This. Besides, cigarettes aren't that hard to quit. I quit for almost a year because I was forced to. It wasn't that difficult.

>> No.879794

American Spirits

the regular blue ones

split my time between Albany/New York City

>> No.879796


There is little point in giving up cigs if you are going to continue to smoke pot.

>> No.879798

He has a vaporizer.

>> No.879802
File: 17 KB, 250x330, Chepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.879804

Rarely smoke but when I do.

Peter Stuyvesant Classics. Usually chopped into some weed.

>> No.879811

Newport shorts. I love me some menthol.
Minneapolis, MN

>> No.879817



>> No.879825

Pall Mall reds ftw

>> No.879827
File: 239 KB, 883x502, lookatchu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camel Menthols with the little extra menthol ball in the filter.

>> No.879844

chicago, taxes here are insane
cigarettes are generally 8-10 bucks
i usually smoke nat sherman menthols, but like today, if my store doesn't have them, i pick up natural american spirits (yellow)
if it's finals time or something stressful like that, i go for lucky strikes, unfiltered

>> No.879859

Oh fuck no.... dude those things BURN the back of your throat. Terrible!

>> No.879860


I actually have grown to hate cigarettes.

They make me want to throw up when I'm high or drunk. But when I'm with my friends, every time we go to do something we smoke a cigarette. Going for a drive? Cig. Going to play Magic? Cigarette. Going to get food? Cig.

And then I get the urge to spark up. Fffffffu-

>> No.879862


I am in New York and I live a walk away from an Indian Reservation where cigarettes are dirt cheap.

They want me to get cancer.

>> No.879906


This is reversed in the great state of california.
fuck yes. I'd love to smoke a pack.

>> No.879950
File: 157 KB, 280x350, Naturals Mint.gif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from Minnesota. Current and longtime favorite is Marlboro Reds, but sometimes I'll split for Parliament Lights, Marlboro 27s, Camel Turkish Royals, Marlboro Smooths if I'm feeling minty, Djarum Cherries, or Nat Shermans for monocle-level class. It's about $5.50 for a pack of reds? I've been on and off with the smoking this summer but I really need to give it up soon before school starts, because it's gonna be hard as fuck to quit during school.

>> No.880244

Smoking some Chinese brands, Shuangxi, Honghe. About 8 yuan which is ~$1.20. Fuck yeah.

>> No.880314


Shit. You beat me to it. Marb Reds are the only way to go!

>> No.880693


Clearly not a writer.

>> No.880701

>I smoke, therefore my shitty musings written on the back of a napkin are literature! Right guys!

>> No.880715

I don't smoke cigarettes but I do smoke a pipe. I usually use American Spirit tobacco.

>> No.880717

Fuck I hate this board.

>> No.880718

What's wrong with pipes?

>> No.880724
File: 22 KB, 544x400, 1275527335565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a true bro. I am considering buying a pipe, but meh, cigarettes so easy..

>> No.880733


But if you are going to start smoking a pipe, then use a match to light it not a lighter. The match provides a much better flavor.

>> No.880738
File: 17 KB, 544x400, 1277593971328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, matches are for pipes and cigars. I've smoked a pipe before, it's delicious. I even had one of my undergrad professors who smoked one, from like 100 feet away it even smells good.

>> No.880742

I inherited my grandfather's pipe collection a few years back. I never liked cigarettes, but dayum, nothing like smoking a nice pipe after work...it just feels classy, like drinking brandy and hitting your woman.

>> No.880746

briar pipe for the win

>> No.880747

Smoking is bad for you and you should feel bad

>> No.880748

Dang! This is the pipefag and I just inherited my great-grandfather's pipe for Hanukkah!

>> No.880804

Get out Jew.

>> No.880812

0/10 but I'm only Jewish ethnically. I'm agnostic.

>> No.880831

Your still a dirty kike

>> No.880833

It's like I'm really on /new/!

>> No.880835

It's like I'm really in Auschwitz. Oh, wait, no it's not. If it were you wouldn't be here, hooknose.

>> No.880844

>he thinks agnostic is a theological position

>> No.880857

Agnostic atheist. I didn't think it would get any deeper.

>> No.880891
File: 84 KB, 600x700, 1277866523527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saying you're agnostic just makes you sound like an ignorant hipster faggot. Stop doing it.

>> No.880910
File: 31 KB, 300x168, 035270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.880912


>Obese American
>What is epistemology?

>> No.880919

i smoke cocks, only 5$ a suckie

>> No.880931
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>> No.880939


>> No.880948

Okay, seriously...what is the harm in saying that you don't know and leaving it at that?

>> No.880995


You either believe in God or you don't. That is true. There is no middle ground. So in other words, if "atheist" means "not theist", then if you aren't a theist, you're an atheist. Brilliant.

The definition of "atheist" is widely claimed to be two separate things by different camps: "those that deny the existence of God" and "those that lack belief in the existence of God". The latter definition only seems universal if you're on a forum with strong-willed atheists it all day. But historically, the former definition ruled. And the former definition is what everyone that self-identifies as an agnostic is using, your brilliant comic notwithstanding.

and that's why ur comic sux.

>> No.881014

It's like I'm really on /sci/!

>> No.881081 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 640x479, 1106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Austfag here.

Used to smoke this

>> No.881085
File: 59 KB, 640x479, 1106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USED to some these
Another ausfag here

Sage for deathsticks!

>> No.881086

>There is no middle ground.

Yes, there is. Your lack of imagination and lack of relevant knowledge might be preventing you from seeing it, but there is. Stop discussing this retarded shit now and start smoking.

>> No.881134

>What cigs do the smokers of /lit/ prefer, and where are you from?

111 posts and 23 image replies later:

>You either believe in God or you don't.


>> No.881180


Cigarettes lead to death.

Death leads to the Afterlife.

The Afterlife contains the Gods.

I had a feeling we'd end up here eventually.

>> No.881661

>cigarettes lead to death
>everything leads to death

>> No.881798

OP here
pic related

>> No.881805
File: 36 KB, 444x376, I Love This Thread So Much.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot pic

>> No.881813

Hey OP do you really get 30 in a pack? Only 20 come in a pack here.

>> No.881829

you have packs of 19, 23, and 30. They each cost a little more.

>> No.881839

WTF Belgium is so wacky!( and by wacky i mean less homogenous than the soul-crushing corporate deathscape of US culture.)

>> No.881843

Yes. I bask in that knowledge every single day.

>> No.881853
File: 112 KB, 300x242, ns_Tellos_main..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't usually smoke, but if I'm going to have a cigarette, either a Nat Sherman or hand rolled Bali Shag.

>> No.881864

I'm smoking Pall Malls as well. "Wherever Particular People Congregate" and "In Hoc Signo Vinces" on the pack snared my attention, and they are really nicely balanced smokes. (USA here btw)

>> No.881907

yeah, it's a pretty nice slogan. I like the packs as well, the logo, the deep red, the lettering...

>> No.881918

also I like how ''Pall Mall" can mean ''this or that'' or it can relate to a classic Cocktail, or a game, or a fashionable district in London

>> No.881966
File: 150 KB, 430x539, 1278015941190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't usually smoke cigarettes but when I do I drink Dos Equis.

>> No.882017

lol why such random numbers? Here, in Australia, you get 20, 25, 30 or 50.

>> No.882140

Wow. The other day on /lit/, I read that you're a hipster if you like Dostoevsky
Now you're a hipster if you smoke and/or call yourself an agnostic too?!
What next.

>> No.882156

i don't know if there's a huge difference between the colors or not, but my dad has bought Orange Pall Mall for years now and they are absolutely awful if smoked as is. They're like smoking nothing at all and pull awful. However, if you cut off half the filter with a pair of scissors (there's even a perforated line in the middle of the filter) then they're decent at best. Are the reds similar?

Anyway, I smoke marlboro red's when i buy, but the gf buys lights and more often than I so thats my primary brand. Amerifag here, and btw I only smoke after taking a good shot of dope or opiates in general

>> No.882161

Camel Menthol and Camel Turkish Royals FTW. Oklahoma, about 5.50 a pack. If I'm scraping for money Seneca brand, which runs about 2.50 a pack, and in my opinion better than Marlboro

>> No.882162


> good shot of dope

My kinda guy.

>> No.882164

Reds are a lot stronger. Don't know about the states, but generally Red = strongest followed by dark blue.

>> No.882167

Hell yes for smack on /lit/. I thought it would be more popular here than it is.

>> No.882168

winfield blues.

>> No.882172

true dat
never heard of orange pall mall before

>> No.882176

They're a step down from dark blue. They're the equivalent of a lot of other brand's gold.

>> No.882197


Fuck yeah! Another cigar smoker. Thought I was alone. Have you tried the Nub yet? I think Olivia makes them. Good smoke. I agree on Upmanns. Drew Estate makes good shit, too.

>> No.882261

I pity west coasters. They've got to deal with shitty tar.

>> No.882267

you know, I actually prefer tar because of the morphine and codeine derivatives left in in the process, for my money it gets you much higher, but the lows are lower as well. I don't like shooting tar, but I'm not going to smoke the shit.

>> No.882307

Roll-ups, for the true peniless writer

otherwise Camels

or opium-cigarettes but doubt they still exist

>> No.882456
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>I don't like shooting tar, but I'm not going to smoke the shit.

I wouldn't be so averse to smoking it, can't be too unlike smoking resin from a pot pipe. As for shooting tar, just the wording alone is enough to scare me away. then the fact that you have to add some citric juice or the like while cooking? No thanx. Ayway, smack, cigarettes and lit are my trifecta. I'll chain smoke after a bang while reading a good book and that'll take up most of my night some days. Can't get beat that in my book

>> No.882464

Smoking it is just really ghastly, I end up puking my guts out and it also is a lot lower in overall bioavailability, so I feel like I'm cheating myself. also, reading+opiates is win, it makes me both more receptive and more analytical.

>> No.882485

And it isn't really necessary to add an acid when cooking it up, just in case you ever do it. You can dilute it in water, it will dissolve completely (unless there is overmuch cut).

>> No.882528

I like where my thread is going

>> No.882617

This thread is fucking terrible.

>> No.882632


Really, this is a bunch of horseshit.

>> No.882635

and still

>> No.884961

Either Tops rolling tobacco of Djarum blacks.

>> No.884978
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Montecristo #4

>> No.885002
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Acid KubaKuba

>> No.885013

Why the hell are you putting American Spirit tobacco for rolling cigarettes in a pipe instead of pipe tobacco?

oh wait, you're just trolling real pipe smokers, carry on

>> No.885029

I smoke a few pipes, and mostly Peterson tobaccos. Ireland, from Cobh. I do smoke cigarettes, time to time, mostly Camels. My brother moved to the US, joined the Marine Corps, when he came home he smoked a lot of them, got me into them when I'm too busy to drive further to get tobacco I actually like.

>> No.885033
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>> No.885055

Ausfag here. Most cigarettes here are shit-tier. I usually smoke rollies, Port Royal is my favourite shag.

I buy Camels when I can find them.

>> No.885853
File: 86 KB, 369x480, obamasmoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are rolling tobacco and pipe tobacco different?

one of my roommates who's on a whole foods trip buys organic American Spirits shredded tobacco which I mostly roll. I like it, gives me something to do while I'm having a conversation or drinking. I thought I'd hate'em at first since they have no filter but they don't smoke very harsh and turn out dead cheap. also i like to help out the indians

>> No.885901

>smoking is sexy
>no different for Obama

>> No.885921
File: 11 KB, 185x331, benson_box1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smoke Benson and Hegdes Golds, and I am from England.
I'm an art student. I used to smoke shit cigarettes on a daily basis, up to 10 a day. Now, as my tobacco tastes have grown, I can only smoke Benson and Hedges and other decent cigarette brands (sometimes Marlboro Golds).
I only smoke in the evenings, generally past 6pm now as well. It's weird as since I've stopped smoking as much now, I cannot stand the smell of cigarettes during the morning or afternoon. I can only enjoy them in the evenings, after dinner and usually with a glass of some sort of good alcohol.

>> No.886029

Marlboro Bright Leaf all up in hurr. UK.

>> No.886035
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>> No.886040

d00d those take over 9000 hours to smoke, do they not?

>> No.886045

Longer breaks are good though, especially at work.

>> No.886063

I never really got how anyone can like Benson & Hedges. It's a British thing I guess.

>> No.886066

When I lived in england I smoked them and they were OK.
I'm in the states now and I don't like them.
Maybe it's different tobacco?or different company?

>> No.886082

Australian here. Our Benson-Hedges are pretty good.

>> No.886100

cigarettes don't taste the same in every country. I had Egyptian marlboro lights once and they were disgusting (- different than they are here.)

>> No.886104
File: 19 KB, 640x480, IMG000065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am also a pall mall kinda girl
however people here call them pale mails :/
pic related it me :)

>> No.886105


>> No.886119

Are you a puppet?

>> No.886125
File: 11 KB, 320x240, IMG000051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No why would I be a puppet?
sorry about the pics complete newbie have no clue how to post without using pics

>> No.886129

There seem to be stings behind your head in the other pic...

>> No.886137
File: 70 KB, 483x500, 1237819315448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh , its just where my mother puts her fancy plates

>> No.886138
File: 80 KB, 540x720, 32281_425947835844_562515844_5867590_7215059_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just post without entering a picture, but you have to include one when posting a thread.

>> No.886141


pretty girl is pretty

>> No.886142

Okay I'm gonna try

>> No.886144

Thank you so much , its very obvious now that I think about it

>> No.886148

I think you're really pretty and you look better when you smile.

>> No.886150

No problem

>> No.886154



>> No.886158

Thank you :)
I know I tend to have a solemn face when I'm not smiling
but its a sweet compliment regardless

>> No.886375

irregardless of your smile, the color in pall mall's matter ya'know

>> No.886379

yeah, it kinda is.

>> No.886403

I prefer not to get cancer. =3

>> No.886414

you will, everyone gets cancer, everyone dies, especially amerifags because of all the hormones in your foodz

>> No.886445

Pall malls are cheap and have good flavor
well the reds
I hate I mean HATE! the lights
have to cut filter just to enjoy them

>> No.886458
File: 31 KB, 300x300, blackmild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? I have to be the first to post my nigcigs?

Anyone else like the cool, smooth taste of a Black and Mild?

>> No.886470

Why wont this thread die? Any person who consumed as many ciggarettes as this thread would be dead by now.

>> No.886473

hand-rolled golden vagina with liquorice skins, because I go for the pretentious bohemian look.

>> No.886477 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 147x220, americanspirits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American Spirits, or occasionally camel turkish royals; I prefer Spirits in general but they don't draw very well and occasionally it feels like they last too long when you just want a quick smoke. Honestly, I can't stand pall malls they aren't particularly strong, they have little to no flavor and bad draw.

>> No.886484
File: 11 KB, 147x220, americanspirits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American Spirits, or occasionally some variety of Camel; I prefer Spirits in general but they don't draw very well and occasionally it feels like they last too long. Honestly, I can't stand pall malls; they aren't particularly strong, they have little to no flavor and bad draw.

>> No.886595

Don't be an arrogant dickwad.

>> No.889013

Hey faggots did you forget about your fag thread?

>> No.889026

is he allowed to use that word in both contexts within the same sentence?

>> No.889480

Players Navy Cut Unfiltered all others can bow down before their greatness.